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  • #20238

    In reply to: Disrespect

    • Topics: 66
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    It’s sad how many times I have been called retarted in the past…

    And yesterday when I was telling people to stop making stupid remarks at me they were saying this was the wrong place to get help.

    I wasn’t trying to get help.

    I was trying to escape.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Since we are on the topic, do you think it would be worth denoting players who have donated for permanent ranks with their own username color? It would be cool to be able to differentiate those who donate for boatswain after a few hours from the players who put 30 days of playtime into the server. It would be a nice way to thank them for their donation too! We’d have to figure out how it would conflict with the current post-donation dark green too, because many donators have also earned their non-donation rank. Otherwise players with very little playtime who donate for a permanent rank after donating for captain would look the same as the veteran donators.

    No, the idea from having structure in colors is that anyone at any point can know exactly what rank a player is, start giving people their own custom colors and that all goes out the window!

    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 170
    • Total: 187
    • ★★★★

    Since we are on the topic, do you think it would be worth denoting players who have donated for permanent ranks with their own username color?  It would be cool to be able to differentiate those who donate for boatswain after a few hours from the players who put 30 days of playtime into the server.  It would be a nice way to thank them for their donation too!

    We’d have to figure out how it would conflict with the current post-donation dark green too, because many donators have also earned their non-donation rank.  Otherwise players with very little playtime who donate for a permanent rank after donating for captain would look the same as the veteran donators.

    • Topics: 66
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    So I did say this out loud on chat and I think it might be very funny and interesting.

    So maybe one day the entire server’s air spaces are full of water, sky to bed rock.

    And maybe people could then be given a small kit  like that of a submarine which Mark suggested but reminded me about a smaller submarine type which I had possibly requested before in another post.

    But also everyone has infinite water breathing and a sort of depth strider effect to help them get around.


    I think this could be a very funny humorous event that could happen.

    Put what you think below about it!!


    • Topics: 794
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    Few rank changes today, Hopefully a blog post to follow soon. Today I changed the way every rank shows up in the server to unify chat and clean it all up a bit!

    For those of you that were online when I tested every icon under the sun between ranks, sorry for the chaos!

    All ranks have the same colors, their icons have changed, every single rank now has the same icon, and its this »

    Why change the ranks icons?

    I was adding a new rank and experimenting with changing other rank icons, then it hit me how messy the current system is, Icons were either username *: message or username +: Message, Staff had their own icons.. this is just a mess! So everyone now has username » message.

    I removed the : between username rank icon and message to gain us 1 more character and tidy up output, since this icon looks like a rank badge and an arrow pointing at the message it’s a double wammie in my books.

    What about ranks without icons?

    deckhand, sailor and lieutenant all didn’t have rank icons, which made removing the : look weird to separate the username from the message, so they all now have an icon next to their name, deckhands is white, sailors is blue and lieutenant’s is white.

    So a this is roughly what it looks like now:

    If you have a recommendation to improve this, please reply to this thread.

    Whats this Privateer Rank?

    Privateer is PirateCrafts first media team rank, this rank includes: Fly, Player Time (day/night/dawn/dusk) & TPPOS (Teleport to coordinates)

    This rank is designed for the media team to quickly teleport to a location, fly and take screenshots of it for Build Of the Month & Gallery screenshots for the website.

    So I would like to congratulate and welcome arinthros and Chailey to the Media team at PirateCraft! They will be taking control of PirateCraft Build Of the Month competition media & writing, Arinthros will mainly be doing screenshots and Chailey will mostly be writing for the blog posts and forum messages, so when you see a BOTM entry form in the competitions forum from these guys, its legit!

    @ChaileyOfficial @arinthros

    Sidenote: Anyone pestering arinthros or Chailey to use their new perks outside of their media role will be put in a pit filled with rats.

    Sidenote #2: Do not post in here asking to be on the media team, This forum thread was used to recruit! anyone that asks to be on the media team in this thread will be put in a pit filled with rats.


    • Topics: 66
    • Replies: 1044
    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★


    btw I didn’t mean to post 2 topics guys

    • Topics: 3
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    ill do any thing to stop charge back i just dont know how to stop it

    go the IRON ARMY


    In reply to: why have i been banned

    • Topics: 794
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    You were banned for charging back, you need to stop the chargeback asap and your ban will be lifted.

    Chargeback is instant ban, no way around it.

    PM me to sort this situation out.


    • Topics: 794
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    Live map is back up. Thread.


    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 170
    • Total: 187
    • ★★★★

    Welcome back GodsDead!


    I think this topic can be closed.

    • Topics: 9
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    in columbus’ days, yeah… now we have satelites so… XD


    Nah, I mean literally there are still people to this day that believe the Earth is flat, and that the whole “round planet” thing, is a NASA conspiracy crap. Go look it up, it’s pretty amusing. Oh, and by the way, Columbus wasn’t the first to prove/discover the Earth is round. That was actually proven long before he was a thought in anyone’s minds…in fact, it was a guy by the name of “<span class=”st”>Eratosthenes” (Yes, I had to figure out the spelling of his name.) and he was around between 276 BC – 195 BC. For some reason, Christopher Columbus seems to get quite a bit of credit for alot of things…such as discovering North America.

    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 170
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    This topic has already been presented in an organized manner in a previous thread:

    Request for Clarification of Rules

    Nothing was decided about it at the time because GodsDead is away and he has authority over these matters.  When he returns, I will bring that thread to his attention.  In the meantime, continuing to discuss and argue about the topic will merely weaken any support that was previously gained.  There is no reason to make staff waste their time with two different threads about the exact same thing.

    If you have any new ideas pertaining to the topic, I ask that you please post them in the original thread. However, please read the entire thread first, because everything said here so far has already been touched upon in the other thread.

    • Topics: 82
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    Dr this is serious. Godsdead could have legitimately been hurt in the thailand bombings. You don’t make jokes on a topic like this. Eapecially considering nearly 20 people died and many more injured. Most of them tourists.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    • Topics: 133
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    That sure is a sweet evil lair front entrance. It reminds me of that terrifying Winnie the Pooh film about Skull Rock.

    … No kidding, Christopher Robin gets kidnapped and the entire Pooh cast gets lost in a dead, nightmarish underworld. Yup, go check it out. O_o

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    Your ban stays, topic closed.

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