Search Results for 'RoMich02'

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  • #83530
    sabrina (lazydog11)
    • Topics: 11
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    Ahoy Romich02


    Your unban request has been denied.



    Aluminum l
    • Topics: 1
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    It has Came well aware all across the Server that PVP is changing and players are leaving. examples of these are : Romich02, IcyWizard1, Percket, Ryder, Alvaro, and Many more. The problem is PVP is not the same. The 3 Major Problems are : Lag, New Events, and No siege.

    The First problem is lag its key to the game.  I am not sure if it’s TPS drops or most people are in the NA or what the problem is but there is clearly lots of lag. A suggestion is to move the server host to U.S. Most players are NA even though this could cost more it will bring more people back, Meaning more sales and I think you would profit off it. Also The TPS is almost never stable so the same solution goes here too. To change the server host. Players get mad when they get pot lag which for the staff reading this who don’t understand that here’s a brief explanation. On this server the main type of PVP is POT PVP which means you throw HP pots when you get low to heal your self. Sometimes because of the lag you don’t get healed or its seconds or minutes late. In the PVP community we call this pot lag. So there is a big pot lag problem. You can kind of tell why this can be aggravating. If you have Gear that took hours to grind then you die and it’s not even your fault.

    The Second problem is the New events are to unbalanced. The new Iron Clad Shield is a great example of this. They are worth 1.5k-2.5k Which is very cheap for the value of it. Normally when someone has a mummy wrath and there under the strength II effect they would die in 4 Critical hits. A Critical Is is when you Jump and while your falling you do more damage. but with The Iron clad its either 6-8. That doesn’t seem like a huge difference however it is. Ask anyone who actively PVPS. My solutions Are either we can release a semi common event sword that disables the extra armor buff. This next one sounds silly but I think it may need to happen. It’s to Give everyone of them curse of vanishing. So The Value would sky rocket. while removing some from the game.

    The Final thing to help bring back PVP is to bring back siege. This command is a crucial command for PVP. We Need it so people can’t just leave so easily. I know you guys are working on it but It’s been months and Other and I Are sort of getting fed up with it.

    -Evan_Is_Tin_Foil (Aluminum123)



    <p style=”text-align: right;”></p>

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 52
    • Total: 58
    • ★★★

    Its been a while since someone has done something like this. The last list that has been made was in 2018 July by Xeron. It can be found >Here<.

    This list serves as a reference point, and comparison to the PMC of 3 years 7 months ago O_O im getting old.

    Im gonna try to include as many crews as I can (I’m NOT gonna mention every crew in existence or 2 hour old deckhand crews).
    Here are the rules / key points (similar to Xeron’s and Paul’s original list)

    1. This is based off data from the 17th of February. It is entirely
    possible that people have changed crews, come back from inactivity, or founded
    new crews in the meantime.

    2. “Active Players” count as any players that were active in the
    last 30 days.

    3. Some crew descriptions from the previous list have been carried forward,
    asl ong as they are still relevant and/or the exact same crew.

    4. I tried to avoid 1 – 2 man crews and will only be including those that
    are worth of mention.

    5. The crew names are spelt as they are in-game. including typos and
    spacing issues.

    6. If I forget any crews feel free to message me on Discord! #Tulips4681 or
    beneath this post

    7. Honorable mentions are people that are well known and have been active recently.
    The List of Active Crews 

    The Shadow Realm (SDHW)
    Description : From the depths of the darkest shadows (ESE), we are
    the power lurking in the darkness.
    Leaders : Ae0n, TobySF, LordArth2021
    Honorable Mentions : Viper1093, Fatherfrog616, MrLimeWise, MsLimeWise, Crimpybark, Folsky
    Type : Recruiting / Economy

    Republic of Promethea (RoP)
    Description : I am Promethea. I have the high ground. I support the droid attack on the Wookies. Gonk gonk gonk.
    Leaders : LEG𝙾, Coldat, khaiethan.
    Honorable Mentions : CrazyMoneyy, Pjeturr, DeimosWreck, YellowTheMaster
    Type : Economy / Build / PvP / Retirement Home

    British Empire (BE)
    Description : The British Empire is a long-standing Empire, with a
    tradition rich history. Who are based on a democratic System.
    Leaders : BGraph, lazydog11, CrazyPirate1, gildor_stinky, ItsCrazyDave, mdsegebre.
    Honorable Mentions : MrMadBurrito, RatRaceRobot, Thederpymaster, Fat_Platapus, PanOfSteel
    Type :Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvP

    Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
    Description : A crew run by experienced players, based on GoT. Also
    the PMC retirement home.
    Leaders : Mqstic, Atalantaa, EnderSalt, Solembus13, CreatingWithKass
    Honorable Mentions : Bazurka, Taulov, Skyraine, Nado994, claymaester, EisenGraf, PandamoniumPrime, Masondave, _Tywin. malexdog, Janick_, BadBrando, SpikyCactus_, 
    Type : Economy / Build

    Cove (Cove)
    Description : The overlords!
    Leaders : GodsDead
    Type : World Domination

    JunglePirates (JP)
    Description : No description
    Leaders : JunglePirateDave
    Type : Recruiting / Economy

    Polish Kingdom (PLK)
    Description : The Polish Kingdom is a mostly peaceful crew,
    focusing mostly on exploration of the new 1.18 lands.
    Leaders : Tujek, Tulipss
    Honorable Mentions : toni907
    Type : Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvP

    Sinister (Sin)
    Description : Seclusion brings madness
    Leaders : Frqstie, DeoFiloW1, Espul
    Honorable Mentions : oWig, _knoedel, IgnFry
    Type : PvP

    CosaNostra (CSN)
    Description : set Ch’ a cousta lon ch’a cousta Viva l’Acusta
    Leaders : RoMich02, WaterPool, Murubutu, Caldera23, Armqndo
    Honorable Mentions : gepetrus, mikimoosey, Naqvity, CowTheMeek, Minemoppel, Slowmotionturbo, Ismaworkx, Lullaby93, SpiderDeluxe, Vec0203.MinisterMoo.
    Type : Economy / Build / PvP

    La Familia (Mafia)
    Description : and THAT’s how mafia works
    Leaders : Simbud, Monkss, Nationalistic, DaddyVolpex, NoSoulz,
    Honorable Mentions : Kirn_
    Type :  Economy / PvP / Retirement Home

    Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
    Description : If you join you get free +15 Social Credit
    Leaders : N0tMAD, notgodsdead
    Honorable Mentions : FatMatt176
    Type :  Recruiting / Economy / Build / PvP 

    The New Empire (TNE)
    Description : We are a big autonum Crew, with the will, to build
    the biggest, and most beautiful city on the server.
    Leaders : ScriptX, Two_Com, IndexOutOfMJ
    Honorable Mentions :
    Type :  Economy / BUILD

    The Verussian Republic (VER) (yes it still exists ikr)
    Description : A republic for the people – by the people. Verussia
    is governed by an elite council, and enforced by the Krimzon Guard.
    Leaders : warbluke, KwesiYsell, InventorElric, PortugalJ
    Honorable Mentions : JonahHulk10, ExperienceMoore
    Type :  Recruiting / Build

    The Church (TC)
    Description : We The Church Live to Serve you the people of the
    Leaders : FatherAnderson, FugalCoast95003
    Honorable Mentions : RexStrafes, Kooksuba
    Type : Build

    Rome (SPQR)
    Description : SPQR is a Roman themed crew that focuses on building
    in Roman style and roleplay.
    Leaders : _Augustus_Caesar, duckmasterizzy
    Honorable Mentions : missioncarp3127, _Scipio_, CottageSimcoe, TulipGX
    Type :  Economy / Build

    The Imperial Roman Empire (ROME)
    Description : into cosmic’s basement we go
    Leaders : CommanderAsher, CosmicKingSimp, Gqldn, Majsay23, Oski8164
    Honorable Mentions : MionaTheGreat, lukaim
    Type :  Economy / Build

    The Papal State (Papal)
    Description : If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you
    can find them… maybe you can hire Papal.
    Leaders : Olveron, DrBipper, _Ninja_8
    Honorable Mentions : I_Sell_Hugs, OTheMan, ContDJ, DarkMatter51, Icyvains
    Type :  Economy / Build

    The Woo (WOO)
    Description : No Description
    Leaders : IronAR
    Type :  Economy / Build / PvP


    PS : Thanks Taulov for fixing all the bugs in this post!

    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft

    • Topics: 47
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    Well RoMich02 where do you suggest I make my suggestions hmmm?

    Mabey Discord suggestions? Oh that’s right its not for “Boomers” like me as you would say. You don’t want me there. You don’t want me here so pray tell where do you want me to make suggestions that wont be offensive to your sensitive eyes that cannot handle more than 3 short sentences? It seems all that you are capable of.

