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  • #54719
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Would it be possible to have a redstone powered cannon that fills itself/is self replenishing at this new tutorial? You want to keep deckies interested, staring at some motionless blocks wondering what they do isn’t that intriguing. Imagine having cannon fire in the distance the moment you spawn in, you walk over, and find yourself in the midst of a ‘ship battle’. Now that would be sick.

    Like what we’ve had for 2 years on the spawn ship? I have custom-made infinite cannons on the spawn ship, all they need is 1 cobblestone and there infinite, for some reason restarts don’t hold whether its loaded or not, There needs to be a chest where they can get a few cobble shots to load those cannons.

    I love when my posts delete it’self. Remake:

    “Simple! Not over the top! Keep it simple!”

    As the quote above says, my recommendation is simple. Have a sign before the overhang/cliff saying “read the rules” and then past that sign, we would have simple tutorials on claiming (soft and hard blocks), ships, cannons, and gates/bridges. At the end, there can be a simple explanation of the ranking system and how to rank up. Players don’t want to come to a server and have to read all these complicated rules and tutorials, they will skip it if it’s too complicated. Normally, players are attracted to this server because of the ships and cannons, so it should be the “spotlight on the stage.” We can say that there is an eco and /warp shops, I just don’t think deckhands starting out need to know all of these facts about the sell signs/buy signs. Also, we can mention we have Discord/TeamSpeak/Forums, and tell them the commands if they are interested. For @Cysteen , I don’t think deckhands need to really know how to post screenshots (It would be helpful to the staff) but too complicated for a simple tutorial. The theme would obviously be a ruined town, with the cannons, gates, and bridges area being a broken down tower. The imgur: Thanks, River <3

    yup, we just have to pick a layout first and get it laid out with wool, so we can make sure it all “flows” in a line, there is a massive long space to work with from past the cliffs to where that big /warp info tree is, that could just be one giant path with tutorials off the side of it 🙂

    So the tutorials could happen after the little island with two bridges too! basically walk off the front of the ship and follow a straight line, that’s basic isn’t it, then they end up at the “transport” tree, currently warp info, where they can then teleport off to parts of the map through portals, or just walk it, it’ll have all the teleport info in the very last stage of the micro Tut.

    we could do those social media like I do the buttons at cove for social media, where I trigger them via a pressure plate, but we could have them trigger by anything, right clicking an NPC, a button, just walking into an area (No pressure plate needed) whatever!

    @SnapCrackPlays too confusing for a basic tutorial, it needs to be simple, yours is more like a place to explore. This could possibly be an option for the island behind the spawn ship that I took over, I have no idea what to use that area for. That can be its own separate project, for now lets focus on the out of spawn tutorial!

    As another idea, I could create a /warp tutorial that puts you at the beginning bypassing spawning on the ship for those that ask stupid questions in chat.

    Another idea; having a pre-deckhand rank. That only allows talking in chat once the tutorial has been completed, aka clicking a button at the end, with a backup fail-safe of auto-promoting them after a small X amount of time/blocks walked.

    Another idea; Take into consideration @AppleJK suggestion from here

    This may be a bit overwhelming for a new player, but Could be an option later on once all tutorials are all built.

    • Topics: 66
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    CosmicKing don’t worry, there is currently testing going on right now about flintlocks and muskets, not sure what’s happening right now as the subject has kinda stopped being talked about recently (like last 5 months atleast) but yeah definitely do more research, I’m still waiting for my carcass cannon shot to be added, I also recommend you going through the forums CosmicKing to see if there have been ideas already declared and whether they were turned down or not etc. Anyway glad to see your enthusiasm to make the server more authentic.

    • Topics: 20
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    I love when my posts delete it’self. Remake:

    “Simple! Not over the top! Keep it simple!”

    As the quote above says, my recommendation is simple. Have a sign before the overhang/cliff saying “read the rules” and then past that sign, we would have simple tutorials on claiming (soft and hard blocks), ships, cannons, and gates/bridges. At the end, there can be a simple explanation of the ranking system and how to rank up. Players don’t want to come to a server and have to read all these complicated rules and tutorials, they will skip it if it’s too complicated. Normally, players are attracted to this server because of the ships and cannons, so it should be the “spotlight on the stage.” We can say that there is an eco and /warp shops, I just don’t think deckhands starting out need to know all of these facts about the sell signs/buy signs. Also, we can mention we have Discord/TeamSpeak/Forums, and tell them the commands if they are interested. For @Cysteen , I don’t think deckhands need to really know how to post screenshots (It would be helpful to the staff) but too complicated for a simple tutorial.

