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  • #64267

    In reply to: Unban Appeal

    • Topics: 2
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    • ★★

    @Cysteen @Atalantaa

    When I was first banned from the server I was pretty depressed I was truly saddened that not only did I get banned from a server that I had a lot of friends on but I could no longer play with my friends and the relationships that I built, I went to the store and spent 25$ on a new account I really don’t know what I was thinking or my rationality behind it but some way I was like hey I can join still play with my friends and start a new. It was a stupid mistake and I have not done it since then. I am sorry for this and it goes against a ton of rules however if you check the playtime of the alt you will see it only played for a few hours when a friend of mine who I told about the alt ordered me to get rid of it because it would just cause more issue and that snapped me out of it and made me realize he was right that I was banned for a reason and should just accept it like everyone else and make a post for staff to debate if I should be unbanned or not.

    Cysteen I do apologize you feel this way but I was a pretty ruthless pvper and some of that involved tricking players to let me in their bases, I however I do not feel this should change if I should be unbanned or not this server is a server for all people builders and pvpers it was build like purposely and it does a amazing job at it. I however did apologize to Emiel, attempted to however this is why Atalantaa said that I called him multiple times and spammed him however this was not the case I called emiel to verbally apologize to him for our friendship falling out this is because I hope to be unbanned from the server and I would like to go back to being allies with him truth is me and him would talk on the phone all the time even when not playing the game. He did not pick up the first time I called but I did see that his icon went from offline to online so I messaged him I said hey emiel I need to talk to you. I saw three bubbles pop up indicated that he was typing then they stopped so I said you there? to which no reply at this time I realized he may not have noticed who my discord name was due to me changing it so I called from my discord named bloatedhippo. At this point I was blocked and realized that emiel has no intentions to talk to me which does hurt but I know its from my own mistake. You can ask emiel if we had a great relationship prior to our crews going against eachother. When I realized emiel had no intrested in talking I messaged @LazyDog11 and asked if she would pass on a message from me which was and I quote

    I just wanted to see if you would say sorry to emiel for me I tried apologizing last night for how I treated him and he blocked me. If you could that would be great thank you.                                                                                                                                 This can be confirmed by both of them.

    I really do feel bad about a ton of things that happened on the server but I did message a few people whom I was the worst to apologizing so that if I am unbanned I can hopefully be friends with those people again. Even if I am not unbanned I would like to speak to them as well.

    if you are reading this I hope we can be on speaking terms again.

    I wish there was a digital scale I could show you guys that measure matureness the best thing I can say is please listen to the people who have kept in touch with me since I have been banned and have talked to me everyday they have seen me mature and above all realized all the bad I did.

    Thank you for reading and considering.


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

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    don’t let everyone forget how manipulative you were and your record for lying when you were still unbanned. you would consistently manipulate whomever around you to get whatever you wanted, especially emiel. you’d gone out of your way to make his life hell by buying captain just because of an honest mistake (you snuck up on him, he thought you were a raider, called in allies and you died.) afterwards, you just wouldn’t stop picking on him. and after your ban, you continuously harassed him on discord and other platforms… you seem so apologetic to the community, but yet where is a direct apology to emiel? the one who arguably you’ve hurt the most with your behavior.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 5
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    Ahoy! This years Halloween event has many items to collect and gear to get. Here be a list of for all the collectors out there. This list may change over time. Some drops get added as the event goes on. Some are limited time only.The rates will change as well. Good luck to all.
    ## Collectibles ##

    • Ancient Gem —Blood Rose —Evil Torch —Fire Demon Head
      Ancient Tome —Twinkee —Magic Wand —Herobrine Head
      Magical Powder —Spider Silk —Demon Core —Devil Food
      Old Urn —Dead Mimic —Pristine Gem —Molten Lava
      Lovely Quill —Blood Stone Block —Beholder Eye —Witch Cook Pot
      Bone Dust —Monster Stew —Guts —Mix Tape
      Kindling —Essence of Terror —Doubloon —Venom Sac
      Pocket Watch —Ashes of the Dead —Silver nugget —Demonic Key
      Grave Soil —Fruit Punch —Demon Hide
      Essence of Fire —Sugar Cookie —Candy Apple

