
All PirateCraft changelogs are exported automatically from our Discord server and readable below!
This allows people without discord to keep up to date with changes!
Click through the pages to see older changelogs.
Changelogs from 2012-2019 were posted on the Forums, you can Read survival changelogs, website changelogs, Creative, Hub & Games changelogs.
Scroll to the bottom for most recent changelog, this feed is exported backwards as its from Discord!
Page 13
GodsDead 06/05/2021 11:05
Website Support Tickets
Made the support page full width, to make reading/replying to tickets easier. It uses a lot of column space, so I gave it more column space!
Re-set the unresolved/Closed filters in the Support page, the developer seems to delete my settings when the plugin updates! Bit annoying!
Disabled the "view more" to click and show messages, it will now just show messages. (edited)
GodsDead 06/05/2021 11:55
CSS Changes; Removed paragraph formatting, which had its own colour & size, Made main font bigger & darker, Set hyperlinks to blue
Not sure I like the hyperlink colour change, but it makes it MUCH easier to see what you can click on, and blue is default for links across the web, so its a bit more obvious what you can click on in the body.
GodsDead 07/05/2021 10:41
Creative - WorldEdit Visuals
WorldEdit selections visualised! for //wand //pos1 //pos2
Added for everyone
Toggle it on/off with /wesv toggle
Toggle your selection visualizer /wesv toggle clipboard
Demo by @Atalantaa with her Ice cream van!
Survival - WorldEdit Visuals
Added this WorldEdit Visuals to Survival for reboot tomorrow for @Admin WE Regens! (edited)
GodsDead 08/05/2021 18:44
Survival- New Rank!
Created Gardener Rank
The cleanup crew! This is a rank with WorldEdit permissions to select & regen terrain.
This is a temporary rank Idea I came up with for @Helper& @Moderator to help out @Admin from time to time in mass regenerating large regions of the world back to begin fresh virgin terrain.
There is no ETA for when this will happen yet, I have put this in place to test myself and see the restrictions we have to work within, so stay tuned.
ℹ️ After a few hours work trying to add restrictions & protect claims, its just not possible, the only restrictions I can give the rank are to limit to inside claims that the group owner is trusted on (Big oof). So it will need to be monitored cleanup! I could create big temporarily regions during these cleanup times but that means were restricted to one area at a time!
ℹ️ This does regenerate ores as well as terrain, so this can't be a perm rank, we don't want infinite ores, this aint no prison server
ℹ️ Regen does not work on spawners!
Added Gardener Name tag above head
Added WorldEdit logging into our universal logging system (Next restart)
Drastically updated Async WorldEdit Settings, they were very dated to our old server settings.
Moved Clipboard storage from Disk to RAM, should be faster, The disk is NVME so not too much faster, but still faster!
Set to 8 CPU cores instead of 4
Lots of behind the hood tweaks.
Updated Proxy/VPN block message when attempting to join the server through a proxy/VPN. To mention you can request a VPN bypass on a specific account via for those people that require a VPN on their network, I mentioned this when I released it but thought it would make more sense to have it in the error message.
GodsDead 12/05/2021 16:52
Survival - Travelling Merchant
Created a Travelling Merchant, This Merchant will only be around temporarily to sell his stock of impossible to get item(s), so get them while there hot!
The Merchant is a way to get hold of basic items that are otherwise impossible to get hold of outside of rare event drops! The Merchant knows this, so his prices match the impossible to get items! For the next few days the Travelling Merchant is selling Sponges at £350 each at /shop2
Limit to 5 sales Per person.
1 Item only at a time sold by the Merchant
Great for getting money out of the eco!
Verified in #deleted-channel by @deleted-role before I introduced this to make sure it couldn't be misused (its a sponge it sucks water
Put in /shop2
on purpose, this is a Premium Market that will continue to have small random events to draw in people to the marketplace.
I wanted to have a set global stock, but sadly Iv'e been let down by the plugin and this wasn't possible, iv'e requested it so hopefully in the future we will be able to have limited stock of items.
As I cant have limited stock, its 5pp and the Trader will go on his travels in a few days! So this is super limited time only! Getttt ya sponges while there hot! (edited)
GodsDead 14/05/2021 08:56
I made a spinny boy logo for the discord, thanks for the Boooost @Discord Booster
If you know after effects and can make something better read this!
GodsDead 16/05/2021 16:53
Survival - Cove Building
The @Build Leader & @Builder team are slowly going to start updating some super oooolllld parts of the Cove over time in drips and drabs, here's your first installment from @MionaTheGreat updating the shipwreck that is between Covetown & the marketplace! Look how stunning this looks! Thanks a million Miona it looks beautiful! You can go see it yourself by visiting /warp cove
and walking towards /warp shop
or start at shops and walk towards cove!
Removed Travelling Merchant from /shop2
GodsDead 17/05/2021 11:36
Website Galleries
Added dynamic buttons that link directly to logged in users Gallery page as well as being in the main menu, groups goes to your group list as you can have multiple.
Added buttons to guests that show login/register on Gallery page and a message to say it requires to log in to manage your galleries.
ℹ️ We have had some amazing screenshots uploaded by players since I added the Gallery go check them out! (edited)
GodsDead 19/05/2021 08:50
Creative - Builder utilities
Re-added /bu
Builder Utilities back to creative, I had it disabled to test if it was the cause of a bug, but it wasn't. Itll be back on at Creatives reboot this morning at 10.30am UK time.
GodsDead 19/05/2021 11:38
Fixed @Media Render distance being 12, the plugin updated at some point which required it to need 2 permissions instead of one. @Media You will be able to capture top quality screenshots again!
Thanks @Cirquo for the heads up!
ℹ️ Change your client settings if your computer lags/network cant cope when not taking screenshots. Default is 4 for everyone else!
Check out @Cirquo PirateCraft Survival build on Planet Minecraft!
ℹ️ You can submit your build projects to Planet Minecraft and link them to the PirateCraft server by clicking the "Submit Server Project"
️ Make sure to also submit builds to the Gallery!
GodsDead 19/05/2021 12:40
Mammoth project released, My entire re-make of the Ranks & Commands website page is now live, this time I have spent (a very long time) building a searchable, sortable commands list for every command you can use in-game!
As well as entirely re-designing and re-writing the entire ranks page from scratch.
#📢│announcements here:
GodsDead 19/05/2021 14:03
Lots of spelling & grammar fixes for the new Commands & Ranks page thanks to @MionaTheGreat for proof reading the lot and @Pjeturr & @Bazurka all noticing other bits!
Sent gifts in-game for reports!
GodsDead 19/05/2021 20:03
Website - Marketplace/Economy page
