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  • #3571

    In reply to: Cant find server?

    • Topics: 42
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    • ★★★★★

    @GodsDead its on the some of the voting websites the last server before the upgrade. theres also another thing ill check to see if that is still there

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Finally, a mod I can bribe! I mean, a mod I, um, um, um….did I mention that its great news! And changing topic, all mods and admins, Godsdead, Markusi, Reaper, Super, wanna come down for a formal celebratory meal? Steak is on the house, chairs are arranged, story’s can be swapped, mods can be bribed, etc! Official get together of all the players and mods who have been around a while! (more there is, the better the bribe)!


    In reply to: Server Timed out

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Aww! Note to Godsdead: Change alarm clock sound to creeper hissing…. that should get a reaction!

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
    • Replies: 329
    • Total: 346
    • ★★★★★

    I think that we all need only one icon for a town, for example: if it’s located on the mainland it may have a particular icon on the map, and if it’s a port town, then it should have a different marker. Also: I think beacons are overrated and extremely difficult to acquire, which may postpone a fully functional and beautiful town from actually becoming a town in your sense for months or weeks.


    Also: these are all great ideas, but has anyone actually discussed this with Iamthereaper or GodsDead?

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 794
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    It seems its time we put together a solid punishments list for breaking rules.

    To add to this im going to add a warnings system, accumilating a certain amount of warnings will auto-ban that user.

    Action already taken:

    • Promoted SuperGL to moderator
    • Re-added spam filter for chat (Sorry, the idiots spoilt it)


    • Limit or remove chatting from the livemap (Sorry, too many idiots again)

    I would like community input for the current rules, do you think anything needs to be changed or added?

    1. Be Polite & Respectful to all players.
    2. Anything GodsDead or Iamthereaper89 says, goes.
    3. Use common sense.
    4. No Hacking/Cheating at all, Permanent ban.
    5. 3 Warnings from either admin gets a reset stats and demoted to deckhand
    6. Goods will not be replenished.
    7. Do not ask for items or rank upgrades.
    8. Do not claim piles of rubbish as a form of griefing.
    9. No advertising at all.
    10. No Shops near spawn
    11. Gaming stats will get your statistics reset

    The only solid punishment at present is for Hacking/Cheating, which is a perminant ban.

    Some punishment options: TempBan, Ban, TempMute, Mute, Jail, Kick, Restting Stats, Demoting player, Adding a warning point (Or many).

    I want to hear what you think punishments should be for breaking specific rules, I try to avoid a permanent ban as I think thats usually too OTT, and a warning of sorts oculd suffice.



    In reply to: [History] Edward Teach

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Really fascinating! This is why I think we need community blogs. Godsdead, more blogs please! Stuff like this is cool!


    In reply to: June 2014 BOTM

    • Topics: 42
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    I would like to Enter my Sand Castle (Also GodsDeads) You probably haven’t noticed it but its right behind your house. Had A few stray Mortar Shots go on your island from it. 🙂 if you need coords let me know

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 10
    • Total: 10

    Ok, but GodsDead already rejected it.

    Gender: Male |
    Age: 13 |
    IQ: 130 |
    Group: Port Royal |
    Best Friend: Beffles |
    Worst Enemy: Eisflo |
    Favorite Pass Times: Killing Eisflo, Trolling Beffles and Ripping Stuff apart with his Lightning Bow |
    Favorite Color: Dark Green |
    Known Coding Languages: HTML, JavaScript and CSS(?).

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Move to New server complete! Make sure you use the host to join to the new IP!

    39,000 files downloaded and uploaded later, we are on a brand new node with 3GB’s RAM behind us to hold a whopping 50 people now! I would like to say a giant thank you to all the donators on PirateCraft making this possible!


    Original Message:

    PirateCraft is down while I make an entire server backup ready to move to a new node (New IP) ready for a big slot upgrade.

    Hopefully everything goes smoothly, Ill be on Skype while I do this (godsdead) and updating this post.

    I expect to be down all of today, as this is a long process.

    What all players need to do:

    Make sure you add or update PirateCraft IP to, this will be automatically updated with the new IP and you will just have to wait for us to come online! The website server status may be down even when we come back online on the new node due to having to wait for customer support to update our IP.


