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I haven’t had any replys to
So i’m going to assume that we did find the fault and patch it appropriately, which means I can now move onto fixing data.
This is going to be a difficult one, I keep a backup every day of the database, but importing a ton of databases isn’t going to be doable for everyone, the date it would have happened from would be
Right, hope that made sense.
What about the blocks I have made since this?
Chances are you won’t get everything back, but this is the best shot we have at getting closest, you cant just post “I have made XYZ since then” There is no way for me to check, read the paragraph above for why.
How do I get my Claim blocks rolled back?
You post to this thread!
How do I know if I lost claimblocks?
You tell me, did you? There isn’t an easy way to tell unless you noticed!
What happens if I roll back my Claim blocks anyway?
You’ll most likely loose claim blocks, so don’t post unless you are sure you lost some!
How do I request my claim blocks be rolled back?
For the spastics that cant read, here’s a giant image to point what you need to do.
Post this:
- Your username.
- Your UUID, get it from use the one with the dashes in it.
- Your current /claimslist Acquired, Bonus Blocks and Total (Or just screenshot it)
- An estimate of the amount of Claim blocks (total) you have lost.
I will work through the submissions when I have time, do not pester me.
First of all, this is VERY SPECIFIC TO THE LAST 7 DAYS. Only if you have lost claim blocks in the last 7 days please reply.
If you lost them 7 and a half days ago, do not reply, if you lost them 2 months ago, do not reply. There will be a separate thread for repairs.
7 Days ago we hopefully found the cause of the Claim Block loss, now the only way to know if it worked is if we had nobody loose Claim blocks in the last 7 days, which means if you have lost claim blocks in the last 7 days then this wasn’t the cause we thought it was.
If you have, can you please back up with proof why you think you lost claim blocks, specifically im talking about when you use /claimslist we are looking at the “Total” field.
5523 blocks from play + -220 bonus = 5303 total.As you can see Bonus blocks can be Minus, this is because people are allowed to sell their claim blocks, this is suppose to happen.
Working out your claim blocks from your playtime will not help, thats not how it works.
If you are not sure, DO NOT REPLY. I am only looking for people that are certain they have lost claimblocks in the last 7 days.
Do not take this thread off topic.
Hey, I’ve been playing PirateCraft quite a bit for a couple weeks now, but thought I’d make a formal introduction on the forums! My in-game name is ebrit1, and I’m glad to have rejoined this wonderful server! If anyone was wondering, my skin is supposed to be Mr. Peanut, the Planters Peanuts mascot. Unfortunately, it turns out to be difficult to make a humanoid peanut out of the restrictions within minecraft skins.
I first joined PirateCraft roughly four years ago and had a great time for a week! After being raided, I decided to leave for the time being and recently started thinking about getting back into Minecraft. This seemed like the best place to go! It may not have been very long since I started playing again, but I’m certainly enjoying myself and feel like I’ve started to become a part of the community again.
Now I’m sure that none of you really feel the need to know tons about me, but I’ll give you a few details anyway to make this post seem more flushed out. I am 20 years old and live in the Northwestern US. I’m about six and a half feet tall (About 200cm for anyone not in the US, Liberia, or Myanmar.) In fact, I got my first job by saying I’m the guy for reaching things on the top shelf! I enjoy playing sports, but due to head trauma haven’t been able to play as much recently. I love listening to and making music but am far from exceptional at it. I’m pretty good at: being sarcastic, eating junk food, growing, and doing nothing for extended periods of time.
On this server, I mainly build things. Or at least start to build things… I’ve always been a procrastinator, and likely always will be. As such, I’m not really looking for a crew because I’m not really one for responsibilities, but am always looking for friends! If you’re bored and see me online, feel free to chat me up. I can’t promise an interesting conversation, but at least it’s something. If I don’t respond, it’s not that I’m ignoring you, I just sometimes end up too focused on my current work and completely forget chat.
As a final note, to anybody who wishes to raid this poor procrastinating peanut, to speed things along I’ll probably lead you to any unprotected chests, but about all you’ll find is cobble and dirt and a disgruntled player. I hope to see you all around on both these forums and in game, and have a great day!