Removed an entire guide page for "how to make shop signs & xp bottles" from the main guide navigation.
Moved "How to make shop signs" to the Marketplace Guide.
Started chipping away at updating the "Pirate Marketplace & Economy" Guide.
Re-branded the guide from "Economy Philosophy & Shops" to "Pirate Marketplace & Economy" & changed its main menu icon to a shopping cart.
Added table of contents that works!
Re-made the cove image for showing where to sell wood.
Re-organised the top section of the page, edited the copy & changed the formatting for commands from blue to proper keyboard command layout.
Moved the "How to Create shop signs" to this page.
Formatted and added missing sign to the "How to create shop signs" section.
Removed hilariously outdated information saying you could buy a warp
Created new "Pirate Marketplace" Heading image see in #📷│media
This is as far as I got, It will require chipping away at over time.
Whats nice about these other pages, is that anyone can edit the content on these pages, if you want to help update website documentation content, do send me a DM with the page you want to update! (edited)
GodsDead 20/05/2021 10:13
Survival / Discord
Temporarily disabled Discord Boosters being auto given via discord to in-game due to a bug that requires the developer to fix.
We can manually give out Helmsman Rank for discord boosters! So you will still get your rank you will just need to message me directly when boosted for now.
Removed Commander inheritance from Helmsman, Those that @Discord Booster and got a free Contributor rank, you're welcome
Not quite sure how I managed to do that one! (edited)
GodsDead 20/05/2021 12:43
Survival / Discord Booster
ℹ️ Because of the above issue, I've had to change how @Discord Booster are handled in-game, Sadly the developer of DiscordSRV has refused to fix an issue with how ranks are synced so I'm being forced to use Contexts instead of Ranks. which means permissions are granted for Discord booster from Deckhand rank based on a context instead of a separate rank (I know its stupid, I cant help it if the developer won't fix security issues)
Added context based permissions for @Discord Booster which is again now automated again!
Coloured username and badges will auto be set if you are a booster but it will not show as a separate rank (RIP Helmsman)
Sadly this means, as I cant auto set a rank, that overhead colored names will not work, as it requires checking for a rank BOO!
Im waiting on a bug fix from another Nametag plugin before I can switch it to hopefully solve this! AHHHHHHH
One benefit is you will be able to /rankup
Why cant things just work.
If the developer fixes the security issue then I will move back to it being set as its own rank, don't worry @Discord Booster I will always find a way! (edited)
GodsDead 21/05/2021 17:58
Fixed a bunch of spelling and grammar thanks to @MionaTheGreat
GodsDead 22/05/2021 14:25
Fixed S3 Shop for some reason being part of the Shops group, but having custom pricing and extend time on it, very weird! Now updated to be the same as all the other shops!
S3 got £361 Cheaper each month to rent! from £1686 down to £1325
Fixed S8 Ssame issue now fixed!
S8 got £MUCH CheaperI didn't take a before screenshot to see by how much, expect about the same.
GodsDead 22/05/2021 16:56
Survival - Travelling Merchant is back!
Travelling Merchant is back. He will only be around temporarily to sell his stock of hard to get item(s), so get them while there hot!
For the next few days the Travelling Merchant is selling Sea Lanterns at £25 for 16 at /shop2
you can buy a maximum of 80 per person!
You can buy 80 Sea Lanterns in one go! Get them while there hot!
1 Item only at a time sold by the Merchant at all times!
Great for getting money out of the eco!
Verified in #deleted-channel by @deleted-role before I introduced this to make sure it couldn't be misused
Put in /shop2
on purpose, this is a Premium Market that will continue to have small random events to draw in people to the marketplace.
GodsDead 22/05/2021 17:21
Auction 23 "Garage Sale" is Live
Use /auc
This is auction number 23! 5+ days bid time.
£10 Junk Special!
This is a polar opposite auction! This is selling all the confiscated junk items at £10 each!
This auction is targeting new players to get some super cheap tools! (And to clear out some crap in storage!)
ℹ️ Remember if nobody bids on an item and it ends, nobody will ever get it! its removed! make sure to even bid the minimum on items!
Updated Hologram at /warp cove
to tell people that /auc
has been updated, you can click this Hologram or the NPC who has been relocated for Auc 23!
GodsDead 24/05/2021 08:37
Gave @Admin the ability to set Gardener rank.
Extra top secret details sent in admin chat
ℹ️ See gardener rank details on
GodsDead 24/05/2021 19:33
@MionaTheGreat updated the Creative plots guide page!
Fixed all commands being keyboard commands instead of just blue!
Re-parsed some of the text to better explain how to use creative and what its for!
Added screenshots to show off the creative worlds!
This inspired me to add some more content to the Creative Guide! So thanks @MionaTheGreat
Added table of contents
Created a "tools" section, which lists 5 of the biggest tools I've got on the Creative server, I've then embedded video tutorials on how to use each of the tools! It upsets me that more people are not using VoxelSniper its one of the best terrain tools out there!
All the video tutorials will work, you just have to remember that we have /z
instead of /v
as I had to re-bind it as /v is for vanish!
GodsDead 26/05/2021 19:26
After lots of investigating we figured out the reason some people got stuck on creative with the [proxy] issue! Big thanks goes to @Cirquo!
Hopefully that should be fixed now!
GodsDead 28/05/2021 11:18
Updated Proxy server & Main Server.
Resolved this mornings chat plugin throwing a hissy fit
Removed 50% of plugins I was testing on test server to simplify.
ℹ️ Staying whitelisted for a bit while I run some tests with staff.
GodsDead 29/05/2021 13:09
Added Creative Limits plugin to block some nasty business from hacked clients.
GodsDead 01/06/2021 11:17
MySQL optimizations
Updated Premium suite of Essentials plugin 12 versions
Updated /doors
Survival All small bug-fixes.
Updated PvP Tagging plugin
Updated Ship In a Bottle plugin
Updated Server/Admin shop plugin
Updated Async WE plugin
Moved NPC for /auc
and disabled the Hologram at /warp cove
as the auction ended!
Surprised that everything from the garage sale auction sold!
The Travelling Merchant from /shop2
has departed with his Sea Lanterns! He will be back in the near future with differnt goods!
Removed the /msg
sent when logging in about the Ranks & Commands page update, this works really well for getting people to see new features, the website tracks analytics and I can see it was being used! (edited)
GodsDead 01/06/2021 11:42
Removed the PvP combat timer from GriefPrevention as its recommended to not have 2 PvP tag timers, Still have the 15s PvP timer from our PvP Manager plugin, If there are any issues with Siege/combat after this change, please tell me and I will put it back on! I'm going off a recommendation from the developer.
GodsDead 01/06/2021 12:23
Removed the Helmsman Rank from @Discord Booster until this security issue is solved with the Discord plugin;