    ## Gear ##

    • Aqua Helm —Cactus Helm —Firey Helm —Cheap Helm —Fancy Helm —Zombie Helm —Bloody Helm
      Iron Vest —Cactus Chest —Firey Chest —Cheap Chest —Fancy Chest —Zombie Chest —Bloody Chest
      Aqua Pants —Cactus Pants —Firey Pants —Cheap Pants —Fancy Pants —Zombie Pants —Bloody Pants
      Aqua Boots —Cactus Boots —Firey Boots —Cheap Boots —Fancy Boots —Zombie Boots —Bloody Boots
      CursedLandlubber Tunic —Herobrine Tunic —DiamondHelm —DiamondPants
      CursedLandlubber Trousers —Costume Boots —DiamondChest —DiamondShoes
      CursedLandlubber Shoes

    ## Weapons ##

    • CursedLandlubber Bow —Card Board Sword —Action Hero sword —Snap bracelet —Tactical Spork

    ## Top Tier ##

    • Trickster Sword —Treat Sword —Herobrine Sword —Tombstone Shield —Golden Fishing Rod —Soul Seeker


    • Topics: 794
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    13 Previous bans

    25 Mutes

    That’s quite a lot of chances you’ve already been given to stop your behavior spanning between 2016-2019.

    Spanning 3 years of “second chances”not once did you change your behavior.

    Also sending PM’s to every single staff member on discord isn’t a way to “show you’ve changed”, that in itself is having no patience and demanding a reply here, the entitlement is insane!


    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 7
    • Total: 8

    No, that’s not how it works. The rules for claim removal are right above where a new topic is created, I suggest you actually read them.


    In reply to: Mass Griefing

    • Topics: 11
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    • Total: 109
    • ★★★★

    If you spent a whole day at translating (bad) what we said during the grief u recived you have some problems. As I said too many times you got griefed cause you kept trash talking and insulting CSN for days. We told u to stop many times and u kept doing it. The day after you got griefed you spent more than 30 minutes and insulting us even when godsdead was on afk. If you spent so much time translating that it means that you are taking this game too serious and turning off the computer would help. Here some Italian lessons:

    Chi=Who not Chill (it was about who he wanted to raid)

    Zippo was about a texture pack that i sent in Zip (idk but we edit English words with Italian verbs= zippare)

    Si means YES why google translate says Be?

    Devo raidare un tempo means I wanna raid a player (what google translate said lol)

    Vieni means take

    ops means sorry

    Here a google translate tip:

    once u translated something try to reverce it again and check if it has sence cause your <span style=”background-color: #fbfbfb; color: #696b6e; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;”>Devo raidare un tipo becomes  devo guidare un ragazzo that means I need to drive a guy</span>


    Man if you really want to make me punished for some holes that can be fixed in an hour just say it

    the grief maybe was executive but everything we destroyed was roads and lawns not buildings that take years to fix.

    The time u spent and translating everything could be used for fixing and claiming.


    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

    • Topics: 6
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    • Total: 12

    I had to stop reading Cosmics Reply after he said: Previous Good Crews.. Considering he was in Rome… Just no…

    ⊣𝙹↸ 𝙹⎓ !¡ᒲᓵ

    • Topics: 11
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    • Total: 109
    • ★★★★

    Hello guys! today I’ll tell you all the suggestions that Oldman (godsdead[owner]) doesn’t like and get mad after reading them.

    When will we update to 1.13?

    Add guns LOL

    Add NPC after PVP log

    Add hooks

    Change anti-cheat it sucks LOOOOL

    Add /echest for VIP

    A drinking level system (U get less drunk after u get trained at drinking)

    Allow players to use labymod,badlion client ect.

