See ya'll in a week

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    Going on holiday to the land of chocolate and legal marijuana, I’ll be doing the former.

    Don’t know if people knew why I’d be offline, thought I’d just let you all know because I am good like that.

    If I have a moment or two spare, and a WiFi connection. I’ll hit up the FUCKING MASTER PIECE which is the PirateCraft wiki for a bit of editing.


    As romich loves to say on team speak.

    Bella Ciao for a week.

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    Bella ciao

    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

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    Don’t forget to bring some quality music to listen to on the flight

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

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    Don’t forget to bring some quality music to listen to on the flight

    I have an 11 hour flight coming up, I think this would be perfect on loop.

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    Keep you'r friends rich
    and you'r enemies rich
    and wait to find out which is which.

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    And I’m back.

    Belgium was dope, stayed in Lommel, less than a km from the Dutch border.

    Went to Overloon’s museum (in Holland), Dad learnt about a battle he hadn’t been taught/known about at Overloon, met a guy also, very enthusiastic about Bovington Museum (TankFest).

    Brussels, saw the amazing Atomium built for Expo 58, enjoyed that, it was marvellous.


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