ℹ️ Don't worry your permissions were added in a differnt way! So you will still get your @Discord Booster perks!
This will actually solve the Discord boosters wanting to /rankup
in-game again!
NEW! Created /kit helmsman
for @Discord Booster which is a custom head voted for in #💎│contributor channel!
1x Discord custom head every 30d
Puts your username onto the lore!
Puts the date you used the kit onto the lore too! (I cant remove the underscores from the date sadly)
GodsDead 02/06/2021 09:35
Updated performance profiling plugin
Added added [i]
to the whitelist for similarity via @IronAR in #🔭archived-suggestions
Needs to be tested, no idea how the chat plugin "sees" [i] if its that or if it sees the item it replaces. (edited)
GodsDead 02/06/2021 13:02
Removed the limit on Lava buckets on creative plots.
GodsDead 02/06/2021 16:43
Updated to the latest version of Async WorldEdit/VoxelSniper.
Seems to have fixed a bunch of oddities that WorldEdit was having in basic tasks like copying and pasting! (edited)
GodsDead 03/06/2021 10:50
Cove Update!
A lot of you were online last night when I did quite a few updates and It was a little too late for me to write up changelogs, so these are from yesterday!
I re-designed /warp cove
spawn/beach/Crate areas
I was desperate for more space at /warp cove
as the beach was too small and everything was on top of each other/a jumbled mess.
I extended the beach dramatically and built a second beach opposite, i'm tempted to make more of the Cove beach so we have more room, what do you think? #⚓│general to tell me if you think I should make the beach bigger!
Moved /warp cove
spawn to under the Bar for better "flow" of where to walk, and its closer to /warp ships
New information board that I can put graphics on! Currently its empty as I need to make my graphics!
Treasure Chests /treasure
Got moved to individual ships on the shoreline (Thanks @IndexOutOfMJ & @ScriptX I borrowed this idea from your version of the cove!
) These guys are working on a longer term version of the cove! Stay tuned!
The Resource pack parrot `/getpack
got his own stall, and I moved that giant hologram for it!
Room for activities! Drops, chests, whatever, just more room! Im tempted to make it bigger! (edited)
GodsDead 04/06/2021 10:26
Store - Stripe Fixed!
Card payments fixed on store
After messaging Tebex/BuyCraft they somehow fixed Stripe (Card payments, Visa, MasterCard, AmericanExpress) working, they must have borked something their end!
I have no idea how long this has been broken, sorry for the inconvenience!
I pay for this service from Tebex/BuyCraft , They only have one job, process payments! (edited)
GodsDead 05/06/2021 22:03
Spring Treasure Chest 2021 is live!
Get yourself down to /warp cove
or view the #📢│announcements of whats inside & how to get keys!
I have completely overhauled Crates from the ground up!
I Re-branded to Treasure Chests to be more consistent in-game and with the server theme of Pirates Arr! (I already had it as /treasure
Consider this update Treasure Chests v3 as nothing was kept, I entirely re-made the configs!
New consistent color scheme for item names & lore as well as new rarity categories!
New information on HOW to get keys for the Treasure Chest! No more reliance on signs! Its shown on the item! (This wont be shown on the item you win don't worry!)
New use of spacers to separate rarity of items into rows
New Information panel to credit people that have helped contribute item names.
New information legend for item colors & rarity labels.
New Star "drop rate" system to allow more stars for super rare items that have harder drop rates (None at present!) & Better formatting for star system + differnt star.
New Consistent formatting for display of item & the item you get! Rarity labelled and comes after lore of item with the new pirate flag name of the crate on each item!
New drops rates to be more generous!
New Holograms per Treasure Chest! For additional information, example Legacy Chests: to use your keys up!
New v3 config template for new Treasure Chests for upcoming chests to follow the new format!
ℹ️ New consistent name structure for new Chests throughout the year, we now have:
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
each year, instead of random names like Xmas/Halloween.
ℹ️ This is part 1 update! The Vote Treasure Chest will be re-made next!
ℹ️ The HeadCoffer2 & DeadMansChest are now considered legacy! So use your keys up these will not be updated! New Crates inbound! (edited)
I created a new guide page for Treasure Chests this can be found under Guides in the main menu.
Check this out for detailed explanation & upcoming Treasure Chests as part of the overhaul!
GodsDead 07/06/2021 08:11
I made a noticeboard for /warp cove
Manually made at present, no dynamic content.
Just telling people what the cove is for and what /Treasure
Chests are available/Expiring soon at present!
GodsDead 07/06/2021 09:29
Resource Pack Updated!
New! PirateCraft resource pack version 1.8.8 was released!
@Markusi13 added a ton more event item's into the pack including the Spring Cleaner from the latest Spring /treasure
Added custom models for Event items Tormented Slicer of Herobrine, Lights Bane, Treat Blade, Trickster Blade, Werewolf Claws, Molten Axe, Secret Sauce, Morph Shard x2, Soulless Sabre, Hell Slayer, Gypsy Axe, Soul Reaver, Frostie Blade, Santa Blade, Wither Slayer
If you already have the pack set in-game using /getpack
it will automatically update! Nothing to do!
If you manually downloaded and installed for the additional main menu customisation, you can download from our open source GitHub directly
ℹ️ More info /resourcepack
ℹ️ (edited)
GodsDead 09/06/2021 09:13
Updated protocol plugin to allow 1.17+ clients to connect to the 1.12.2 server.
Updated custom head plugin
Updated Entity manager plugin
Updated Proxy server (Hopefully adds 1.17+ support) (edited)
GodsDead 09/06/2021 10:00
Updated protocol plugin to allow 1.17+ clients to connect to the 1.12.2 servers.
Updated server list text to reflect clients form 1.12.2 to 1.17 can connect & changed the error message for any other client that trys to connect.
GodsDead 11/06/2021 08:29
Updated permissions plugin
Updated analytics plugin
Updated Anti Cheat
Updated Discord plugin
Updated protocol hack plugin
Gave out #🎉│giveaway-events prizes: (edited)
GodsDead 11/06/2021 09:02
If you missed the #🎉│giveaway-events for 15x Spring Treasure Chest Keys, don't worry I have created another #🎉│giveaway-events all you have to do is react to the post
Good luck!
GodsDead 11/06/2021 09:48
Updated resource pack plugin that broke when I updated to the Protocol hack plugin to allow later clients on the 1.12.2 server.
Will take effect next time the server reboots, should hopefully fix itself then.
was fixed with the previous update. (edited)
GodsDead 14/06/2021 13:19
Reverted this change via @RoMich02 in #🔭archived-suggestions
Its GP's own PvP 15s timer, which conflicts with the actual PvP tagging plugins 15s timer, apparently if you disable the PvP timer in GP, it changes how siege works with block placement according to @RoMich02 , this literally makes no sense why they would program it this way to be related to the PvP timer, buy hey ho, this isn't a world of logic or good choices when it comes to Minecraft development!
GodsDead 15/06/2021 11:11