    The theme would obviously be a ruined town, with the cannons, gates, and bridges area being a broken down tower.

    The imgur:

    Thanks, River <3


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    • Topics: 20
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    “Simple! Not over the top! Keep it simple!”

    As the quote above says, my recommendation is simple. Have a sign before the overhang/cliff saying “read the rules” and then past that sign, we would have simple tutorials on claiming (soft and hard blocks), ships, cannons, and gates/bridges. At the end, there can be a simple explanation of the ranking system and how to rank up. Players don’t want to come to a server and have to read all these complicated rules and tutorials, they will skip it if it’s too complicated. Normally, players are attracted to this server because of the ships and cannons, so it should be the “spotlight on the stage.” We can say that there is an eco and /warp shops, I just don’t think deckhands starting out need to know all of these facts about the sell signs/buy signs. Also, we can mention we have Discord/TeamSpeak/Forums, and tell them the commands if they are interested. For @Cysteen , I don’t think deckhands need to really know how to post screenshots (It would be helpful to the staff) but too complicated for a simple tutorial.

    The theme would obviously be a ruined town, with the cannons, gates, and bridges area being a broken down tower.

    The imgur:

    Thanks, River <3


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    • Topics: 14
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    So I would start the tutorial at the shipwreck with a sign or some direction to head to the beach:

    1) Beach: [This is a PvP Server].  Armor stand with Enchanted Diamond Armor [Fear Me].  Heads littered around.  A sign that says [Read the /rules]

    2) Path from the beach through a break in the cliffs up to the land above.  Along the path signs with info on each rank: Deckhand, Cadet, Sailor, Carpenter, Gunner, Boatswain, Firstmate, Quartermaster, Lieutenant, Commander, Captain, Privateer, Craftsman, Housewright, Commodore, SeaArtist, RearAdmiral, ViceAdmiral, Admiral.

    3) At the top of the cliff a ruined wooden house.  [Claim Your Build] /claim, /expandclaim, /unclaim, /sellclaimblocks, /buyclaimblocks, gold shovel.

    4) Short path to the next ruined wooden building, maybe a small settlement of them [Even claimed builds can be Sieged]  Examples of soft blocks that can be broken in siege.  Examples of other items that not protected: wood buttons (arrows), pressure plates, wood doors, chests, furnaces, brew stands.  Examples of things that can be done if someone wins a siege against your build: Buttons, levers, gates, wood trap doors, end pearls, chorus fruit.

    5) Short path to sturdy and safe build, like a small fort or manor house.  Examples of hard blocks that can’t be broken in siege.  Examples of items that cant be used (unless defeated in siege) stone buttons, wood trap doors, gates.

    6) Short path to a ruined square behind the fort/house.  Remnants of market stalls.  One stall is more put together, the path leads here.  [Buy], [iBuy], [Sell], [iSell], [Device], etc tutorial. Direction to /warp shops.

    7) Past the square the path leads to a dock.  Maybe we can clear out that island in that pond, or loop back around to the sea.  Leading up the the dock: Signs instructing on tp travel, /tpa /tpahere, /warp, other means of moving about the map. /map and the dynmap.  At the docks we have a ship or 3.  One of the ships contains a tutorial on ship building: block types and ratios, signs: [{type: Dhow etc}], [[helm]], [Cruse: Off], etc.  One of the ships has tutorial on sailing: using the signs, gold hoe.  One of the ships has cannon tutorial.

    At the end of the dock a sign: [This camp is ruined/Venture Out/Plunder the World]


    Anything missing?

    Prime Minster
    British Empire

    • Topics: 794
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    • Topics: 794
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    We’re 4 years old and we don’t have a tutorial area just outside of spawn! bonkers!

    We already have a few people that have started the project, so I will talk to them to see if they need any help with building. If you have any ideas for what should be in the tutorial build then please post below, what do you wish you knew when you started?

