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  • #54900
    • Topics: 10
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    • ★★★★

    Are you actually freaking dumb? This mob doesn’t just spawn like a normal mob.. Its spawn rules are similar to the llama’s, this mob will only spawn on top of hills/mountains so it won’t fill the mob cap, also in order to get this mob to spawn the server border should be extended when the 1.14 update will be out because it only spawns in 1.14-generated lands.

    Also wtf? Why would “raiders” (Concept that is pretty moronic to me tbh considering this is a pirate servers and pirates are meant to sail around the world and loot other ships/foes) be the only ones to get attacked by this mob?

    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

    • Topics: 28
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    @benthebruce I think you misunderstand me. I greatly admire the BE, but after what happened to Moo, who was incredibly friendly towards BE and did not show any sign of aggression, I could not stay in a crew whose leadership, after blowing up a former member’s base, decided to try to cover it up, deny it, and refuse to condemn it. At least Hydra actually tell you that they’ve raided you. I believe that I left the BE for a direct denial of the values the BE began with from the top level of government. I have not ‘fallen for CLTN’. I remained as a government member during the months of pressure from DD, Horsia, and TAS, because I believed what we were doing was right. I was killed countless times for nothing less than being in BE, and I chose to remain. After what happened to Moo, the government proved me wrong. I did not leave BE because of the crew itself. I left it because of what was happening to a great crew due to the government.

    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 14
    • Total: 21

    I do wear an armor , but if all players don’t sleep a lot of those monsters will spawn and they will fill the mob cap, so any EXP farm on the server will stop spawning mobs,they won’t be dangerous for rich people but they will be lethal for new players who can’t afford a good armor

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 107
    • Total: 113
    • ★★★★



    As to your post..why would we disable a mob? That doesn’t make any sense…just kill the mob when it comes to attack you lol. Maybe stop walking around naked and start wearing armor to defend against mobs.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 81
    • Total: 87
    • ★★★

    You guys are nothing but near spammers and loggers

    cltn ”pvpers” spam /near more then the builders in BE do

    I can prove this. I see everything.

    ~ xMadMonkey ~

    «Godfather of La Famiglia»

    ~ Mememaster since 1969 ~

    • Topics: 20
    • Replies: 163
    • Total: 183
    • ★★★★

    @benthebruce , the point of #BlameTaulov is because of the unjust (as Snap said) raid on Minister_Moo (aka Kauhy) by Taulov. Moo’s base was entirely blown up at first, and had to be regened. Once Moo’s stuff is returned we will stop with the #BlameTaulov. Yes, this is kind of blackmail, but as you know, actions have consequences. The consequence for raiding Moo is not just directed towards Taulov, but the whole crew. If he wants to keep his crew from suffering and falling under attack by CLTN members and allies, he has to return Moo’s rightful stuff. This was a disgusting move from Taulov, a British Official. He lost a lot of respect by blowing up Moo’s base and not returning the stuff, and BE will continue to suffer because of his actions. Also, do you really want your PM doing this, blowing up people’s bases, saying the problem was “dealt with” and not returning the stuff? If this is what BE wants as their image, then damn BE has changed a lot, and in a bad way.


    P.S. LMAO Kirn


    Proud former leader of The Coalition
    Former member of build team
    ez got banned
    pirate veteran and yeehaw'er

    Crew history:

    "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas Edison

    • Topics: 28
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    • Total: 228
    • ★★★★

    @iKeto I hope any sort of aggressive colonisation from BE will stop, Although tbh CLTN have attacked any number of nooby crews, so please stop that for a bit.

    Also I’m assuming #BlameTaulov is due to the atrocity at Kau’s base, where the BE raided and blew up a former member’s base for no apparent reason.