Added 2 new missives about the website gallery & Treasure Chest guide, updated Ranks page information.
GodsDead 16/06/2021 08:33
Updated Proxy server
Updated Brewing plugin!
NEW Pour your ruined Brews into a Hopper to get the glass bottle back
NEW Coffee & New Recipes can now reduce drunkeness!
Updated PvP tagging plugin
NEWChanged teleport protection to cover ALL damage, this should help prevent tpa traps
Updated permissions plugin
Updated Mini-game PvP plugin
Removed 2 old Libs no longer required.
GodsDead 16/06/2021 11:04
Gave out #🎉│giveaway-events prizes!
GodsDead 17/06/2021 21:21
I regenerated Davy Jones Locker to be entirely fresh!
Made room for salty pirate messages to be dug into the fresh sand!
GodsDead 22/06/2021 10:43
One for BE Fixed the gb flag showing on the live map, I still do not understand how it deleted itself. @lazydog11
GodsDead 24/06/2021 10:59
Updated the hierarchy for Live map ordering of online players
I created a new permissions for each rank and re-made the ordering for the live map. Before I used existing permissions which has changed over years and the order wasn't exactly right sometimes!
GodsDead 24/06/2021 12:09
Added PirateCraft Logo to Live map to act like a "back" button to the live map page when its being viewed full screen.
The glow behind it is super ugly! I've asked the developer how I can disable it! Figured it out myself, removed the CSS, will have to see next re-boot if it overwrites my changes to the HTML/CSS. (edited)
Markusi13 28/06/2021 09:00
Changed the Survival/Creative bug report form on the dev repo to the new format (edited)
GodsDead 28/06/2021 13:12
Updated all SSL certs for maps.
GodsDead 29/06/2021 12:53
One for the @Admin & @deleted-role
Added 4 new alias to quickly promote/demote Privateers!
Will take effect next reboot!
GodsDead 29/06/2021 13:55
Published January 2021 #📋│changelogs roundup by @Bombniks ! are posted live to our discord server in the changelogs channel, make sure you join our Discord server to be the first to see changes and other content! If you wish to help support Pirat…
GodsDead 29/06/2021 14:07
Added a new message when you have used up all your /sethomes
to explain how to get more homes, hopefully this will work with deckhands that ask how to set more homes!
Idea was from Discord, Reached 95 servers on discord and it was asking me to get Nitro to get up to 200!
GodsDead 30/06/2021 21:31
NEW! collectable Mob head drops!
Mob kills will now have a 10% chance in dropping a mob head for ALL mobs!
Some mobs like sheep have 16 differnt heads to collect! Each one is custom!
You cannot farm these! Each time you get a mob head drop your chance for another one drops by 50%! This gets reset each server reboot!
ℹ️ You can use your looting enchanted items for a better chance in head drops!
Level 1 Looting: +5.0%
Level 2 Looting: +10.0%
Level 3 Looting: +15.0%
Lore will be custom to you! your username will be forever bound to that head drop to make it unique!
I have also designed the lore to follow my new Collectable Items Color Code! These are classed as Common
The End Dragon has a 100% chance in dropping a head, a whole changelog will be required for that change!
its entirely possible to request MORE heads to be added to a mob! You can make a #🔭archived-suggestions with a head from for an additional head to be added to a mob!
ℹ️ Its entirely possible to have context based head drops, for example a charged creeper or a baby mob! None of the heads currently have these options! so get finding and suggesting!
ℹ️ Droprates, lowered with each kill rates or changes per head may change at any time! these are not fixed in stone values!
Re-opened up /warp end
Fixed void deaths re-spawning you at /warp end
GodsDead 05/07/2021 12:56
Updated Anti-cheat plugin
Nerfed mob head drops from the previous changelog (Look directly above this one) based off this #🔭archived-suggestions via @gepetrus due to my drop rates being way to high and making the heads not even the slightest bit hard to obtain!
All mobs head drops (Apart from Dragon) are now 1% drop chance.
Looting Enchanted items are now:
Level 1 Looting: +0.5%
Level 2 Looting: +1.0%
Level 3 Looting: +1.5%
ℹ️ I was a lot more generous with the enchanted item bonus than the suggestion to counter the suggestion to remove the farming limiter of 50% for Lower With Each Drop which has to be kept. (edited)
GodsDead 07/07/2021 09:47
1.17.1 clients can now connect to the 1.12.2 server!
Updated Resource pack plugin
Updated Buycraft/Tebex plugin
Updated PvP tag plugin
Should hopefully fix the nopvp/notag permissions for staff for rank based auto toggling PvP for a player (plz work)
Closed off /warp end
end portal via #🔭archived-suggestions via @Deleted User
Updated Anti Cheat
Updated Analytics plugin
Updated protocol hack to allow 1.17.1 Clients to connect
Dedicated Server
OS update/Database Update (For my records) (edited)
GodsDead 07/07/2021 10:54
Congrats to @EisenGraf who passed his trial as @Moderator!
Added @EisenGraf as support agent for Support tickets!
Added @EisenGraf as Forum mod & added Mod badge!
Added @EisenGraf to team page (edited)
GodsDead 07/07/2021 11:19
Updated staff list on my website online users widget! New @Helper & @Moderator should now show up as staff on the widget!
GodsDead 07/07/2021 13:49
Published February 2021 #📋│changelogs roundup by @Bombniks ! are posted live to our discord server in the changelogs channel, make sure you join our Discord server to be the first to see changes and other content! If you wish to help support Pirat…
GodsDead 07/07/2021 14:33
Added a section on the Treasure Guide on How to get Collectable Items i'm bound to have missed some other ways you can get collectable items put a #🔭archived-suggestions in if I missed something!
Edit Added in section for Player & Mob heads, including dragon head drop treasure! (Not i n screenshot!) (edited)
GodsDead 08/07/2021 08:33
Added a Golden Hoe (Manoeuvre_Tool) to /kit staff
via @anton in #🔭archived-suggestions @Admin @Moderator
Updated /kit ship
& /kit sailor_rankup
Golden Hoes to have the same name/lore as other Manoeuvre Tool kits so they all match.
Updated Jump pads plugin
Should finally after all these years respect & work with the AntiCheat (Lets hope it bloody works, then I can have some proper yeety boi jump pads again!)
I had a jump pad at cove that yeeted you like 2000 blocks for fun, but sadly the AC kicked you for flying
Updated Resource Pack plugin (edited)
GodsDead 08/07/2021 12:21
I updated /howtoplay
Re-iterated that this is survival
Added Live map section
added Navigate via warps section
Re-worded most of the existing starting points
Added rules section
Fixed heading actually being clickable to open website getting started page.
Gave Ships its own clickable section
Added message to say 1.12.2 client is recommended via
@harbinger787 in #🔭archived-suggestions
GodsDead 08/07/2021 20:26
Published March 2021 #📋│changelogs roundup by @Bombniks ! re-made pirate marketplace /shop2 and /shop3, Keep Inventory added to arena, Massive re-write of server rules and much more!
GodsDead 10/07/2021 12:21
Added highlighting /howtoplay
and /rules
in chat Like I did with :)
and :(
thanks for reminding me in #🔭archived-suggestions @DeofiloW1
I updated the NPC information at /warp end
