A Big change up..

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    OK, so some of you know, some of you dont, and some just plain dont care.

    Me and My GF have had a little baby boy. and he is great!

    No name yet but ill let you know once we have one.


    This does mean my time will be somewhat restricted when it comes to anything minecraft related.

    I will still be in, very much, regular contact with Godsdead, with regards to admin decisions etc. and i will still be trying to get on and help out and play where i can.


    Fortunately this is the benefit of a forum, everyone can keep me up-to-date!


    Speak soon guys!




    Crazy Pirate
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    Congrats, that’s so nice to hear! No problem that you’ll be away, you must be so happy! Congratulations, again!

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    Ha! “..you must be so happy!” Happy?! Crazy, I feel sorry for him… Is abortion still an option?

    No, just kidding 😛
    Congratulations! I wish him all the good things in life 🙂

    And about the name-choosing… I’d vote for ‘Tim’ !

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    Congratulations on the Baby Villager! Train him well and protect him from zombies that come knocking!

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    lol at these replies.


    Gratz reaper! I’d think up of unique names dude, take good care of him! Hope he lives the best life he could ever live.


    Oh yeah, don’t you think you should get married? But meh, don’t listen to me.


    Anyways best of luck!


    – Captain Viper

    Captain of the Pirate Crew Black Clover

    See ya maties either behind my cannons or in their line of fire

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    lol thanks guys,


    he did get a name its Jacob Robin Denby – or Batman as my friends call him lol

    marraige isnt something Emma is bothered about, so i see it as a nice way fo saving lots of money to spend on cars haha!

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    haha Batman-Robin Denby, Why didn’t you name him batman 🙁

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    Lol that was the joke the entire pregnancy. Emma really wanted to name him that lol, but i said its very high expectations lol.

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