    I resent your remarks and find them quite disappointing. I expected better of you than this.

    I also hate to inform you that boomer thing its for people who were born in 1946-1965.

    Irrelevant to someone of my young age. Get me boomer?

    Sincerely, VladDracul



    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 91
    • Total: 101
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    Hello all, mafia is proud to announce that we’ll be hosting the very first player hosted tournament on the server. We’re aware that nothing like this has been done before and therefore there may be some hiccups but hopefully things will go smooth. Without further ado, let’s get into it:


    Entry Fee: 


    Each participant is required to pay 8 diamond blocks. You won’t be added to the tournament until your fee is paid.




    The date still has yet to be destined, it’ll be decided once there’s enough participants, it’ll be probably on May 16th at 1PM EST/ 6PM GMT / 7PM GMT +1.


    The 1vs1 Tournament:


    Each match will consist of 3 rounds, the first player to win 2 rounds wins the match. At the end of each round the winner will have to give back his opponent’s gear. It is your own responsibility to to have the pots you will need for the entirety of the tournament, each participant will get access to a room where he can store up to 8 chests worth of potions and XP bottles to fix armour in-between rounds. If you run out of pots too early no worries, there’ll be [buy] signs in the arena where participants can buy potions to refill. Everyone will get /accesstrust in the closed arena so pearling is possible.



    – No fighting each other in the stands.

    – No event weapons.

    – Rounds will not be repeated due to lag.

    – Any broken armour/gear won’t be replaced

    – Only normal arrows are to be used.

    – The only pots allowed into the Colosseum are regeneration, strength, health, swiftness, and fire resistance (NO DEBUFFS).

    – Each fight you can use your inventory of potions and nothing else, you may refill in-between fights.

    – No Knockback II swords.

    – 1 stack of pearls max per round. Don’t worry we’ll keep an eye on you filthy rule breaker.

    – No golden apples of any sort allowed.


    The Kit:


    The recommended kit consists of:


    – A maxed out diamond set (Protection IV, Unbreaking III)

    – 16 Pearls

    – A maxed out diamond sword (Sharpness V, Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect II).

    – A stack of food of your choice

    – 4 Strenght and Swiftness pots, 1 Fire Resistance, Healing potions.


    It should look like this



    The Prize: 


    1 Renamed Maxed out Diamond Set

    1 Renamed Maxed out Diamond Sword

    1 Infinity Mending Bow


    Participants (will be updated as people pay their fee):

    – GoldenMoneyz

    – Official_Xerphon

    – Khanye

    – RoMich02/Murubutu

    – grafando

    – Zackbacon



    Mafia members are not allowed to participate.

    /msg Nationalistic (Nationalistic#6374) or Simbud (Simbad#9839) either in-game or on Discord if you want to participate!



    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

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    Dear Romich02,

    I dont know if your ego has made you blind, but our purpose in this post is to specify that our crew isn’t affiliated with Cosa Nostra in any way (contrary to what some of your crew members said).
    Your response has nothing to do with Masters post; You can keep doing what you are doing beacuse we don’t care, provided that you and your crew don’t define yourself the “Successors of the Juice Pirates”.



    In reply to: Bigger Submarine.

    • Topics: 66
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    @RoMich02 That would be not a possibility probably right now as the incentive to buy donator rank is that you can pilot Manowar.


    In reply to: Custom Map Icons

    • Topics: 794
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    Can you add this icon for the Parrot Lovers? I made it out of the crew banner and it would have to be called “parrotcrew” or something as “PL” is already the icon for Polland.

    Added as “parrotlove”

    Requested by DonRoMich02 for his crew, CSN. Thank you again! 👌

    No you have not followed the very basic instructions on the main thread and sent it as the wrong file format, denied.


    In reply to: Jusa

    • Topics: 12
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      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      My Username: DonRoMich02

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      Player Being Reported: JUSAShrek1

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      UUID: 069910c79baf4f05b458edf974b49c71

      <li class=”li2″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      Reason for Report: Breaking rule

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>


      <li class=”li2″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      Today while JUSAShrek1 was fighting danielboone, he was killed by an Elite zombie level 300, after he /backed to grab his items.

