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  • #4683
    • Topics: 794
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    Resurrecting this post as Ive been in disgussion with Reaper about achievements.

    Im looking for someone to write up a creative list of progressive achievements, Im thinking of a full time role creating them.

    Some more ideas:

    • Progressive achievement for killing mobs, Kill 100, 250, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 50,000 mob – Receve Mob spawn eggs for each rank.
    • Farming achievemens for all Mastering levels of farming, same as above with Progressive lists to follow, But as a whole collective so you would need to collect wheat, potatoes and carrots all together etc.

    Check out the new top statistics page, we can create achievemnets from any of these stats, by themselfs of mixed together.

    I havent created a stats page for blocks/pvp yet, but all blocks broken, placed and pvp kills etc are tracked and could be used.

    • Topics: 794
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    I built a brand new Top Stats page, Its the default stats page that is loaded when clicking statistics from the website navigation.

    I was promised a new web stats UI over 4 months ago by the stats plugin developers buddy, but he never did anything. I got sick and tired of waiting and built a top stats page yesterday.

    It includes a lot of data, it may be too much for one page, but I couldn’t think of another way to lay it out, (ideas welcome)

    We still have a lot of other data that isnt getting displayed, PVP, PVE, Blocks Broken and Placed, I could split these into 2 new pages, but im unsure on how to lay them out.

    For instance every block broken and placed is recorded, so we could show the Top diamond miners, or top Stonebrick placers, but that for every block would be insane to write and display, if anyone can think of a method to display this, maybe in a chart (Google web charts) then please respond to this thread.

    PVP & PVE should be easy enough to display the latest and top etc.

    I also want a page to show the newest joining players.

    So loads of things to code still!

    For now enjoy the new top stats page!

    • Topics: 12
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    1st off, your right we dont have ban appeals, and the relevant person to appeal to would be myself, as i dealt with the situation.

    Making this a public appeal, shows this is more to try and make a pop at myself than it is to make any other point.

    You mentioned your gun suggestion, i then told you to take it to the forum, the proper place to discuss  any sort of server development.

    i made my point that losing an Item from the inventory is a bad idea, and that there isnt a block id want to lose. you then asnswered me with ” no you wouldnt have to lose anything” then followed that up with ” you could replcae golden axe”  contradicting yourself within seconds of arguning my point.

    i did then end my point with end of converstaion, having already told you my opinion, and told you to tkae it to the forum i no longer wanted to discuss another pointless query, you werent the first that day that hard suggested yet another server mod, and quite frankly there is only so many times i can repeat, take it to the forum, thats the point in it!

    I didnt provoke you to verbally abuse me by calling me a Dick, i simply ended a long windede pointless conversation, and becuase it didnt end in the way you may have expected it, you got stroppy.

    I wont tolerate being called names by anyone, especially not someone who has already caused me annoyance in the past.

    Your point about me closing my shops is irrelevant, its not a server shop, its my own shop as a player, if i want to stop selling stuff then i have every right to do so, strangely enough i did it to get the information of who had raided me, and it worked, i got the information i needed and could act upon it, thats why the shop was reopened, not that it has any relevance or bearing to your original point.

    I had witnessed you msging players with promises of being staff when you started your server, now whether or not you have a server, have intentions of making a server, or pussied out of making a server has no relevence to the fact that i witnessed you saying so.And that is enough to show that had you gone ahead with your server you would have continued to take players with you.

    seeing as you didnt message me directly, tried to make a big spectacle of this and went about this completely the wrong way, you need to think about it, am i likely to change my mind?




    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    • Topics: 16
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    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    In reply to: Sever Whitlisted

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    This is an awesome response, in both in-game and server side.

    I will put out an official forum post now to vote on whether we need to rollback.



    In reply to: More suggestions :)

    • Topics: 794
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    It was never a proper competition, since there was no close date and no clear area where people built submissions it died, I can create a plot for people to submit cannon ideas, I would love to get some new custom cannons designed!

    Heres the old thread.

    Custom Cannon design competition!

    You’re long cannon would be easy enough to implement, I havent created a custom cannon via schematic before, so it will need to go through testing.

    A trade route is also in my “todo” books! Im glad we have similar ideas! The problem is the current method of useing commands blocks is really sloppy and a very bad aproach to how this will work, I think I might have mentioned before that I suggested a better method to the developer already? Being able to script movement in a file instead of in-game.

    I really dont trust command blocks in the slightest, if claims were to go down and leave them exposed im sure there would be a way for a player to “hack” or amend code to op themselfs very easily.

    • Topics: 794
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    Once you have anything claimed, you can sell that entire claim for whatever price you want automatically by using a Real Estate Sign, Once your boat is claimed, you can put a sign in it with [re] top line and a price on the bottom.

