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    I really don’t know what happened to the cannons competition… it just… died….

    Anyways I wanted to suggest a new cannon class that would be practically the old cannon just longer…. Β The carronade cannon is sort of short and it would be cooler if a new cannon could be added that was longer named the long nine or something. Β Could a cannon like this be added? Just tweak the length of the carronade cannon file or something…

    Another thing that I think would be cool but would be extremely hard to add to the server ( I’m not really expecting that it will be added) is a regular trade convoy of ships controlled by command blocks with some goods and loot loaded on the ships. Β This would involve a ton of command blocks as you would need a copy/paste schematic command and then controlling the ships would be a nightmare… But it would be cool πŸ˜€ add a more piraty feel.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

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    It was never a proper competition, since there was no close date and no clear area where people built submissions it died, I can create a plot for people to submit cannon ideas, I would love to get some new custom cannons designed!

    Heres the old thread.

    Custom Cannon design competition!

    You’re long cannon would be easy enough to implement, I havent created a custom cannon via schematic before, so it will need to go through testing.

    A trade route is also in my “todo” books! Im glad we have similar ideas! The problem is the current method of useing commands blocks is really sloppy and a very bad aproach to how this will work, I think I might have mentioned before that I suggested a better method to the developer already? Being able to script movement in a file instead of in-game.

    I really dont trust command blocks in the slightest, if claims were to go down and leave them exposed im sure there would be a way for a player to “hack” or amend code to op themselfs very easily.

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    your “todo” book should be a “toto” book so it can bless the rains down in africa. also i REAALLLYY like the idea of merchant convoys and can’t u just do it with fancy movecraft plugin stuff? (though i guess if u used the movecraft plugin stuff it would be kinda annoying cause u would have to sink it then loot itΒ  and you wwould have to sink it while moving)

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    Ok… I want the longer cannons because they will look cooler and will make turrets look cooler… turrets with the tiny 3 block long stubby cannons look weird (I know)

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 18
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    • β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    it would be cool if u added a 4x2x2 cannon made of entirly iron calledΒ  “da bunka busta”.

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