    Before I am told that I am being disloyal to BE, please remember that I have been a BE government member for nearly five months and as such I am familiar with the way the crew works. I have already decided to leave the crew and to cancel running for PM. This is due to the extraordinarily unjust raid on Kau’s base. I would also like to add that a post I wrote in the BE forums after hearing about what happened to Kau, in which I urged whoever had committed the crime to give back Kau’s items and help him rebuild his base, was closed a matter of hours afterwards by the same person responsible for the matter, who claimed that the matter had “been dealt with”.



    -Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

    -Patient #412 of the Asylum

    "I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
    Horatio Nelson

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 46
    • Total: 56
    • ★★★


    Sorry if I have any out of date information, but I haven’t heard of the British Empire force colonizing, although maybe, just maybe, the British Empire might be since they do have lot of unchecked power, but I haven’t seen the British Empire do anything majorly negative as of now.  Also it doesn’t help your case when you and your crew constantly oppress, force destroy, and take over people and their stuff and lands.

    Ketoh, I could see the possibility that you might be right, but it doesn’t help when you and your crew constantly kill me and take my stuff and oppress my friends in my crew, and for that matter, many other people as well.  So unless you stop or at least down scale a bit in your oppression, I don’t see how many people will see you any morally better than what you claim the British Empire is.


    One other thing I forget to say so edits, is can I see this proof you have Ketoh?  I am actually curious to see what you have.


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 522
    • Total: 543
    • ★★★★★★

    Ahoy mates! It’s come to our attention that the pirate crew turned corrupt government, The British Empire (less of an empire more of a group of megalomaniacs), have decided to pass their proposal to “colonize other crews”. Now from what we have gathered you will be bullied and oppressed into making your crew and/or good-looking build, a colony of the “great and powerful BE”. Then once you submit to their “glory” you will have to pay an absurd tax to them. Now as some of you know, the British Empire wasn’t always this entitled. But under recent command, it seems that they have given up on their peaceful ways. They’ve swayed some average fighters to their cause to help them enforce their new “power”. But have no fear fellow scallywags! Here at The Coalition we laugh at any mention of said “strength” BE has. In fact, we challenge it at all the time. Recently you may have even seen our #BlameTaulov’s around the server. That’s just something fun we’ve been doing ever since he decided to betray a friend of ours. As he may know now, actions indeed have consequences that hurt your whole crew. We also frequently kill BE members at any chance we get! It’s sort of a game of sport here at The Coalition.

    Anyways back to the point of this thread. If BE tries to colonize you, simply don’t let them. It’s that simple! Any sort of repeat attacking they may threaten, won’t actually work. As multiple sieges with no purpose other than to bully you can be seen as harassment, if you just don’t give in to their plan! That means there’s really nothing they can do to hurt you if you have the measures to protect yourself. Another thing, if you have already been colonized and refuse to stop being a colony, you will simply be another BE member and will be killed for sport like the rest of them. So, it’s in everyone’s best interest to not let the despot that is BE, take over this server of independent pirates.

    Signed, The Coalition

    PS: If you are being attacked by BE and need any help from us, let one of us know on discord. Our leaders include (discord tags): JoeDanger_ (Joe#5391), The_Network (The_Network#3103), Keto (Keto#0108), JUSAPlayer1 (JUSAPlayer1#1404), and CaptainCracken (Capola Tesla#3431). Shoot us a message if you need our help.

    Founder of the Coalition


    In reply to: Unban appeal

    • Topics: 0
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    I didn’t ask you to disable the reconnect software. I asked you to remove it. No client mods are allowed on PMC other than optifine. That means we don’t want to see forge or something on your client. Your statement about RoMich is false. You were killed a while before I even got back on. Yet your reconnect spam continued as you didn’t even click respawn. You were asked nicely twice by Max to remove said software, you didn’t listen. I am a player like the rest of us, but I’m also a moderator as I have the maturity to make calls like these. I will be on again tonight, at that time your ban will be removed and I will check to make sure you actually have removed the mod. Failure to remove it will result in you waiting out the rest of the week long ban. In the meantime, I suggest you download discord join the PMC discord server. We’ll be using a feature on there to make sure the mod has been removed.

