Getting Started Handbook

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  • #4300
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    We still get a lot of people asking how to get started, Would anybody be up for writing or helping out create a Getting Started in-game book/info page? We could publish it on the website too.

    What are some common things people need to be told about the server that isnt obviously written about?

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    People tend to ask if they can build ships straight away… Maybe make it clear(er) from the start that they need to rank up to build ships?

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    They often think it is the game Piratecraft and not the server.

    We need to write at the start that it is the server not the game.

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    I plan on making out own custom game, there just a lot of pre-work to get to that stage.

    Thats why I introduced how-to-play, maybe We could acomplish this with Signs at spawn? Maybe a re-write for the bible or /howtoplay ?

    Crazy Pirate
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    I’d be happy to right a manual, but my wifi is crap and I only have my phone for the mo. It depends how urgently you need it. I’m back in 8 days, and am happy to help! People often ask about grief prevention, ships, cannons, and claimblocks/money. I also know that alot of people come on and ask about teleporting/ tp-ing, I guess that on some servers that comes as standard? But yeah, happy to help if you can wait that long!

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    Not urgant, Just wanted to get some community feedback working together to write something.

    I need to finish the cannons page I was creating, I created custom graphics to show how to build them too, thats something I’ll have to do.

    we have /claims and /info eco, we can always add to them.

    We dont have anywhere where it talks about teleporting…

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    I am willing to write the handbook too

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    Alright, I say write up thing you want to be part of the handbook in this thread, that way we can add to it and put it together, Who wants to start with a paragraph? Remember we are very limited on space of a book, its 16 charactors per line in a book, counting spaces.

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