Search Results for 'PIPPIP578'
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Topic: Old claim transfer
This isn’t exactly a claim REMOVAL per say, but… well, this was the closest thing I could think of to make the ticket on.
So, a while back, I lost my original MC account to Microsoft’s whole account thing, and while that was certainly bad, staff helped me by giving me access to a couple of my claims (permission trust and everything like that) on a new account. However, I’m realizing the limitations of only having permission to my old claims – such as the inability to expand the claims or manage the subclaims – and I’m wondering whether it would be possible to ask for my old claims to be transferred to the new account.
Obviously, this is a massive request, so I understand if the answer’s a no, or even if it’s not possible, but I figured it’d be worth a shot to ask. My old username is PIPPIP5789, my new one is PIPPIP578.
Thank you for your time and consideration
Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.
Topic: Microsoft Account Issues
Heyo! So, I have literally no idea where to put this, so…… here it is.
As I’m pretty sure everyone is now aware, Microsoft decided to drop some ban-hammer-ness on anyone that wasn’t using their accounts. They, of course, allowed people to switch their accounts. The issue is… well, some of us don’t have access to our emails anymore (cough cough), and as such, cannot transfer. Also, Microsoft isn’t exactly helpful in any way, shape, or form, so….. yeah, no luck in getting a transfer. I know it’s a been a month now, but with no luck transferring account, I have a new account, and I was wondering if there was any way to transfer anything between accounts. If not, I would ask if I could at least be allowed to use this account instead of my now-impossible-to-use previous account.
For sake of clarity, my old account was PIPPIP5789. My new account is PIPPIP578 (go figure). I’ll be happy to fill out more information if need be.
If neither of these are allowed, I’ll be fine with that, but I wanted to go ahead and at least ask, as I figure it couldn’t hurt. If not, thank you PMC for all the memories, and I’ll hope to one day see you again.
Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.
Heyo everyone! My name is PIPPIP5789, and I want to tell you what happened to me recently.
You see, I was talking with some of my crewmates, and the topic of markets and shops came up. I mentioned Port Hope, and no one knew what it was! Fort Victory, nothing. I went through a few other Piratecraft things, then started talking about the Void and Horsia Wars….. nothing! Piratecraft used to be a place of art and beauty, and even in war we were respectful. Now, it’s absolute chaos, and you know what I think the link is? We’ve forgotten our past. Half my crew doesn’t even know there’s a wiki! Therefore, I would like to move that we revive this group, as one not only dedicated towards preserving the history of PMC, but also to ensure that this younger generation knows what we have been through.
We could make history right here, right now, if we can just show the community and world our history.
Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.