    Thanks for your patience!


    In reply to: Added Polls

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Um, the polls tab under information redirected me here if I had an idea for a new poll, which I do, I hope this is the appropriate thread!

    -Poll 1: Name the four main continents of PirateCraft: Told Godsdead about this, he said “yesss!!!!” but thought I’d include it all the same.

    • Topics: 794
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    I didn’t realize that Skype was used to much nowerdays, I resurrected my ancient skype account, feel free to add me godsdead.

    Ive also added these fields for website profiles, Log in, Go to the menu top right, Edit My Profile > Contact tab to fill out your Skype and Twitter usernames.

    Also if anyone else wants to share contact infomration reply to this thread!

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Town’s are settlements that are in constant development that have a history and are seen as landmarks on PirateCraft, Being accepted as a town by GodsDead and Iamthereaper will award the town with an Icon on the Map.

    To apply for town status, you first need to fill out the Settlement application “List of Settlements Thread“.

    Required to apply for town status

    • Submitted Settlement to Tims List of Settlements Thread
    • 1 Town Hall (Could be used for planning the town, Sign wall inside.)
    • Walkways/Roads/Paths connecting all builds (Bonus points for connecting to other towns/landmarks)
    • 1 Beacon
    • Shop (Selling stocked at least 50 items) or An Arena
    • Building architecture should follow similar themes and each building should feature characteristics of that building, i.e A church wouldn’t just be a square box with a sign on the front saying “Church”.
    • Buildings can not be hollow, <span data-dobid=”hdw”>unused</span> shells. Houses need to have furnished rooms.

    Minimum of 5 building types required, Some ideas:

    • Blacksmith
    • Farm(s)
    • Square center
    • Arena
    • Stables
    • Shop
    • Church / Temple / Alt (For enhancements?)
    • Port if (coastal)
    • lighthouse (coastal)
    • Train station with railway leading to a landmark.
    • Storage
    • Public Mine
    • Trade Market(s)
    • Rental properties (Sub claimed real estate)
    • Bank (Not sure how this would work) Maybe a Piston based Vault?
    • Walls/Moat/bridge


    Any posts that deviate from applications will be deleted. Discussions for town application process already has its own thread:


    Application form guidelines:

    • Town Name:
    • Town Colors (Icon flag color)
    • Post ID URL from Settlement thread (Starts with a # Top right of post)



    In reply to: List of Settlements

    • Topics: 794
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    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★


    • Name:
    • City Center Coords:
      -875 -15
    • Mayor(/Founder/Leader):
    • Description (Facilities and things like that):
      An empty walled area at present, Future plans include a second bigger wall around the perimeter, The main area will hold the town hall and some higher up’s homes, the surrounding area inside the second wall will be farmland and small villager homes.
    • Link to Forum (when applicable):
    • Special Remarks:
      Looking for some superb builders to work alongside to help build the second outside wall.

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 215
    • Total: 227
    • ★★★★

    OK, so some of you know, some of you dont, and some just plain dont care.

    Me and My GF have had a little baby boy. and he is great!

    No name yet but ill let you know once we have one.


    This does mean my time will be somewhat restricted when it comes to anything minecraft related.

    I will still be in, very much, regular contact with Godsdead, with regards to admin decisions etc. and i will still be trying to get on and help out and play where i can.


    Fortunately this is the benefit of a forum, everyone can keep me up-to-date!


    Speak soon guys!





    In reply to: Banned for advertising

    • Topics: 794
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    Rules are posted on the website

    1. Rule 9. No advertising.
    2. Anything GodsDead or Iamthereaper89 says, goes.

    Iamthereaper89 is a trusted admin, and does not ban willy-nilly.

    Your warning was your previous temp-mutes, It’s tiresome to repeat yourself to tell players to be polite.

    It’s a big shame you broke the one rule that I have no leniency on at all, Advertising other servers to groups of players. This is straight up disrespect to me and reaper with the amount of time and effort we continually put into building and maintaining PirateCraft. I view this as a personal insult.

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