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  • #35796
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    not a bad idea, i think it could be more flexible. there should be other criteria besides the amount of recruits a crew may have, such as: activity, time in, square blockage, builds… i think to be considered a city for instance, one must build a city. a country/kingdom could have one or more cities, empires would have the most people/countries/cities… and could there not be city-states? i live on a large continent, and i don’t have too many neighbors and lots of space i am familiar with that i consider to be my “country”, i claim it as my country. i am literally building a small country and expanding. i like your idea. and i like the idea of having a certain amount of crew members per rank. i think we can add more detail. like drawing actual lines on the map, naming continents/land masses/countries…

    What you say is right, but nobody has time to check all that information for each crew, you are spreading yourself too thin. Limiting the nation guidelines to the members amount provides us a fast and easy way to understand their status. In my opinion, ruling on people is more decisive than ruling on land. Most crews kick their inactive players, so inactivity is not a big issue. I think Reptaria’s scheme is more than good and should stay as it is.



    Regarding land names, if you have suggestions, please follow this link for a map discussion with borders and towns where we are gathering geographical information, whitout changing topic here.

    The Piratecraft Map V3.


    In reply to: Paulk3's Claimed Land

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    Follow this link:

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 794
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    Hello brother, today I saw a pretty sweet pigman gold/xp farm tut and thought I would try and build it. The tut said to build this farm on top of the nether so the spawning would be higher. I didn’t know you could get above the nether so I thought if its possible that would be awesome because not falling in lava is a good thing. When I asked in general chat how to get on top of the nether I found out it was banned as well as gold farms because of lag and such. Which makes sense. My question is; Are there other farms that are banned and what they might be. I have seen that AFK machines are not allowed (but I don’t know what those are) or what falls into that category. The reason I ask is I want to take my base to the next level and put in as much automation as possible for renewable items without breaking the rules or the server. If a system has the ability to turn on and off does it make them ok? as opposed to systems that are running as long as the chunk is loaded. Just trying to get a clear focus before I go crazy building and get in trouble and have to tear things apart. Thanks in advance

    Hey Blu

    1. we ban anyone that builds on top of the nether, this is a permanent instant ban, this area is not suppose to be built on and can cause chunk issues, we have had previous chunks being corrupted by selfish players building up on top of the nether, this is why it is a permanent ban.
    2. AFK machines are banned because these people;
      1. Are using them to farm XP or items from a grinder of whatever, this usually includes a machine that uses up precious ticks, im not a fan of someone using server resoruces 24/7 for their own personal gain when they are not even playing, as this removes the resources from others that are trying to enjoy the server.
      2. Someone is trying to rank up quicker without playing normally.
    3. Gold farms were a large part of the server until I disabled nether portals allowing pigmen through, this greatly improved PVP when we were back in 1.7-1.8 when Gapples were present. Hacking accusations dropped by 90%, and improved the market for gold and reduced server resource consumption, gold farms are still a no-no in my books, but its not as bad as it used to be.
    4. Automation is fine, a lot of people automate amazing farms with villagers, these are cool, as long as it wont globally effect the rest of the server or tip the balance into abusing, were very lenient, Its only after people abuse, and abuse and abuse and abuse that we needed to put in rules for specific farm types, if you have a question about a specific farming technique, then please don’t hesitate to ask, forums are usually better.
    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    Hello brother, today I saw a pretty sweet pigman gold/xp farm tut and thought I would try and build it. The tut said to build this farm on top of the nether so the spawning would be higher. I didn’t know you could get above the nether so I thought if its possible that would be awesome because not falling in lava is a good thing.

    When I asked in general chat how to get on top of the nether I found out it was banned as well as gold farms because of lag and such. Which makes sense.

    My question is; Are there other farms that are banned and what they might be. I have seen that AFK machines are not allowed (but I don’t know what those are) or what falls into that category.

    The reason I ask is I want to take my base to the next level and put in as much automation as possible for renewable items without breaking the rules or the server.

    If a system has the ability to turn on and off does it make them ok? as opposed to systems that are running as long as the chunk is loaded.

    Just trying to get a clear focus before I go crazy building and get in trouble and have to tear things apart.

    Thanks in advance

    • Topics: 19
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    Would it be difficult to put the crew icons on the live map with the locations of this topic’s map? Some could probably be abandoned or moved to another crew, but you could re-check at the start of each month the changes and modify them. Is it difficult to edit/delete the icons on the Dynmap? Besides, the Dynmap lacks a lot of Elven Empire towns, which will probably last a lot of time anyway. And what about the links to the wiki? If you could click on a town and get redirected to it’s wiki page, people could read their history without searching them in the crew pages. It would be a more immediate way to aknowledge ourselves about some settlements and even easy to find the ones that still need a wiki page.

    Edit: crew homes shouldn’t be revealed, I am talking only about the towns I show in my map. If they are here, they can be shown in the Dynmap too, at least those of the most old and strong crews, which will stand for a lot of time.

    Regarding the map, I will soon start the first version of the june edition, trying to define the recently formed crews and then I will try to create the clearer one with pins.


