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Hey guys, player who basically only exists as of right now on the forums.
I have some proposals, I don’t mind if they’re refused as they ‘make the game better’ or whatever, its basically just bringing up a topic which I think needs sorting.
SO, If you didn’t already know, in the East Mesa of the Iborian/Juice Sea, there is 1 large canal and a smaller, under construction canal. The larger canal is called Gordy’s Gate and I remember when Gordy set it up, he basically capitalised a canal by adding a toll of (I think) 1 diamond to open the gate and allow your ship(s) to pass on through. It was ok at the time, he was active etc, but recently (like past 12 months I think) he has been inactive for some unknown reason.
I didn’t bother bringing this up at the time, as I was sure he’d return or whatever, but I was beginning to build a small canal nearby, which just due to time, lack of labour and just other interests/projects, I just never got around to fully completing, which could serve any ships which could fit through, and I often debated capitalising it like Gordy’s Gate.
However, something months on, I have realised and have debated also with myself whether to propose this, but I’ve decided I might as well now.
PROPOSITION: We should remove the Gordy’s Gate payment feature and remove the claim, and instead replace it with an admin claim with some claims at either end to prevent people from blocking it or capitalising off of it.
*But leave the gate part how it is (removing the barrier though obviously), as it’s historical to some extent, the canal can be edited though, such as making it deeper
The other proposition which is also included here, was that my claims (as well as some other people’s) around/on the smaller Iborian canal, should also be removed, should be completed also, and then be admin claimed (avoiding conflict with Apple’s base).
This would in turn, open up this sea for more travel, and allow people to move their ships much more freely, as it can be a pain otherwise to get to events (e.g. ship battles), especially when you have to go through the hassle of remembering a toll and being able to navigate the sometimes shallow canal.
This could also encourage boats slightly more, though that is just for people moving their ships about in that area, rather than across the server.
Me, Apple, Astrobolt- and anyone else in that sea, have to put up with more traffic, and possibly new colonies/bases, which hopefully the staff could police and encourage people instead to go to locations not so near us.
(I have no other negatives in mind really)
Anyway, I’ll be posting a picture below to show the plan/proposal I have for the area, taking into account also Apple’s claims.
I also would like to note that I don’t mind my claims being removed IN that small area and (I hope) the claim blocks come back to me on that one, but I also don’t mind if the Iborian one is just regenerated also, as I wouldn’t be that annoyed.
Thank you for your time and considerations, and please ask any questions and provide any comments you wish to do.
*orange zone note, an area that doesn’t need to be claimed, but rather policed by mods/staff periodically to prevent blockages but also so that Apple can still expand his port if he wishes, (and I have talked to him before, and he said he’d be fine avoiding it, but I don’t know if that has changed).
Topic: A lil' nostalgia trip…
I joined this server back in April 2015 – a time when the average people online was roughly 10-15. I know many of you reading this are probably part of the 2016/17 generation, but some like me know the server from back in 2015, or even as early as 2014.
This post doesn’t have a point to make, it doesn’t try to judge individuals on their actions, its not trying to start a debate – it serves only one purpose; that to sit back, relax, and remember that ‘good ol’ days’ (from my perspective). So please, whether you’re a new player, and old player, or just browsing the forums searching for a new server, spare yourselves a few minutes and have a read.
Now, I’m going to try and avoid going on and on and on.. I know i do it a lot. Most of this info can be found somewhere on our wiki page, but i figured I’ll just share some of my more personal stories.
April 2015
I remember finding this server after a previous Garry’s Mod server i played on (and was staff on) ran out of money and collapsed after 2 years of being active. I have always had a keen interest in ships, medieval times, and all that jazz, so finding this server back then was fantastic. I read a lot of forum pages, to see what was happening at the time, and came across the “Elven Empire (EE) – British Empire (BE) war” of early 2015.
I’m no expert on the history of BE/EE prior to me joining, but it was something like: group of people in the Elven Empire got bored and made their own crew with elections. Shit happened and there was a short war that went sort of undecided.
