
All PirateCraft changelogs are exported automatically from our Discord server and readable below!

This allows people without discord to keep up to date with changes!

Click through the pages to see older changelogs.

Page 13

survival Survival

rem Removed Jail spam from Mod chat @Moderator @Admin

discord Discord

upd Updated "Online player count" fake channel to include server time. 🔸 Univeral time for all players to organise around change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed some old cron scripts that were still setup from xmas! rem Discontinued Winter 2023-2024 Treasure chest, now archived at /warp cove at the brewery for people to use up keys. rem Temp Disabled Key drops until Spring 2024 Treasure chest is live. rem Disabled winter keys from store change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add 🐤 Added Spring 2024 Treasure Chest Please see the announcement for more info on how to get keys! /warp cove

discord Discord

add Added Giveaway for 15x Autumn 2024 Treasure chest keys change @Changelog Alerts

🛍️ Store

add Added Easter sale with coupon code Springbooty at checkout for 15% off everything 🔗 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated /motd & Missives for Spring sale/Keys rem Removed winter missive change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Updated NPC plugin change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Fixed Spring crate Apple and Bread 2 stars getting mixed up between their disaplys and the item you got! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add PvP tagged should now block placing blocks when tagged It seems the PvP tagging plugin configs have been updated, settings moved and changed places over quite a few plugin updates. I re-made the entire config from scratch, which allowed me to enable the setting to block placing blocks when PvP tagged. Thanks for the report @PhilipG_ 10outof10 🔸 Please make a #🐛│bugs report if anything broke with this, as I did have to start a fresh config. add Anti Border Hopping has been re-enabled. 🔸 Border hopping is when a player gets in PvP and tries to run into a safe zone to escape 🔸 Also blocks end pearls, resets the PvP tag back to full time, shows a hologram to you when It happens and pushes you back. parrot PSA I got an email saying that Ive nearly filled my backup box I use for snapshots. Turns out I didnt update my cleanup script to limit world backups I kept. So for a short period, I currently have 80 days of world backups... 3.2TB worth of world backups... So in a one time only misshap, you can request a rollback of an area up to 80 days ago, before I clean up all these old worlds! This goes for all worlds, on all servers. Make a #🚩│support_ticket if something drastic happened that only a rollback can solve, this is a one time thing! I cant constantly keep this much data in the future! batman Bear in mind, that its very rare we rollback, usually if something went wrong with the server. But you can always make a request just incase you fall into the 1%. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd @Admin Changed /fly command from Essentials to Premium Essentials plugin. /flyspeed now also has the alias /fspeed and you can also change the flyspeed of others. 🔸 Change was made to enable more features for fly, including the new bypass for flying above roof/world limits for fly. upd @Admin Changed /god to Premium Essentials plugin, added the ability to /tgod to temp god players, for whatever reason, may never be needed, but its now available. upd @Admin Added /resetback and /rback alias to reset peoples back, was enabled but needed the long command for it! much cleaner. upd @Moderator Added /freeze alias for cuff and uncuff, this is mostly for me never being able to remember the command. Also added /echest Alias to view enderchest, this is the only I always use and its the only one not using the correct plugin! again for myself mostly! add @Admin Added /itemframe to manage items frames invisible/fixed/invulnerable (Might be helpful for shops) add @Moderator Added /sameip that shows who's online right now from the same IP Everyone add new /checkexp has been enabled for everyone, to check the status of your Exp, it shows you a graph until your next level! which is very handy! @Helper you can /checkexp <username> for checking others. change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Fixed /gm 0 & /gm 1 working on Creative as I moved plugins that handles this. upd Updated Async worldedit plugin for next reboot.

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Spring 2024 keys all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Updated admin shop plugin (For testing and development) 🔸 Updated its messages to match survival change @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server