    Design rules are:

    • Simple! Not over the top! Keep it simple!
    • Has to flow, and have a direction for the player to follow, can’t just be scattered random tutorials, one path, Colour coded, and numbered.
    • Same theme, The theme is “Ruins of a pirate settlement that was temporarily put up after their ship crash landed” So its leading on from the story of you are a marooned pirate from Spawn. It could also incorporate ancient ruins that were there way before the pirates were, giving us a larger backstory to work with.”
    • Someone needs to lead, we learnt that everyone has their own plans!
    • Re-make warp info, needs to be renamed to “travel”, as a micro tutorial how to travel piratecraft, at present we cant fit portals into that tree/station area, its a bit small, it could either be expanded or a new area created. Keep the warps simple for now N/E/S/W portals only? maybe cove?
    • It’ll be done in GM1 with WE/VS on the test server
    • Anyone caught burring or hiding items with the intent to take them when its copied over to the main sever will be banned! Everything is tracked.


    Follow up from

    • Topics: 28
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    Ma boi CrazyMoneyy and I are going to stand as VPM and PM respectively. Our goals are aimed at improving the BE’s status, changing it’s recent introvertcy and improving it’s personal wealth.

    Walls everywhere  Crew defense

    We’re going to make it a requirement of everybody serving in the navy to have discord and teamspeak, to use during battles, and at least a small arsenal of god gear, pots etc.

    Attitudes towards  Piracy

    We’re going to encourage a far more positive approach towards pirates and raiders, in order to prosper alongside them.

    Stop bureaucracy

    The government will be far less bureacratic. Any government member, including the Admiral, may declare war on a crew at any time (with reason). NAPs will be much less easy to obtain, to decrease the number of random noob crews with immunity. All existing NAPs will be revisited by the PM and VPM, who will make a decision.

    Public influence

    The BE will host regular ship battles, PvP matches, etc with other crews, and friendship between members of BE and other crews will be encouraged.

    Rules and Ranks

    All existing rules will be looked at and stripped way down to no more than five rules, since right now we have three pages of rules or something ridiculous.

    Ranks will be revisited, with many being removed, to create no more than eight ranks (excluding government members), and kewl nicknames will be added on the end of ranks, just cuz.

    Anime is luv, Anime is lyfe 

    Anime will be the BE’s official religion. Anybody found out to not be worshipping it will be ganked by Monks.

    So if you want to Make BE Great Again… 

    Vote Snap and Crazy on Thursday!





    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

    • Topics: 0
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    To follow up on what Nicky said; the Golden Age of Piracy, which is about the era we go for on the server, was from the 1650s to 1730s []. Even the earliest concept of the military sub (1720) didn’t even make it into actual combat.

    “The first military submarine was built in 1720 by carpenter Yefim Nikonov by order of Tsar Peter the Great in Russia. Nikonov armed his submarine with “fire tubes”, weapons akin to flame-throwers. The submarine was designed to approach an enemy vessel, put the ends of the “tubes” out of the water, and blow up the ship with a combustible mixture. In addition, he designed an airlock for aquanauts to come out of the submarine and to destroy the bilge of the ship. With the death of Peter I in January 1725, Nikonov lost his principal patron and the Admiralty withdrew support for the project.” []

    Anyways the submarines we have on here don’t really need to be weapons, as much as they are meant more of underwater travel if you wish. When traveling under water, if you have no light in your sub you would be hidden from map. So that could be very useful if you are trying to explore under the water for a long period of time and don’t want to be attacked. But they can indeed be powerful tools when equipped with pirate cannons and mortars, then used for a surprise attack. Maybe we could add some sort of underwater cannon to it like what Max said, that would be interesting.

    But back to cranes. That was an interesting idea and I personally would like that too. To make it so that there is a base to the crane that the moving part cannot leave, but given a gap in the center the top part connected to whatever ship or sub it is trying to pick up can move up and down. Now just for some sort of realism maybe this would have to be built to be a large crane to pilot it, but it can be released and re-piloted to carry an extra 5000 blocks (the size of a large indiaman). Then that would be able to be lifted and rotated using the crane. Then lowered back down whatever way you rotate it.

    Overall, very cool thread. Thanks for the suggestions. The staff will be sure to look into these possibilities in the future once we finish up with some other staff projects currently in progress. 🙂

    ~ A real pirate I guess. ~
    ~ Rear Admiral of PirateCraft ~
    ~ Leader of The Coalition ~
    ~ Member of The Asylum ~
    ~ Co-Leader of The Seagulls ~
    ~ Deckie of Angels ~

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    A time for Peace and a time for War Or When does an issue require Staff intervention and when should it be Player resolved.