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      [20:59:00] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ? JUSAShrek1 found out the hard way that zombies don’t like hugs

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      [20:59:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] danielboone5 » IZI

      <li class=”li2″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      As you can see in this video:, the chat message doesn’t change if in pvp combat.

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      <li class=”li1″ style=”background: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 0px -6px; user-select: none;”>

      I believe at the time, he was still in pvp combat when he /backed, I would like an admin to investigate this, thank you.

    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

    • Topics: 66
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    • Topics: 10
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    @RoMich02 well what region/area do you want this CSN sea to be at?  Now looking at the wiki you have a major city for CSN in the Southwest ocean.  I could when I start separating the oceans up into seas (as in real life oceans like the Atlantic and Pacific have seas inside of them) name a sea within that sector of the Southwest ocean the “CosaNostra Sea.”


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

    • Topics: 94
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    Very smooth going battle throughout, high turnout, good use of strategies, lots of ships, no crash or drama, pretty much a perfect battle. As with last time, we had 2 lots of 20 minutes of fighting, with 10 minute breaks in between, followed by 15 minutes of sudden-death. We had more than 30 people taking part split among 5 ships.


    • Scuabtuinne (indiaman) – Torkey (captain), Rivvur (navigator), Cappur, Curlyy, JUSAShrek1, Moossolini
    • Shrek’s Hand (indiaman, previously Iron Duke)- Cosmickingjoel (captain), CraftyMastermind, J_H_Rogers, xxbeastjacob27, James_Games_, GingfulGlider
    • Berlusconi (indiaman, previously Da Vinci) – Romich02 (captain), emielreijs (navigator), MinisterMoo, sarisinquatil, SpiderDeluxe, LiiGijn, SirSharky, catloverday1, +3 more
    • The Crusader (manowar, previously Drifting’s Ship) – OmegaVenom1 (captain), SydMontague, MelonIsNotAFruit, Palmerageddon, _His_Dudeness, Elo106, ArminPlugin
    • 4orange’s ship (galleon) – 4orange (captain), BLURP_, grafando ? +2 more



    1. Scuabtuinne – Won sudden death with 6/6 players left alive (100%)
      The Shrek’s Hand – Drew first place with 6/6  players left alive (100%)
    2. Berlusconi – 10/11 players left alive (90.9%)
    3. The Crusader – Surrendered in second half of battle
    4. 4orange’s ship – Sunk in first half of battle


    Honorable Awards:

    • Most damage received as % of ship – The Shrek’s Hand (4orange’s ship sunk with little damage)
    • Most damage dealt as % of ship – Scuabtuinne, dealing good amounts of damage thoughout the battle
    • Most damage repaired as % of ship – The Shrek’s Hand, fixing large amounts of damage during 2nd repair break
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – The Shrek’s Hand with 1 ship directly sunk (4orange’s ship)
    • Most player kills – Scuabtuinne killing most players onboard The Crusader, very difficult to pick this one
    • Most cannonballs fired – Scuabtuinne using autocannons at the start, and firing non-stop in sudden-death


    Damage Report:

    • Scuabtuinne – Received light damage throughout the battle thanks to mostly ranged engagements, good job guys!
    • The Shrek’s Hand – Received moderate damage in first 4-5 minutes of battle from concentrated fire from 4orange’s ship, before turning around and sinking them. Also recieved moderate damage in second half thanks to Berlusconi and Scuabtuinne.
    • Berlusconi – Received light damage in first half, and moderate damage in second half. Was largely repaired during the breaks.
    • The Crusader – Received almost no damage in first half, and moderate concentrated fire in second half by Scuabtuinne, The Shrek’s Hand, and Berlusconi. The captain surrendered 2 minutes before sudden death started.
    • 4orange’s ship – Chose to engage the disorganized Shrek’s Hand at the start, dealing good damage, but was sunk after 6 minutes from some lucky broadsides from the Shrek’s Hand. It sank largely intact.


    Next Battle:

    Doing a mini fleet battle next week Saturday 8th September at 8:00pm GMT – same time as usual. The basis of that battle is that any team can have up to 5 ships competing (rather than 1 per team). Its just for some fun, and will be a little more chaotic 🙂

    More info will follow shortly, gunpowder and projectiles will be provided. Ships used for this battle can be used again, but please bring any additional ships you want to use. Ty



    1st place Scuabtuinne and Shrek’s Hand get 30 points, 3rd place Berlusconi get 10. Full points table is in group description above.

