[bug] Lost Claimblocks? Reply to this thread!

Home Forums Server Support Bugs & Glitches [bug] Lost Claimblocks? Reply to this thread!

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    I haven’t had any replys to https://piratemc.com/topic/bug-have-you-lost-claim-blocks-in-the-last-7-days/

    So i’m going to assume that we did find the fault and patch it appropriately, which means I can now move onto fixing data.

    This is going to be a difficult one, I keep a backup every day of the database, but importing a ton of databases isn’t going to be doable for everyone, the date it would have happened from would be

    Right, hope that made sense.

    What about the blocks I have made since this?

    Chances are you won’t get everything back, but this is the best shot we have at getting closest, you cant just post “I have made XYZ since then” There is no way for me to check, read the paragraph above for why.

    How do I get my Claim blocks rolled back?

    You post to this thread!

    How do I know if I lost claimblocks?

    You tell me, did you? There isn’t an easy way to tell unless you noticed!

    What happens if I roll back my Claim blocks anyway?

    You’ll most likely loose claim blocks, so don’t post unless you are sure you lost some!

    How do I request my claim blocks be rolled back?

    For the spastics that cant read, here’s a giant image to point what you need to do.

    Post this:

    • Your username.
    • Your UUID, get it from https://namemc.com/ use the one with the dashes in it.
    • Your current /claimslist Acquired, Bonus Blocks and Total (Or just screenshot it)
    • An estimate of the amount of Claim blocks (total) you have lost.


    I will work through the submissions when I have time, do not pester me.

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    a few weeks ago i lost about 500 claim blocks. btw i earned about 1.5k from playing between then and now

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    Your username.- Groatoid

    Your UUID, – b4bb773e977a461881e5f62ad9e6720a

    Your current /claimslist Acquired, Bonus Blocks and Total (Or just screenshot it)- attached

    An estimate of the amount of Claim blocks (total) you have lost.-1757 hrs (omg) x 60= 105420 – approx (not much sold) 70000= (approx) 35000 lost


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    a few weeks ago i lost about 500 claim blocks. btw i earned about 1.5k from playing between then and now

    You didn’t read the post, reply with the correct information.

    Just logged in after a few weeks and haven’t checked blocks for a while, but lost them all, down to 90. Have no idea how many lost, but likely a lot, 10-20k or so maybe.

    You didn’t read the post, reply with the correct information.


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    name emielreijs


    <samp style=”box-sizing: border-box; font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, ‘Liberation Mono’, ‘Courier New’, monospace; font-size: 1em;”>f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 is that what u mean?</samp>
    https://i.imgur.com/8rJYh6g.png also first time using sorry if i make a mess of things
    and some where around 64k claimblocks
    if u have any questions or mis info or if i did something wrong feel free to contact me
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    name emielreijs uuid

    <samp style=”box-sizing: border-box; font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, ‘Liberation Mono’, ‘Courier New’, monospace; font-size: 1em;”>f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 is that what u mean?</samp>
    https://i.imgur.com/8rJYh6g.png also first time using sorry if i make a mess of things
    and some where around 64k claimblocks
    if u have any questions or mis info or if i did something wrong feel free to contact me

    You posted the wrong screenshot, it needs to be the top of the /claimslist, Like I said in the post the Acquired and bonus blocks need to be shown, I can see neither, also your formatting is all over the place. Please do not copy and paste from word.

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    Username: P1ndr0p

    UUID: 3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b

    (Screenshot should be Attached)

    Estimated Blocks lost: 13,000

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    Username: Chiroptera419

    UUID: c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc

    Screenshot Attached

    Estimated Blocks Lost: 8,000

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    name emielreijs

    UUID: f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998


    View post on imgur.com

    should bring u to the new screenshot

    estimated blocks lost some where around 64k


    sorry i made a mess of the first one i hope this is better i hand typed the uuid this time

    if it still not right just let me know and ill try my best to get it right



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    Username: Lawzoneon

    UUID: 7e556548-0a59-4c43-bd7b-44f3bc9b3261

    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/RWlM2Ia

    Estimated loss of claimblocks: 30.000

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    <samp style=”box-sizing: border-box; font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, ‘Liberation Mono’, ‘Courier New’, monospace; font-size: 1em;”>UUID 82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2</samp>
    Claim list:
    42360 + 986 bonus=43256
    I lost 7000 claim blocks


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    UUID:  <span style=”color: #212529; font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, ‘Liberation Mono’, ‘Courier New’, monospace; font-size: 14.4px;”>82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2</span>

    I lost 7000 claimblocks

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    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

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    Name: KaiTheFireNinja

    UUID:  d37799c1-1f34-47b2-be38-1a31619832ff

    /claimslist is attached as file

    I do believe I lost around 14,000-15,000 claim blocks but am unsure of the exact number.

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    Screenshot Attached

    Unfortunately, I do not know how many claimblocks I lost since I hadn’t checked how many I had for a few weeks before I noticed, but I think it was around 1-2k

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    Username: GingfulGlider

    UUID: 887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60

    Screenshots Attached

    Estimated Claimblocks Lost: I believe i lost around 4.5k Claimblocks around 3 weeks ago because I lost them about when this started happening. (also I have been selling EVERY single claimblock since then so I dont actually need any compensation for those claimblocks just the ones I lost xd)

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