
All PirateCraft changelogs are exported automatically from our Discord server and readable below!

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Page 13

MrLimeWise 07/09/2023 20:43
survival Survival add Botm Prizes awarded!! Congrats to the winners, missioncarp, @Calendil_ And @warbluke for winning your kits are awaiting to be claimed!!trophy 🎉 (edited)
survival Survival add Bloodtide Island Event Added scheduled loot spawning instead of using the built-in plugin schedule system, which for some reason stopped working, for the Friday-Sunday loot drops at west. 🔸 Currently setup every 4 hours on Friday/Saturday/Sunday, may change if required! 🔸As requested by @MrLimeWise Friday will have keep inv ON but weekends will have keep inv OFF, I have scheduled this to be automated too. add Bloodtide Island Event @Moderator @Admin I made a custom /bloodtide <open/close/keepinvoff/keepinvon> command for you to easily open/close the Region access to people, and also toggle Keep Inv for the region! 🔸 This now auto-tabs with its variables open/close/keepinvoff/keepinvon too for when we all forget the parameters! 🔸 This auto updates the Holograms at /warp event to tell players if the event region is open or closed and if Keep inv is on or off. add Setup for event 🔸Made some changed to build on creative/new spawns/blending terrain and changed biome 🔸Copied over build from Creative 🔸Moved /warp event and set second spot so its random 🔸Created region and all flags on both creative and survival 🔸Created holograms for spawn points 🔸Copied over data files for items/configs made on creative 🔸Created perms for @Moderator and @Admin to manually run the chest drop if they fancy it, so now they have greater control for one off events other than the automated weekend event(s). add Added to /events Via @jpcello request 🎉 ♥️ Massive thanks to @Calendil_ and @TobySF and @MrLimeWise for setting this all up, Im just doing what im told for setup 😂 🔗 See (edited)
survival Survival rem Removed /tuts from next Reboot, odd leftovers from another time, was using a different warp system. upd Updated /shops to use the correct warp plugin 👌
survival Survival upd Bloodtide Island Event /warp event Changed region to allow mob damage upd Bloodtide Island Event /warp event Changed holograms to include /events upd Bloodtide Island Event /warp event Blocked use of /shops Aka blocked using warp command(s), theres bound to be a ton more ive missed lol find them and taunt @MrLimeWise 😂 upd Updated /events with exact times in /servertime for spawns of the loot
creative Creative upd Fixed a bunch of auto-tabs on Creative, for things like /warp will now show up in tab that will let you auto tab to, matched the same list as Survival. survival Survival rem Removed being able to /trust on all your claims by not standing in a claim. 🔸 Solves the issue of people accidently trusting people to all their claims without realising. 🔸 Resolves performance issue related to scaling
survival Survival 🎂 @Admin can now make you a custom birthday cake (Like I always did manually!) 🔸 Syntax is /cake <username> <age> or without an age use /cake <username> and it'll pop 32 into your hand! 🔸Use /cake for example & instructions if that's forgotten! 🔸 Automatically changes the date & year so no maintenance is required & also puts on who baked the cake! 🔸I created some pre-made auto tab examples from 11th-30th birthdays for even more speed! 🔸Logged use for records! 👀 ℹ️ @Moderator has temp access so @MrLimeWise can generate his own Birthday cake haha 🎂
survival Survival upd Updated the plugin that denys /back into claims you do not have trust on (For next reboot) 🔸 Adds feature to prevent /back into worldguard regions with the specific flag on, which will be perfect for events! upd Updated PvP tag plugin (For next reboot) 🔸 Improved detection of PvP deaths for kill abuse upd Updated /vote plugin (For next reboot) 🔸Cache imrpovements 🔸Added placeholders for last month vote totals (This will be good for cove)