Moved the jump pad at cove that you first see to be able to jump over the notice board but also bypass all stairs and ladders up to the main shops!
Based off #🔭archived-suggestions via @Deleted User (edited)
GodsDead 10/07/2021 17:14
Published April 2021 #📋│changelogs roundup by @Bombniks ! arena at /warp south, new rank for discord boosters, New Admin, 2 New rules, NPC positions were re-set, some bug fixes and plugin updates too, more information in the post below.Changelogs are …
GodsDead 11/07/2021 10:29
Updated AntiCheat
Updated ProtocolLib (Packet plugin)
ℹ️ This seems to have broken the [i]
item showing in chat plugin, its been reported.
Updated PvP tagging plugin (edited)
GodsDead 11/07/2021 22:08
Survival - The End & Dragon Update
End Main /warp end
Island fully redesigned by:
8 Dragon Fragment drops (Heads) added to the dragon
Created set of Dragon Armour and also Dragon Weapon's to collect and build from your dragon fragments, see /warp cove
Added 2 plugins to put the vanilla dragon on a timer to spawn every 3 hours (will reset to 6 hours later on past this initial release)
I hate the default dragon boss, and I;m looking for someone to make a custom dragon mob in mythic mobs for PirateCraft to replace it!
Added a /dragonslayer
for person that killed the dragon last aswell as a statue at /warp cove
Added Claimed NESW walkways from the main /warp end
island to get to outer islands, feel free to build off these but do not block them or try and use them as a means for your own gain!
Created NPCs & Info guides at /warp end
and /warp cove
for the End/Dragon/Fragments/items information.
ℹ️ This is planned as a Long term Quest, slow hard to get Fragments, you'll have to steal, kill and buy them over time for the Collectables.
Read the announcement: (edited)
Travelling Merchant
Added the Travelling Merchant back to /shop2
GodsDead 13/07/2021 20:06
Me and @MionaTheGreat tackled updating the Getting Started page on the website!
Massive thanks to @MionaTheGreat who kicked it off with editing the images to be more unique and fixing the formatting of a lot of the old page into being fresh and new!
I created a new video for the top of the page for connecting (It was still showing a 1.11 client!)
Updated a lot of information, added new information, added many more links and sections! Just a good refresh!
ℹ️ If you think anything is missing throw it into #🔭archived-suggestions ! (edited)
GodsDead 13/07/2021 20:40
Published May 2021 #📋│changelogs roundup by @Bombniks ! new staff rank “Gardener”, intended as a temporary rank for non-admin staff to help admins with regenerating land. New Locker command!. New Travelling Merchant and much more! K…
GodsDead 14/07/2021 18:20
Added the ability to toggle PvP in your plots! /plot flag add pvp true
disable with /plot flag add pvp false
(For PvP/Weapon/Armour Testing)
Available from Sailor rank!
Added Confiscate plugin, admin tool to auto Confiscate items (Experimenting)
Will automatically Confiscate hacked items and Super powerful weapons over a threshold!
Added ability to take damage from falling/fire/PvP etc when you are in /gm 0
(For PvP/Trap testing)
Added for @Helper /itemname
and /enchant
to make custom item(s) with lore and enchant them to their maximum vanilla enchantments.
It does allow stacking multiple enchantments you typically can't do in vanilla, but the enchantments themselves are vanilla.
Soon ™️ Will be available to normal players once some testing has been done!
Added ability for @Admin to bypass /enchant
limitations with both infinite levels on items and also invalid items.
Updated permissions to be able to get potions out of your inventory again
Updated /doors
Removed useless parkour plugin from creative (gets rid of that login message)
Removed old painting switcher plugin
Removed terrain generator I was not using
Removed ping plugin we no longer use
Removed sign edit plugin we no longer use
Big thanks to @Bombniks who's been helping me test all this throughout the day!
Surprised Pikachu as a Emoji and a sticker! (edited)
ScriptX 15/07/2021 20:04
Creative & Survival
Updated the permissions of all builders for server survival and creative
Trough inactivity we have removed a bunch of @Builders. If you were one of the removed builders and are still building please write a DM to @ScriptX or @IndexOutOfMJ. (edited)
GodsDead 16/07/2021 12:39
I added a "bot check" plugin to the bungee last night, it will definitely need tweaking or replacing, i'm not a fan of how it asks each person to verify before they can log in.
ℹ️ Just be aware it won't stay like this, its short term to stop flooding. I will get a better solution. (edited)
GodsDead 17/07/2021 14:53
Cleaned up all old kits (You didn't see these, but we had about 40+!)
GodsDead 18/07/2021 10:43
Removed the SUPER annoying "Bot check" kick when its not seen your IP before. Sorry about the wait on that one, this drastically killed a lot of new players joining recently! What a stupid system by the developers! (edited)
GodsDead 22/07/2021 21:37
Published June 2021 #📋│changelogs roundup by @Bombniks ! Treasure chests from the ground up, created Spring Treasure chest, created new consistent tiers and color schemes for future Treasure from all Treasure Chests/Events. PirateCraft Resourc…
GodsDead 25/07/2021 12:36
Re-named the NPC at /tuts
to Tutorials, Made him glow and interactive opening up /guides
once clicked.
Updated spawn message when you try and place blocks to include /wild
and /warps
via @Evanstormchaser in #🔭archived-suggestions
Added Emoji
GodsDead 25/07/2021 17:16
Added permissions for @Build Leader to post in #📢│announcements
GodsDead 25/07/2021 22:47
Website & YouTube
I created a step by step tutorial from scratch on a brand new page for how to use /doors
to create big wonderful swinging doors!
I created a video tutorial for /doors
! gives you the ability to build working drawbridges, swinging doors, sliding doors and portcullis gates of any size, They can be Redstone controlled, giving you major flexibility for any…
GodsDead 26/07/2021 13:59
Added Redirects to the new "Creating moving doors, draw bridges and portcullis gates" guide on the website for the two old pages, this means anywhere these have been linked previously will be redirected to the new location!
Updated guides directory to link to the new doors guide on
Added new /guide doors
Added new /guide creative
Added new /gallery
and /guide gallery
(Next reboot)
Added new /bans
and /guide bans
(Next reboot)
Added temporary /msg
when people log in to tell them about this new guide for doors! Not everyone uses discord!
Next reboot, fixed /videos
going to the correct /guide videos
Updated /resourcepack
Rough update to /commands
Updated /guide vote
Updated the Missives message guide link to the new website URL.
Moved Gates missives to global from Deckhand, so everyone will see it.
Updated /guides
which was a miss-match of info, guides and random commands.
This will be only guides & info, check it out, its changed!
Next reboot made /info
run the same as /guides
so everything is the same index. (edited)
GodsDead 27/07/2021 12:23
I updated the homepage.
I re-wrote the features sections to be more to the point, and made their headings clickable.
I added big buttons to each of the features to make them stand out, and removed sections that had 2 buttons/links previously and combined those into one page (Doors page!)

