🏆 July Build Of The Month (BOTM) entries have closed. The results will be posted ASAP. Dm @TobySF with any questions.

🏆 August Build Of The Month! 🏆

The August BOTM is starting and this one is a special ship-only contest!

Heres the T&C's

1) Your build must be a ship or submarine! 2) Your Build has to be In Survival 3) All Entries must be acceptable (Pg) 4) To submit your builds visit https://piratemc.com/competitions/ 5) Entries must be submitted by the 25th of August! 6) You cannot submit a previously entered build that placed in the top 3! Any questions, please dm @TobySF @Announcments Alerts @BOTM Alerts

Blog Posts Page 16

Upgraded Server & New Voice Server!

  We have some big plans for PirateCraft that require a lot more resources, I can happily say we have... View Article

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May Build of the Month Competition

The entries are in and builds submitted for Piratecraft’s May Build Of The Month competition. All further entries will be... View Article

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Settlements and Towns

There are some superb Settlements and Towns growing all around PirateCraft, So many recently that its time to start getting... View Article

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Ahoy Cadet! Thar be new ships!

Its been while since the last blog post update, there have been a significant amount of changes, updates and new... View Article

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A New Beginning, PirateCraft Version 2

[leading]We set sail from “The Cove” a fortnight ago for new lands, We found them.. With the loss of our... View Article

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PirateCraft new IP, Updates and Future Development

The reason for the current downtime was because our hosting provider decommissioned the server hardware that PirateCraft was hosted on... View Article

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August 2013 PirateCraft Build of the Month – Harry_Mason2

PirateCraft August Build of the month goes to Harry_Mason2 and his superb home island. Harrys winning prizes include: 750 Claim... View Article

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June & July 2013 PirateCraft Builds of the Month – Iamthereaper89 & Sambobington

We are very far behind for June and July build of the month since we are now in August, So... View Article

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Prepare for Minecraft 1.6 with MagicLauncher

It’s come to that time again when a big version of minecraft is about to drop, next week minecraft 1.6... View Article

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Mays 2013 PirateCraft Build of the Month – DonnyHall

It’s the end of May, Tomorrow dawns June upon us, So during may I started seeing some really impressive builds... View Article

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