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  • #70824
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    My Username: {CosmicKingSimp}

    Player(s) TulipsAndDeath, SciVibes, Rivvur, Trooper306, P1ndr0p, Spock101, Mr_bumsmell, dpex81, great_man_7, Macro26, rick_Dunhark. Being Reported.
    Username: {username}
    UUID: {uuid} (You can get it from *didn’t work for me tried multiple times*
    Punishment Tracker URL: *url didn’t work*

    Reason for Report (Exessive greifing)
    {breaking rules, cheating, glitching, duping, xraying, exploiting, hacking (Using a hacked client), harassing, griefing}

    To explain shortly, i have been inactive for a while because of traveling and due to me having a full time job with the Army. I came back home tired and glad to see that the Cities i’ve built and loved were intact… until they weren’t. As recently as yesterday 12/22/2020 3 of my great Cities of Verace, Pathere, and Vastere were demolished, by an insider and Hydra. The work of over a year has been deleted. In an instant i lost everything i have worked on, the greifing is exessive, uneccesary, and in many ways should be punishable. I realize that the people who did this are experienced and renown players of this server. However i am too, and even if i wasn’t the cities i have built have provided deckhands a place to live and be happy in. Therefore i humbly request that my cities be rolled back and restored. I am awfully too weak to do much except report and ask. So any kind of help i can get would be much appreciated.

    I hope that whichever staff member that finds and reads this report I hope that you take the time to consider my request, for i am most likely not different than any of  you and i bet if this were to happen to you it would destroy you… it destroyed me and my soul, all my hard work gone in a “bang!” literally, I can’t begin to explain the amount of despair i felt when i saw this. (look at attachments please) Thank you.

    Overview Description of Report

    Detailed Information


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    Governor in Rome.
    Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
    “To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”

    • Topics: 794
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    Its written on your punishment page and every time you log in as an extension.

    added it, she will be the one you need to solve it with.

    I replied to this thread this morning without knowing anything about what you did/staffs reactions to your behaviour, so this is edited.

    • Do not use peoples private information to try and intimidate and bully players, this is a crime called “Stalking”, this is why you were warned and temp banned originally.
    • Do not try and create drama/trigger staff by creating “confusion” from forum threads in an attempt to get other people involved.
      Its a temp ban, you ride it out, its that simple, I have had messages sent from your crew to all staff looking for a bypass to your tempban.
    • You have not taken ANY responsibility in your actions or even any remorse for them, you have just argued that they were not deserved for your stalking behaviour.
    • A temp ban is a temp ban, its just that you wait it out. you do not message every staff about it and get your entire crew involved creating drama in the process.
    • Your “extension” wasn’t discussed with staff chat and must have been a miss-communication.
    • Stalking a person is a legitimate crime, I did a quick google and it gave me this:
      Definition of stalking:

      Stalking behaviors are interrelated to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them. The term stalking is used with some differing definitions in psychiatry and psychology, as well as in some legal jurisdictions as a term for a criminal offense.


    Since you have now decided to get your entire crew involved in your stalking/bypassing your punishments with no remorse or even an apology, we will have to escalate your behaviour and now will be talking out the issues you have caused from your actions.


    • Topics: 794
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    @turseturtle @Okta @emielreijs @P1ndr0p @Chiroptera419 @Lawzoneon @RoMich02 @KaithefireNinja @Astrobolt @GingfulGlider @FieryFox

    I have backdated your claim-block data, my god that took way more effort than I anticipated. Before I did each update, I selected the data from both tables to show the backed up data Acquired blocks and bonus blocks from Backup & Todays data (the messed up set), so we have a future reference and so you can work out the exact amount.

    I am aware that you have earned claim blocks since then, but there is no way for me to get this data so I will figure out compensation when all lost claim blocks are fixed in this thread 🙂 If you wish to reply with what you think you have earned claim block wise between

    887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60	24617	-7032
    887e2b52-85c4-480b-921c-29e33eccde60	18140	-3511
    86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0	2600	0
    86bc98f2-f2c6-40ae-868a-1b4941f287c0	6808	0	
    b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 	97269 	-1518
    b4bb773e-977a-4618-81e5-f62ad9e6720a 	75914 	0
    f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 	196376 	370 	
    f17d6b1e-9604-43ef-a6d3-ba66f998e998 	140781 	0
    3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 	52364 	-2130 	
    3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b 	37943 	0
    c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc 	51588 	300 	
    c37d6f6c-9ba2-48a4-ae29-6bf2cfec53cc 	44425 	2000
    7e556548-0a59-4c43-bd7b-44f3bc9b3261 	186351 	179556
    7e556548-0a59-4c43-bd7b-44f3bc9b3261 	337710 	-2029
    82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2 	48035 	-2260 	
    82971926-7a94-4df3-84fa-7b3ea6970eb2 	43501 	435
    d37799c1-1f34-47b2-be38-1a31619832ff 	62650 	-1000 	
    d37799c1-1f34-47b2-be38-1a31619832ff 	50831 	1851
    54768a73-2cd9-4842-9b95-a4ad5314a63b 	114779 	-94890 	
    54768a73-2cd9-4842-9b95-a4ad5314a63b 	21554 	-830
    1ae95663-ed2d-41c0-b762-448e7e52ab64 	14976 	-1820 	
    1ae95663-ed2d-41c0-b762-448e7e52ab64 	13701 	0
    • Topics: 3
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    • Total: 6

    Username: P1ndr0p

    UUID: 3f109a4e-8c1d-4d75-9656-053a3056c64b

    (Screenshot should be Attached)

    Estimated Blocks lost: 13,000

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    In reply to: Leon's unban

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    Thanks for understanding P1ndr0p!


