List of Settlements

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  • #2700
    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 260
    • Total: 281
    • ★★★★★

    This page will be dedicated to information about cities, towns, etc.

    Posts deviating from the list below will be deleted!
    Use the following scheme to register your settlement:

    • Name:
    • City Center Coords:
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader):
    • Description (Facilities and things like that):
    • Link to Forum (when applicable):
    • Special Remarks:

    Add the flag of your settlement as attachment (if existent).


    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 260
    • Total: 281
    • ★★★★★
    • Name:
    • City Center Coords:
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader):
    • Description (Facilities and things like that):
      Port* with various ships, Market Square*, Shops, Warehouse*, New Providencian Embassy, Canals, Windmill*, Public City Farm, Arena*
      (*=Under construction)
    • Link to Forum:
    • Special Remarks:

    Oldenburgh Coat of Arms

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★
    • Name:
      Port Royal
    • City Center Coords:
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader):
    • Description (Facilities and things like that):
      Fountain, Well, Parliament, Houses, Stables, Docks, Blacksmith, Farms, Market.
    • Link to Forum (when applicable):
    • Special Remarks:
      PirateCraft’s oldest town, last City of the Batavian Empire.
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    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★


    • Name:
    • City Center Coords:
      -875 -15
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader):
    • Description (Facilities and things like that):
      An empty walled area at present, Future plans include a second bigger wall around the perimeter, The main area will hold the town hall and some higher up’s homes, the surrounding area inside the second wall will be farmland and small villager homes.
    • Link to Forum (when applicable):
    • Special Remarks:
      Looking for some superb builders to work alongside to help build the second outside wall.

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 215
    • Total: 227
    • ★★★★

    Port Lacomus

    City Center Coords:
    -875 65 -2775


    Description (Facilities and things like that):
    Currently has the only shop Accessible by using its own warp (/warp shop), Various Buildings available to rent. constantly expanding.

    Link to Forum (when applicable):
    to come soon

    Special Remarks:
    An expanding town with large farms, a healthy supply of items in the shop, safe greif free housing for rental. Will have space for an Embassy for your town!


    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 437
    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★


    • City Center Coords:
      -104, 64, 1295
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader):
    • Description (Facilities and things like that):
      Small, mostly automated crop farm, small cow farm, lots of chickens
    • Link to Forum (when applicable):
    • Special Remarks:
      None (as of yet)
    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★
    • Name:
    • City Center Coords:
      -776, 65, 991
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader):
    • Description (Facilities and things like that):
      Small “Town”, only 1 citizen
    • Link to Forum (when applicable):
    • Special Remarks:
      From Pirates of the carabien
    • Topics: 67
    • Replies: 640
    • Total: 707
    • ★★★★★★
    • Name:

    Merchant port of Hode – Hode Island

    • <b>City center coords:</b>

    -185,65, -2609

    • Governor


    • Description

    Hode Island is located just south east from port Lacomus and straight north from spawn. The city is still young with its two ships and port area, containing a trade post with a shop, harbout depot for goods to be stored and a harbour master’s office. The uncompleted fort is to protect the city from sea with planned cannon towers. The outer citywall is nearing its completion and is to protect the inhabitants of Hode from the wildernes lurking at night. The city has several farms of which some are private and some are public. The tavern keeps the sailors drunk so they rebel against their captains less often. Outside the city walls are the city livestock to feed and provide for the inhabitants, also the city has a cool channel system with bridges connecting the roads. The Governors hall is still under construction but when completed will be the largest of the buildings in the town.


    overall the city contains:

    Two ships (one sailable), harbour depot, harbour masters office, trade post, several farms, Fort and outer city wall(not fully built), tavern, channels, livestock and a Governors hall which is not yet completed.


    Future plans are to build a eastside port to allow for more trade to flow, also allowing bigger ships to enter the port area. More shops in the town area mainly run by the inhabitants themselves to bring life to the entire town. apothecary is planned and is to sell potions and what not. the road network of the city needs to be beautified and embassy requests from other settlements are welcome for discussion.

    • Link to forum

    • special remarks

    the flag of the settlement is enspired by the Danish west indies(now: American virgin isles) back in the colonial era these three islands called the west indies was controlled by the Kingdom of Denmark and represented under a flag alike this one.