    That’ how the title should read but it was too long 😀

    I feel its time for a refresher on the general rules and how they apply. Yes, I know its been done before but every now and then its good to review. Side note; if you are on your phone this is a longer post and may be easier to read on your computer. Up to you.

    I encourage you to read through the whole post and keep an open mind trying not to read it as if it were accusatory. It’s not aimed at anyone I promise. It was prompted by the latest rash of forum drama as well as other (not related to the latest drama) instances I’ve seen in game and been involved in. I know that text based communication its easy to misunderstand the emotional tone and therefore easy to take the wrong way. Read this with Morgan Freeman’s voice in your head haha.

    Also this is not the place to rehash issues from the present or past that have been closed. I may use general examples they will not doubt bring to mind some drama from the past but it is not about any of those instances. I have to use examples of what to do/not to do so the point is easily understood by all. Do not bring up “this person did this and they didnt get in trouble or i was told this isnt ok yada yada yada”. Whats in the past stays in the past. This is to help move forward into the future.

    On to the main subject The general rules of Piratecraft.

    1) As Godsdead (the owner operator of the Piratecraft server for those who dont know) has always said “The rules are mildly vague on purpose so that each situation can be taken in its own context and sorted appropriately” I paraphrased a bit there but you get the meaning haha. Also it would be nearly impossible to think of everything that could go badly and list them all. So what we have is a nice framework to bounce different situations off of to come to a reasonable conclusion. Its not going to be perfect or 100% fair 100% of the time but neither is life.

    2) There are many Phantoms rules that seem to find they’re way into the consciousness of the player-base here on Piratecraft. Sometimes its a slight rewording of an existing rule from the rules page or other times just something straight made up that seemed it could be/hoped it was a rule to get another player/s in trouble because you dont get along.

    3) Not every situation breaks a rule and needs staff to intervene! Staff members are not here to settle player disputes. The whole game play of the server is one that allows players to settle their own disputes in game. I.E. in game communication, war, siege, pvp, an open world environment, you get the picture. Just as in life, in Piratecraft part of growing and maturing is learning to problem solve for yourselves. It’s a great tutor to give you the experience you need to excel in real life as you become an adult. If your already an adult a good place to work on your social skills haha.

    Staff are here to keep cheaters out, make it a safe place for players from ages 6 to 50, fix, develop and implement game/server mechanics/plugins, develop new game play aspects, enforce rules when need be, and make this server a fun, cool place to spend time on. Admins, mods, build team, media. I know for a fact that some of the admin and mod team spend between 8 and 20+ hours outside of the game after school/work working on the back end of things for the server/website/wiki/games/etc… Plus the times when they are in game at least 50% or more of that time is spent fixing server issues and tending to player issues.

    The folks on the build team and media spend a ton of time doing jobs outside of their actual playtime as well making sure there are amazing places to explore and use like arenas, the hub, event worlds ect…

    And of course Godsdead who spends nearly every free second at work and after work sorting out issues and working on future plans. Its insane the amount of work and technical know how it takes to make a server run and run well.

    The reason anyone on staff does it is because of the friendships and they love the server and want to help it be better.  On to the rules refresher 🙂


    PirateCraft Rules: (copied and pasted from the rules page)
    Rules can change at any time, up-to date rules can be found at any time in-game using /rules.

    You are responsible for all activity on your account and from your IP.

    This is not to hard to understand. If you are playing on this server and others have access to your computer/wifi like a brother/sister/parent/friends and they come on to Piratecraft and get banned its on you.  Dont let your friends/siblings get you banned. 😀

    There are also too many times a player gets banned and then all of the sudden they have a brother/sister that starts playing for the first time ever on the server. Coincidence! I think not. Staff arent dumb we know its you.

    Be polite & respectful to players (no trolling, harassing, bullying, etc)
    Respect other players. If you’re angry against a player, use a pirate insult, nothing else.
    Do not try to troll players and do not attack a player repeatedly without a valid reason.

    No one wants to see people get bullied and no one wants to be bullied/harassed/trolled. I think we can all agree on that. Sometimes people are just anuses though, and do things they think is fun/funny to trigger folks or  maybe for revenge or just plain meanness since they are more powerful. Thats what this rule is intended to prevent.

    What seems to happen is players twist the definitions of bully/harass/troll to fit their own needs and frustrations in game. This is the source of 70% of the drama on the forums and in game. This comes about in different ways like;

    A) They want to cause some one to be punished for lashing out so they purposely try to trigger them. In this case both parties are at fault. The instigators are the bullies and the intended victim ends up making a bad choice and saying things in anger that normally cross a line.