I created a publications section on the homepage! I'm generally proud to be featured in such publications and I wanted to show off that we have been published in these online magazines!
In the UK, PCGamer & RadioTimes are household names, RadioTimes magazine has been around since 1923 so to get blogged about, i'm super proud of! A lot of these publications have been around for years, but I've never thought to feature them on the website! Now there front and foremost to new people landing on the homepage!
If you have seen PirateCraft featured on any other large publications or even large YouTube videos send me a DM, and if there are enough I will make an entire publications page!
I updated the visuals for "Change-logs" section. Now that we're all caught up with latest changelogs thanks to @Bombniks I thought I would make it simpler to understand, I removed all the categories for the multiple servers and all out changes between all servers have been combined into each blog post, no need to have separate server blog posts now.
I also added a link to our discord in this section to explain that's where live changelogs are posted, Like this one!
I updated how Javascript is loaded for better speed, so if anything broke with this change make sure to report it in #deleted-channel
GodsDead 29/07/2021 12:10
Updated #👋│welcome as this hadn't been updated since it was first created!
I created a list of key channels in it & updated the logo at the top too, it was still out Halloween one!
Temporarily paused #🔭archived-suggestions
We got Discord Threads! Were not entirely sure how we will utilize threads yet!
GodsDead 30/07/2021 11:05
Fixed the support page not loading on the website is back up!
Disabled one of the checks for the bot flooding plugin, see if that stops the false positives. (edited)
GodsDead 30/07/2021 20:40
Re-added View Distance 12 for Sea Artist @Media, It was disabled as using a client past 1.12.2 does not load any chunks at all! So all ranks that inherit Media make sure you are using 1.12.2 or you may experience chunks not loading!
For the upcoming ship battle to record video for it!
The End dragon will teleport the dragon to the center when the first player enters the end now.
The dragon is entirely vanilla AI (yes it sucks) Not much we can do about this until a new Boss is made to replace it (Very low on the priority list!) (edited)
GodsDead 31/07/2021 15:54
Published July 2021 #📋│changelogs roundup by @Bombniks !
Promoted @Bombniks to @Media Sea Artist for their continued help running the Changelog blog posts!New end island and dragon fight, along with fragments which can create unique gear, collectable mob head drops with unique lore, rewrite to some commands, lots of website updates! read post below f…
GodsDead 31/07/2021 18:42
Added View Distance 12 for @Build Leader
For the upcoming ship battle to record video for it!
GodsDead 03/08/2021 11:49
Proxy / Server
Updated Java
Updated Proxy server
Updated OS
Updated NPC Admin shops
Fixed a bug I found, where trading had to be the EXACT amount of needed items, now trading will check your entire inventory for item(s) required for a trade!
Updated dragon timer plugin(s)
Slayer Statue should show the players skin instead of an Armour stand (untested)
Updated Jump Pads plugin
Updated to work better with the anti cheat
Updated /doors
Fixed jungle logs not rotating properly in east/south-aligned drawbridges.
Cant update on creative any more as support was dropped for our plot plugin
Updated PvP Tag plugin
Added untag command for staff
Updated resource pack plugin /resourcepack
Updated Anti-cheat
Updated Ship-in-a-bottle plugin
Fixed free space check not checking for obstacles
ℹ️ This mornings issues have been resolved from 3 other plugins I tried to update which caused reboots/incompatibility issues, we should be golden now, developers not testing thier plugins again! (edited)
GodsDead 06/08/2021 11:38
Updated Premium suite of essentials a major version.
GodsDead 08/08/2021 11:03
All Servers
Gave @Build Leader access to /h
chat to talk with @Helper
Does mean that Build leaders will get HelpOp requests from players now too!
GodsDead 08/08/2021 12:55
Removed the /msg
from console when you logged in about the updated /doors
GodsDead 09/08/2021 14:04
Creative - Treasure Update!
I built a backbone for supporting future projects, you can create custom items to contribute to building Treasure Chests, Kits & Event Treasure Items on Creative at /warp treasure
Created new world /warp treasure
custom designed roads & spawn by the amazing @Atalantaa
When you claim a plot, it'll auto spawn a Treasure chest on an X marks the spot! inside are instructions on how to create /customitem
treasure! For a quick start guide!
Sailor+ Can now use /itemname
, /itemlore
& /enchant
to design Treasure Items
Created 8 unique /kits
for Sailor+ and using a new GUI based /kits
/kit we /kit vs
for WorldEdit & VoxelSniper Tools
/kit customitems
Custom items teaching you how to make custom items! META!
5 Kits for Treasure Item Examples for each rarity
/kit legendary, epic, rare, uncommon, common
@Build Leader @Admin Create & edit /kits
Adding more example treasure items
For @Builder to have pallets of blocks for builds
Created /customitem
guide & updated /treasure
for formatting.
Created /warp center north east south west
Created Portals at /spawn
to navigate worlds & teleport to survival.
Added Icons on the live map for /warps
Re-named & ordered worlds on map
Added NPC at Treasure world to run /customitem
Allowed bypass for ALL CAPS for specific words
Added crates plugin for live examples /warp treasure
Made a creating Treasure guide with my custom templates to copy & paste directly!
GodsDead 10/08/2021 13:34
Added Google Login! Click the "Login/Register" in the main menu and you can sign in using your Google account!
If you login with the same email you signed up with, it will log you into your normal account!
Also added a button to this page
Redirected the /login/ URL to go to the activity tab once logged in.
Anywhere the website says "Login" and redirects to that Login page this can be used.
Creates a new account if the user has never created/registered before!
I'm having issues adding it to the register page at present, looks like i'm going to have to make an entire custom register page just to add this button
Sticking to just Google SSO for now, as Google verify's accounts properly (Unlike companies like Discord
Added a button to the Support page to requite 1 less click.
Fixed the "abandon ship" logout button to log out on a single click now, instead of having to confirm! (edited)
GodsDead 11/08/2021 13:25
Opened up the lumberjack at /warp cove
to everyone for a week to see how much money the server can generate in 1 week to everyone!
You can sell Logs to the Lumberjack. (edited)
GodsDead 15/08/2021 09:40
Information - Parsing Eco Logs Part 1
For those that don't know, each plugin logs actions, for example the admin NPCs at /warp cove
each time someone buys/sells from these its logged into a text file per day. Now when you have years of files and multiple NPCs if you wanted to calculate total money generated from these NPCS (the lumberjack) vs money taken out of the eco (Ship shop or Cannons shop) you would have to go and open each file, sort each line into buy/sell and count up all the money generated and money spent, but nobody is going to have time for that
So I've finished Part 1 of one of my millions of to-do items which was to write a custom parsing script for the Admin Shop NPC's, this is to go with the recent #📢│announcements about opening up the Lumberjack at /warp cove
again to actually be able to track day to day its sales, all times money in/out and any other kind of report we can think of!
I've called this Part 1, as each Economy plugin has its own separate logs which are usually not following any standard log format (God damn developers!
) so its going to be a long boring process to write these scripts for each separate plugins eco logs! So I will make them over a long space of time when each is needed
Long term plan will be to have everything logged into one giant searchable database.
You may not see the outcome from the history of sales from these NPCS unless you pay close attention to SmartArse Tuesday posts! This is an admin tool to generate actual analytics & data for us to see how introducing more methods of income/spending works
Not sure if anyone cares about this, just thought I would tell anyone that may
I do a lot of things like this in the background, give this post an upvote if you like this kind of background information. If not I wont both you again with extra!
I wrote a custom parser script for Admin shop NPCS. (edited)
GodsDead 16/08/2021 11:52
Re-enabled the captcha for register page, I have no idea how the captcha turned itself off! Ahh!
GodsDead 16/08/2021 22:31
I created a universal Build of the month entry form on the website (and other comps later), no more requiring @Media to make Google forms to collect entries!
Logs to database for myself
Logs into a Google spreadsheet that is shared with @Moderator @Admin @deleted-role so everyone can keep track of submissions.
Emails a copy of your submission to yourself if you are logged into the website and a copy to the current @Media Team member that is managing BOTM/Competition.
Date selection allows people to submit to a future BOTM/Comp in anticipation of finishing a build or if they just missed a competition entry (25th)
Added option to attach a video if you are creative and want to add one!
Re-iterated that build entry can be a build from any period you have built it, it does not have to be withing X time.
Added @DeofiloW1 as Forum Mod/Media Badge on forums so he can Sticky & manage Competition forum threads to show up in /motd
BOTM August 2021 is now open
I can now embed the form directly into the forum thread! how awesome is that!
Added link to the competition entry form under "information" on the website navigation
Added @DeofiloW1 as @Media
To run some BOTM with @Simbud (edited)
GodsDead 17/08/2021 12:57
I made 2 Danny Devito stickers for Discord, this ones from the Discord advert, so meta 
GodsDead 18/08/2021 17:19
Disabled Lumberjack NPC for everyone, back to Deckhand & Cadet, super awesome to see how much money you all generated into the server in 7 days! I'm super glad I wrote my custom script! Given us a much better idea of how it was used over its history per day & all time (Daily sales went up 343% thanks to @Bazurka maths!)
Might be nice to do this injection from time to time!
GodsDead 06/05/2021 11:05