    These points will be handed out to the ships, not the crews. So if you want your ship to get lots of points, be sure to use it again or modify it. You may re-name your ship, but I encourage you to stick with a name to avoid confusion.

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
    • Replies: 650
    • Total: 744
    • ★★★★★★


    Forgot to make a results post for the ship battle at the end of March, so I’m doing a double whammy here. Largest number of ships in battle, and utter chaos for me trying to get it to work haha – don’t worry, things will be different once the arena is created. A post will follow up on that shortly. Thanks for taking part everyone.

    Both battles were split into 2 parts, with a roughly 15-20 minute break after 30 minutes of fighting. I can’t remember much from ship battle #9, and im really tired, so I’m only going to cover results. I know lots of people recorded this time – so that should be awesome.

    Winners (Ship Battle #9):

    1. Teletub 2.0 Myself and a few other people
      HMS Ajax – Italians
      USS Monitor – Moossolini, Blackshadow969
      Shadow Voyager (sov copy) – TAS/CLTN
    2. Unnamed Ship – Peppykiss365

    It was a boring 4-way draw to put it short. I’m thinking of new ways to determine a winner, so I trialed a % of ship left victory method for ship battle #10. Due to the chaos and uncertainty of this particular battle, and the outcome, no winner will be declared and the ships will not be added to the tally of winning ships.

    Results (Ship Battle #10):

    1. Giulio Cesare – Lego (captain), MagmaGolem, Valerio, Romich02, several other Italians
      Shadow Voyager (sov copy) – CreeperMorderen (captain), Cysteen, Maximus_Terragon, Cappur, CrazyMoneyy, MinisterMoo (joined at the end), Kaithefireninja (joined at the end)
      Phantom Narwhal – Astrobolt (captain), who else?
      Iron Duke – Lazydog11 (captain), emielreijs, iBrowe, several other BE members and allies
    2. HMS Ajax – GingfulGlider (captain), several other people
    3. HMS [something with A] – iBrowe (captain), Ic3y, few other people
    4. The Zucc – Kaithefireninja (captain), MinisterMoo, jmeatball
    5. [unnamed ship] – BLURP_ (captain), blackshadow969

    It was officially a 4-way tie again, so i’m not adding any names to the tally of ‘winners’ in the description. However, I did measure the % of the orginal ship still left once the battle was over and handed out prizes accordingly. These are as follows:

    1. Phantom Narwhal – 93.4%
    2. Giulio Cesare (second one) – 85.5%
    3. Shadow Voyager – 80.2%
    4. Iron Duke (second one) – 72.4%


    An apology.

    I am aware that a lot of people enjoyed the battle, however I know of some individuals who may have misunderstood the rules and as such blown up ships with TNT, and/or killed crew members via boarding. This rule will be enforced differently in future, so sorry.

    I would also like to apologize for the chaos, and the ‘unfair advantage’ that some crews had by having a brand new copy of their ship copied in during the break. Future battles will be held differently, and more organized with me being on full-time ‘ship battle moderator’ – so i won’t be taking part in ships battles in future directly.

    Congratulations to all teams that survived the onslaught, and thanks for taking part. I’m looking forward to the screenshots/videos people have recorded! Godsy managed to record the whole battle and he may be able to use some of the material for a piratecraft trailer!

    There will be a followup post in a few days explaining my intentions for future battles – including how to make it more organised, fair, and hopefully fun. I’ll have a chat with godsy, and lay out the possibilities for you guys. :))

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    @turseturtle @Okta @emielreijs @P1ndr0p @Chiroptera419 @Lawzoneon @RoMich02 @KaithefireNinja @Astrobolt @GingfulGlider @FieryFox

    I have backdated your claim-block data, my god that took way more effort than I anticipated. Before I did each update, I selected the data from both tables to show the backed up data Acquired blocks and bonus blocks from Backup & Todays data (the messed up set), so we have a future reference and so you can work out the exact amount.

    I am aware that you have earned claim blocks since then, but there is no way for me to get this data so I will figure out compensation when all lost claim blocks are fixed in this thread 🙂 If you wish to reply with what you think you have earned claim block wise between

    887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60	24617	-7032
    887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60	18140	-3511
    86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0	2600	0
    86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0	6808	0	
    b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 	97269 	-1518
    b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 	75914 	0
    f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 	196376 	370 	
    f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 	140781 	0
    3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 	52364 	-2130 	
    3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 	37943 	0
    c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc 	51588 	300 	
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