Ships in Piratecraft

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    At the moment, i must admit that ships feel quite useless and dry while playing on what is possibly my favourite Minecraft server. Although it is true they can be used for cargo, it is much more efficient simply to delete one of your set homes and transfer between point A and point B.

    I suggest that the “clusterbomb” cannon ammunition is removed, as it is much too powerful and makes any ship encounters on the open ocean short, unskillful and tasteless.

    As the main suggestion i am making towards ships on this server, i suggest that the speed of ships are increased very, very dramatically. Modded ships should be able to replace vanilla Minecraft boats, which are very fast, but this also leads me to the next topic.

    Let’s be honest, if you don’t have a spare teleport, a friend handy, or a lot of time, the best way to move cargo over water is to use a boat. A vanilla boat. I suggest that these are made uncraftable to further encourage the use of modded ships.

    Let’s stop and talk about raiding. At the moment, raiding is the agonising and dull process of standing at somebodies front door, typing /siege and waiting for them to come and fight you. The overall mechanics of sieging are well made and make sense, but the process is horrible. I recommend that a restriction to the amount of siege-proof blocks allowed in a claim is made. As for raiding with ships, I think that certain expensive  cannon ammunition types pierce siege-proof blocks, and make raiding against the patient possible.

    I understand that not all these changes can be made, and that these suggestions would impact on how the server functions dramatically, but at the moment ships are useless and raiding is boring. I only state in this post that it would be a good idea to implement some more good features, as something needs to change.

    Thank you for you support and consideration, Thiazzi.


    Crazy Pirate
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    I can predict, with ease, godsy’s reply.

    Search the forums, and you’ll find this isn’t a new idea. I’m guessing around 20 of these threads have been made now, with the main point being that siege mechanics (with relations to ships and cannons) needs to change, and that ships themselves need to change.

    Because of this, godsdead is currently working on a second world, where teleporting is disabled, and where ship combat will be commonplace. 😉

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    Read the reply from @CrazyPirate1
    Read the forums, im not going to repeat myself over and over.

    i suggest that the speed of ships are increased very, very dramatically

    You didnt say how you are using ships, using the maneuver tool (this isn’t the method for speed, and only for parking) or the cruise (How you should be using ships) Which skips large blocks and pauses in-between, which allows, Moving on ships, PVP, moving items on ships, boarding and exiting ships, shooting cannons at ships, you don’t have a SINGLE one of those things when you use high speeds with the maneuver tool (I have covered this before, read the forums).

    Let’s stop and talk about raiding

    What? Where is your suggestion? you haven’t given a better method of sieging? as I have stated many many many many many times (read the forums) until someone can give a better method to siege while still keeping the server balanced and not PVP-sided only, forcing builders to quit because of PVPers just wanting to make a mess. we cant request changes to the developer for Siege, you need to GIVE an alternative or an idea.

    I recommend that a restriction to the amount of siege-proof blocks allowed in a claim is made.

    What? What are you recommending? you haven’t recommended anything?

    I suggest that the “clusterbomb” cannon ammunition is removed

    Again, search the forums



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    I really hope the “no tp world” works out! Really excited for that!




    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
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    I really hope the “no tp world” works out! Really excited for that! ?

    Im betting it won’t. Ive done this already, all these people that “think” they have this brilliant idea and don’t even consider that I have tried it.

    PirateCraft V1 was no TP, No Map, Full PVP madness, nobody played, people are bitches and want it really easy with teleport.

    the initial design was exactly how all these “amazing unique one off ideas” was. it didn’t work.

    Im going to do it again, with a ton of changes that ive learnt from over the years, but my bet it nobody will stay on this world, because there too much of a bitch to actually play as intended. Que the “But we need claims…” yeah you cant have it both ways!

    We need a world name… Thats a new thread, this ones dead.

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