Question about ships and crew

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    Ahoy you scurvy swabbies, I got 2 questions for ye all.


    first question: if one wanted to, could they construct a ship and sell it to others for in game money?


    second question: I wish to recruit ay crew but I don’t know where to go about or where to start to get a crew together nor do I have the minimum rank to pilot a ship.


    so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you and now bugger off you scoundrels! :p happy plundering.


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    “Avast tharr matie an’ read followin’ scribbles.”


    1. if one wanted to, could they construct a ship and sell it to others for in game money?

    – Yes. You should consider apply to the Shipbuilder’s Guild or a trade group, suches as Tortuge Trading Company.


    2. I wish to recruit ay crew but I don’t know where to go about or where to start to get a crew together nor do I have the minimum rank to pilot a ship.

    – Here you’re on yourself mate. Although you should get to know folk around the server and invite new players to join (real life buddies), then take it from there. About the rank, personally I recommend you to hit the sailor rank first. A sailor sail a schooner, the first “real” ship you can pilot. True cadet has a dhow. Dhow is more like a arabbian fishing boat.

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    “Avast tharr matie an’ read followin’ scribbles.” 1. if one wanted to, could they construct a ship and sell it to others for in game money? – Yes. You should consider apply to the Shipbuilder’s Guild or a trade group, suches as Tortuge Trading Company. 2. I wish to recruit ay crew but I don’t know where to go about or where to start to get a crew together nor do I have the minimum rank to pilot a ship. – Here you’re on yourself mate. Although you should get to know folk around the server and invite new players to join (real life buddies), then take it from there. About the rank, personally I recommend you to hit the sailor rank first. A sailor sail a schooner, the first “real” ship you can pilot. True cadet has a dhow. Dhow is more like a arabbian fishing boat.


    hahaha thanks Rendas I don’t really want to be dedicated to a group that just builds ships and then sells them. But that would be a good starting to point to show that I’m trustworthy and get to know others. And thank you for answering my questions.


    EDIT: even if I don’t have the right required rank for any type of ships that couldn’t possibly stop me from making such ships like the schooner?

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    There is absolutely nothing stopping you building these ships, but it’s just worth being aware that until you reach the required rank to sail them, they will be stationary and essentially, useless… Apart from potential aesthetic purposes…

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    What CharleyOfficial said.

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    I am the owner of the Shipbuilder’s Guild and I can’t wait to see what ships you will construct! 😀

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    Once you have anything claimed, you can sell that entire claim for whatever price you want automatically by using a Real Estate Sign, Once your boat is claimed, you can put a sign in it with [re] top line and a price on the bottom.

    You can also sell sub-claims and keep ownership of the main claim, I do this just out of spawn, so you could have a shipyard with tonnes of ships for sale, I was hopeing either Tim or CoughingDog would do this at the cove, since they both have Jettys and everyone can /warp cove, so around that area might be your best bet for a location 🙂

    • Topics: 5
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    Hahahaha thank you to everyone your help is muchly and greatly appreciated.

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