🖥️ Backend

upd Updates to OS/Java upgraded

survival Survival

upd Premium Essentails plugin updated 🔸 Fully re-written teleport to be async for better server performance and faster teleports, this is all /warps /homes and /tpa requests, the logic for safe teleport location has been entirely re-written accounting for dangerous blocks or lack of free space which can be bypassed with same /tpbypass command. Since TP was completly changed, there could be some oddities that need to be reported #🐛│bugs 🔸 Lots of Folia fixes for if we ever move to folia 🔸 /itemlore and /itemname now tab complete existing lines to quickly edit name/lore of an existing item /iteminfo now has clickable name and lore for easiy copying. upd Updated PlaceholderAPI plugin upd Updated ViaVersion plugin, that allows new clients to connect to the older server software upd Updated /doors plugin upd Updated Essentails plugin, we try not to use much from this any more as its rarly updated, but were now running the latest stable. upd Updated /recount plugin upd Updated Custom menu making plugin upd Updated Disguises plugin upd Updated PvP tag plugin 🔸 Barrier blocks prevent escaping into a PvP safe zone when tagged 🔸 Added a new option to block opening inventories while in combat. (to prevent using menus that could bypass blocked commands) Not enabled, request it if you want it! 🔸 Added its own cooldown protection for item use, This was something I requested so I can look into removing another plugin. 🔸 Add block barriers on region borders while in combat change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add Started on universal /staffmenu for @Helper+ this will take some time to populate! Only one thing atm.. add Fly rank Created a temp fly rank for @Media for taking BOTM screenshots and video 🔸 Self toggle, no need for @Admin to be around. 🔸 Limits currently to 6h temp fly that will auto expire and a long cooldown of 21 days, for month to month use, can easily be reset by me if required to be used again. 🔸 Custom above head tag was created to show they are recording 🔸 Cant PvP when in fly rank. 🔸 Can use /safespectate which is a variant of spectate that sends you back to your initial location after you exit the spectate, this is so you cant say, gm3 into a vault and then get back into survival! 🔸 Doesn't actually have tppos, Just clocked it in that screenshot! Ill update the menu item! 🔸 Flyspeed is limited to 1-3. 🔸/viewrange changes the allowed chunk render just for your client. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated decoration heads plugin. upd Updated Items/inventory in chat plugin aka [item] various bug fixes and support for 1.20.

creative Creative

upd Premium Essentials plugin updated upd Updated decoration heads plugin. upd Updated PlaceholderAPI plugin upd Updated Voxel Sniper 9 versions. 🔸 There's so many changes, including a major version update its worth reading over all the changelogs upd Updated Essentails plugin, we try not to use much from this any more as its rarly updated, but were now running the latest stable. add Added Items in chat! The amount of times we use [item] in staff chats and forget its not on creative! Kept forgetting to add the plugin! @Drbipper for you 😂 add @Builder Added /effect for perm nightvision etc. Via @Xerolixa 🤌 /effect [playername] [effect/clear] (duration) (multiplier) (-s) (-visual) Adds potion effect to player. use clear to remove all effects -visual will add visible bubbles and icon on top right corner Examples: /effect GodsDead nightvision 60 1 – will give 60 sec night vision for GodsDead /effect GodsDead nightvision +10 – will add 10 sec to current night vision time /effect GodsDead nightvision -10 – will take out 10 sec from current night vision time change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated PlaceholderAPI extensions to be latest versions and installed missing placeholder API extensions on creative 🔸 Backend things, you wont see any change in gameplay. 🔸 Fixed Bal being shown without commers after update thanks @jpcello change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Fixed builder chat /x Clicking the pirates username, putting /x in chat and not /b! So you cant forget the command! 🔸 Same with all other chat messages, click to populate. change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 14/04/2024 12:27

creative Creative

tickanimated Updated /chat 🔸 Page 3 Updated all [] for chat misc @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Fixed overhead tags placeholder after recent update that must have removed it! change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated /shops menu with a better title, and fixed the commands registering in tab for next reboot. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated premium suite of essentails & dependancy 🔸 Hopefully fixes head drops showing the correct lore. 🔸 Lots of Folia fixes upd Updated AntiCheat 🔸 Fixed a scaffold false positive 🔸 Improved proxy handeling to avoid some false flags 🔸 Fixed the move false positives related to elytra 🔸 Improved killaura causing client fps drops 🔸 Fixed a hitbox false flag 🔸 Improved killaura auto blocking check 🔸 Fixed a move false positive upd Updated Analytics plugin 🔸 Lots of bugfixes, upgrading 2 major versions. Too many to list ill dm you the changelog @Bazurka add @Admin Added new spectate method, check #📋│missives

survival Survival

upd Updated PvP tag plugin 🔸 Added list of exempt permissions a player has on /pvpinfo change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd @Build Leader @Builder Updated Maze generator plugin 🔸 new UI, right-click the maze wand to access shortcuts for commands! upd Updated Plot plugin change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Fixed @Admin username showing double in chat if they win BOTM1-3 ranks. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed Mythic mobs spawner GUI plugin, its broken with latest mythic version rem Removed image to map plugin that's broken itself too. add Added another plugin to replace the image to map plugin 👍 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival, Creative & Test creative

upd Updated ViaVersion plugin to allow the latest 1.20.5 client to connect to our 1.18.2 servers.

