Microsoft Account Issues

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    new pp dropped O_O

    Sincerely Tulips

    - Honest, friendly and peaceful Citizen of Piratecraft

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    Yeah, I did, but all receipts are on said email I cannot access, therefore making me unable to use them. I was told the same thing through Microsoft/Mojang… the issue is that I was so young when I got it, I had no idea to keep a separate record of it, and my parents didn’t either, so…. yeah, no luck there. As for contacting the email provider, for various reasons, I cannot access them either. I’ve went through every channel I can possibly find to get my account transferred, but there’s no possible way.

    Just to reiterate, if it’s too much trouble to transfer my stuff, don’t worry about it. As much as I’d like to, it won’t kill me to not play anymore, and there’s no point in this if it’s going to be a lot of extra work for you guys.

    In short, to answer your question, I did buy it through, but no, I have no way to access the receipts to use to help me transfer.

    Peace for all! Why do we descend into the chaos of our lives when we could live in harmony, without bloodshed, violence, or death? I will protect and defend my crew, my family, and let them enjoy as much peace as my life can offer.

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    Yes. This is why I made this thread before it happened and warned everyone on Discord.

    Mojang enforcing Java Minecraft accounts be Microsoft Accounts with Moderation

    I preemptively, predicted these issues.

    You will be able to gain access to your account by contacting Mojang, but you need to be persistent & proactive. You will need your initial payment method, you may be able to search your bank account records for “mojang” or the cost of the Minecraft account at the time.

    data is scattered across multiple files/database tables, there is no easy way to “transfer”, its all manual and all takes a long time. Which is why I posted out warnings to everyone to act sooner rather than later.

    You will definitely be allowed to play on your new account, dont worry about that. but the best option for everyone is for you to contact Mojang with your purchase details and get the email changed.


    Read the last line here

    If you are unable to change your Mojang account email, have your transaction ID or gift codeavailable and contact Minecraft support.

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