    Allow to players that get siege to build during siege period

    add a plugin that allows you to have claims on certain Y levels


    Add mcmmo

    Add buttons toggle sign

    Alarm when u finish invis (wtf guys what are those dumb idea mamma mia just watch ur screen)

    Install drugs plugin

    Have a weekend event with keep inventory ON

    Stop mobspawn at shops

    Alow shop owners to ban certain players

    Add personal lores to items


    Change ship plugin

    Add music bot on discord server

    Make an option where u can rankup with ign money


    Remove anti-cheat

    Add flying ships

    Those are all the suggestions that I found on the suggestion channel on discord feel free to reply with more bad ideas that make oldman mad.

    Another Italian tip 😉

    If your suggestions get refused annoying old man isn’t a smart idea.




    I'm Italian and I hate Pineapple pizza.
    Lego is a good toi.

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 35
    • Total: 41
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    A month ago it was started, and after suggestions, direct player inputs, and quite an over haul I’m marking this one as completed.
    There are a few details to be sorted out if it goes live, ex;

    •Can’t add fire to a few detailing spots in creative
    •The roof needs sealed off, its open now for viewing
    •The field of crops breaks in some areas due to low light an would need planted in those areas

    This arena is designed to be played pvp. It can be solo or perhaps in teams up to 3v3? Its also been noted by some to be non-ideal for bow battles so focus is on hand to hand combat. Spawn locations are marked at either end of the central path from the cave to the Haunted house. Available for viewing at my plot 18;-17 access through the roof.
    After much fiddling an redesigning, features now included shown below:

    1. An over view from the Haunted house attacking side. The mountain in the back has been carved into cliffs to prevent unfair advantage to people who would have climbed it to use the high grounds.

    2. A view of the Haunted house over the wheat fields, complete with friendly? looking scarecrow on guard.

    3. The giant dark oak tree trailing vines looming over the mysterious giant pumpins.

    4. The new full sized decaying grave yard complete with open graves, broken falling walls, and a Mausoleum sealed from the inside o.O

    5. The Anchient dead tree, now rising from a dried up pumpkin patch, sitting on land near a mysterious Witches hut (Graciously designed by TheTikiTotem)

    6. An over view from a top the cliff face now on the Caves attacking side.

    Anyhow it would be cool to have a working pvp arena/server for people to practice/duel on again, maybe even a Halloween PvP Tournament for those inclined, who knows?

    - Think outside the blocks -

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 35
    • Total: 41
    • ★★

    [Size=14]A month ago it was started, and after suggestions, direct player inputs, and quite an over haul I’m marking this one as completed.[/Size]
    There are a few details to be sorted out if it goes live, ex;

    • Can’t add fire to a few detailing spots in creative
    • The roof needs sealed off, its open now for viewing
    • The field of crops breaks in some areas due to low light an would need planted in those areas

    This arena is designed to be played pvp. It can be solo or perhaps in teams up to 3v3? Its also been noted by some to be non-ideal for bow battles so focus is on hand to hand combat. Spawn locations are marked at either end of the central path from the cave to the Haunted house. Available for viewing at my plot 18;-17 access through the roof.
    After much fiddling an redesigning, features now included shown below:

    1. An over view from the Haunted house attacking side. The mountain in the back has been carved into cliffs to prevent unfair advantage to people who would have climbed it to use the high grounds." />
    2. A view of the Haunted house over the wheat fields, complete with friendly? looking scarecrow on guard.
    3. The giant dark oak tree trailing vines looming over the mysterious giant pumpins.
    4. The new full sized decaying grave yard complete with open graves, broken falling walls, and a Mausoleum sealed from the inside o.O
    5. The Anchient dead tree, now rising from a dried up pumpkin patch, sitting on land near a mysterious Witches hut (Graciously designed by TheTikiTotem)
    6. An over view from a top the cliff face now on the Caves attacking side.

    For some reason I couldn’t directly insert pictures, idk.
    Anyhow it would be cool to have a working pvp arena/server for people to practice/duel on again, maybe even a Halloween PvP Tournament for those inclined, who knows?