proxy Proxy

upd Updated proxy server, to allow 1.20.5 clients upd Made [item] work cross server and in all cross server chat too! /emoji 6 all of those work too. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Moved all my custom scripts to GitHub to sync properly, and updated all extension addons to latest and greatest for next reboot. change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 27/04/2024 01:06

survival Survival

pink_small_diamond Opened /warp event to @Contributor 's! upd Public release will be around 24 hours from the intial release! pirate_jump Added 21 New Mobs to the island and about 50 spawners! 📰 Portal @ /warp cove done by @GodsDead ❤️ tickanimated @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 27/04/2024 12:24

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

pink_small_diamond Fixed artic armour being set to only on head for everything okflex Buffed penguins, Woodsman, Rolaf and spiderqueen! parrot Good Luck hiding from the bosses they wont let you take advantage of them! diamond_sword Slightly adjusted drop rates @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated events update script, when updates are pulled, the event will close, everyone will be kicked out the world, do the update and then it'll automatically re-open with the broadcast "Event updated, re-opened." And hopefully someone posts a changelog 😂 upd Updated server list MOTD upd Fixed the Mob info GUI colors from "Warren" NPC at /warp event on Arctic Event 2024 Thanks @Drbipper

discord Discord

add Added #deleted-channel (For FAQ) add Added #deleted-channel (For chat/feedback) change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 28/04/2024 00:37

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

pink_small_diamond Nerfed zomb diamond_sword rates slightly changed

Scheduled for next pull

pink_small_diamond rolaf re work and buff 💪 rest of the bosses diamond_sword Drops Change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 28/04/2024 11:17

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

pink_small_diamond rolaf re work and buffed 💪 rest of the bosses diamond_sword rates slightly changed (You can fight rolaf) @Changelog Alerts

🗺️ Live Map

upd Figured out how to get custom icons working again in the live map, fixed both the nether icons, found out I can use gifs, hence the flames! add Added custom world icons for the Arctic Event on live map parrot If your map keeps refreshing over and over, you had it open when I updated the live map about 20 times, so hard empty the cache for that page to clear it (Test in incognito window to see its up!) 🔸 SHIFT+Refresh Should work change @Changelog Alerts

🗺️ Website

upd Updated the URL to open the Vote tab on the website, its most likley cached so may not work for a bit until cache clears everywhere, but it will propogate. upd Increased the website upload limit change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated Server motd icon for Arctic event to POP 🔥 in the server list change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated the /warp event region to protect the world, litearlly no idea how it randomly shrunk itself. 😂 pirateship Top pirating tho! building a ship and cannons 😂 I did suggest we use this as one giant ship battle arena, would be awesome, little bit messy mind you, maybe we spawn in a bunch of ships with cannons and see what kind of havoc can be caused. 🤔 change @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server to allow 1.20.6 clients in! 🔸 No ViaVersion update, so I presume packets stayed the same. change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 02/05/2024 00:26

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

diamond_sword Added the chance for bosses to drop bells if no 4-5 stars drop! (note its a chance not a guarentee) Mobs Will be updated prior to the weekend! @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Spring 2024 keys all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

add Added a board at /warp event that shows you the crafting recipe for Spring 2024 Keys from loot drops! change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

rem Disabled vanilla mob & animal spawning on Arctic world. change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Weekend is here! Everyone celebrate by killing some mobs for awesome loot! diamond_sword Double rate on bells for normal mobs diamond_sword Added luck bonus to all mobs diamond_sword Increased drop rates for bosses and mini-bosses @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

pirate Promoted @Drbipper to @Moderator 🎉 🔸 add Added bossbar on login to advertise Arctic Event upd Updated /motd at login to also advertise Arctic Event 2024 change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 04/05/2024 08:14