Back in these times, role play was still a very heavy component of this server. Pirates were pirates, empires were empires, and people who didn’t tag along well… missed out on a lot of fun…
May-July 2015
Ok, ill be more brief now:
- First player that helped me was Lego – who introduced me to his friends; Keto, SirHayden, RileyT, blockking2003, and Icanra
- Started building my port on the first day (found a nice location on the map before i even joined)
- Was reluctant to join a crew, but eventually joined Red Lotus for a week, then the Outlaws after meeting MandarinPanda, and then Lego made his own crew; the Ottoman Empire and i joined
- Reptaria and the Elves hosted their Elven ball at my port (which the Outlaws and HardTimez then gate crashed, screenshots below) – was killed for the first time by HardTimez
- I made a small speedboat for Lego, and we unofficially fought the Elves in it (screenshots below)
- ‘The Allied’ was created by the Elven Empire, British Empire, Verussian Empire, 13 Colonies, and Iborian Empire
- Meesa was scared of all da big scary empire crews D:
- I start building my first every ‘big ship’ which ends up being a manowar named ‘Shadow Atlas’
August – December 2015
- I joined Icanra’s crew; Luteus Republic for about and hour before leaving and making my own crew; Xenon Empire
- Lego hired me to build something for me, and when i wanted to leave, he had me assassinated
- I join the Piratecraft Teamspeak for the first time and hear Cysteen’s voice. Its scary so i leave and don’t join again for a good year and a half
- Lego, KingKarim, Hardtimez all banned within a short amount of time for various reasons
- Got new neighbors – the Verussian Empire (VE) (KingRS and WilsonManzer) and Chailey
- One of the main Elven Cities; Vivenheim, falls and is abandoned. VE take it over and I rebuild it for free
- Got a bit hairy with my neighbours over land
- ‘the Allied’ let my empire join, and the Verussian Empire is kicked out of it over disputes
- First Verussian War started – I helped fight, my crew members; Thymen, Steentje321, and Justluc helped attack the main VE towns. War ends after roughly 10 days with their surrender. My empire gains land, VE hate me, and i start turning my crew into a deckie crew
- The Federated Nations Alliance (FNA) is created by Entaria (InventorJohn’s crew), VE, and SPQR (buckmaster1993’s crew)
<b>January – April 2016</b>
- I expand my port for like the 3rd time
- I make friends with Koi and zee_king_bee – they join the now dominant pirate crew; CoV and they try to prevent me from getting attacked by CoV
- ‘the Allied’ turns into the ‘League of Nations’, and we start recruiting new crews, including The Vikings – a crew owned by Joe_danger_2003
- Lego unbanned and rebanned soon after
- Tensions between the LoN and FNA are at their highest after either side accused them of spying. LoN and FNA send spies to each other’s forum groups. I am a member of both, but don’t act as a spy… until i start reading some stuff in the FNA forum and i basically became a spy…
- BE declares war on VE
- Second Verussian War starts – ended up in a sort of mess, the LoN wins, but several members refused to fight and it starts to lose its charm
- I start building my ‘new generation’ of ships, and I am accepted into build team
- The Grandma takes over Elven Empire and disbands it
- I sell my ship ‘Shadow atlas’ to zee_king_bee for 1k, who sells it to ae0 (but it is never delivered to aeos island, and instead rested just outside the island for the next year)
May – September 2016
- Lack of drama causes my crew, and the LoN to become inactive
- Rep does another Elven ball and it just ends badly again
- CoV disbands after several members are banned. TAS is created instead – a crew uniting a bunch of people who hang out on Teamspeak
- Map expands yay!