    If you are getting angry for any reason at some one/s do yourself a favor and screen the folks baiting you and either /ignore or just quit the game for a bit. If they continue when you resume playing screen again and contact staff via a pm here or on discord.

    B) If you are killing some one over and over aka: spawn killing you are harassing them.

    If you have lost a siege and continue to attack the winners as they loot you and get repeatedly killed they are not braking the rules. If you lose a siege it sucks to sit back and watch all your hard earned loot be taken but it is the rules of siege. The winners get a set amount of time to take what they can as their reward.

    C) If you or you and your friends decide to repeatedly siege a player/s over and over you are harassing

    If your crew and another crew are at war and your are attacking the same base over and over  you are still harassing. If you dont get in the fist time you probably wont. So move on to the next base. Or lay in wait till they come out later.

    I think we get the picture. Again if you feel some one is harassing you Screen/video the situation. /ignore or log off if/as soon as possible and make a report with the evidence.

    Anything any member of staff says, goes.
    Do not contest staff decisions.
    No justification will be given for denied demands.
    If you have a problem, contact the concerned staff member by private message on the website. If you have no answer after a few days, then create a polite and respectful support ticket on the forums.

    This ones pretty clear and means any Mod or Admin. If you go off in game or on the forums about a decision made by a staff member it will not go well for you. It is best if you feel you were treated unfair to wait at least one day to cool down and then send a PM to the staff member asking to open a dialogue. Do not go from staff to staff begging, venting, or trying to get a different answer. Staff discusses everything and will know what your up to. This will not go well for you.

    No hacking, cheating or exploiting glitches. No client mod(s).
    Do not hack, cheat or use glitches.
    Do not use any minecraft client modification (Apart from Optifine)
    If you find an exploitable glitch, contact a staff member.

    Another pretty clear one. Just dont do it. There are many ways staff has to know whether someone is hacking, cheating, xraying, or glitching. Staff has no obligation to give any warning prior to handing out the disciplinary action for these violations. On occasion players will get asked for n f3, resource folder, and other screens but this is not a prerequisite for disciplinary action but a courtesy or as an extra step in evidence gathering.

    No begging. Goods will not be replenished.
    Do not beg in chat. Do not beg staff members.
    Lost goods won’t be replenished. Do not ask.

    Simple, no items will be returned even if its a server issue as things could get duplicated.

    Only claim land intended for use. Do not build close to spawn.
    Claimed land must have a purpose (building something).
    Claiming land can’t be used as a tool or weapon against someone else. Do not claim land to siege a player.

    This one is another that gets abused and used as fodder to get other players in trouble.

    A) Claimed land has to be for a use. It needs a purpose. We dont want a bunch of odd or small claims littering the country side blocking potential legit building/base projects. This keeps things nice and clear for all players and dosent leave the landscape all messed up with weird half arsed small builds that arent being used.

    B) Using claims as a weapon for siege or other aggression towards another player. The first part about siege is straight forward. The second part about aggression lends itself to interpretations that can be twisted to get a player in trouble.

    The terminology aggressive purpose gets used by anyone that doesnt like the fact that someone built/claimed close to them. There doesnt have to have been any aggressive acts committed from the claim just that there is a potential for it to be used against the complainant. Or the act of building close to another claim is considered aggressive.

    Once again context is king and not all cases are not intended to be an act of aggression.

    This relates to one of the Phantom rules that gets tossed about:

    You cannot claim or build next to someones claim. You will notice that there is no such rule in the claims section or the building section of these rules. But you here this from players all the time in chat and on the forums. This is not something new Ive heard repeated over and over many time since I joined.

    As I stated earlier this is not an invitation to reopen the latest drama. Pas is past we move to the future.

    It does how ever need to be pointed out that there are certain criteria for it to break a rule and be addressed by staff.

    Border disputes are not to be decided by staff this is a player resolved issue. What i mean by this is, if someone builds a base close to yours and you dont want them there you (the player with the issue) needs to resolve it in game. I would suggest a diplomatic solution first (where you ask nice and have a few solutions that would work to benefit both people involved) Then if that fails a military solution. Go to war and drive them out (with out it becoming harassment) or just agree to live in peace and go on with life or If you like build a big ole wall so you dont have to see them.