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

piratejam Mob Updates:

pink_small_diamond Every Mob has been updated and tweaked! pink_small_diamond Each boss has had there health upped by 20% pink_small_diamond New Skills for each boss minus spider queen! (Note: Im well aware that the penguins fight each other its hilarious! i may fix it, i may not)

survival Survival

add Added the [item] [inv] addon that lets you send these to discord channels! 🔸 Not yet setup, requires a reboot and then setup. upd Updated DiscordSRV plugin upd Re-enabled head drops for this reboot from mob kills upd Trailing durability Loss messages, may not stay, just curious as this is part of our Premium essentails and never enabled. 🔸 Sends messages when item durability gets low 🔸 From Deckhand change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 05/05/2024 12:19

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

piratejam Mob Updates:

pink_small_diamond Rolaf nerfed slightly to make him fight able! pink_small_diamond nerfed woodman speed a little to avoid the spawn chaos tickanimated @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add @Moderator @Admin Created new command /tempbanevent <player> to temp block acccess to the Event world for 24h for someone thats only on to disrupt the event. 🔸 Also adds a warning so that its logged. change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Thanks everyone for a good weekend! diamond_sword Bells drop back to normal rate diamond_sword Luck boost has been dropped from most mobs diamond_sword Increased drop rates of boss specific drops by 50% (should effect those drops that people haven't seen many of yet) @Changelog Alerts
Ahoy, mates! At last, the long-awaited Arctic Event has arrived on PirateCraft! Prepare to set sail for the Glacial Highlands, an island overrun by strange

survival Survival

upd Temp disabled the Discord intergration with crew chat, so you can use it agian in-game, stems from updating DiscordSRV, there does seem to have also caused issues with the chat plugin, so expect that to be updated at some point. change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Spring 2024 keys all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Updated Maze plugin @Helper go play on creative! 🔸 Adds ability to add auto generating loot to mazes using our loot drop plugin! 🔸 Requested this months ago and completly forgot about it! Yipee! change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 10/05/2024 22:44


pink_small_diamond handed out BOTM ranks too @Drbipper @JannyBunny and @keniABC @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 11/05/2024 11:58

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Weekend is here! Everyone celebrate by killing some mobs for awesome loot! diamond_sword Double rate on bells for normal mobs diamond_sword Added luck bonus to all mobs diamond_sword Increased drop rates for bosses and mini-bosses @Changelog Alerts

proxy Proxy

upd Updated proxy server upd Updated tab plugin upd Updated chat proxy plugin

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated ViaVersion plugin, for 1.20.6 clients to use 1.18.2 server. upd Updated tab plugin upd Updated Premium Suite of essentails plugin 🔸 ⚠️ Temporarily broken warmups for /homes and /warps I have given Instant TP to everyone temp until its fixed see 🔸 hilariously lots of small fixes to teleport detect non full blocks, like carpets, and properly teleport on top of them. 🔸 Lots and lots of fixes for under the hood stuff nobody will care about for a changelog upd Updated NPC plugin upd Updated Chat Plugin 🔸 Fixes Discord intergration #💬│live_gamechat 🔸 new You'll notice when you use [item] this now shows as a full image in the chat! 🔸 Lots of changes I need to read over as this was quite a few version upgrades. 🔸 For some reason everyone is getting debug messages when someone gets put into a channel you are also in, gotta figure this out becuase its annoying.

survival Survival

upd Updated PvP tagging Plugin change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Thanks everyone for a good weekend! diamond_sword Bells drop back to normal rate diamond_sword Luck boost has been dropped from most mobs @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add When you use things like [item] they will show up in #💬│live_gamechat 🔸 it should be possible to post to other channels, I just need some time to figure that out first! change @Changelog Alerts

discord Discord

add new You can now use the PirateCraft Discord App to show Items, inventory, enderchest etc all in #🛒│marketplace 🎉 🔸 When someone posts an inventroy, you're able to select specific items from the dropdown to view that item in detail, so be carful what you show! 🔸 Even works if you are offline! 🔸 There are many options, so have a look through them, Click the Discord Plus icon to the left of the chat box, Click "Use Apps" then Click "PirateCraft" and youll be presented with your options. 🔸 You will obviously have to be Discord Linked first. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival & Creative creative

upd Updated Premium Essentails plugin, which should solve the issues with warmups for /home /warps etc rem Removed temporary instant TP from everyone dogegun

creative Creative

upd Updated /doors plugin

diamond 50% Sale on Captain rank until Sunday!

