Crew Group Discussion
- This forum has 1,645 topics, 9,210 replies, and was last updated No Topics by .
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'Patents' & 'Copyright'
This is a group created & designed for people to 'Patent' or 'Copyright' their builds, boat 'brands', services, YouTube series, Names, Craft, Trade etc. This is to stop fakes coming in & so people can then confirm that what ever they have created (as long as it is truly something worthy i.e. Weapon Brand = Worthy, All Swords of the Server (or something like that) = Unworthy).
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- 9 years, 5 months ago
Actual Tokugawan Embassy
Just diplomacy here, no speeches.
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Aeos Island
A group for residents and visitors to Aeos Island (pronounced as a-ee-os).
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- 8 months ago
Akka is a fortress and town on the Western end of the massive island in the Eastern part of the wast country of Pirate Craft. Akka was formed by xXerlingXx and Casp9304 and later joined by Vedel. The members of the crew began building what was to become Fort Erling and Fort Akka. Two forts who holds the seat of the Akkanian King, who is still to be. The crown of Akka is deserved by the pirate who has the power and will to unite the great island in the East, from the sea in the West, to the ice covered mountains in the north and to the massive woods in the south.
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Anonymous Reports
Since piratecraft news has been a bit inactive lately, we will be delivering extremely unfiltered news
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- 8 years, 11 months ago
Apollo missions
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Artificial Entertainment
A group centered around Artemis, also known as ArtificialDemon. Videos, builds, and more for your viewing pleasure!
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- 7 years, 7 months ago
Ask Inventor!
Welcome to ask Inventor a random group I made just for answering your random questions! Warning: Some answers may not be helpful or logical.
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- 8 years, 2 months ago
The Underwater Kingdom Allied with Evermoor
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Between Friends
This group is just made for friends to do things together. In this group we dont chat about crews and everyone even ennemies become friends.
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- 8 years, 3 months ago
Blue Trading Goods
A bunch of shops
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Brewers Town
We are a peaceful ish settlement that supplies all the pirates out there with seafarers water, rum!
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Coming Soon
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British Empire Public Releases
This group is open for everyone and will be used by British Empire officials to share information with the wide public. No application or affiliation with BE is required to join.
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- 2 years ago
Brotherhood of the Cross
The Brotherhood worships the Cross, and in return it gives us strength, wisdom and power. We aid our allies at all times, and their enemies are our own. We are discrete Assassins who fight for the glory of the Cross, with respect of all things that live in this world. If you join us, we shall honor you and your ides, but if you are against us, beware, for we see are and are all...
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- 8 years, 2 months ago
Builders Guild
The builders guild is a place for builders to share ideas and designs with one another.
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- 8 years, 10 months ago
Calypso's Wrath
The sea's hand of death. The tides coming..
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Citizens of Freeport
This is the designated page for the people of Freeport. Either for those who live within the settlement itself or for anyone who is interested in ongoing events and projects that are currently happening. Even though Freeport is a CoN settlement, this group is open to anyone who would like to be informed on current events, and everyone is free to join.
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City Of Wrath
Welcome Friend! We are a settlement trying to make it. We have a wonderful settlement at the moment. We are planning on becoming a Town. Takes time we know. Soon You will see our naval forts, fleets and settlements and you will see the power of Wrath. Join now! to become a citizen or a soldier for the city of wrath!
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Club Prisoon
Welcome to Club Prisoon where you get to party behind bars in a cell and have people throw food at you!
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Competitive Intelligence
Competitive intelligence is the action of defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment needed to support executives and managers making strategic decisions for an organization.
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- 2 years, 5 months ago
Crimson flame embassy
Embassy for the Crimson flame. For recruitment notices and probably some propaganda
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- 8 years, 5 months ago
Cursed Fort
A fort occupied by pirates!
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De grate groop of de heros
wee arec ool guiys
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Do you want to be in an animation video and do you have a Pirate skin well then send it to Knight_Le
Hello every one if you read the Title then you know whats going on me Knight_Legend22 and the owner GodsDead are teaming up to make a animation song video for the Piratecraft server. If you have a pirate skin then hit choose file under attachments and find your skin then remember to type something in above or it will no send just say something like "here is my skin" or something. Well I hope to see your skins soon and remember pirate skins only or something close to a pirate skin :).
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Dopamine Page For the Bored
Want to release some Dopamine with the power of Memes? Then come over, bb!