survival Survival add Created /kit 11years for our 11th birthday! 🔸 Set preview perm to see it in /kits before you unlock it from /warp event add Created 11 Years tag to unlock from /warp event add Setup flags, NPC, warp, holograms and some testing of new flags at the warp event dungeon maze for this small event. Next Restart 🕐 add Re-added the Bloodmoon plugin for Autumn event. 🔸 Same mob drops as last year, but changed the shard to say 2023 🔸 This is prep, the items will drop but the crate and crafting the key will not be live yet! Get a head start on collecting items!
survival Survival upd Moved /warp west to be the West event for now as I hijacked /warp event for the birthday@MrLimeWise 🔸 Temp for now, unless we expand Bloodtide to be something more perm!
survival Survival upd Updated /motd with latest changes and events. add Added coupon code RumAndCandles11 for 20% off /donate 🔸 Added sale missive
survival creative Survival & Creative upd Fixed nicknames in chat, seems the chat plugin for some reason disabled external nicknames upd Creative Chat rules are now in sync with Survival upd Changed the color of text in /me to &5
survival Survival add 🩸 Created /guide bloodmoon upd 🩸 Changed Bloodmoon to every 15 Minecraft days instead of 20 (Every 5 hours) From next reboot. upd 🩸 Updated /events to include Bloodmoon event information survival creative Survival & Creative upd Updated ViaVersion, protocol hack plugin to allow 1.20.2 clients to connect BUT it wont work, as the proxy software still hasnt updated, just prep for when they do. (Next reboot)
survival Survival rem Removed the legacy signs at cove to change the day and weather
survival creative Survival & Creative upd Updated Missives and /motd for @MrLimeWise October 2023 Build Of the Month 🔸 #deleted-channel 🔸 creative Creative add new Added Maze generator! for @Builder @Build Leader @Helper @Moderator @Admin 🔸Videos, Commands, Examples on plugin page: Tangled Maze 🔸If its safe in plots (can you test please @Helper ) then I can roll this out for Contributor, ping me somewhere if its safe inside plots and doesn't generate outside lol upd Queued an update to the maze generator plugin for next reboot already.
creative Creative add Updated AntiCheat 🔸 The entire plugin has been re-written and had 6+ months of updates from out current version. 🔸Throwing it onto creative first, just to see how it runs before I throw it onto survival, but expect that soon ™️ 🔸I would treat update as tho its an entirely new plugin its had do many version updates. discord Discord add Added 🛡AntiCheat tag to #🐛│bugs so its easier to filter any bugs, report them here! parrot p.s creatives back up, its why it didnt boot at reboot time whoops! (edited)
proxy Proxy upd Updated proxy server to accept 1.20.2 clients! 🔸 Not sure why it took them so long to update this time, but its done and live now.
steeringwheel Host/OS upd Backend system updates/reboot. proxy Proxy upd Updated proxy server
survival Survival add @Moderator @Admin you should now be able to /glow <playername> <true/false/color/gui> To toggle or set glow colors for other pirates. 🔸 Ive also added permission to use all colors for picking a glow for Mod+ buuut I have a feeling colors don't actually work with glows for whatever reason with this command, but do have a test team!
creative Creative rem Disabled anti cheats chat spam kick, forgot this is a thing! We do our own with the chat plugin!
survival Survival add Updated AntiCheat (Its a whole re-write) 🔸 I had no reports from when I added it to Creative, so pushing to survival now. 🔸The entire plugin has been re-written and had 6+ months of updates from out current version. 🔸I would treat update as tho its an entirely new plugin its had do many version updates. 🔸Will be more regularly updated, since the 7th when I added it to creative, its already had an update to fix a killaura false flag! add AntiCheat flags logs to discord now #📗│anticheat for @Moderator & @Admin for very easy search for players etc. (edited)

