Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions IDEA FOR A WEEK OR DAY EVENT!! Gods's Flood!!

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    So I did say this out loud on chat and I think it might be very funny and interesting.

    So maybe one day the entire server’s air spaces are full of water, sky to bed rock.

    And maybe people could then be given a small kitΒ  like that of a submarine which Mark suggested but reminded me about a smaller submarine typeΒ which I had possibly requested before in another post.

    But also everyone has infinite water breathing and a sort of depth strider effect to help them get around.


    I think this could be a very funny humorous eventΒ that could happen.

    Put whatΒ you think below about it!!


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    All the squids… Also it would mess up all lava everywhere


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    I know but there would be warning and it could be like the Noah’s ark so people have warning about 5 days maybe in advance?

    Some might plan raids because of the strategic advantage and build fleets of subs.

    People might make shuttle sub services.


    This could be a day/weekend to try and get submarines more used and to see their awesome potential.

    Also people could possibly make like ‘airports’ like this.

    Also most animals might drown.


    But what also could be funny is in the 5 days leading up it could rain constantly and then everyday the sea level rises πŸ˜€

    right next comments…

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    See this could be like an Apocalypse thing if the server were to ever restart (probably not going to happen) like tis the final days and you may only bring one sub with you and in this sub you can have so many chests to bring with you want you need but beware there are pirates out there willing to risk their lives in order to get your loot and there would be much submarine fights much piracy much rage and much fun


    I wouldn’t see this being an event more of a mini game idea though

    Lucky you will be missed πŸ™

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    Yeah but maybe an area of piratecraft could be flooded or an area could have the deepest oceans?

    I dunno but it doesn’t have to go from bedrock to sky just enough to make it ‘floody’.

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    I think we should add it but only have 3 double chests. And building is not allowed. So only your sub could survive. And there could be loot crates full of needed materials.


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    Idea wise, its great, as a technical perspective there’s no way we could full the entire world with water… And then remove it,, have you seen how badly water works in Minecraft? It would be perminant damage everywhere you look, we could do this on a new world!

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    Idea wise, its great, as a technical perspective there’s no way we could full the entire world with water… And then remove it,, have you seen how badly water works in Minecraft? It would be perminant damage everywhere you look, we could do this on a new world!


    Would it be possible to copy the old world over to a temporary new one to do that? Or would filling the world still be a issue? I mean, if it’s a new one (just copied and pasted), there would be no need to remove the water, right? I don’t know much about this stuff, so forgive me for my ignorance.

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    I like this idea

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

    • Topics: 66
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    • β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Like the new world could be like a giant Atlantis Land!!

    or underwater world or whatever.

    I could possibly also be maybe like an adventure map Gods.

    That would be cool.

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