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  • #65183
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    Astrobolt is a cool name

    ~ Leader of the Imperial Roman Empire ~

    - Former Sith Knight of the Eternal Sith Empire -
    - Former Lord of the Valyrian Freehold
    - Former member of Titan's Hand -

    "Nobody can touch my swag"


    In reply to: Unban Appeal

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    u have 13 bans 4 of which were perm. u have 8 mutes and 3 warnings

    hold my beer

    not sure why surfergirl558 hasn’t updated to astrobolt yet :/

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
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    • Topics: 794
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    @Astrobolt The developers requested to attempt the same thing with another plugin that can Teleport. From the top of my head, other plugins that can teleport are:

    • Teleporting to shops (cant remember if I gave people this, probs not)
    • Using /wild, again limited I think to deckhands/cadets, I can give to all to test if need be.
    • Using a /crew home
    • Topics: 46
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    @cysteen @palmerageddon @gingfulglider @astrobolt @nickanaut Nobody has given a way to reproduce, I tested myself as Sailor/Not OP/Gm 0 and it teleported me fine. The only consistent thing I can see is people with TERRIBLE internet connection, So I assume its your internet not being able to load the chunks when you teleport.

    • How do we reproduce this each time, obviously nothing can be “fixed” if nobody gives a way to reproduce 100% of the time, I cannot submit a vague bug report.
    • What timeframe has this happened? @astrobolt report isn’t related, so that’s being ignored from the timeframe in my head.
    • Is it just boats or all entities? Has it happened not on an entitiy?
    • What is the death message when you die? is it trapped in a block or dropped from a height?
    • ALL of the homes I have checked from people reported have been set INSIDE blocks, and the plugin is having to find a safe location to put you, so its having to do extra calculations in the split second you teleport as you have set your home inside blocks to put you somewhere safe, maybe I should just disable safe teleporting? then it’ll just block you teleporting into that block (hopefully) or just suffocate you. Maybe people need to die to place their homes properly.

    Cant do anything until I have some basic information answered.

    As I said previously, I have one of the best connections of anyone, so I don’t really know what you’re talking about? As for reproducing it, I will attempt to do it later today.

    I know this has been going on from at least as far back as this summer, and presumably fairly recently because jammin’s report is fairly recent. (He’ll have to tell you specifically)

    As for my report being irrelevant, I’m not exactly sure how? It’s literally about the problem being discussed.

    I have only tested it with boats (the last time I did it was when you were watching to confirm) but buckmaster complained once that he died when he teleported off of another entity. (I think it was a lama)

    I don’t remember for sure, but I believe it says fall damage as the death reason. And no, I don’t believe any of our homes are 100 blocks off the ground. The problem isn’t that we fall to our deaths, it’s that we die instantly upon teleporting.

    I’m not sure if you checked my homes or not, but none of them are in blocks or in any position that could kill me. Since I have experienced this issue, this confirms that it is not related to where a home is.

    Again, I will attempt to reproduce this and record it later on today if I have time.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
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    • Topics: 794
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    @Cysteen @Palmerageddon @GingfulGlider @Astrobolt @NickANaut

    Nobody has given a way to reproduce, I tested myself as Sailor/Not OP/Gm 0 and it teleported me fine.

    The only consistent thing I can see is people with TERRIBLE internet connection, So I assume its your internet not being able to load the chunks when you teleport.

    • How do we reproduce this each time, obviously nothing can be “fixed” if nobody gives a way to reproduce 100% of the time, I cannot submit a vague bug report.
    • What timeframe has this happened? @Astrobolt report isn’t related, so that’s being ignored from the timeframe in my head.
    • Is it just boats or all entities? Has it happened not on an entitiy?
    • What is the death message when you die? is it trapped in a block or dropped from a height?
    • ALL of the homes I have checked from people reported have been set INSIDE blocks, and the plugin is having to find a safe location to put you, so its having to do extra calculations in the split second you teleport as you have set your home inside blocks to put you somewhere safe, maybe I should just disable safe teleporting? then it’ll just block you teleporting into that block (hopefully) or just suffocate you. Maybe people need to die to place their homes properly.