survival Survival

add Added Autumn 2023 Treasure Chest, please see the annoucement for more info on how to get keys!

discord Discord

add Added #🎉│giveaway-events for 15x Autumn 2023 Treasure chest keys add Added #📗│crate_logs New crate logs for @Moderator @Admin (for now) I made a custom script that logs crate wins to discord! I will be updating all active crates to be part of this, so far its just autumn 2023!

discord Discord

add Added Vote Crate updated, now logs to #📗│crate_logs

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated Analytics plugin for next reboot 🔸 The plugin has to run a schema update to the database, so next reboot may take a while to complete as it will have to complete this task first. 🔸 Backed up database, just in-case 🔸 @Bazurka Changelog reminder to check tomorrow to see what happens haha

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated Premium essentails plugin & Lib 🔸 Adds Cross server compatability for our proxy software for portals and a few other bits

creative Creative

upd Updated plot plugin upd Updated Anti Cheat upd Updated custom enchantment plugin for testing

proxy Proxy

upd Updated proxy server software upd Updated docker container/java version add new Added Premium essentails cross-server bridge, they finally supported our proxy server software! After years of waiting! 🔸 I imediatly found a game breaking bug, but im one of the first people to use the plugin!

creative Creative - Pumpkin Build competition 2023

add new New World for Pumpkin Build competition ! /warp pumpkin once on /server creative 🔸 Custom generated plot world that each plot has a pumpkin in it! 🔸 Added to working backups this time! 🔸 Pre-generated world 🔸 Simply find a pumpkin you like, /plot claim deisgn something spooky and submit to the discord link ive submitted below! 🔸 See the event for more details, annoucement to come! 🔸Custom prizes and tags to be won, all entrants will win a custom kit! add Created /warp pumpkin & portal at /spawn to get to this world on creative

discord Discord

add Submit pumpkin designs to #deleted-channel add Event

creative Creative

upd Updated Premium essentials plugin 🔸 Solves breaking bug from previous update upd Updated /doors plugin for the big animated doors 🔸Add support for latest PlotSquared update upd Updated live schematic brush plugin that Ive been testing upd Updated asset loading plugin, this ones not been announced yet and is mostly still in testing for me only upd Backdated showing plots on live map plugin, as when I updated it a while ago I didn't read that they dropped support for older versions of minecraft so it wasn't loading. 🔸 Creative plots show up again on live map

survival Survival

upd Updated Premium essentials plugin 🔸 Solves breaking bug from previous update upd Updated custom head plugin that I use to spawn custom heads upd Updated PVP tagging plugin 🔸Adds better protection against bed explosions and they now combat tag players 🔸Fix getting into safezones using boats 🔸Fix a rare concurrency issue that caused the combat timer to stop working upd Updated /doors plugin 🔸Fixed doors not being toggled when their powerblock is activated by placing a redstone block next to it either directly or using a piston. 🔸Add support for PlotSquared upd Updated AntiCheat

survival Survival

upd Updated portal at /warp cove to take you directly to the pumpkin build competition world on creative instead of creative spawn/last location! Great I can now use this again with the proxy plugin release!

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from #🎉│giveaway-events add Added new #🎉│giveaway-events for 3 people to win 15x Autumn 2023 keys, all you have to do is react to this:

survival Survival

add Added /warp pumpkin as people were using it on the wrong server, this sends you to the cove portal, hide this from /warps add Added message when you login to the server to tell you about pumpkin building! To help people really read 😂 upd Updated /comp and /motd with Pumpkin info upd Updated Missives to include pumpkin comp & re-add the autumn crate I removed a while back 🎃 Get building!

proxy Proxy

upd Updated proxy server upd Updated Premium essentials cross server plugin upd Updated server list MOTD plugin upd Updated chat chat proxy plugin

survival Survival

upd Allowed advertising bypass for GriefPrevention Trust commands, thanks for the idea @Taulov 🎉 🔸 If you had a crew tag, that's also a domain name, like to when you tried to trust your Crew to your claim, it would be flagged as advertising and block you, this is now fixed.

parrot Perry's Top Tip of the day - Crew Claims

Did you know you can trust your entire Crew into a claim or subclaim the same you do a pirate? All you have to do is prefix group before your crew tag group.<crewTAG>. For example, if my Crew tag is be I could use these in a Claim, replace with the crew tag you wish to allow, it can be any crew not just your own! /trust Full trust /accesstrust Gives crew access to use your buttons, levers, and beds /containertrust Gives crew access to buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals. /permissiontrust Permission to share permission level with others, this one may be insane, but I've added the bypass anyway. /untrust Revokes crew permissions from claim

survival Survival

⏯️ Manually started the survival this morning, as Mojang breaking their auth servers at reboot time, perfect timing mojang ROFLMAOok upd Updated Premium essentails plugin and dependancy upd Updated custom mobs plugin 👀

discord Discord @Changelog Alerts

add Added "reaction roles" so you can select what you wish to be notified for, then we can attach those roles to updates, events and annoucements based on what you want to get notified for, better late than never 😂 Slapped the bot into #👋│welcome hopefuly it works, as I just pinged everyone with the verified role (I felt dirty doing that), dont worry I wont ping that again. 🔗 Thanks @MrLimeWise for the recommendation to set this up. 💎