GodsDead 06/05/2021 11:55

GodsDead 07/05/2021 10:41

//wand //pos1 //pos2
/wesv toggle
/wesv toggle clipboard

GodsDead 08/05/2021 18:44

GodsDead 12/05/2021 16:52

on purpose, this is a Premium Market that will continue to have small random events to draw in people to the marketplace.
GodsDead 14/05/2021 08:56

GodsDead 16/05/2021 16:53

/warp cove
and walking towards /warp shop
or start at shops and walk towards cove!

GodsDead 17/05/2021 11:36

GodsDead 19/05/2021 08:50

Builder Utilities back to creative, I had it disabled to test if it was the cause of a bug, but it wasn't. Itll be back on at Creatives reboot this morning at 10.30am UK time.GodsDead 19/05/2021 11:38

GodsDead 19/05/2021 12:40

GodsDead 19/05/2021 14:03

GodsDead 19/05/2021 20:03

GodsDead 20/05/2021 10:13

GodsDead 20/05/2021 12:43

GodsDead 21/05/2021 17:58

GodsDead 22/05/2021 14:25

GodsDead 22/05/2021 16:56

you can buy a maximum of 80 per person!
on purpose, this is a Premium Market that will continue to have small random events to draw in people to the marketplace.GodsDead 22/05/2021 17:21
This is auction number 23! 5+ days bid time.

/warp cove
to tell people that /auc
has been updated, you can click this Hologram or the NPC who has been relocated for Auc 23!GodsDead 24/05/2021 08:37

GodsDead 24/05/2021 19:33

instead of /v
as I had to re-bind it as /v is for vanish!
GodsDead 26/05/2021 19:26

GodsDead 28/05/2021 11:18

GodsDead 29/05/2021 13:09

GodsDead 01/06/2021 11:17


and disabled the Hologram at /warp cove
as the auction ended!

has departed with his Sea Lanterns! He will be back in the near future with differnt goods!

sent when logging in about the Ranks & Commands page update, this works really well for getting people to see new features, the website tracks analytics and I can see it was being used! (edited)GodsDead 01/06/2021 11:42

GodsDead 01/06/2021 12:23

in-game again! 
/kit helmsman
for @Discord Booster which is a custom head voted for in #💎│contributor channel!
GodsDead 02/06/2021 09:35

to the whitelist for similarity via @IronAR in #🔭archived-suggestions
GodsDead 02/06/2021 13:02

GodsDead 02/06/2021 16:43

GodsDead 03/06/2021 10:50

/warp cove
spawn/beach/Crate areas
I was desperate for more space at /warp cove
as the beach was too small and everything was on top of each other/a jumbled mess.
/warp cove
spawn to under the Bar for better "flow" of where to walk, and its closer to /warp ships
Got moved to individual ships on the shoreline (Thanks @IndexOutOfMJ & @ScriptX I borrowed this idea from your version of the cove! /getpack
got his own stall, and I moved that giant hologram for it!
GodsDead 04/06/2021 10:26

GodsDead 05/06/2021 22:03

/warp cove
or view the #📢│announcements of whats inside & how to get keys!

Consider this update Treasure Chests v3 as nothing was kept, I entirely re-made the configs!
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
each year, instead of random names like Xmas/Halloween.
ℹ️ This is part 1 update! The Vote Treasure Chest will be re-made next!
ℹ️ The HeadCoffer2 & DeadMansChest are now considered legacy! So use your keys up these will not be updated! New Crates inbound! (edited)

GodsDead 07/06/2021 08:11

/warp cove
Chests are available/Expiring soon at present!GodsDead 07/06/2021 09:29

Tormented Slicer of Herobrine, Lights Bane, Treat Blade, Trickster Blade, Werewolf Claws, Molten Axe, Secret Sauce, Morph Shard x2, Soulless Sabre, Hell Slayer, Gypsy Axe, Soul Reaver, Frostie Blade, Santa Blade, Wither Slayer

it will automatically update! Nothing to do!