    You can also sell sub-claims and keep ownership of the main claim, I do this just out of spawn, so you could have a shipyard with tonnes of ships for sale, I was hopeing either Tim or CoughingDog would do this at the cove, since they both have Jettys and everyone can /warp cove, so around that area might be your best bet for a location 🙂

    • Topics: 63
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    There is absolutely nothing stopping you building these ships, but it’s just worth being aware that until you reach the required rank to sail them, they will be stationary and essentially, useless… Apart from potential aesthetic purposes…

    • Topics: 5
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    “Avast tharr matie an’ read followin’ scribbles.” 1. if one wanted to, could they construct a ship and sell it to others for in game money? – Yes. You should consider apply to the Shipbuilder’s Guild or a trade group, suches as Tortuge Trading Company. 2. I wish to recruit ay crew but I don’t know where to go about or where to start to get a crew together nor do I have the minimum rank to pilot a ship. – Here you’re on yourself mate. Although you should get to know folk around the server and invite new players to join (real life buddies), then take it from there. About the rank, personally I recommend you to hit the sailor rank first. A sailor sail a schooner, the first “real” ship you can pilot. True cadet has a dhow. Dhow is more like a arabbian fishing boat.


    hahaha thanks Rendas I don’t really want to be dedicated to a group that just builds ships and then sells them. But that would be a good starting to point to show that I’m trustworthy and get to know others. And thank you for answering my questions.


    EDIT: even if I don’t have the right required rank for any type of ships that couldn’t possibly stop me from making such ships like the schooner?

    • Topics: 5
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    Hello my name is bart900 I’ve been playing minecraft longer than I can remember and have been looking for a very unique server for the past year or so; I believe that I have found that server here At PirateMC and can’t wait to play on the weekend.


    so basically I’m just saying hi and sharing a little bit of background knowledge of myself  with you, the community of PirateMC. Looking forward to meeting you all in game and May great future battles over the sea come forth.


    Also just a little quote. “He who has command of the sea has the command of everything.”


    Now you scurvy rascals stop reading this and get on ye way and nick some booty. :p

    • Topics: 794
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    Alright, We havent looked into spawn in a long time, this thread is to look for.

    • Requests for spawn features
    • Ideas for designs & builds
    • Builders willing to help add to spawn.

    The idea of spawn is a pirate ship thats run aground and has been abaoned, theres a temporary camp, Hidden rooms behind the waterfall (I’ll reopen this when we have a new home for /warp donate) And we have the solo stray island rock with a mine entrace that goes to nowhere.

    Secondly, /spawn.

    Its all over the shop at the moment, the move from having everyone go to the same spot was to stop longterm players messing with new players, This seems to have worked, but I would like your thoughts on /spawn for each rank.

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    I plan on making out own custom game, there just a lot of pre-work to get to that stage.

    Thats why I introduced how-to-play, maybe We could acomplish this with Signs at spawn? Maybe a re-write for the bible or /howtoplay ?

    • Topics: 67
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    So i’m writing here to make a complaint about the way Eisflo continuously seeks to annoy me.

    As some people might know, Eisflo landed on the same island i started building my city on. He came to me asking to be my friend, then before i knew it he started claiming and building ugly buildings, which then caused a lot of troubles for me, not only delaying my building plans, but also resulting in random attacks from several people including unicornjunk 😉

    That is now in the past and i can forgive, but as time passed he started claiming several parts of my city wall, which i don’t understand why he would do? not only that, but he e did also claim a spot in the centre of my town, refusing to remove it for me. (make note this claim is empty, there is nothing in there)

    Recently i then got him to remove his ugly house and unclaim on the top of my hill, yet he continued to claim random spots around my town, for no reason and not willing to remove the claims, so here is the point where i think he is just either claiming spots to annoy me, or he wants the honour of being a part of building my town, which couldn’t be farther from the truth, if any he stalled everything.

    Now i know he has had a pretty long history here, but i also know many people complaining about him, saying that he is generally a very annoying person, so here is what i ask:

    A punishment should be handed down on him as he has recently threatened me and my town and i don’t know if he is gonna destroy my entire island.
    B Have all the claims in my town removed, as they serve no purpose other than annoying me and stalling my projects, that means; 1. the walls around the town, which have no function. for the town other than keep creepers out 2. the central claim in my town square and the claim next to the port.

    he does have a house which he claims for his friend ravethewave, so i see it reasonable that this claim can be left alone even though this is not Eisflo’s house.

    He really needs to be stopped as it is people like him, the hattawi’s, and the recent hackers/griefers. Action is needed.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    Hey, welcome to PirateCraft, Bit of a strange place for an introduction, Especially all in bold? maybe I should create an intro’s forum, Ill do that.

    Thanks, but im fine with the web stuff, have 10 years under my belt in website design, the website is being re-built from scratch, although there is nothing wrong with it at present.

    I do have a random notification in-game for the forum link??

    In a vague way of being on-topic still, talking about forums I will create an introductions forum for new players.



    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    If we want to consider adding new ships we will have to rework the limits and maximums of blocks on ships, for as gods said we cannot have ships overlapping each other.

    If we make ship max’s bigger and limits bigger, this allows us to make new ships bigger then before for the new players, so that they can have decent sized ships instead of driving rafts. Also, if we do that, it wouldn’t upset the power between old ranks getting bigger ships, because all ships would generally become larger.

    Another road is to make new ranks, and make new ship types to be associated with different ranks, however, this would simply make more to attain in the game, higher rank=better ship/bigger ship, which will upset new players because they have to wait longer to get some decent ships.

    So there are some points to consider when adding new ship types, and I think we should choose which we would rather do, increase ship max’s and make new ship types to fill in the gaps, hereby making all ships larger for all players, or simply adding more ranks to the top.

    Also for ship types, scroll down the wiki until you get to ships where it names real life classes of ships and description of them.


    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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