survival Survival

upd Removed all particles from archive crates at /warp cove & reduced particles on active crates at Cove, This was for us that have potato PC's, gained 10 FPS at cove, this wont make much difference to those that have good FPS, but 10FPS increase on potato machines makes cove usable! add Added rest of active crates to log to#📗│crate_logs @Helper 🔸 Bloodmoon23 now logs 🔸 Casino Diamonds 10/32/90 now logs 🔸 Casino Money 10/100/1000 now logs 🏓 @Changelog Alerts If you wish to get alerted for changelogs please react in #👋│welcome to the changelogs button!

survival Survival & Creative creative

rem Removed missive about coupon code thanks @keniABC for the heads up (I forgot to set an expiry time on it) 🧸 🏓 @Changelog Alerts If you wish to get alerted for changelogs select your discord role from#👋│welcome

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Fixed chat plugin booting upd Updated Anti Cheat plugin (5 verisons) 🔸 Improved NoSlow check 🔸 Fixed some false positives related to water 🔸 Fixed a false positive in case of player movement with large vectors 🔸 Fixed some Interact/Criticals/Hitbox false flags 🔸 Patched a Move check bypass

survival Survival

upd Updated PvP tagging plugin 🔸 Fix bed explosions self tagging 🏓 @Changelog Alerts If you wish to get alerted for changelogs select your discord role from #👋│welcome

survival Survival

upd Fixed a bug with /near that allowed any @Contributor to use /near 10000, now limited back at 128 blocks. 🔸 This was a feature added by the premium essentials plugin to make /near permission based! Which is actually awesome, which brings me onto the next update... add @Moderator Gained the ability to /near 20000 👍 Not sure how this will help, but its always good to have another tool! piratecoin Thanks to @Ironic_Iron for the bug bounty, you have been awarded £5000 in-game for the report!

creative Creative

upd Updated world border plugin and its dependency 🔸 new This adds particles to visualize the worldborder!

parrot Perry's top tip

@Admin As i only remembered I could do this today, a reminder you can use /homes near:100 to view all homes set within a radius to check if homes have been set around an area! 🏓 @Changelog Alerts If you wish to get alerted for changelogs select your discord role from #👋│welcome

survival Survival

upd Updated world border plugin and its dependency 🔸 new This adds particles to visualize the worldborder when you are get within 8 blocks! (I can change this if required to be more/less) 🔸 Now prevents chorus-fruit from being used to try and teleport outside and should also try and prevent enderpearls being used past the border. 🔸 Goes live tomorrows reboot at 10:30am GMT 🏓 @Changelog Alerts If you wish to get alerted for changelogs select your discord role from #👋│welcome

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from #🎉│giveaway-events add Added new #🎉│giveaway-events for 3 people to win 15x Autumn 2023 keys, all you have to do is react to this:

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated premium essentials plugin 🔸 Fixes speed with /lastonline 🔸Fixes message issue when using /home 🔸Fix for glow command failing to change glow color for users whose name starts with valid hex color code ( @Helper will need to be tested to see if this actually fixes!) 🔸Fix rankup list showing display name instead of command name add new @Moderator Gained a new command/feature /lastonline which shows players that most recently joined in order, for all pirates that have ever joined the server! 🔸 Great tool for quickly figuring out who's recently been online! @Changelog Alerts If you wish to get alerted for changelogs select the role from #👋│welcome

survival Survival

rem Disabled bloodmoon event for next reboot 🩸 🔸 You will still be able to craft and use your bloodmoon keys as I will move the bloodmoon crate to the archive at cove. 🔸 Will be back next spooky season! @Changelog Alerts If you wish to get alerted for changelogs select the role from #👋│welcome

survival Survival

add new Created new advent calendar 2023, I built a custom GUI in the shape of a 🎄 instead of using the NPC plugin this year, hopefully its more versatile and not broken lol 🔸 /warp cove or /advent 🔸 I'll light up presents when a new one is available for the day, changes at 00:00 GMT (hopefully) 🔸 Claimed will change the presents to dark green, collect them all! 📢 Announcement add Added NPC at /warp cove that opens up the new Christmas Advent calendar 2023, stood in a little hut made by @Calendil_ 👋 add Added 26 new /kits for the season, 25 for calendar + /kit Xmasdecor23 for your deco upd Discontinued Bloodmoon 2023 Treasure chest to archive at cove 🔸 Removed particles

