Bart900 intro

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    Hello my name is bart900 I’ve been playing minecraft longer than I can remember and have been looking for a very unique server for the past year or so; I believe that I have found that server here At PirateMC and can’t wait to play on the weekend.


    so basically I’m just saying hi and sharing a little bit of background knowledge of myself  with you, the community of PirateMC. Looking forward to meeting you all in game and May great future battles over the sea come forth.


    Also just a little quote. “He who has command of the sea has the command of everything.”


    Now you scurvy rascals stop reading this and get on ye way and nick some booty. :p

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    Ahoy! Welcome to PirateCraft. Great to hear you’re eager to rule the seas and beat down those scurvy dogs that invade ye lands.

    We are a friendly bunch really, so any queries give us a shout. Or a cannon blast for a quicker retaliation I mean response.

    Good luck to ye, I’ll be looking for ya head!

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    Hey bart900/Adam! Welcome to piratecraft! The community is great here, You’ll fit in well 🙂

    If I see you in game, Ill make sure to drop you a steak !

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    Welcome to PirateCraft!

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    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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    “Ahoy tharr mate an’ walcum tae ‘opefully brig’t future ‘o plunderrr an’ pilla’e. Fly th’ black flag ‘igh an’ prrroud in th’ winds, lad.

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    Welcome mate to Piratecraft!

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    Welcome to PirateCraft! Hope to see you in-game at some point 🙂

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    No captain if he can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy – Horatio Nelson

    Welcome! (and don’t touch my swamp!!!!)

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    No captain if he can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy – Horatio Nelson Welcome! (and don’t touch my swamp!!!!)


    hahaha shrek is love shrek is life :p

    trust me if we make ourselves into enemies I’ll be sure to bring you a valiant naval battle. May I ask what is the meaning of that saying by Nelson? I don’t quite get the message, but it’s bloody good.


    hope to see you all in game sometime. 🙂

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    i accidently added if  he  between at the beginning to it should be : No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy.  i think it means you cant go wrong if you know how to attack the enemy.

    Crazy Pirate
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    I thought it meant that no captain can do wrong by givin the enemy a broadside! Or boarding the enemy. Could be any of them!

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