    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 19
    • Replies: 63
    • Total: 82
    • ★★★

    City Center Coords:
    Ma_c_hi and Tchetch3n3
    Description (Facilities and things like that):
    A small growing coastal city located at the north of spawn. The current facilities are:

    • Wolfshire’s Shop (general shop with an alchemic room (DIY potions))
    • Wolfshire’s City Hall
    • Forge (with an armors shop)
    • Central Square (fountain, beacon and fireworks launching system)
    • Sheepfold
    • Moon’s Harbor (2 ships)
    • Grey Fort
    • Retractable Bridge

    Link to Forum (when applicable):
    Special Remarks:
    The city is still growing and residential buildings are planned soon.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 10
    • Total: 11


    Im adding 3 settlements that Im building. Sorry for my proactivity lol… im not building a base, im building a NATION! =D


    City Center Coords:
    1300, 3050


    Description (Facilities and things like that):
    Not much yet, many features planned. In the meanwhile the Docks, The Stable, a Mountain WH, Walls already done!

    Link to Forum (when applicable):

    Special Remarks:
    Gonna be the largest city in the south and maybe the server! lol… just maybe.

    No flag (at least yet).



    City Center Coords:
    800, 3900


    Description (Facilities and things like that):
    The desert city over the main continental road. One central mayor building and the rest just small houses… mainly a farmers village.

    Link to Forum (when applicable):

    Special Remarks:
    Inland city, not even close to any ocean nor sea.

    No flag



    City Center Coords:
    850, 4800


    Description (Facilities and things like that):
    Just a nice village with an iron farm! it will have a port on the Far Southern Sea.

    Link to Forum (when applicable):

    Special Remarks:
    Special village with quietness for anyone that needs a proper rest from all the minecraft responsabilities. Iron farm boosts the whole nation economy!

    No flag

    The NATION’s name is not ready yet and the whole southern dessert/savanna continent is its domain. Everyone is invited to join and build whatever they like to do, it will be linked with roads to the other cities.

    The boundaries respect any other domains, to the north, west and south are the Central, Southwest and Far south Oceans/Seas respectively. To the east it goes until the forest finds the first mountains, behind those are Tesla’s and his crews territories.

    Theres a small Itsm that joins to the north with the central continent, there is a channel build on going there, this domain ends on the river that almost cuts that land line south of the future channel.

    New players and old ones are welcome to come and settle on these vast lands. Much desert tough, but lots of Savana too!

    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 4
    • Total: 6


    Name: Buccaneer Bay

    City Center Coords: x: 3273 z: 889

    Mayor(/Founder/Leader): minomorph

    Description: A small settlement next to the sea. The fort is in progress and the harbour in planning. There is also a brewery and a NPC-Village for trading.

    Link to Forum:

    Special Remarks: The colours of our flag, red and black, stand for blood and gunpowder, but also for red-stone and coal.

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    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 52
    • Total: 60
    • ★★★

    Name: Auckland

    City Centre Co-ords: X-5467

    Mayor(/Founder/Leader): Babyhoof

    Description: The capital of New Zealand. Houses the great Forges of the British Empire. Has a Barracks, Forges, Mine and a Farm

    Link to Forum:

    Special Remarks: Known for its soldiers that do not give up and are very loyal to their cause

    • Topics: 3
    • Replies: 5
    • Total: 8


    Mayor(/Founder/Leader): Pixeledreality


    Description (Facilities and things like that): Farm Woodcutter Mine Fort Port and growing..

    Link to Forum (when applicable):

    Special Remarks:NO

    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 25
    • Total: 33
    • ★★

    Name: The Soviet state of Jammylegion

    City Center Coords: 268, 65, -714

    Mayor(/Founder/Leader): Legionaryduck

    Description (Facilities and things like that): Orchard, farm, Safe house and a mine

    Special Remarks: It’s current members are both known for their amphibious combat skills and stubbornness we will never stop coming and we will never give up until you’re dead, we are a relentless people.

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    • Topics: 22
    • Replies: 226
    • Total: 248
    • ★★★★

    Name: Rome

    • City Center Coords: Around X: -5937, Y: 65, Z: 3554
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader): BGraph
    • Description (Facilities and things like that): At the moment, it only has a fort and a small port, but plans to add more buildings are under way. The buildings that will be added read as follows: Coliseum, Town Hall, Streets, Stores, and an expansion on the port.
    • Link to Forum (when applicable): We don’t have a forum page yet.
    • Special Remarks: It is to be modeled after the Roman capital city of rome, thus it will have many ancient build types in it. We don’t have a flag, but will get one soon. 


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government

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