survival Survival

add Manually re-added the temp permission for advent 5, not sure how it wiped itself, wondering if theres a bug with temp permissions expiring and adding new ones that overlap with the permission plugin... oof. I hope not. @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Denied /back into shops you do not have permission to back due to request. add Gave out #🎉│giveaway-events rewards for latest giveaway rem Removed the msg sent when logging about pumpkin competition rem Closed pumpkin competition / removed access to the world @Bazurka re-added access to @Admin rem Removed all the outdated messages in /motd when you log in rem Removed outdated missives about sales/events/build comps upd Updated spawn region to prevent Ghast fireballs blowing it up (Don't ask how we found this out...)

discord Discord

add New Giveaway for 15x Autumn 2023 treasure chest keys 🔸 All you have to do is visit the #🎉│giveaway-events and react to the post! @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Manually re-added the temp permission for advent 8. Again not sure how its unset itself, I wont be using this same system again, massive L to the permissions plugin. 🔸 /advent @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Updated proxy server software to latest snapshot in the hopes it would allow 1.20.4 clients in, but its STILL not updated, even tho their changelogs suggest it has been... upd Updated Premium essentials plugin proxy plugin

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated ViaVersion to allow newer 1.20.4 clients to connect to our 1.18.2 server once the proxy server software catches up! Come on proxy! @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated premium suite of essentials plugin 🔸 Mostly bug fixes not relevant to players change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add new Blood Moon Temple Event 🔸 6 Custom mobs 🔸 Epic boss fight 🔸 Lots of custom items to collect (See the NPC on the spawn ship) 🔸 Blocked Invisibility potions for squatters that jump in last second to steal loot! 🔸 PvP Off, Keep Inv Off, No teleporting people in, only /spawn and /home to teleport out (Or the portal) /back is also prevented into the arena. 🔸 Expect updates to mobs, items, droptables & spawners at any point. 🎮 Play now /warp event See #📢│announcements for full info add new @Moderator I made a new /eventsworld <open/close> that will auto block entry to the world, portal and warp when closed @Helper will still be able to access when closed. 🔸 Should also kick out people from the world when closed, but the world teleport command seems wonky... 🔸 Used for updating the event add Re-added Events world 🔸 New Blood Moon Temple created as its own island, Ive set a world border around this specific event on the world and trimmed and re-rendered the live map 🔗;surface;-791,64,707;5 add Created NPC with all event items at /warp event add Created /motd Missive and logon bossbar message to alert of the event. add @Admin gained full Mythic Mobs access /mm For example /mm m killall is a good one. upd Massively updated flags set for events world region change @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd 1.20.4 Client support added Updated Proxy server (servers still on 1.18.2) 🕺 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

add Added new tool for @Moderator @Admin to manage MythicMobs (Custom mob) spawners via a GUI /mmgui 🔸 Can toggle to visually see where spawners have been set 🔸 Change spawner settings via GUI 🔸 Live on Creative now, got to wait until next reboot for survival! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Gave out #🎉│giveaway-events rewards for latest giveaway 🔸 This is the last giveaway for Autumn 2023 Treasure chest as winter is overdue! upd Updated server list MOTD and Server icon for Bloodmoon Temple event. upd Fixed @Admin being able to use /discord unlink <username> 🔸 There's still no feedback for some unknown reason, which is really annoying but there is.. add Added /discord linked for everyone to check their discord linked status 🔸 @Admin can use /discord linked <username> to get linked discord ID data change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated custom mobs plugin for next reboot (MythicMobs) @MrLimeWise Reboot in: 21/12/2023 10:30 change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 21/12/2023 19:55

logowhite Event

change Created so called Anti-Buff. The boss’s and mobs are now immune to the potions strength, fire resistance and Speed. If somehow someone breaks this please msg @MrLimeWise . change Upped tequani axe drop chance by 3% so they should start popping up change @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Updated proxy server software change @Changelog Alerts
diamond 15% off /donate store with coupon code frostyplunder