    The best thing to do when you find a spot you want to build is to claim around the area you want to build in so that if someone comes along they will be forced to build outside your walls.

    I understand there will always be issues and drama but as people we have to learn to overcome these things in a civilized manner. If we can practice here we will be able to better overcome them in real life.

    No buildings or shops can be set up near spawn in any world. Try to move away from eyesight of spawn before claiming/building.

    Self explanatory, if you can see spawn or any warp your too close and dont build/claim there

    No advertising at all.
    No advertising for websites, no advertising for servers, no advertising for mods/games/whatever : no advertising at all.

    What is advertising? for the most part mentioning other servers in main chat, giving an ip address is most certainly a no no, asking other players to go play somewhere else, selling any outside products, things like that.

    This rule gets used as a weapon sometime by players looking to get another banned. This is why staff takes into context what the situation was when the alleged advertising happens if its player reported. IE if someones a long time player telling a story and without thinking types the name of a server it might not warrant a ban but when some one is purposely giving out a server name and saying go play here its awesome and spamming chat, well thats a no brainer.  Basically every situation is different and context dependent. Staff is smart enough to know which case is malicious and which is not.

    Do not game stats, bounties or abuse game mechanics.
    Do not let yourself be killed by allies.
    Do not repeatedly break blocks to increase your stats.
    Do not use any method to circumvent automatic afk-kicking.

    Because of the rank and reward system used here on Piratecraft gaining or farming stats instead of gaining those stats through normal gamplay is highly frowned upon. As with all things here this is about keeping a level playing field. The rewards and access to new commands for ranking are substantial and are there to encourage playing the game as vanilla as possible. So some farms that allow a player to afk and receive gametime as well as other methods that increase stats exponentially are not allowed.

    Keep chat readable, English only and PG-rated. (No spam or caps abuse)
    Write full sentences.
    Do not write in any language other than English.
    Do not spam the chat in any way or abuse caps.
    Use pirate insults and keep the non-pirate cursing limited.

    Simple dont be a jerk in chat and use English in main chat so everyone can understand what you are saying. The majority of players can speak English so it just makes sense. If this was a German server we would all speak German.

    Use common sense.

    These rules aren’t exhaustive.
    If something doesn’t appear in these rules but seems like it should be forbidden, then it probably is! Ask staff members if in doubt

    Rules for Building:

    No offensive structures.
    Do not build phallic symbols that could be offensive to anyone.

    No building within eyesight of spawn.
    Players should not be able to walk out of spawn and see your building.

    No building outside of worlds (Not on top of nether)
    You are strictly prohibited from building on top or underneath worlds.


    If you have read this far Awesome. Ive been writing this for 2.5 hours and have lost my energy and train of thought hahah XD The main thing I hope you take away from this is that I need coffee.

    We have rules for the betterment of the server as a whole and if you treat people like you want to be treated you’ll have a much better time. Im tired so Ill just stop right here 😀


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    That ship battle looked sick @wiskey_waters

    But I can see what you mean @cosmicking, the thing is they’ve talked about adding torpedoes before, but they’d make ‘ship to ship’ combat more stressful than it already is.

    What you could do perhaps, is do something maybe along the lines of one of the old U-Boats, with a gun emplacement on the top of the craft, and perhaps make it water proof (last time I checked wet cannons broke?), and maybe have like an area to fire it from/through which is water tight, using perhaps a signs to block water flow.

    My idea anyway.

    Good Luck.


    In reply to: Racial abuse?

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    Butt-hurt and Complaining

    @Bislo it was a month ago, get over it. The link above is for you <3


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

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    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison


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    What day is it?

    My bad, forgot to add the date. Its this saturday (11th)

    Will we see some cheeky narwhal action doe?

    noh pls D:

    Max you can’t keep the winner out forever. There might be a ship narwhal

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

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    you did already make an appeal 5 months ago, and was denied.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
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    This is something that is going to need more of an investigation, I will pull all the logs from the Anti-cheat to compare to see if hes been triggered for whats been reported.

    This thread is staying closed to everyone apart from staff due to the Witch Hunt created by BE/Browes report over land;

    And this is its own separate report and cannot be influenced by the Drama of the land claims.

    Obviously This has been planned to be posted at the same time as Browes post to try and gain traction for a ban, but its worked the other way around, since there was such a dramatic witch-hunt with the land issue, its really given this report much less value.

    I will still be looking into it, its just incredibly bad timing to post it.

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