[changelog] Official PirateCraft resource pack started! Help build it!

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    I’ve had about 5-6 people over the years say they would create a resource pack, and its either never been finished, an empty promise, its been shit, they didn’t understand what was needed here etc, so I Pulled together something myself and put it open source so the entire community can make changes! All credit is given on the Github page.

    I created an official Resource pack thats a “overlay” what this means is that it overlays on top of your existing resource pack, I know how picky people are with their resource packs, its also got these benefits:

    • Its tiny size (321kb) so fast as hell download.
    • we only modify what we want to make it pirate themed.
      • Better for compatibility
      • Faster download
      • Easier to manage
      • Works better with existing texture packs
    • We can have multiple resource packs!

    Features so far I cobbed together

    • 2 variants with sounds and without sounds (Massive file size difference)
    • 3D model guns replace horse armour
    • Pirate Swords
    • Custom Paintings
    • Shanties for music discs!
    • Low fire for PVP!

    2 Versions Download

    There are 2 versions, specifically for the file size, one with Shanties as music disk music, and one without the music.

    1. Without sound is the Main https://github.com/FrozenBeard/PirateCraftRP/raw/master/PirateCraft.zip (321 kb)
    2. With shanties https://github.com/FrozenBeard/PirateCraftRP/raw/master/PirateCraft_Shanties.zip (26.1 mb) Its a bit bigger…

    You can also download them from the website https://piratemc.com/resourcepack/

    Open source

    I cobbed the entire thing together in a few hours form existing resources, its all on the github!

    If you want to contribute make pulls to the github and I can merge these changes and it’ll go live instantly, as the plugin I use to change texture packs in game pulls direct from the github! madness!



    When the server restarts next, there will be a plugin to auto download, apply, and change with 1 command in-game. It wont/shouldnt automatically ask you to download the texutre pack, I loath when servers auto ask you to download a texture pack, its only when you run teh command. Not only this, but we can set multiple texture packs/resource packs through this same plugin, so easy resource pack downloading and switching! If you want anything added reply to this thread and Ill get adding resource packs for you all!

    Commands (when we next restart)

    /listtp – list texture packs (resource packs)

    /changetp  – change to that TP.

    Example /changetp piratecraft or /changetp piratecraft_shanties

    Credit where credit is due

    I didn’t create any of the graphics, apart from the Main logo for the resource pack, I made that.

    Scarecrow01 – Paying for the 3D gun textures (horse amour)
    Pirate Swords – https://twitter.com/zweiund4zig/status/868608573428858880
    Paintings – Dokucraft.co.uk/Images off Google
    Sounds – https://piratemc.com/topic/sea-shanty-resource-pack/
    Low fire – Some random mediafire link I found

    3d guns? ETA? How do I…

    Yes I’m preparing for guns, do not make this forum thread about guns, I will delete anything off topic from resource pack. No there is no ETA. That will be an entire separate thread when its ready.

    I have an idea of something to add!

    THEN ADD IT! Thats the entire point of an open source project, you can add it yourself using the Github! The .zip files wont auto generate themselves, so lets start by just updating the main files, and I will update the zip files for now.

    Where can I search for specific items to use?

    Im a massive fan of Dokucraft, and to me thats my go-tp as the main Base resource pack for the server, Dokucraft also has a library of thousands of items we could add.


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    GodsDead my PC is broken and I have saved something.

    I am going to continue the texture when i will get my new PC.




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    first of all i dont know any thing about texture packs

    but i have a few fun ideas

    maby u could change leather armor a bit

    like change the leather hat to a pirate hat (like jack sparrow and most of the brits to)

    and the leather chest plate to a pirate coat also again like in potc


    i think it would be fun for role play and ship battles ect

    and it would look good whit the new cutlass and the guns





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    heey, first of all i dont know any thing about texture packs but i have a few fun ideas maby u could change leather armor a bit like change the leather hat to a pirate hat (like jack sparrow and most of the brits to) and the leather chest plate to a pirate coat also again like in potc i think it would be fun for role play and ship battles ect and it would look good whit the new cutlass and the guns emiel

    No, everything is not done by me, if you want something changed, do it yourself.

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    I will work on it. 🙂

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