Submarines, And Subcraft’s Lack

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    I think we can say that weapons on Submersible crafts are bad, even Turrets and  cranes. Cranes are suppoed to move up and down but they just stay in place, weapons on Submarines are bad. For instance: a Cannon on a submarine or a mortar are hard to use on a submarine becuase they don’t belong on one.

    My suggestion here is add Up and down movement to cranes so they can work like a normal crane would, and add more weaponry to Submarines for example; a torpedo made from coal blocks. Maybe even allow dispensers on subcrafts so people can use bigger guns. I’m not a very creative person but ship warfare needs to be improved and I don’t think I’m the only one out there that wants new weapons, ammo and allowed blocks, if you’re reading this (moderators) or (admin) please make ship warfare more exciting.

    Governor in Rome.
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    no kid it would lead to this


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    royal navy shipwright
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    it would be unfair, well for starters i have been in a fight with 3 long torps and they totlay desimated warships, so plz if ur going to add them nerf them

    second it would be fair to have subs have to rise up then take a shot, do we realy want ships taking shots that totaly desimated ships and you cant fight back? some video evedince is 2 armourd skiffs attackng siegers, aa does  nothing bc its armourd and its hard to hit them with a cannon so dont add them

    royal navy shipwright
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    start at begining btw


    royal navy shipwright
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    That ship battle looked sick @wiskey_waters

    But I can see what you mean @cosmicking, the thing is they’ve talked about adding torpedoes before, but they’d make ‘ship to ship’ combat more stressful than it already is.

    What you could do perhaps, is do something maybe along the lines of one of the old U-Boats, with a gun emplacement on the top of the craft, and perhaps make it water proof (last time I checked wet cannons broke?), and maybe have like an area to fire it from/through which is water tight, using perhaps a signs to block water flow.

    My idea anyway.

    Good Luck.

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    I mean, this is a pirate server, and submarines shouldn’t really be on here, let alone torpedoes; but some sort of depth charge or underwater cannon would be nice.

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    I agree with Max. Be thankful we have ships that go underwater at all! This isn’t a WWII or futuristic battle server. It’s a pirate server, and pirates have ships; not subs.

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    We could have just a short range underwater cannon, like a shotgun sort of thing perhaps that could be ideal in killing players in or under water? There could also be a mortar like thing, or we could implement a way to get a mortar to fire from so far from the surface, that’d be interesting in like a sort of ‘intercontinental missile’ way maybe, just without the missile (though it would still be considering it is a projectile) and it’s range is limited by how far a mortar or maybe this sort of cannon could fire.

    Depth Charges would be ok, maybe a Mines could be implemented, so you could mine water ways, that’d make it difficult for ships also, and could only be defused (perhaps with a certain amount of chance) by a player, and if it’s their unlucky day, they blow up (and maybe mines nearby? like within a certain radius? so those who lay them can think tactically, such as if one mine goes off, it could annihilate all their other mines, possibly destroying ships nearby and being unnavigable, or have them further apart but possibly more easy to navigate, I don’t know.

    Also, I know there is currently a lot of arguments about people blowing up ships with TNT, but how about Limpet mines? We could have a special way of attaching them to ships, perhaps by ‘crashing’ them into it, or getting within a certain distance of a ship which it then ‘attaches’, which could detonate in a certain amount of seconds? It could also lead people to have to ‘armour’ perhaps their ships so the mines can only attach to certain surfaces (like in real life).

    Just some (more) ideas. Also had a look at that the airship thing, looks okay, just looks too complicated and a very tight community already, its also all role-play (dunno if bad, could get boring tho) but its nothing we can’t copy on our seas. 🙂

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    I agree with Max. Be thankful we have ships that go underwater at all! This isn’t a WWII or futuristic battle server. It’s a pirate server, and pirates have ships; not subs.


    They didn’t have diamond armor, potions, electricity (redstone), teleportation, respawns, or countless other things that are pretty much necessary to play.

    On a side note, submarines did exist in this era. And yes, they were used in combat.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    First submarine attempted to be used in naval combat was David Bushnell’s “Turtle” in 1776. That was practically a steerable barrel with a mine attached to it. Although a stroke of genius, it was ineffective and failed to even reach its target, the HMS Eagle, that was a sitting duck in New York Harbor. It wasn’t until 1863 that submarines could even be considered viable weapons and until the 20th century where they saw practical application and use.