proxy Proxy

upd Updated proxy server

survival Survival

add new Added Santa at cove, catch him for a Christmas Gift! add Added new Merry Christmas /tag change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

rem Temp removed access to /warp treasure on Creative. @Helper and above you still have access. 🔸 The idea was that all players would build kits/event items/crates at will using /customitem as a guide, but nobodies really been interested which is a shame, we only really get people visiting to wind up staff as they are busy, so removed access for now. add @Helper Gained /effect to use /effect clear to clear potion effects, you can also use this to add effects to yourself without a potion etc for testing. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

🧹 Event Cleanup time! Via rem Removed BloodMoon Temple Event bossbar when you login rem Removed BloodMoon Temple Event Missive rem Removed BloodMoon Temple Event /motd message. rem Removed BloodMoon Temple Event Server listing MOTD rem Removed Santa NPC (Christmas Tag) from /warp cove rem Removed Elf NPC (Advent calender) from /warp cove upd /warp cove Event portal is already closed to public as staff can toggle its use now. 🔸 Turned off portal entirely and removed hologram + backdrop image upd Moved Autumn 2023 Treasure Chest to archive at /warp cove in prep for winter add Added 15% off sale to /motd with coupon code frostyplunder change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add ❄️ Added Winter 2023 Treasure Chest Please see the annoucement for more info on how to get keys!

discord Discord

add Added Giveaway for 15x Autumn 2023 Treasure chest keys change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated /motd to include Winter Treasure Chest upd Updated Missives, replace Autumn message with Winter one change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add new /kit NY2024 Created Happy New Year! welcome in 2024! May include some Winter keys 😜 🔸 Thanks to @Drbipper putting this together so fast! add Added bossbar when you login to tell you about the kit! upd Reverted /back into shops This didn't work as intended, it was intended to allow shop members to back and block everyone else, Ive made a ticket to the developer to get them to fix this issue, until then, reverted. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add new New tag! NEW YEAR NEW ME in rainbow, bold, italic. 🔸 Perminant overhead tag, buy once and you own it. 🔸Only £25 in-game money! 🔸 Bring in the new year as a new pirate lol upd Updated NPC name to Taggins because im hilarious. Makes them a univeral Tag NPC now. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Queued an update for the AntiCheat plugin for next reboot change @Changelog Alerts

steeringwheel Backend Maintenence

upd Planned maintenence completed on dedicated box, all things updated Java, MySQL database etc, rebooted so were fresh!

proxy Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server software

survival Survival

upd Updated Voting plugin for vote rewards plugin upd Updated Premium suite of essentails plugin upd Updated Live Map plugin change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Added extension for scripting plugin for next reboot. 🔸 Nothing exciting sadly, just preperation for a script I need, logs for myself and staff mostly lol change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Updated /heads plugin change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Winter 2023 keys, all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Did a massive update to the /warp west Bloodtide event region flags to be more like an event worlds flags, biggest change you will see will be blocking the use of /shop1 etc, the rest is protection. upd Updated some legacy alias warp commands to not be treated as bypasses in event areas for teleport (next reboot) rem Removed a random "smokeys" region that used to be a test shop that was left in the middle of the world that confused a player or two. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed boss bar title as you login for new years kit message rem Removed /kit NY2024 and /kit xmasdecor23 change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Winter 2023 keys, all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Resolved an issue with world snapshots onto the backup server. 🔸 Reset survival worlds to keep 10 days of worlds from 4, I thougth I updated this a very long time ago! parrot Fun fact, just the survival world alone is 37GB, no plugins, other worlds or other data. That's 370GB for 10 days of snapshots just for the overworld isforme change @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server software upd Updated server list MOTD plugin