    Cant do anything until I have some basic information answered.

    • Topics: 14
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    In that screenshot i was responding to vlad.

    Its still the same nothing changed, /back is ONLY not allowed after pvp deaths.


    Max here: It seems Freke was misinformed about the situation

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    endermites? theyre not being used for much atm.

    I forgot about this idea. At present its already quite a chore, this would be utterly brutal to introduce..

    Please provide a shovel… PvP is enabled right? Fight over the shovel hahaha. And crabs. Some type of crab. IDK! WE NEED CRABS.

    Silverfish that randomly pop up when you break sand… you might be onto something!

    Perhaps in the distant future with 1.14 we could use custom mobs to make crabs? o.o

    Can we call them AstroCrabs?

    you’re damn right we can

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
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    Dealer's Deck
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    • Topics: 94
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    First battle in the new arena (now named Battle Bay) – and it worked almost perfectly… aside from that server crash at the end… oh well. The battle was split up into two lots of 20 minutes of fighting, with 10 minute breaks after each one. This was followed by a roughly 15 minute ‘sudden-death’ at the end (the server crashed during this period, so it went a bit messy with some ships having chunks missing). Surprisingly high turnout last night, counted 61 players online and at least 32 people on my /near – probably more. We had 5 ships and a submarine taking part. Thanks to Nahadoth and Moossolini for helping me moderate, and creeprr for recording the battle.

    • Participants:
      • Phantom Narwhal (seawolf sub) – Astrobolt (captain), OmegaVenom1, Dark_101, Blackshadow969, MinisterMoo
      • Da Vinchi (indiaman) – POTATQ (captain), Just_a_Pleb, SpiderDeluxe, JUSAPeinter1, ZPho3nixZ, PetalFace, creeprr
      • Drifting’s Ship (galleon) – DriftingSixGuns (captain), Joshua_JonesJ_H_Rodgers, CreeperlnX, Death_Jackal, few more
      • BLURP_’s Ship (frigate) – BLURP_ (captain), 4orange, lots more please tell me usernames if you have them
      • CLTN Menace (frigate) – Rivvur (captain), JUSAShrek1, Torkey, Cappur
      • Lakeside’s Ship (dhow) – lakesidekiller (captain)



    1. Da Vinchi – Won the sudden-death with 3 members left alive
    2. Phantom Narwhal – 2 members left alive
    3. Drifting’s ship – 1 member left alive
    4. CLTN Menace – All members killed during sudden death
    5. BLURP_’s ship – Surrendered in second half of battle
    6. Lakeside’s ship – Blown up in second half of battle


    Honorable Awards:

    • Most damage recieved as % of ship – Lakeside’s ship, with only 5 blocks left of a once 130 block ship – that’s 4%
    • Most damage dealt as % of ship  – CLTN Menace, nuking Lakeside’s ship, and dealing huge damage to BLURP_’s ship and the Phantom Narwhal (well done Cappur)
    • Most damage repaired as % of ship – Drifting’s ship (not counting the restart that f***ed up some ships), repaired the ship twice over but still sailed
    • Most ships sunk/disabled – CLTN Menace with 1 sunk (Lakeside’s ship), and 1 assist (BLURP_’s ship)
    • Most player kills – Drifting’s ship, killing at least 20 players before sudden death, and 2 during sudden-death
    • Most spectator kills *sigh* – Da Vinchi, killing at least 8 spectators who got in the way of their cannons


    Damage Report:

    • Phantom Narwhal – Received moderate damage throughout the battle, was duplicated due to restart with both copies having significant parts of the ships missing. Plans are made to repair it.
    • Da Vinchi – Received moderate damage in the back at the start of the battle, light damage for the remaining battle. A chunk of the ship was missing after the restart. Is being repaired for next battle.
    • CLTN Menace – Received light damage for most of the battle, followed by heavy damage in sudden-death. Is being repaired for next battle.
    • Drifting’s ship – Received moderate damage throughout the battle, heavy damage in sudden-death. Is being repaired for next battle.
    • BLURP_’s ship – Received heavy damage in first half (due to lack of armour), moderate damage in second half. Being rebuilt i think.
    • lakeside’s ship – Received moderate damage in first half, and very heavy damage at beginning of second half. Blown up and broken up.


