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  • #44604

    In reply to: Chinese Surrender

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    Okay, well can you stop spreading random lies then? It’s childish, and I’m the king of childish, fine, I’ll go, just know that I’m sick of you as you are sick of me *BAM BANG*



    In reply to: Chinese Surrender

    Crazy Pirate
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    Odi, please stop? I tried to give you fair warning, if you want even the slightest chance of coming back, you need to leave on good terms and work on maturity while you’re gone. I can’t ban your account, and even if I could, that would be it for you; no return.

    So just make an effort to avoid causing drama for 6 months, and you may well be granted a second chance.


    In reply to: Music

    • Topics: 66
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    Go on Team Speak, ask me, and I can pull up an entire list of music I like and I’ll play it.

    Sabaton, One Republic, Imagine Dragons, Take That. Bands I like.

    I also like the random sort of tunes, like the ‘memes’ but not annoying ones like PPAP. :/


    I also like single songs also, but I can’t think of any off of the top of my head.


    I also like Pokémon Themes. Them being positive. 🙂

    • Topics: 19
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    This was once proposed by Dr.Solid!

    connection of the oceans

    As said above, ships may not be considered that useful because of them being difficult to defend while travelling. A global connection will not make a ship revolution, but it would certainly be a good thing. If we had an opposite situation where we all liked to sail ships, probably we would have had more will to dig these canals, like it happened to me in a period when I used to sail an indiaman and had to reach certain locations.


    Topic: Music

    • Topics: 94
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    Haven’t found a forum topic about this – and I don’t exactly want to be grave digging for something like this.

    I was just curious as to what kind of music you peeps listen to, specific bands, or genre. Feel free to share anything as I almost always have music on, and I need something new and more variety.

    What sort of music do you listen to? What are your favorite bands/music? Do you play an instrument?

    I’ll start:

    I’m generally a lover for 80s and 90s music, with bands such as Depeche Mode. This has mainly come about from playing hours and hours of GTA Vice City (still the best GTA), getting into a car, putting on the radio, letting go of the wheel, and listing to the best of 80s. I promise very few people were hurt…

    As far as specific bands, I love Coldplay, especially their old music from pre-2010 such as ‘Clocks’ or ‘The Scientist’. OneRepublic and Imagine Dragons are great too.

    Instruments.. well I have played the Piano for almost 12 years now, and teach myself all the Coldplay songs, and other things I like. I used to be able to play the violin, albeit pretty badly…


    What about you?

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 794
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    Quick one.

    • Added a warmup and cooldown to /as tp so its no longer instant, to stop abuse.
    • Added Tall Grass & flowers to the siege soft blocks, I also added a bunch more things but there not working, ill figure it out over time.
    • Portal Generation requires permission now (could this cause any issues?)
    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 6
    • Total: 7


    I found out that i’m actually the third player that fell in that trap today. Another member of my crew entered the portal but managed to get out with ender pearls. Also,the trap was made by Lawzoneon. Please tell him to stop.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • Topics: 60
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    Hate to take this off topic, so I’ll remove once odi see’s it. Can’t you see I’m actually trying to help you? Go through the forums, and look at all the unban requests that have been denied, and accepted. Notice the differences? People who are humble, honest, and treat the server, players and staff with respect often get unbanned, while people like Elex, Jetty, etc, who spam the forums and act in a vile manner, are only ever increasingly hated. I’m trying to help you here. We may have personal disagreements, but as one long time player to another, I understand how great this server is, and why you’d want to come back. So, take a 6 month break, take up a hobby, get a new outlook on life. When you come back, you’ll be that much older, more sensible and mature, and your chances of getting unbanned will only increase. No promises, but worth a shot. Don’t spam the forums with insults, spam or other such crap, because you’re not doing yourself any favours. No way are you ever going to get back if your attitude is to spam and be rude. Take a long break, come back fresh, having left the server without causing a fuss. Maybe then, you’ll stand a chance. For your own sake, listen to my advice, odi. Once again, I will edit this all out once odi has seen it, and will do my best to get this back on topic bcb.

    ban my forum account please



    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Hate to take this off topic, so I’ll remove once odi see’s it.

    Can’t you see I’m actually trying to help you? Go through the forums, and look at all the unban requests that have been denied, and accepted. Notice the differences? People who are humble, honest, and treat the server, players and staff with respect often get unbanned, while people like Elex, Jetty, etc, who spam the forums and act in a vile manner, are only ever increasingly hated.

    I’m trying to help you here. We may have personal disagreements, but as one long time player to another, I understand how great this server is, and why you’d want to come back. So, take a 6 month break, take up a hobby, get a new outlook on life. When you come back, you’ll be that much older, more sensible and mature, and your chances of getting unbanned will only increase. No promises, but worth a shot.

    Don’t spam the forums with insults, spam or other such crap, because you’re not doing yourself any favours. No way are you ever going to get back if your attitude is to spam and be rude. Take a long break, come back fresh, having left the server without causing a fuss. Maybe then, you’ll stand a chance. For your own sake, listen to my advice, odi.