    “Welllllll… They didn’t have diamond armor, potions, electricity (redstone), teleportation, respawns, or countless other things that are pretty much necessary to play.”

    That is true. Subs at this time also weren’t armored with obsidian or powered by coal burning furnaces. Using the “Minecraft isn’t real argument” doesn’t make any sense. You did make a good point however in saying that those Minecraft elements are necessary for functional gameplay. That bit is true, but beefy-er subs or subs in general are not. These are non-essential and unless they are dhow sized and can drop mines they are (in my opinion) extraneous.

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    To follow up on what Nicky said; the Golden Age of Piracy, which is about the era we go for on the server, was from the 1650s to 1730s []. Even the earliest concept of the military sub (1720) didn’t even make it into actual combat.

    “The first military submarine was built in 1720 by carpenter Yefim Nikonov by order of Tsar Peter the Great in Russia. Nikonov armed his submarine with “fire tubes”, weapons akin to flame-throwers. The submarine was designed to approach an enemy vessel, put the ends of the “tubes” out of the water, and blow up the ship with a combustible mixture. In addition, he designed an airlock for aquanauts to come out of the submarine and to destroy the bilge of the ship. With the death of Peter I in January 1725, Nikonov lost his principal patron and the Admiralty withdrew support for the project.” []

    Anyways the submarines we have on here don’t really need to be weapons, as much as they are meant more of underwater travel if you wish. When traveling under water, if you have no light in your sub you would be hidden from map. So that could be very useful if you are trying to explore under the water for a long period of time and don’t want to be attacked. But they can indeed be powerful tools when equipped with pirate cannons and mortars, then used for a surprise attack. Maybe we could add some sort of underwater cannon to it like what Max said, that would be interesting.

    But back to cranes. That was an interesting idea and I personally would like that too. To make it so that there is a base to the crane that the moving part cannot leave, but given a gap in the center the top part connected to whatever ship or sub it is trying to pick up can move up and down. Now just for some sort of realism maybe this would have to be built to be a large crane to pilot it, but it can be released and re-piloted to carry an extra 5000 blocks (the size of a large indiaman). Then that would be able to be lifted and rotated using the crane. Then lowered back down whatever way you rotate it.

    Overall, very cool thread. Thanks for the suggestions. The staff will be sure to look into these possibilities in the future once we finish up with some other staff projects currently in progress. 🙂

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    Thank you for your response to my ideas and I plan on researching  1650’s and 1720’s technology so I can ask about stuff being implemented into the server through movecraft or any other method.

    I have one last thing I would like to be added or in my opinion added. Flintlocks and muskets, becuase technology through 1650’s and 1720’s did involve muskets and guns right? Maybe a custom recipie and a item texture to go with it. This is just a thought and thank you for your consideration on this thread I wish you luck.

    Governor in Rome.
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    CosmicKing don’t worry, there is currently testing going on right now about flintlocks and muskets, not sure what’s happening right now as the subject has kinda stopped being talked about recently (like last 5 months atleast) but yeah definitely do more research, I’m still waiting for my carcass cannon shot to be added, I also recommend you going through the forums CosmicKing to see if there have been ideas already declared and whether they were turned down or not etc. Anyway glad to see your enthusiasm to make the server more authentic.

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    My suggestion here is add Up and down movement to cranes so they can work like a normal crane would

    Aka, Gates, which we have. You need to THINK about the mechanics we already have. you can put a gate on a subcraft, otherwise what you are asking is for a vehicle that can move up and down, now what you are asking for here is something you can build that can FLY, If you introduce a subcraft that can fly up and down at will, this will create untold mess. What you are asking isn’t as simple as “make it go up and down”, it wont detect that its attached to something, what you are asking is to be able to create something that can move vertically, with no restraints, im not willing to add such a subcraft, as it will just allow flying machines.

    torped’s, those are part of the ship system, but they act like their own separate subcraft, There is absolutely no control over them at all, that’s why we use cannons and we don’t use the torpedo system, as there is utterly no control over what it does, how it acts, where it can be used etc etc. people would just use them on land to grief players bases? I just dont see why that would be a good thing.

    Do cannons not fire underwater or something?

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    Do cannons not fire underwater or something?

    No, neither cannons nor mortars can fire underwater.

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