Top Monthly Voters

This leaderboard shows the current top monthly voters. The top 10 winners each month get awarded prizes! To join in, just use /vote in-game and see yourself appear on this board within minutes!

More information can be found on the vote page.

Pos Username Monthly Vote Count All time Votes
1st Mesm 390 936
2nd jpcello 387 15456
3rd lazydog11 368 459
4th Lesaro 292 2409
5th OdysseusW 283 4674
6th TCardell 271 3140
7th HmmYesQuite 224 1863
8th BubaTex 208 2308
9th Antares1977 174 174
10th Dim30 165 255
11th Nick_A_Naut 144 1255
12th Coldat 135 1355
13th rpgjanos 132 132
14th WyzrdlyHippy 132 997
15th Vedel 131 1488
16th Stars_Connor 120 131
17th Brando219 105 105
18th Frog616 90 830
19th OneLittleImp 89 328
20th DragonHorse25 89 103
21st OneEvilPanda 72 419
22nd DirectorAnivian 71 2177
23rd Certamina 70 101
24th CalvinTheGrea 60 60
25th _vincent4 58 58
94 results limited to 4 page(s)

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