    Next Battle:

    Happening in 2 weeks time on a saturday evening at 8:00pm GMT (3pm EST). 2nd or 3rd of September i think.

    • Double cannons will not be allowed (sorry)
    • Ships only for that battle – testing designs, I’ll follow it up with a normal battle afterwards
    • I should be able to spawn in ships for people by then, arena should be claimed, and server ship shop at the warp


    Gonna be using a points system for people who finished in top 3; 3rd gets 10 points, 2nd gets 20, 1st gets 30.

    These points will be handed out to the ships, not the crews. So if you want your ship to get lots of points, be sure to use it again or modify it. The points will be in the group description, and previous battles results will not be included.

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 46
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    Attention everyone! The following are important updates regarding the Phantom Narwhal:

    New Narwhal HQ Fund

    A new Narwhal HQ is currently in the works, but funds are desperately needed for claimblocks! The HQ will be located near the next ship battle location and, once completed, will harbor all of the Narwhals made so far. There will, of course, be additional features at the HQ, but those will be the main features.

    Current Target Goal: £6,000

    All donators will be featured, along with the donation amount, on a donation wall at the HQ. Additionally, if you are in the Narwhal Crew discord (, you will be given the donator role.


    For all those who own shops at /warp shops, the Phantom Narwhal now does sponsorship deals! If you are interested, contact Astrobolt in game or via discord at Astro#1680 to determine sponsorship fees.

    Sponsors will be featured in the Narwhal News Network forum page description, along with having a sign on the Narwhal during battle advertising your shop. A Narwhal banner will also be given to each sponsor to display at their shop if they choose. In the Narwhal Crew discord, there will be a reminder every other week to shop at each sponsors’ shop. Similarly to donators, sponsors, if they are in the Narwhal Crew discord, will receive the sponsor role.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril


    In reply to: Sieges and Doors

    • Topics: 1
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    Thanks, Astrobolt.

    Got a request for whoever manages the web site…

    Please update the Claims and Siege page to let new players know what doors are unlocked during a Siege.

    Thanks in advance.

    – Andrew

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    Forgot to make a results post for the ship battle at the end of March, so I’m doing a double whammy here. Largest number of ships in battle, and utter chaos for me trying to get it to work haha – don’t worry, things will be different once the arena is created. A post will follow up on that shortly. Thanks for taking part everyone.

    Both battles were split into 2 parts, with a roughly 15-20 minute break after 30 minutes of fighting. I can’t remember much from ship battle #9, and im really tired, so I’m only going to cover results. I know lots of people recorded this time – so that should be awesome.

    Winners (Ship Battle #9):

    1. Teletub 2.0 Myself and a few other people
      HMS Ajax – Italians
      USS Monitor – Moossolini, Blackshadow969
      Shadow Voyager (sov copy) – TAS/CLTN
    2. Unnamed Ship – Peppykiss365

    It was a boring 4-way draw to put it short. I’m thinking of new ways to determine a winner, so I trialed a % of ship left victory method for ship battle #10. Due to the chaos and uncertainty of this particular battle, and the outcome, no winner will be declared and the ships will not be added to the tally of winning ships.

    Results (Ship Battle #10):

    1. Giulio Cesare – Lego (captain), MagmaGolem, Valerio, Romich02, several other Italians
      Shadow Voyager (sov copy) – CreeperMorderen (captain), Cysteen, Maximus_Terragon, Cappur, CrazyMoneyy, MinisterMoo (joined at the end), Kaithefireninja (joined at the end)
      Phantom Narwhal – Astrobolt (captain), who else?
      Iron Duke – Lazydog11 (captain), emielreijs, iBrowe, several other BE members and allies
    2. HMS Ajax – GingfulGlider (captain), several other people
    3. HMS [something with A] – iBrowe (captain), Ic3y, few other people
    4. The Zucc – Kaithefireninja (captain), MinisterMoo, jmeatball
    5. [unnamed ship] – BLURP_ (captain), blackshadow969

    It was officially a 4-way tie again, so i’m not adding any names to the tally of ‘winners’ in the description. However, I did measure the % of the orginal ship still left once the battle was over and handed out prizes accordingly. These are as follows:

    1. Phantom Narwhal – 93.4%
    2. Giulio Cesare (second one) – 85.5%
    3. Shadow Voyager – 80.2%
    4. Iron Duke (second one) – 72.4%


    An apology.