🌈 If you enjoyed the instant teleport, I have made a coupon for 50% off captain, use instanttp until sunday! gold change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed /dback and the GUI in /homes for it, which is seperate from /back and was being used to bypass/abuse PvP death. 🔸 This does not change /back in any way and was a sepreate command/GUI option just for "death" back, not sure why it was set in the first place @Contributor

🛒 Shop

upd Fixed coupon code instanttp it was set to one use only 😂 Apparently my brain does not work. godsded change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add @Admin you can now /back <player> or /dback <player> even if they don't have perms to send a player back to where they were last. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Yesterday I updated the shop rent plugin, massive thanks to @andrewandy for fantatsic development! 🔸 Supports all later versions of Minecraft server for when we update 🔸 Performance improvements change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Figured out the underlying issue why back wasnt being reset on PvP kill! Ignore the earlier update where I disabled dback, this has been brought back, as it wasnt the issue, we have conflicting plugins taking over the player kills player event and so the commands were not being run. 🔸 Titles back when getting a PvP kill 🔸 Sound back when you get a PvP Kill 🔸 Back & dback reset when you get killed in PvP Sadly ive had to use the PvP tagging plugin to manage the commands run when you kill, which has a worse placeholder for the item used to kill with, it just displays the material name instead of the item name, ive made a request to have this resolved or to allow me to use the old placeholder. change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 18/05/2024 08:34

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

pink_small_diamond Fixed Rolaf Getting Destroyed by lava @Drbipper will post the double rates Changelog ASAP tickanimated @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Happy Saturday! diamond_sword Double rate on bells for normal mobs diamond_sword Added luck bonus to all mobs diamond_sword Increased drop rates for bosses more than other mobs to try and balance the risk/reward of bosses @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

New Item Alert!! Drops from bosses only! @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd fixed /spawn portal going back to survival change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Thanks everyone for a good weekend! diamond_sword weekend luck boost removed diamond_sword boss rates for 5 stars remain boosted to offset risk @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated PvP tagging plugin, should fix displaying the item when you get a kill/get killed. 🔸 Ready for next reboot change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Happy Saturday! diamond_sword Added luck bonus to all mobs @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Thanks everyone for a good weekend! diamond_sword weekend luck boost removed diamond_sword boss rates for 5 stars remain boosted and chance of bells added @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

🌴 /warp south Version 2.

🔸 Built by the wonderful @Cannon Man & temple by Browe & foliage by @Kaiturtle1 🔸To serve us for all sorts of activities in the future, for now its just to look pretty, and my god does it look pretty! map Go explore! /warp south change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add 🆕 Old World Restoration: We've added an update to allow @Admin to restore the old 1.7.4-1.12 parts of the world up to 1.17 fresh terrain! 🔸 Everything in the Red circle 🔴 on the live map (You have to toggle it on) is "old world", outside of this is 1.18. 🔸 When parts of the old world are restored they will generate all the structures, new biomes and changes up to 1.17! If you squint at the island I re-generated in the screenshot you can see all the 1.13 sea updates were generated when I restored the island to its fresh terrain! 🔸 Due to the significant changes in terrain generation in 1.18, restoring parts of the old world generated before 1.18 isn't possible as 1.18 generates an entire new world that wont blend in. 🔸 The 1.18 parts of the world still work with //regen so they too can be refreshed if needed. 🎟To request land regeneration please make a #🚩│support_ticket change @Changelog Alerts

🗨️ Discord

add Gave out prizes from add Added new for 3 people to win 15x Spring 2024 keys all you have to do is react 🎉 change @Changelog Alerts

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

Happy Saturday! diamond_sword Added luck bonus to all mobs! diamond_sword Doubled rate for bells! diamond_sword Increased rates for boss 5 star drops even more than last week! diamond_sword Bosses still have chances of dropping bells! Also, tell your friends this is the last weekend for event!! Loot is going to be everywhere!! @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

rem Removed Item Cooldowns plugin & its dependency (Yay -2 plugins!) Takes effect next reboot. add Moved Item cooldowns to PvP Tagging plugin as they added this functionality for me. 🔸 Ender Pearl Cooldown buff! Reduced cooldown from 5 Seconds to 3 seconds! 🔸 🆕 Ender Pearl PvP Cooldown Bringing back an old feature from 2021, Separate item cooldowns while PvP tagged! End Pearls set back to 15 Second cooldown when in PvP. 🔸 Other global cooldowns include GOLDEN_APPLE 5s, ENCHANTED_GOLDEN_APPLE 60s, CHORUS_FRUIT 5s. upd Updated the Boss bar title when you log in to tell you this is the last weekend of Arctic Event at /warp event upd Updated PvP tagging plugin for next reboot. parrot The end pearl cooldown in PvP wont work just yet as a reboot is required tomorrow morning for the old plugin to be removed! So for tonight the Ender pearl cooldown will be a bit janky conflicting with 2 plugins. change @Changelog Alerts


