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  • #84155

    In reply to: Playime Reset

    • Topics: 0
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    <span style=”color: #262626; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji;”><span style=”font-size: 15px; white-space-collapse: preserve;”>When reporting the issue sprunki 2</span></span><span style=”color: #262626; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Segoe UI, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, Apple Color Emoji, Segoe UI Emoji;”><span style=”font-size: 15px; white-space-collapse: preserve;”>, include specific information such as your previous playtime, the current reset time, and any relevant screenshots if possible. How can users resolve playtime issues on PirateCraft?</span></span>


    In reply to: Unban Request

    Richard E
    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 9

    I replied to this post, but I don’t see it. I am not sure what is going on.


    Username RCE23ERAU

    Banned by: Taulov

    Reason: I was banned for my new mouse’s macro function which had me moving around AFK while I was farming something.

    Comment: I apologize for using it, I didn’t realize it was a bannable offense. I have been on PirateCraft with my two young sons for a few years and didn’t realize even what “AFK” was until I was banned and my kids told me what it was. I didn’t gain any ranks from it, I have earned everything organically. I will never use that function again on my mouse. I’m sorry.  It’s been over 6-months and I want to get back to the server to continue with our builds/base. I have never made any trouble for anyone before this incident. Again, I am very sorry.

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 1
    • Total: 7

    Forting Hell!


    Forts and castles is the topic of this month! Get Your Castle Shown off. and WIN!


    Judging Criteria:

    – Exterior

    – Interior

    – Integrity and Strength


    It’s Straight Forward. Obviously you may have Questions so go here to ask them at your hearts content or Dm @mrlimewise on Discord


    July/August will be posted this Weekend! So Keep Your Eyes Peeled! :eyes:


    September Entries Close September 25th. (1 Day after My Bday 😉 ) So get Building!!!




    PirateCraft Moderator and Media

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    The Mr Lime Wise

    Moderater and Media Staff Member
    Of PMC

    Shivendra (ContDJ)
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 6

    I think instead of removing player tpa it would be better to make it ranged, however ships are not really fast or ideal to use because of how clustered the piratecraft Sea is, but if a smaller boat with a faster speed (faster than vanilla boats) is added that would be great

    I also think that shop and other warps should not be removed because it entirely changes a part of how the server works and it doesn’t really matter much in my opinion

    Discord: ContDJ#1553
    In-Game Name: ContDJ


    In reply to: GIBear Unban/Unlocker

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 2

    Dear GIBear,


    Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your appeal. After carefully reviewing your appeal, we regret to inform you that your ban will not be lifted at this time.


    Regarding your resource pack, we understand that you are unsure which parts of it were deemed illegal. However, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that all components of your resource pack comply with our rules and regulations. While some parts of your resource pack may be legal, others were not, and this led to your ban.


    Regarding the issue of bypassing AFK kick while in the locker, we appreciate your honesty and willingness to acknowledge your mistake. However, using any kind of automation or modification to bypass our systems is strictly prohibited, and your actions constituted a violation of our rules.


    Finally, we take the issue of offensive and harmful messages very seriously. Although you claim that you did not intend to cause harm or hurt, the messages that were shared were nonetheless harmful and offensive. As such, we cannot condone such behavior on our platform.


    We understand that you would like to have a longer conversation with our staff regarding your ban, and we appreciate your willingness to communicate with us. However, based on the severity of the violations that occurred, we must uphold your ban at this time.


    We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.


    Best regards,

    The Piratecraft moderation team.

    Former Godsdead Hoe, Palapourheal.

    • Topics: 55
    • Replies: 18
    • Total: 73
    • ★★★

    I had a few ideas on something we could do once siege is back up and running

    one idea was that all blocks would be destructible by different types of cannon rounds but they would regen over time so people couldn’t grief

    another idea was forcing bases to be above ground for at least 50% of it so people dont hide underground making the siege pluggin useless in the first place.

    my third idea was that if your in a war with a crew you either are at constant siege with the rival crew or always have access to there redstone

    my final idea was always require bases to have a door into the base so if you do manage to kill them behind there 20 block thick walls you could get actually get inside

    these are just a few ideas I have it think it would help greatly with the piratey feel of piratecraft

    -Emperor of The Mayan Empire, AhawCow

    • Topics: 46
    • Replies: 509
    • Total: 555
    • ★★★★★★

    I am proposing a new, bigger ship class called “ShipOfTheLine.” This would help greatly in creating more accurate, 1:1 scale heavy frigates, galleons, ships of the line, and other large ships in PirateCraft. It would help most with detailing like rigging and outfitting decks, along with just creating accurately-scaled ships in general:

    Class type: ShipOfTheLine (or perhaps a different name if you think something else is better)

    5000 block minimum

    7500-10,000 block maximum (I would push for 10k personally but I realize a range of 5k blocks is pretty big)

    Minimum 15% wool, 25% wood; Maximum 4% chests

    Speed: maybe just *slightly* slower than Indiaman, but those are already pretty slow so I’d say just leave it as is

    Sink Percentage: 60% (Same as Indiaman)

    Allowed/Restricted Blocks, etc.: Same as Indiaman

    Permissions: Captain rank

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 6

    I have known Palapourheal since he was a deckhand, and while he was loud, his behavior grew out of control. I, personally, agree with Buck that he may have matured, but I think that with recent events on piratecraft, now is not the best time for him to return. Perhaps in a year would be a better time, but for now, I do agree that he should stay banned. Good luck to you Palapourheal.

    -Former Leader of FSKN
    -Former Member of CLTN
    -Former Leader of TAS
    -Former member of LAW
    -Proud Leader of NRWHL

    The Narwhal Syndicate is the server's foremost authority on ships of war and redstone engineering. We are responsible for building and piloting the Phantom Narwhal, which is the single-most successful ship in the history of PirateCraft's organized ship battles, and for building powerhouse bases including Mesa Basa and the Narwhal HQ. We are constantly prioritizing both form and function in order to continue creating the finest warships, bases, and redstone systems on the server. This serves as the Narwhal Syndicate's home on the forums for all diplomatic and otherwise-related matters.
    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 2
    • Total: 9

    Hello, I played piratecraft a long time ago with the account named Timballo. Due to the migration of java accounts, having an old email I can’t remember the password and this prevents me from using the Timballo account. I am now with the microsoft account Timballosio. I was wondering if there was a way to delete the old claims and put in new ones with the current account.  I can try within the limits that the timballo account is my own given also a previous ban.



    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 147
    • Total: 154
    • ★★★★

    I second this. Eisengraf asked to be removed from moderation a few months ago, so he should be removed fully from all PirateCraft matters.


    With that, I would like to nominate Keto, the true pirate, to be mod in his place. He has displayed impeccable behaviour over the recent weeks in which I have talked to him, and displays a sense of maturity far beyond anything RatRaceRobot could hope to achieve.



    Thank you




    former admin


    max is dad :weary:

    • Topics: 1
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    He is no longer a moderator in-game and does not wish to devote any further time to forum moderation for a server he doesn’t play, so it would make sense to remove the forum rank as well.





    Former PirateCraft Moderator

    Current PirateCraft Forum Moderator

    • Topics: 1
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    • Total: 10

    This thread has now devolved far beyond the topic at hand, so I’m locking it for now until staff has a chance to address the original e-pearl issue. We don’t need petty sniping over matters entirely unrelated to this suggestion. Please try to show some respect for your fellow players and think about how you are speaking to another person. These personal attacks are totally unnecessary in any situation, but especially over a video game, are not welcome here, and are frankly embarrassing.


    Former PirateCraft Moderator
    Current PirateCraft Forum Moderator


    In reply to: Morro Was Duping

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 12
    • Total: 19


    I’m glad to hear you’re starting to learn from your mistakes. However, the bad behavior went beyond just duping and alting, there were signs to scam, bypassing mutes, and just all around bad behavior. After careful consideration by the moderation team, we have decided that, at this time, you will not be returning to PirateCraft. Maybe appeal in a year, once more time has passed.

    -May the winds be at your back

    Shivendra (ContDJ)
    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 19
    • Total: 24
    • ★★

    Ahoy thar PirateCrafters, I am Contt, jus’ wanted t’ let everyone know that I am takin’ a break from PMC ‘n Minecraft ’cause o’ somethin’ that’s nah goin’ like ’twas supposed t’ be, I expect t’ be back till March-April 2023, in the meanwhile I will be semi-active on me discord ContDJ#1553, feel free t’ contact me fer anythin’. Thanks t’ everyone ‘n the staff crew fer givin’ me the best experience o’ minecraft till now, Good time awaits


    fair winds t’ ye


    Former Capal & Architect of ROME
    Former member of PAPAL
    Current Citizen of The British Empire

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