    - Think outside the blocks -

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 35
    • Total: 41
    • ★★

    [Size=14]A month ago it was started, and after suggestions, direct player inputs, and quite an over haul I’m marking this one as completed.[/Size]
    There are a few details to be sorted out if it goes live, ex;

    • Can’t add fire to a few detailing spots in creative
    • The roof needs sealed off, its open now for viewing
    • The field of crops breaks in some areas due to low light an would need planted in those areas

    This arena is designed to be played pvp. It can be solo or perhaps in teams up to 3v3? Its also been noted by some to be non-ideal for bow battles so focus is on hand to hand combat. Spawn locations are marked at either end of the central path from the cave to the Haunted house. Available for viewing at my plot 18;-17 access through the roof.
    After much fiddling an redesigning, features now included shown below:

    1. An over view from the Haunted house attacking side. The mountain in the back has been carved into cliffs to prevent unfair advantage to people who would have climbed it to use the high grounds.

      View post on

    2. A view of the Haunted house over the wheat fields, complete with friendly? looking scarecrow on guard.
    3. The giant dark oak tree trailing vines looming over the mysterious giant pumpins.
    4. The new full sized decaying grave yard complete with open graves, broken falling walls, and a Mausoleum sealed from the inside o.O
    5. The Anchient dead tree, now rising from a dried up pumpkin patch, sitting on land near a mysterious Witches hut (Graciously designed by TheTikiTotem)
    6. An over view from a top the cliff face now on the Caves attacking side.

    For some reason I couldn’t directly insert pictures, idk.
    Anyhow it would be cool to have a working pvp arena/server for people to practice/duel on again, maybe even a Halloween PvP Tournament for those inclined, who knows?

    - Think outside the blocks -

    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 3

    My name is Dane otherwise known as Crixton, I started pirate craft a long time ago back in 2014 under the username xX_S_h_a_d_o_w_Xx at the young age of 11. I was soon banned in 2015 after swearing at an admin and that was the end of it, I was super upset and unhappy about what had happened, so I tried to find new things to do, new servers to play. But they didn’t work… So, I stopped playing for about a month then came back and had forgotten my log-in information. So, I created a new account I named CrixMC and started playing Minecraft again, every day for hours upon hours. Then in 2017 at the age of 14 I decided to re-join PirateCraft and the adventures started again, I adventured and made new friends, I had great experiences and met great people.
    Now in 2019, I only login every so often for the nostalgic feeling we all love and hate. I recently retrieved my older account Which is now called “JustDane” that I about about to rename “Crixton”, after I renamed “CrixMC” to “NotCrixton”. I recently got JustDane unbanned from PirateMC.
    I will be using my old account as my main from now on, I understand one of my accounts will definitely be getting banned, in that case I would prefer to keep “JustDane” which is now “Crixton”, even though all the progress I had on there has been reset.

    I am okay with this decision and I’m not hiding it. I understand the consequences of Ban Evading and if I must be banned, I am ready to accept the punishment, I have had a great time on Pirate Craft and I appreciate all the people I have met and adventured with. If action could somehow be forgiven, I would appreciate being able to log in every now and then.
    Thanks for your time


    In reply to: Melonisnotafruit'sbox

    • Topics: 5
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    In what way is it easier to Regen and rebuild… Instead of covering up what is built I would be building from scratch, not to mention I’m building on top of it as well, it would be annoying af to build my face on top and make it all out of siegeproof blocks. I’ll just build a nicer design over the wall, it will look the same as it would if it was regenned and I restarted.


    In reply to: Melonisnotafruit'sbox

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    Well first off, I wasn’t told to “not” build a box, just that it was a bad idea. I had planned that if it’s going to get regenned I would build something nicer over it. I’m not trying to make it blend in with the environment, but I could definently change it to make it look decent and not an ugly stone brick box. By this I also means walls and not just my face on top (but that will be included as well :D).


    In reply to: Melonisnotafruit'sbox

    • Topics: 3
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    Since I dont know you and you dont know me neither, I wonder who gives you the right to state out such things with literally no background information at all.

    This topic is about a specific building rule that has been declared by the server owner and not about what you feel or about your relationship with someone. You are not even mentionned in the report.

    Romich points out if someone is breaking these rules and I for my part value his inputs. Cysteen has regularly raised concerns about peoples behaviour. I also value her observations and the appropriate actions taken by the staff.

    Your saying about people behaving childish and asinine is ironic. I had a good laugh there.




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