Shop nr : S13, S44 , S25 have been evicted these shops where not stocked or being used as a shop, please make sure your shop is all in order so this wont happen again in the future

🧊 Arctic Event /warp event

pink_small_diamond Event is closed!! Thanks everyone for participating!! @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

Event Cleanup rem Unloaded Arctic world rem Removed Bossbar login mesage and /motd about event, also removed coupon code from motd as outdated. rem Disabled hologram at cove about Event upd Updated Event portal at cove to send you to south to explore the new area upd Updated /warp event that takes you to another location at south, this will be a random location each time you use it. upd Created and replaced painting at portal at /warp cove events portal to be south update. Bound to have missed something. What an epic event & beautiful world, I already miss it ❤️ change @Changelog Alerts

🗺️ Website

upd Fixed punishment checker website loading, back up change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated premium essentials plugin & dependancy upd Updated Crates plugin, not had much luck with updating this in the past, so lets hope its bug free. rem Temp removed fishing plugin due to an issue and it requires some extra effort to get it updated change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

For next reboot; upd Rollback to the old Crates version as this developer can't test his updates apparently, keys not showing color codes. upd Updated image to map plugin upd Updated PvP tagging plugin upd Updated Anti Cheat 🔸 Fix some killaura false positives change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

🫡 Survival back up

upd Updated protocollib, this was conflicting with the packet plugin for the AntiCheat update and prevented the server booting. upd Updated Ships Plugin 🔸Allow extended pistons to merge with crafts 🔸Performance improvements 🔸Redstone block updates/ticking on moving crafts should now function. (Fire on The Move, redstone clocks, etc) add Added Ship Warefare add-on for testing.

💻 Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server software for 1.21 client support, but im still waiting for ViaVersion to drop so we can allow those clients to connect to the servers. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival, Creative & Test creative

upd Updated Protocol plugin to allow 1.21 clients to connect to the 1.18.2 servers.

💻 Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Buffed /crew home cooldown from 30m to 5mins, were very quiet nowerdays compared to when we needed this cooldown, crew homes been free for a long time dont forget! upd Nerfed Super chrous brew with some instant_damage once drunk, for if people are low on health in PvP and try to escape, not the perfect solution yet, but may be a helpful nerf for the complaining PvP attackers. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Fixed kicks being treated as logging out during PvP tag! Found the bastard. 🔸 A plugin update sneakned a new kick feature that allows to treating certain types of kicks when PvP tagged as PvP Logging (This will actually be useful) except, the terrible default setting is to treat all kicks as logging if PvP tagged, Don't ask me who thought those defaults was a good idea.... Culprit was PvP tagging plugin. change @Changelog Alerts

🗺️ Website

upd Fixed password resets on website

survival Survival

upd Updated the plugin that prevents back into claims 🔸 Performance upd Updated Anti Cheat 🔸 1.21 support upd Updated plugin that allows newer clients 🔸 Movement related enchantments 🔸 Fixed entity effect colors upd Updated Voting plugin upd Updated PvP tagging plugin 🔸 Added Time remaining message shown when a player is denied login after combat log upd Updated premium essentails plugin & dependancy 🔸 Mostly backend fixes, but adds some cool new event monitors for homes & kits upd Updated decoration head plugin upd Updated Bounty plugin 🔸 Fixed an issue with bounty creation/removal taxes 🔸 Fixed an issue with player targeting costs upd Updated /doors plugin add Preperation for new Ship in a bottle plugin. 🔸 Just finding time is the only holdback now! add Added missing Movecraft dependacy for war testing change @Changelog Alerts