survival Survival

add Added extension for scripting plugin for live map management (Note for self) Next reboot. change @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Main IP will now show the full amount of players online across the proxy instead of who's just on survival, before today you would have had to add the creative server to your server list to see those player were online too! I have managed to keep creative just showing who's specifically online in that server too! 🔸 This is thanks to a request I made for the server list MOTD plugin that I updated earlier today, and has been an outstanding bug, now solved. parrot TIP: You can add creative to your server list! Just add and it will show up separate! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add new Gardener Rank can delete claims (World Cleanup Role) 🔸 I created /gdeleteclaim wrapper around the delete claim command so some checks can happen before a claims removed, and then log it all to Discord/Mod Chat/Console with details. 🔸 Currently only checking if claims not an admin claim, or they already have trust in it, otherwise delete and log! Intentions to expand on this to check for a set of rules before a claim can be removed, this will allow us to expand removing old crummy claims to other staff members! Right now its Gardener! 🔸 Imagine a world where you can request a claim removal in-game... that would be a nice world, hopefully one day. add Created #📗│claim_logs which currently only has access from @Helper and above so that you can all check on whats being deleted by Gardener ranks, just incase we need to roll back a claim removal! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Fixed the youtube missive be readable, typo fixed! thanks for the report @OdysseusW £100 sent in-game! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated scripting plugin quite a few versions change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated premium suite of essentials plugin and dependency 🔸 Lots of random bug fixes over 6 plugin updates, adds dynamic boss bar message colors and some improvements to vanish. upd Updated NPC plugin 218 versions (rolling release) Not had time to read all the new features yet! Hopefully it dousnt break NPCs at reboot! Takes effect as of tomorrows reboot. change @Changelog Alerts

🗺️ Website

add 🆕 Staff Wiki Finally got around to setting up a staff Wiki this week for a one stop shop for on-boarding new staff and keeping track of all the staff commands pirate Maybe should have started this a while ago... oh well! Too many commands to remember! Feel free to start adding content @Helper @Moderator @Admin isforme Also setup a staff changelog, because this doesn't need to be public? So you may see less changelogs for things like this from now on, as they will go internal 🙂 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Prevent /back into your shops from other people but not owners/members! 🔸 Third time lucky 😂 we had some abuse with people using /back into other peoples shops, this change will prevent people using back into your shop unless they are a member or owner, where you can still use it 👍 Can always revert if it ends up more of an annoyance for buying/selling lots of things and just moderate people that abuse it. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd 🆕 Changed vote8 website! now redirects to a new server list! 🔸 Previously rip Which seems to always be down. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Ships plugin for next reboot. 🔸 Deny placing blocks on crafts that you are not piloting 🔸 Patch for some air issues 🔸 Hopefully fixes GUI menus like crafting tables staying open on moving crafts (untested) 🔸 Fix for Status: signs on ships change @Changelog Alerts

🗨️ Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Winter 2023 keys, all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

🗨️ Discord

add /discord link channel Created a channel #🔗│link-account you can send your /discord link code to! 🔸 Messages auto deleted fast, cant see history, slowmode @Helper @Moderator @Admin can delete any messages that get stuck if the bot goes RIP. 🔸 Bot will tell you if you screwed up your code etc, for quick feedback. add Locked Channels with status Finally setup some locked channels to display amount of people online and the server address to connect, no idea how peolpe find this discord without playing on the server but we get them! sadly this is rate limited to only update every 10 mins. change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Updated Ships plugin to match survival! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

rem Disabled the vanilla msg command (Whispers). Not sure why this is given global perms! Good old Mojang as usual Good thing I caught it early, only been able to bypass Chat plugin for 11 years. 😂 😂 😂 rem Also removed some other odd Vanilla default commands like team message, trigger and help, all unneeded. change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Winter 2023 keys, all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

🗺️ Website

upd Fixed Website Registration after days of painstaking trial and error, finally figured out why the register page was just refreshing when you tried to register and submit, should hopefully be able to register again now. 🔗 upd Changed the navigation store URL to just go to the tebex website as the website store page is extremely dated (By like 5+ years) upd Removed a bunch of website plugins, so theres bound to be a ton of broken pages again and other odd bits not right. upd Required login to see the member list & group list, no longer public upd Upgraded PHP version, all dependencies and system updates related upd Fixed HTTPS certificate whining on the tebex store homepage as one of the image embeds was http: and not https: add Added a bunch of missing Ship signs to the ship guide page like Status: Contacts: and Speed: as well as adding a table for what ranks you unlock ships at for a clear overview. change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Winter 2023 keys, all you have to do is react 🎉