    In reply to: History Of PMC

    • Topics: 66
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    @P1ndr0p I am sorry, I do keep trying to edit the wiki when I can, or know of things to add. As of right now I have created a ‘super weapons’ section, in which I am gradually trudging through to fully write up and expand on so it can be read through and used as a fun piece of lore and perhaps people to take inspiration from.

    Anyway, to answer your questions from my point of view=

    1) I unfortunately can do bugger all for 2017, unless if people can give me things to add etc and notes on it etc (I’m kinda good at expanding on notes, but not note taking). The other reason for 2017 is so little from me is due to me killing my java in early 2017, which I could add to my wiki profile as info, but it is more down to the community in general to put this information up on the wiki, as it is the first accessible piece of information about the server, that any new comers often get after reading through the website (which would take ages).

    I recommend you first of all try add and edit the wiki itself, it is quite enjoyable, so much so I do it when I should be studying- But if you can’t figure out what to write etc, just start writing the basics of what you want to document on the wiki, and possibly request one us common wiki editors to possibly write in more detailed bit about those said events of 2017 which are important. I would also recommend adding to the piratecraft timeline for this sort of thing too!


    2) I personally, do not know a lot about Hydra. I personally have no quarrel with them at all and I actually love the way they have shaken the server’s foundations, which is both frightening and marvellous. I personally, don’t like to always edit other people’s topics and sections, due to often people not liking what you may write, or who may just remove everything you wrote and so it is somewhat a waste of time- this may also be a reason not much has been written about Hydra.

    I would also note, and I am sure you can also agree with me on this one. Is that on a community perspective (or at least mine), Hydra is a reclusive, very private group, and though people talk about Hydra, no one often know what is actually going on half the time, due to often the lack of community interaction (at least on the talking level- at least in my view, I have never talked to a Hydra member directly so this is again my own experience), so I am sure you can see the difficulty with why this is.

    On the part about pvp raids, I am surprised I guess no one else has picked them up- me included, and if no one does in the near week or so, I know what section I’ll be writing next, which you can if you like monitor and edit to your liking. I think again though, it is people having missed out some of the information etc leading up to it, but I am sure that can be left out now that I am revising that.


    Apart from that, sorry, and I hope to hear from you soon. 🙂

    Best Regards.

    • Topics: 3
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    I just wanted to politely ask whomever writes/updates the PMC History thread on the Wiki

    A) When it will be updated with information from 2017


    B) Why nothing Hydra has contributed exists within PMC’s History.

    I think that Hydra has done a lot that would be deemed worthy of molding events and actions across the server

    (See Examples here!  


    Respond whenever, because there are obviously more pressing matters to attend to!

    With Much Love and Adoration (I’m so full of Myself),


    • Topics: 13
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    from what I understand, when the sieges happened on jetty and rex (pastel and n1_), we managed to win one of the sieges, and got in. you both proceeded to punch everyone and refused to stop, even chasing us as we explored your *coughhorridcough* base. one or both of you managed to force kai into jail by constantly attacking him, forcing him to kill you because you wouldn’t leave off. afterwards, we all got kicked from siege timer ending. after that, kai was unjailed (time was up) and he was tped back in, and around this time the base was resieged, so nobody else could tp in or out. you had camped his tp point with god gear and killed him. that’s just straight up obnoxious. firstly, being annoying by punching everyone as we even just walked around, and then camping kai’s tp point. after the second siege, you nearly did the same to p1ndr0p by punching him into a hole and continuing to punch him, and wouldn’t stop. smokey had to log onto discord chat to yell at you both to stop, or he would have suffered kai’s unfortunate fate as well.

    while im here, even though these may have been stated, no harm in restating I suppose. no /back after pvp related death. if you die by another player, you cannot /back. (unless if the killer says it’s ok. purpose is, you cant /back to get your stuff, or to be obnoxious and try to punch them to death.)

    spawnkilling is a douche move, and shouldn’t be done. it isn’t exactly spawnkilling if you’re forcing people to kill you by punching them. at that point, youre just being annoying and you’re just giving the other players free chances to boost their kdr, get heads and up their kill streaks. and boost their ego. for some, it’s big enough.

    @minister, im fairly certain that’s already a feature. you already shouldn’t be allowed to build in claims during and after siege time, during the 5 min looting period. if players are able to do that, then that should be reported to be fixed. ive experienced when that feature broke, it isn’t fun.

    and jetty, this comment is to you directly. I did tell staff of several of your actions, but my intent was never to have you banned, or to try to get them to punish you. since your absence, things have changed, and im certain you’d have forgotten some of the unspoken rules, so me telling staff was just so they can properly tell you what is and isn’t allowed. since.. well… you didn’t want to listen to a damn thing anyone of us tried to say, I had to ask the staff to tell you instead. if the staff did choose to ban or punish you severely, that’d be their call, and their sole decision, and the rest of us; and you; would just have to accept and respect it. to reiterate- just don’t be an ass.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    As Max and Gods stated please try and record and/or screenshot the kick not just the wall of “You can’t teleport out of a besieged area” text. But also, I was online when you were kicked and I know the reason the anti-cheat kicked you. From what Monks described I’m sure he got kicked by the same thing, as did P1ndr0p the other day. An update will be released soon for the anticheat we use. Just give Gods a bit more time to implement it unless you want all the other 15 ways you could be kicked to come back (he has to reconfigure everything manually). The reason that kicked you, Monks, and P1n was all the same, the update should fix this issue. When the anticheat is officially updated Gods will post an update to let everyone know. If the kick continues after that, report it with video so we can either fix it or add it to the non-kick list.

    ~ A real pirate I guess. ~
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