    I am aware that a lot of people enjoyed the battle, however I know of some individuals who may have misunderstood the rules and as such blown up ships with TNT, and/or killed crew members via boarding. This rule will be enforced differently in future, so sorry.

    I would also like to apologize for the chaos, and the ‘unfair advantage’ that some crews had by having a brand new copy of their ship copied in during the break. Future battles will be held differently, and more organized with me being on full-time ‘ship battle moderator’ – so i won’t be taking part in ships battles in future directly.

    Congratulations to all teams that survived the onslaught, and thanks for taking part. I’m looking forward to the screenshots/videos people have recorded! Godsy managed to record the whole battle and he may be able to use some of the material for a piratecraft trailer!

    There will be a followup post in a few days explaining my intentions for future battles – including how to make it more organised, fair, and hopefully fun. I’ll have a chat with godsy, and lay out the possibilities for you guys. :))

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    @turseturtle @Okta @emielreijs @P1ndr0p @Chiroptera419 @Lawzoneon @RoMich02 @KaithefireNinja @Astrobolt @GingfulGlider @FieryFox

    I have backdated your claim-block data, my god that took way more effort than I anticipated. Before I did each update, I selected the data from both tables to show the backed up data Acquired blocks and bonus blocks from Backup & Todays data (the messed up set), so we have a future reference and so you can work out the exact amount.

    I am aware that you have earned claim blocks since then, but there is no way for me to get this data so I will figure out compensation when all lost claim blocks are fixed in this thread 🙂 If you wish to reply with what you think you have earned claim block wise between

    887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60	24617	-7032
    887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60	18140	-3511
    86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0	2600	0
    86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0	6808	0	
    b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 	97269 	-1518
    b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 	75914 	0
    f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 	196376 	370 	
    f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 	140781 	0
    3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 	52364 	-2130 	
    3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 	37943 	0
    c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc 	51588 	300 	
    c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc 	44425 	2000
    7e556548-0a59-4c43-bd7b-44f3bc9b3261 	186351 	179556
    7e556548-0a59-4c43-bd7b-44f3bc9b3261 	337710 	-2029
    82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2 	48035 	-2260 	
    82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2 	43501 	435
    d37799c1-1f34-47b2-be38-1a31619832ff 	62650 	-1000 	
    d37799c1-1f34-47b2-be38-1a31619832ff 	50831 	1851
    54768a73-2cd9-4842-9b95-a4ad5314a63b 	114779 	-94890 	
    54768a73-2cd9-4842-9b95-a4ad5314a63b 	21554 	-830
    1ae95663-ed2d-41c0-b762-448e7e52ab64 	14976 	-1820 	
    1ae95663-ed2d-41c0-b762-448e7e52ab64 	13701 	0
    • Topics: 46
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    Screenshot Attached

    Unfortunately, I do not know how many claimblocks I lost since I hadn’t checked how many I had for a few weeks before I noticed, but I think it was around 1-2k

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
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    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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    Thank you very much The_Network because I was designing one for myself and my crew to use in stuff like wars. I heard it was illegal but you and Astrobolt corrected me. Again thanks.

    The turtles will rise...


    In reply to: The server is broken

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    Read my reply to your other topic for the first two problems.

    Since @palmerageddon took the liberty of deleting both of your previous topics (only deleting one was necesarry) which were both very clear as to the problem, therefore also deleting my correct answers, I will put the answers that I had in those topics (which were correct) in here. The chat problem is the result of a new feature. Now, when you type @username, it automatically direct messages that person everything you type. To talk in general chat, simply type “exit” in chat. In regards to the forums posts duplicating, this happens every now and then and it does not only happen to you. Except for staff, none of us are able to delete topics because most people would abuse this feature.

    Did not know about this new chat feature haha! I will have a look into it when i’m back, going out of town for a few nights.

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