    In regards to your base and RoMich looting it. I have no idea how that is relevant since you had disconnected/reconnected 20something times before the ban. You wouldn’t have stopped him considering you probably still don’t have it claimed correctly. He would have just kept looting even if I would have left you doing your reconnect thing. So I didn’t interfer with anything there.

    Be sure to download discord by tonight.

    ~ A real pirate I guess. ~
    ~ Rear Admiral of PirateCraft ~
    ~ Leader of The Coalition ~
    ~ Member of The Asylum ~
    ~ Co-Leader of The Seagulls ~
    ~ Deckie of Angels ~


    In reply to: Unban appeal

    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 9
    • Total: 13

    Thanks The_Network, for banning me a whole week because of disconnects and reconnects,

    I really don’t know what’s wrong with you and me,

    When you’re not busy hunting and killing me with godset, you’re banning me for a stupid reason.

    I hope that will stop, or i’ll just definately stop playing here because of you.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    A few of us watched the Minecon event live for all the new things coming soon to minecraft, I was out voting live on the New mob and we got Mob B!

    Be warned, this is SUPER MEGA cringe, so I have also attached a changelog in text form so you don’t have to suffer! The main update was the Aquatic update, which Jeb introduced near the end, then the rest of it is just utter garbage.

    This is a mega thread to talk about all the announcements from Minecon Earth 2017.

    Some Topics from Minecon Earth.

    Aquatic update!

    • Shipwrecks
    • Swimming Fish
    • Trident
    • Dolphins
    • Water Physics
    • Corral
    • Ocean Biomes

    Full Changelog from the video:

    1.14:“The Update Aquatic”



          • [P] Features that affect combat
            • [M] Balancing bows and shields
              • Balancing bows: no knockback or big damage without pulling the bow all the way
              • Balancing shields: shields disable when used frequently
          • Swimming animation
        • Warm, cold and frozen ocean biomes
        • Bubble columns
          • Underwater magma blocks will produce bubbles
          • Items fall down into bubbles, float on the surface otherwise
          • Shakes boats
          • Underwater ravines
        • Trident
        • Throwable and melee weapon
        • Works under water and when raining
        • Enchantments
          • “Loyalty” makes tridents come back to the thrower
          • “Riptide” pushes the player forward when thrown while swimming
          • “Impaler”
          • “Slipstream Dash”
        • Player model animation for throwing
        • Coral & Kelp
          • Tropical fish
          • All fish items will exist as mobs
          • Can be caught with buckets, yields a bucket with water and non-despawning fish inside
        • [P] Water physics
          • Slabs, fences, tall grass, etc share a block space with water
          • Not fully designed yet
        • Shipwrecks
      • Will help find treasure in oceans by guiding players
      • Jump around over the water surface
    • [P] A new mob, one of four options voted on at Minecon 2017
      • “The Monster of the Night Skies”, name not final
    • Titled mob B for the Minecon vote
    • Screenshot
    • Sketch
    • Manta-ray-like flying monster
    • Spawns at high altitudes
    • Attracted to insomnia: seeks out players who haven’t slept for many days, swoops down in groups and bites
    • Topics: 13
    • Replies: 434
    • Total: 447
    • ★★★★★

    long as you stop spamming and being annoying =_=

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 10
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    @popcornone Firstly, Godsdead already made something like this already, and while his is not that up to date, its more so than this one. Secondly, that does look cool, but yea it does need to get up to date a bit more.

    Look at the date from the initial post, read through the replies, then notice I created it due to this post!

    Oh my bad, sorry about that, I didn’t notice the time from the first post, I rarely expect a thread from over 10 months old to come into almost present relevancy but I probably should of looked at that before hand.


    ~His Majesty Crowned Minister of the Imperial del Lancastria~

    • Topics: 794
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    Read that comment by Jammin, this is your 7th unban request.

    So its entirely your attitude and spamming, yet all I see if spam!

    We could trial you again, what does everything else think?

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