- Drama and war between Templar and the LoN. I refuse to fight and remain neutral, damaging relations with the LoN
October – December 2016
- Bit of drama here and there
- After a lot of inactivity, I disband XE and create TXO with Chailey (as a merger between Templars and XE)
- Iborian Empire (Palmerageddon’s crew), and a little later the Elven Empire merge with TXO for a few weeks
- I become like the 7th King of the Elves, Rep gets board, and EE is re-created as ‘EM’ (still elven empire)
- I develop my previous style of ship building to be more realistic, bigger, and far more detailed (which was a big step for meh >.>)
January – April 2017
- I become housewright and build-team leader
- Templar demerge with TXO for a few months
- After a series of votes in the BE, BE and 13 Colonies leave the LoN
- I join Teamspeak again, and become friends with TAS peoples
- EM becomes very inactive, and TXO is the main member of the LoN
- The BE setup the Commonwealth of Nations (CoN) – an entity which aims to unite allies of the BE
- Horsia make their first appearance
- I teach a deckhand named SnapCrackPlays how to sail ships to which he says “wow this is complex, i might go and find a different server” Nice going snap!
May – September 2017
- Elven Empire basically disbands after Reptaria leaves and cheats the Build of the Month marking the end of one of the oldest crews (leaving only BE to fill the gap really)
- Browe formally hosts the first two server-wide ship battles. The Phantom Soveriegn (sov) survives and wins both battles and eventually is owned by Astrobolt
- After the BE leave the LoN, TXO and any remaining member crews join the CoN. This marks the end of the League of Nations.
- I become mod, yay!
- zee_king_bee kindly returns the Shadow Atlas to my port, where i rebuild her into a 6th-rate ship, and re-name her ‘XNS Neptune’
- I salvage an old Templar ship owned by Browe from warp west and sail it back to my port
- I host a few CoN ship battles which end in a bloodbath
- I build more large ships on the hub world, rebuild spawn and some other stuffs
- Horsia and TAS start their infamous war, and large pvp battles between the two are now common
- TXO is now basically just me and 3 other people
- I get bored of building my old port – as i mostly just rebuild old structures to a better standard (which is very boring)
- I steal the sov, and make a duplicate which i sail to the Freeport (which is now the Shadow Voyager, and the one which took part in the ship battles). The original is sailed to my port as a museum ship
October – December 2017
- After exactly 1 year to the day where me and Chailey create TXO, i leave and create my new solo-crew, Xenia
- In order to fight TAS, BE recruit a bunch of pvpers, and ally Horsia
- TAS splits and CLTN is created – with a greater focus on pvp and raiding
- I regen roughly 40% of my port, and make a 200k claim slightly north of my port and start work on a new, larger, and better port
- I get admin because reasons
- I steal the ‘EM Titanic’ – the smallest ship of the old Elven Empire’s navy from the Freeport because reasons
- I host the first few ship battles, which prove to be very popular at start – and then become less popular as people run out of gunpowder, ships, and crew members
- My life is basically: log on, staff stuffs, build, staff stuffs, build, log off.
- Lots of poi
January 2018
- I make this post and join teamspeak drunk one evening and somehow lose $20,000 of my bal that same evening
- I steal the Domum Tranquilarium BoTM entry from the old Rome, and put it in my port (sorry buckmaster, kinda wanted it :P)
« Build Team leader »
« Server Admin »
Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia
Its back! After 5 hours of building, looking through many images on the forums, along with Galaxy’s video of the ship battle that took place in February/March, the Phantom Sovereign is back to her former glory.Here are some before and after pictures:
Main Deck:
Lower Gun Deck:
For new players who don’t know anything about this ship; it was the ship owned by Phantom, and built by Browe (I think). She took part in two major ship battles, both organised by Browe himself, coming out as victorious in both cases (although she suffered moderate damage after the second battle). Shorty after the battle, she was acquired by Astrobolt, who subsequently blew her up or something (no idea, I wasn’t there). All I know is that he got hold of the ship in a good condition, and she ended up looking… er… a bit worse. As for her future, I don’t know. Astrobolt still owns her, but I believe a few people are interested in buying/using her (including myself :3).
Due to her sentimental value, I did not charge anything for her reconstruction, despite the amount of materials I spent fixing her up. Ideally, I’d like to see her in some more ship battles at some point.
If anyone else has a large ship that is damaged/outdated and would like it upgraded or fixed, please send me a /mail in game and I’ll see what I can do, I won’t charge much.Link to Galaxy’s video that I used (worth a watch):
« Build Team leader »
« Server Admin »
Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia