Problems with java account

Home Forums Server Support Help Request Ticket Problems with java account

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  • #81391
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    Hello, I played piratecraft a long time ago with the account named Timballo. Due to the migration of java accounts, having an old email I can’t remember the password and this prevents me from using the Timballo account. I am now with the microsoft account Timballosio. I was wondering if there was a way to delete the old claims and put in new ones with the current account.  I can try within the limits that the timballo account is my own given also a previous ban.



    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    catche me ingame ok

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    Hi, is there any news?

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    you need to be online so we can help you

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    I’m online now

    Shivendra (ContDJ)
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    Try to find lazydog11 in-game on the tab list by clicking [TAB] button on your keyboard.

    Former Capal & Architect of ROME
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