PirateCraft Oceanic Map

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    For the last few days, me and @palmerageddon have been discussing over DMs on discord about making a map of PirateCraft containing all oceans, seas, their names, and canals connecting them.  Attached is the map I made from compiling everything me and Palmer discussed, as well as information I found through the wiki.

    There are 2 major seas that still need naming, and thats what I have partly made this forum thread for, to try and find good names for some of these regions not yet named.  Also, if anybody suggests idea for the changing of certain sea names thats fine, however I probably won’t be changing the names of the 3 major oceans, just the outlying seas.

    After this, one thing I was also thinking about was dividing up the 3 major oceans into various connecting seas, as I have found on the wiki that some people have named certain sections of the major oceans as various seas.  I may do that on smaller maps containing just an ocean, with all the seas making up the ocean.

    When finished, ill put this on the wiki, probably as a Image Map where you can click on each sea or ocean and go to the page describing it.


    Basically, I want feedback, and help with some naming.

    Map Key: Darker Areas = Oceans; Lighter Areas = Seas; Grey Lines = Canals

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    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

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    Having a ‘Verussian Sea’ is an honor, thank you. You should make a Geopolitical map of the oceans next.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Where is CSN sea?


    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
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    @RoMich02 well what region/area do you want this CSN sea to be at?  Now looking at the wiki you have a major city for CSN in the Southwest ocean.  I could when I start separating the oceans up into seas (as in real life oceans like the Atlantic and Pacific have seas inside of them) name a sea within that sector of the Southwest ocean the “CosaNostra Sea.”


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

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    The upper portion of the Southwestern Ocean is commonly called the “Chittenden Basin” or the “Chittenden Sea”



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    Every single piece of water should be named ”The Kirn Sea”

    Keep you'r friends rich
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    and wait to find out which is which.

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    Heil kirn

    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

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    Well these comments were exactly what me and agent were looking for.

    From these we(/he) can edit the map to be more accurate and acceptable. Most political names (e.g. Verussian and Roman) for the seas are derived just from the well-known closest powers to said areas or historical influence, and these are NOT permanent obviously.

    We will also be hopefully releasing another one which splits the oceans up into subsections, to make talking geographically a lot easier.

    Please do message us on discord and we’ll try to implement the basins, the gulfs, the seas, the coasts and Land’s End / John ‘o Groats (understand if your British).


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    We can add map icons once names are decided, Its possible to set lines around it on the map, but that would be one hell of a task.

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    i just looked at the map and i’m a bit confused about if it’s from the north or what

    The turtles will rise...

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    How about splitting up the ‘Eastern Ocean’ into ‘Central Ocean’ and ‘Eastern Ocean’? The continent on which the ‘Eastern’ part is written on acts very much like a dividing point – biomes are largely different too.

    Also, bit nit-picky this, but rather than naming the seas/oceans after generic names such as ‘central ocean’, how about you come up with completely new names? Try looking at some latin/fantasy names, see if something takes your fancy 🙂 – or, how about naming them after stars? Naval navigation uses the stars after all, and some have beautiful names (Altair, Vega)

    Also super last nit-picky thing, as opposed to naming it ‘Verussian Sea’ (it is a beautiful name, don’t get me wrong), it is quite political… and as you said people will likely disregard it or change the name with time. How about the leaders of VE decide on a neutral name for the sea? That way it’s not political.


    A few super small named regions:

    • The bottom ‘tip’ of the Southern Ocean that touches the border has a wall around it – and can be considered it’s own region. TAS, with some CLTN and SHREK members dominate that area, maybe they could think of a name together?
    • What BGraph said

    People may also want to name some straits or passages – these are small bodies of water connecting two larger bodies of water


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    @Maximus your point is valid, and your suggestion makes some sense, but there are many seas named after places in real life. You don’t see people contesting the name “English Channel” or, “Indian Ocean” or even “South China Sea”. The last one could be disregarded, as historically China has been a general region, but or almost 100 years it has been a country, so the point still stands. “Verussian Sea” sounds good, and there aren’t many things that we, the Verussian leaders, could come up with that probably doesn’t link into something Verussian-y.

    This post that I posted on this post about something is probably useles information.............

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    The Sea South East near the border are the Cowish Seas. The one before blu’s base

    im a kau

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    So….I have gotten a major name battle for the Chittenden/Dalkon/Parrot sea.  @BGraph @Palmerageddon @Peppykiss395 can yall try and solve this problem yourselves.  I’ve tried to work with you 3 and some of you guys won’t budge.  Its getting to a point that I think it may be best if you 3 can decide whats the best name for that area where the Chittenden states, 13C, and the Parrot Lovers base is, as well as various other active bases.


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

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    @TheAgentGamer, what did you end up deciding on?


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