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Dutch Republic
The Dutch Republic, also known as the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands (Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden), Republic of the United Netherlands or Republic of the Seven United Provinces (Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Provinciën), was a republic in Europe existing from 1581, when part of the Netherlands separated from Spanish rule, until 1795. It preceded the Batavian Republic, the Kingdom of Holland, the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, and ultimately the modern Kingdom of the Netherlands. Alternative names include the United Provinces (Verenigde Provinciën), Federated Dutch Provinces (Foederatae Belgii Provinciae), and Dutch Federation (Belgica Foederata).
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Ebonheart Embassy
Welcome to the Ebonheart Embassy! This group is for public information and trade business.
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- 8 years, 1 month ago
Elven Embassy
We are the Elven embassy, open to all nations for diplomatic and political trade offerings.
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- 7 years, 7 months ago
Embassy ad Roma
Embassy of the Roman Republic
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- 8 years, 1 month ago
Empire of Hydra (Reich)
A subversive organization and military power dedicated to global domination by means of force, surprise, espionage, sabotage, and assassination. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Ein tausend Jahre Heil Hydra
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The End, a place to encounter the Void. To meet and gaze into the eternal, the infinite, that which has always been, and will always be, surrounding us. We are Watchers of the Void, followers of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void. Silently poised to hear the voice of that which Moves in the Void. Dedicated to peace, harmony, balance, order, and purpose, and to guiding others to find their own moment of encounter with the Void.
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- 7 years, 10 months ago
Enigma official crew public group.
No longer will all you non Enigma members feel so frustrated at being unable to keep up with the crew's latest goings on, as the Enigma official crew public group is here. Gaze in awe at the beautifully shadered screenshots taken by the official crew photographer, Saltpigeon. Read in wonder about the exciting events that are happening all the time in this amazing crew and view thrilling video footage of the awe inspiring things going on in the server that include Enigma. You can also post messages here if you like.
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- 9 years, 2 months ago
Entarian Embassy
This group is obviously for diplomacy.
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- 7 years, 10 months ago
First Server Bank And Trust
This is just what it says its a Bank. You can start an account by depositing $50.00 or 50 Bottles of EXP. The current rate is 5% per month. So deposit $100 and at the end of the month after doing absolutely nothing you will have $105. Loans work the same but in revers but for a loan you must leave Collateral of some sort with me. We will also take Gold and Iron bars as a deposit. With the same rate on the gold. Iron will have a lower rate of 2.5% and you must deposit 100 bars.
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French Republic
Viva la France! Nous allons détruire les rois et les reines de Piratecraft . Nous vaincrons tous . Pourquoi ? Parce que nous sommes français !
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G.U.C.S Public Broadcasts
In the event that important statements and/or announcements must be made that is worthy of server-wide knowledge, such things will be posted here.
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G.U.C.S Public Broadcasts
In the event that important statements and/or announcements must be made that is worthy of server-wide knowledge, such things will be posted here.
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G.U.C.S Public Broadcasts
In the event that important statements and/or announcements must be made that is worthy of server-wide knowledge, such things will be posted here.
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G.U.C.S Public Broadcasts
In the event that important statements and/or announcements must be made that is worthy of server-wide knowledge, such things will be posted here.
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- 5 years, 1 month ago
Great House Hlaalu
Trading Guild specialized in the making and trading of Ebony Equipment.
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- 6 years, 3 months ago
Hack Busters
A group of people on this server dedicated to keeping it hacker free.
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Holy Britannian Empire
Our ultimate goal as the Britannian Empire, is to unite higher powers for the greater good! We shall bring peace to this rotting world! Join us if you are willing to fight for everlasting peace!
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Housing district
Happy to build houses and materials for you for a price that wel can settle on!! MCMonkeyGMx is Helping as well!
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Hunger Games Committee
People may join this group to discuss the possibilities of an Annual Hunger Games.
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Imperial German Embassy
For Diplomacy with the world.
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International Faith of the Emperor's Shintoism
Emperor's Shintoism is a religion believing that everyone should live in harmony, and that one should keep in touch with the spirits.
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- 8 years, 3 months ago
International house of peace
FYI name is a wip Need help to keep up
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KFC armed forces
we sell custom ships and food brews and can be hired too ship your materials owed by nitrogengaming77/Astrobolt
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Kingdom of Hyberia
located on the Greater Eastern Continent @ 5000 East & 0000
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'Patents' & 'Copyright'
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