🗺️ Website

upd Completed conversation on database tables that Ive been putting off! Now live. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Proxy, Survival, Creative, Test creative

add Cross server tab list is back! 🔸 [C] = Creative, [T] = Test server 🔸 Thankfully the TAB developer finally supported velocity proxy, they were adamant it would never happen! I'm pleasantly surprised they changed their mind!

survival Survival

upd Updated Anti Cheat 🔸 Re-enabled a check that was disabled temporarily. upd Updated premium suite of essentials plugin & dependencies 🔸 Better cross-server comparability and performance 🔸 Added an option (disabled at present) that lets you /back to the previous server you was on, if you haven't performned any teleport requests since changing servers, shall we try this? upd Updated PvP tagging plugin 🔸 Re-adds support for our premium essentials 🔸 Adds option to protect AFK players (Not enabled, but telling you in-case you all want it) 🔸 Add option to block using totems of undying while in combat (Not enabled, but telling you in-case you all want it) 🔸 Add option to block interact only with specific blocks while in combat (Not enabled, this could come in extremely handy.) upd Updated ships addon plugin for cannons 🔸 Fix subcraft rotate on cannons upd Update world border plugin & its dependency upd Updated the loot dropping plugin (the one that drops a chest out of the sky) used at /warp west

proxy Proxy

add Added cross server tab plugin upd Updated proxy server upd Updated premium essentials plugin change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

See changelogs above for changes to plugins, getting creative in sync with survival! upd Updated premium suite of essentials plugin & dependencies upd Updated Anti Cheat plugin upd Updated Big /doors plugin upd Updated live map plugin upd Updated world border plugin & its dependency upd Updated plot plugin upd Updated /heads plugin upd Updated Big Doors Opener plugin (Testing) upd Updated Quests plugin to latest dev (Testing) upd Updated Essentails Plugins upd Updated Ship in a bottle replacement plugin (Testing) add Added add-on plugin for new ship in a bottle plugin (Testing) change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

add @Contributor Added /back to previous server if you havent teleported since getting on. 🔸 Example; You go to creative to do something quickly, and use /back to go back to survival without having to type /server survival or vice versa. Just an expansion to the /back command. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Shop signs enable use of comma's Enabled the use of comma's in signshop signs to try and prevent people faking signs with a comma instead of a full stop! Do keep your signs correctly formatted as 1.00 for universal standard for the server. Will take effect as of tomorrows reboot. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Increased shop limit to 2 per person Since the /shops are quiet, you are now allowed to rent two shops per person at the market again, for those of you that need more space or a second location! change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Winter 2023 keys, all you have to do is react 🎉 (last one for winter) change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated Tablist bridge plugin that makes cross-server tablist, just performance updates. upd Updated NPC plugin 🔸 Exapnds on some features for when creating NPCs that I need to research! upd Updated custom mob plugin to latest 🔸 Adds a ton of new features for custom mobs upd Updated Loot dropping plugin (thats only used at west atm) 🔸 Fixes chances menu in GUI for creation upd Updated AntiCheat upd Updated Mob Farm manager plugin 9 versions 🔸 Fixes for Pistons across chunks 🔸 Optimisations & Bug fixes, auto cleanup is handed async now for performance improvemnets 🔸 Hopper improvemnets

survival Survival

upd Updated Premium Survey plugin that I complelty forgot we had until they updated it 😂 Could most likley disable this until its needed again. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival / Creative / Test

upd @Owner Fixed tablist not showing correctly for everyone with Admiral Rank pirate change @Changelog Alerts

🗺️ Website

upd Website login fixed (Hopefully) Fixed the Cache plugin to not show the cached homepage when you log in! 🔸 You logged in and it just sent you to the homepage, looking like you wasn't logged in, because it was cached, fixed the plugin that prevents this happening. 🔗 change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

rem Removed loot dropping plugin as it was spamming creative & also not required for testing atm rem Removed a secondary loot drop plugin we had for testing and didn't end up using rem Removed the discord plugin on Creative add Added Mob Arena & Extension for testing upd Fixed permission issue with schematics @Build Leader change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Cleaned up /motd when you login

creative Creative

upd Updated custom menus folder to be pulled from git for testing add @Helper Created /warp guis change @Changelog Alerts

/50 Online

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