ℹ️ (edited)GodsDead 09/06/2021 09:13

GodsDead 09/06/2021 10:00

GodsDead 11/06/2021 08:29

GodsDead 11/06/2021 09:02

GodsDead 11/06/2021 09:48

was fixed with the previous update. (edited)GodsDead 14/06/2021 13:19

GodsDead 15/06/2021 11:11

GodsDead 16/06/2021 08:33

GodsDead 16/06/2021 11:04

GodsDead 17/06/2021 21:21

GodsDead 22/06/2021 10:43

GodsDead 24/06/2021 10:59

GodsDead 24/06/2021 12:09

Markusi13 28/06/2021 09:00

GodsDead 28/06/2021 13:12

GodsDead 29/06/2021 12:53

GodsDead 29/06/2021 13:55

Changelogs are posted live to our discord server in the changelogs channel, make sure you join our Discord server to be the first to see changes and other content! If you wish to help support Pirat…
GodsDead 29/06/2021 14:07

to explain how to get more homes, hopefully this will work with deckhands that ask how to set more homes!

GodsDead 30/06/2021 21:31

/warp end

/warp end
GodsDead 05/07/2021 12:56

GodsDead 07/07/2021 09:47

/warp end
end portal via #🔭archived-suggestions via @Deleted User

GodsDead 07/07/2021 10:54

GodsDead 07/07/2021 11:19

GodsDead 07/07/2021 13:49

Changelogs are posted live to our discord server in the changelogs channel, make sure you join our Discord server to be the first to see changes and other content! If you wish to help support Pirat…
GodsDead 07/07/2021 14:33

GodsDead 08/07/2021 08:33

/kit staff
via @anton in #🔭archived-suggestions @Admin @Moderator

/kit ship
& /kit sailor_rankup
Golden Hoes to have the same name/lore as other Manoeuvre Tool kits so they all match.

GodsDead 08/07/2021 12:21

GodsDead 08/07/2021 20:26

Entirely re-made pirate marketplace /shop2 and /shop3, Keep Inventory added to arena, Massive re-write of server rules and much more!
GodsDead 10/07/2021 12:21

and /rules
in chat Like I did with :)
and :(
thanks for reminding me in #🔭archived-suggestions @DeofiloW1

/warp end

GodsDead 10/07/2021 17:14

New arena at /warp south, new rank for discord boosters, New Admin, 2 New rules, NPC positions were re-set, some bug fixes and plugin updates too, more information in the post below.Changelogs are …
GodsDead 11/07/2021 10:29

item showing in chat plugin, its been reported.

GodsDead 11/07/2021 22:08

/warp end
Island fully redesigned by:

/warp cove

for person that killed the dragon last aswell as a statue at /warp cove

/warp end
island to get to outer islands, feel free to build off these but do not block them or try and use them as a means for your own gain!

/warp end
and /warp cove
for the End/Dragon/Fragments/items information.
ℹ️ This is planned as a Long term Quest, slow hard to get Fragments, you'll have to steal, kill and buy them over time for the Collectables.

GodsDead 13/07/2021 20:06

GodsDead 13/07/2021 20:40

Entirely new staff rank “Gardener”, intended as a temporary rank for non-admin staff to help admins with regenerating land. New Locker command!. New Travelling Merchant and much more! K…
GodsDead 14/07/2021 18:20

/plot flag add pvp true
disable with /plot flag add pvp false
(For PvP/Weapon/Armour Testing)

/gm 0
(For PvP/Trap testing)

and /enchant
to make custom item(s) with lore and enchant them to their maximum vanilla enchantments.

limitations with both infinite levels on items and also invalid items.


ScriptX 15/07/2021 20:04

GodsDead 16/07/2021 12:39

GodsDead 17/07/2021 14:53

GodsDead 18/07/2021 10:43

GodsDead 22/07/2021 21:37

Overhauled Treasure chests from the ground up, created Spring Treasure chest, created new consistent tiers and color schemes for future Treasure from all Treasure Chests/Events. PirateCraft Resourc…
GodsDead 25/07/2021 12:36

to Tutorials, Made him glow and interactive opening up /guides
once clicked.

and /warps
via @Evanstormchaser in #🔭archived-suggestions 

GodsDead 25/07/2021 17:16

GodsDead 25/07/2021 22:47

to create big wonderful swinging doors!

PirateCraft gives you the ability to build working drawbridges, swinging doors, sliding doors and portcullis gates of any size, They can be Redstone controlled, giving you major flexibility for any…
GodsDead 26/07/2021 13:59

/guide doors

/guide creative

and /guide gallery
(Next reboot)

and /guide bans
(Next reboot)

when people log in to tell them about this new guide for doors! Not everyone uses discord!

going to the correct /guide videos



/guide vote

which was a miss-match of info, guides and random commands.
This will be only guides & info, check it out, its changed!

run the same as /guides
so everything is the same index. (edited)GodsDead 27/07/2021 12:23

GodsDead 29/07/2021 12:10

GodsDead 30/07/2021 11:05

GodsDead 30/07/2021 20:40

GodsDead 31/07/2021 15:54

New end island and dragon fight, along with fragments which can create unique gear, collectable mob head drops with unique lore, rewrite to some commands, lots of website updates! read post below f…
GodsDead 31/07/2021 18:42

GodsDead 03/08/2021 11:49



GodsDead 06/08/2021 11:38

GodsDead 08/08/2021 11:03

chat to talk with @Helper GodsDead 08/08/2021 12:55

from console when you logged in about the updated /doors
tutorial.GodsDead 09/08/2021 14:04

/warp treasure

/warp treasure
custom designed roads & spawn by the amazing @Atalantaa /customitem
treasure! For a quick start guide!

, /itemlore
& /enchant
to design Treasure Items

for Sailor+ and using a new GUI based /kits
/kit we /kit vs
for WorldEdit & VoxelSniper Tools
/kit customitems
Custom items teaching you how to make custom items! META!
/kit legendary, epic, rare, uncommon, common


guide & updated /treasure
for formatting.

/warp center north east south west

to navigate worlds & teleport to survival.



/warp treasure

GodsDead 10/08/2021 13:34

GodsDead 11/08/2021 13:25

/warp cove
to everyone for a week to see how much money the server can generate in 1 week to everyone!
GodsDead 15/08/2021 09:40

/warp cove
each time someone buys/sells from these its logged into a text file per day. Now when you have years of files and multiple NPCs if you wanted to calculate total money generated from these NPCS (the lumberjack) vs money taken out of the eco (Ship shop or Cannons shop) you would have to go and open each file, sort each line into buy/sell and count up all the money generated and money spent, but nobody is going to have time for that /warp cove
again to actually be able to track day to day its sales, all times money in/out and any other kind of report we can think of!
I've called this Part 1, as each Economy plugin has its own separate logs which are usually not following any standard log format (God damn developers! 

GodsDead 16/08/2021 11:52

GodsDead 16/08/2021 22:31


GodsDead 17/08/2021 12:57

GodsDead 18/08/2021 17:19