💻 Proxy

upd Updated Proxy server upd Updated MOTD plugin upd Updated cross-server TAB plugin upd Upated cross-server chat plugin change @Changelog Alerts

creative Creative

upd Updated new Ship in a bottle plugin for testing upd Updated Anti cheat upd Updated plugin that allows newer clients upd Updated premium essentails plugin & dependancy upd Updated decoration head plugin upd Updated ProtocolLib change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated chest dropping plugin for Bloodtide (Next reboot) 🔸 Also temp removed the animation of the chest dropping from the sky upd Temporarily lobotomized Villagers due to performance issues add Added being able to leash Villagers to move them around rem Force removed Event world and old Nether world that were still being loaded change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Cleaned up the 693 armor stands that were stacked up at Bloodtide from the plugin not cleaning up after itself after dropping chests! Dev has been informed. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Slight nerf to Villager POI ticks, they were ticking way too often to search for a POI and with the sheer amount of Villager farms, dis expensive. 🔸 Takes effect next reboot. upd Fixed Fly rank for @Media 🔸 Replaced /tfly with normal /fly by removing the safe login, this means when the rank expires so does the fly, this means you can log in and out at will while the rank is active and use /fly, just, you know, don't log out in the air... or splat! 🔸 Fixed /flyspeed 5 permission 🔸 Disabled combat tagging 🔸 Gave permission to use /pvp OFF as the developer removed the permission that auto disabled PvP kys ticket made for him! 🔸 Updated /staffmenu to remove the tfly it set. 🔸 Removed the view distance permission as its not supported in 1.18.2 sadly. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Disabled the explosion protection built into the shop signs plugin (The signs you make at the marketplace) because it was causing some performance issues. This shouldnt have really ever been enabled as its reccomended to do explosion protection through protection plugins, WG for the shopping market and GP for your personal claims/crew claims. 🔸 All this means is unprotected signs in the wild can be blown up now.

🗺️ Website

upd Set the website cron to fire much more often so that emails are processed faster for things like resetting password. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

change Performance

add @Admin Gained access to some more performance checking tools: /spark tickmonitor /spark tps /spark ping /spark health --network /spark health --memory upd @Admin Updated profiler to target TPS spikes. 🔗 Full docs & parameters on change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

🎉 🌟 🇺🇸 Happy 4th of July to all our American Pirates 🇺🇸 🌟 🎉

add Added a maze at /warp south quickly get there with /warp event 🔸 Added a Thomas Jefferson NPC at the end, that when you interact with you unlock this years /kit independence2024! 🔸 Event rules apply here, so the region is locked with no teleport in or back! 🔸 Preview the kit with /kitpreview independence2024 ❤️ Massive thanks to @Drbipper & @BubaTex for the kit design!

🛒 25% off /donate with coupon code Independence2024

change @Changelog Alerts
MrLimeWise 04/07/2024 22:10


tickanimated All Prizes given out.

survival Survival

add Added temp bossbar missive for /warp event kit. parrot /kit independence2024 will be able to be claimed until monday when it will be removed, after that its gone forever! change @Changelog Alerts ## 🛒 25% off /donate with coupon code Independence2024

survival Survival & Creative creative

add Started in-game staff command guides, will take some time to populate 🔸 Found out how to permission protect these guides for staff only. upd @Helper Update /staffmenu with a few categories, currently only guides populated are the Performance Commands and Info guides for links to resources, LOTS more work to do. change @Changelog Alerts ## 🛒 25% off /donate with coupon code Independence2024

survival Survival

Cleanup from 4th July

Kit is now no longer available, so GG if you unlocked it!

rem Removed login bossbar for 4th july. rem Remvoed access to NPC in the maze and removed the NPC. rem Removed region around independence 2024 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Updated ships plugin 🔸 Performance improvements 🔸Fixed memory leak 🔸 1.21 support upd Updated premium essentails and depedancy plugins 🔸 Lots of bug fixes upd Updated decoration head plugin upd Updated tab bridge plugin upd Updaed custom image to map plugin add Re-added the worldguard/Ships plugin, not sure how it got disabled, or if I didnt add it properly last time. change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

add 🌞 Added Summer 2024 Treasure Chest Please see the announcement for more info on how to get keys! /warp cove

💬 Discord

add Added Giveaway for 15x Summer 2024 Treasure chest keys

🛍️ Store

add Added Summer 2024 Keys, available from /donate 15 x for $5.99 change @Changelog Alerts

survival Survival

upd Added flags for Ships to be used again at Cove, Marketplace (ships2), Ship3 and Spawn, if I'm missing any locations please tell a staff member to relay to me! 🔸 Comes from the update this morning adding in WorldGuard support to ships. upd Updated /motd and missives to match summer crate change @Changelog Alerts

/50 Online

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