    Once again, I will edit this all out once odi has seen it, and will do my best to get this back on topic bcb.

    • Topics: 794
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    You may have noticed that today, teamspeak, the stats web UI, and the punishment tracker stopped working, the server these were all hosted has stopped.

    For now I have created a new teamspeak server, so it may take a bit of time to re-populate by markusi13 and vapecloudbear.

    If you have any requests for teamspeak, ask away in here.

    Im not sure if you were able to create your own private temporary channels before with passwords, but thats what I wanted, so then you can create your own private TS channels whenever you want.

    same url:

    • Topics: 133
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    The government of the British Empire hereby denounces build1115’s attempts at slandering the British Empire’s reputation. In recent times he has been making an assertive effort to portray past events in a false light. His purpose is to defame the British Empire in front of friends and foe alike and damage longstanding ties.

    In contrary to build1115’s claims, 13C and BE have always enjoyed a very close and trustworthy alliance. Indeed, we have even led a unique “special relationship” (which does not involve adult activities in any shape or form).

    Our two crews share both a similar theme and a similar mentality. We share 17th century “golden age of piracy” theme with similar architecture and similar uniform skins. We are both fiercely advocates of freedom and democracy. We have mutually fought side-by-side in almost every conflict since we entered our relationship. We have connected the British colonies of Canada, Karjat, Whiskey Peak and Fort Fang to the northern 13C territories with a vast road network. We have supported 13C in reaffirming themselves against USE (United States Empire).

    In spring 2016, before the implementation of /a chat, 13C crew leader NickyB_123 approached the BE and proposed that 13C merge with BE. He would continue to lead 13C, but both crews would share one private chat together. The proposal passed in a referendum and 13C was permitted access to BE forum space. NickyB_123 received an honorary position in the British government with the same rights as a Lord of the British Empire.

    Soon thereafter, the crew plugin was updated with the new feature of /a chat. This meant the merger between BE and 13C for coordination purposes was no longer relevant. NickyB_123 asked the government whether 13C could split off again so as to grow his crew independently. There was a referendum and it was universally accepted that 13C should be allowed to leave.

    Around about the same time, there was a war going on between Templar and BE. BE hoped that LoN (BE, EE, 13C, XE, IE, LR) would stick together as they had in the past to defend against the aggressor. However, only EE and 13C agreed to help, the other crews refused to take a side in the war or even leaned more towards supporting Templar. While it was stated in the LoN charter that providing military assistance was voluntary, it had up until then been commonly accepted that LoN members should stick up for each other before any other crew.

    Recognising that this alliance was no longer bilateral, the majority of the British population voted in favour of “BExit” – to leave LoN and continue pursuing closer ties with equal partners such as EE and 13C. After BE left LoN, so did 13C, then EE. Then XE, IE and LR merged into the “Xanthian Empire” and the elves decided to stay after all.

    Back to the topic at hand. In all of this, the BE never in any shape or form attempted to “rule small crews”, or act as “tyrants”. We adhere to values of truth and fairness and expect our allies to follow the same moral standards.

    Thus, we denounce build1115 for trying to damage our relationship with his demagogue rhetoric. As a former government member of the British Empire, we expected more from him.




    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    I saw this and couldn’t stop laughing. I give you – Seagulls, Stop it now- @JamminMas

    I love ya brother Mas, enjoy 🙂

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    There’s been millions of these posts. Godsy is working on the second world with that currently.

    Very valid points Zandad, however, they have been made before, and the staff here have taken notes; constructive feedback is always appreciated, so long as there is some thought behind it!

    Similar arguments can be found here:

    #40480  #39867  #39894  #39051  #36394  #35656  #35001  #32573

    Basically, a lot of people know that ships need to be more crucial to gameplay, staff included, but there’s no feasible way to implement that on the main server; it would just be too much of a shock to established towns, players and crews.

    If you want a no tp server, it has to be that way from the start, so that towns spring up in all the right places, and everything has that nice ‘flow’.  As it is, the main world has evolved using tp’s and warps, and so to turn that off would be to turn the server on its head 😉

    As such, the staff are working hard on implementing this on a second world (alongside a planned games server). Patience is all that is required on our end, and we get to enjoy it when it does come out, free of charge. In the meantime, we have one hell of a server and community to play on/with. That’s a win in my books, any day. 🙂


    • Topics: 133
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    This topic isn’t about LoN, BExit, perceived rivalries or anything else apart from the PirateQuest war declaration.

    I suggest you two shake hands and go settle your personal grievances someplace else.


    In reply to: Fine :)

    • Topics: 794
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    Texter we got on, I liked you greatly its such a shame you had to cheat, you know we follow rules here, there really is no excuse from a long time player to start bending the rules, It just seems like such a waste, why would you risk it? This must have been going on for a while for Salt to notice and spend the time to investigate and then record a video.

    Report thread:

    Previous bans, was on his second chance on the server, 6 previous mutes and 3 warnings.


    Wish you all the best Texter.


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