    In reply to: Crew Creation Issue

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    @ultracreeper I had this problem too, when creating the XE a couple of days ago. You have already created your crew, but it does not show up that you have, and instead sends an error code, I know it is not very clear.

    Right, make sure you have £100 to verify your crew. This makes it permanent and allows you access to all the crew commands. To do this, type /verify . If it does not tell you that your crew has been verified, or if it does not accept the money, relog. It took me a few attempts to get it working.


    If this still does not work, talk to MCShovel as I believe he is the one who coded it. There is also a forum that outlines all the new features here:

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: ships and there speed

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    Read the forums, stop spamming them.

    • Topics: 794
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    Tip: That writing top right is quite hard to read, I recommend a different font and to have each of the names of crews the same color, and then give each one a Colorued pins to mark them on the map as a “key”, like you are pinning onto the map.

    There are absolutely hundreds of “push pin icon packs” out there.

    Another option could be to use a different medieval weapon to represent each crew.

    Like I know you can get medieval push pins


    As for fonts, check out the “scripts” section of

    They even have a selection of free pirate fonts.


    In reply to: Minecraft problem

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★ This is you too? I’m not entirely sure that this is at the servers end in that case. When you next get the error message, just google it, and see what comes up.

    Its not the servers end, its his end. He cant view any servers. He hasn’t given any information at all to help him out.


    In reply to: Minecraft problem

    Crazy Pirate
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    TS insufficient perms problem

    This is you too? I’m not entirely sure that this is at the servers end in that case. When you next get the error message, just google it, and see what comes up.


    In reply to: The Fate of Rome

    • Topics: 1
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    Thank you all for the kind words! The future is much brighter than I anticipated and I look forward to collaborating.

    I was hoping to make you proud and yes, I am a designer. I found a nice statue that matched your skin but I’d have to switch the head out because of Marcus Aurelius’ beard, so I went with this one. Hopefully all of my future posts will be illustrated. With a crew this large, some forum based communication might alleviate our density 😛


    haha thanks, perhaps an upside to being involved with SPQR will be custom graphics. If I’m not feeling lazy maybe I’ll even make some .gifs


    If not for Buck’s fated visit to my hilltop farm I am sure I’d be an elf :3 Are those treasonous words? Not now that we are ally & ally 😀

    I will continue to rule SPQR from my headquarters but Rome, the city, will always be Rome. Buck’s land is fabled, if not at points insane. There’s no competing with that! haha. Regardless I cannot turn down such kind praise, may the light ever shine on you too, Minister.

    Congratulations! What amazing news. You still have a seat on the council and an authoritative position in the crew as a leader. Rome itself will remain as you see fit, as it is your land. I will continue to establish connection lines and consider Rome the capital city. As far as permissions go,  it’s not an urgent matter so I’ll wait till we next speak on the server. Personally, I’d like to see the underwater base completed and inhabited.

    Emperor of SPQR, SPQR & VRE Council Member
    ~ Ex nihilo nihil fit ~ Nothing comes from nothing ~

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    I am amazed and humbled by all of the veterans who have chosen to bow out in the past few months. Regulars will know that these players (Elex, Law, Sec, Lew, Chase, Kon etc), regardless of affiliation, have all been people that have shaped the face of this world, leaving many monuments and memories behind.


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    My group has seen it’s own events of late. In the beginning, Buckmaster and Konstrucktor were apart of the same crew. Buck eventually split to begin Rome, amassing 50+ players at the crew’s height. Last year, in my lowly Cadet status, he invited me to join. After a few months of his absence, Chasedillon123 / Wadsworth succeeded Buck’s position, reforming SPQR to the New Roman Republic. Yesterday, Chase stepped down from his leading role, and the server itself. As someone who has worked alongside Chase for the better half of a year, it was a heartbreaking day.

    In yesterday’s will, Chase names me as his successor to the Republic. During his reign, I have nurtured our South Eastern territories from a lowly hilltop farm to the headache of a castle it is today. I disbanded my crew to join Rome. I have brought in the most active members to the crew in recent memory. I have sought alliances and heeded to the will of the Senate. True to the Roman mythos, I connected two hemispheres by road!


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    Today, I assume leadership of Rome, now formally known as SPQR. My first plan of action has been moving our official crew home to the Eastern Byzantine Shogunate of Kanto, house of the Throne and the seat of the Council. Fort Kanto, my home, has been designed to safely accommodate new members with private lodging, security and emergency measures, food and resources, proximity to 3 different seas for exploration, and the opportunity to work with many active members and allies across the map.

    I have designed it so that the angles of the castle and towers line up in such a way that the entire castle grounds are view-able from safe positions and suited to either a small or large defense team. My intention is to create a player run city and marketplace across the region, a process that’s only just slowly beginning.

    My second act is to proudly announce the official union of Verussia and Rome!


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    I am confident that this merger will translate into positive change for the whole server. Some of our priorities include adventure construction, biome repair, sign shop villages, and maintaining regional security. Decisions for the crew will be made by joint senior representatives of our council, each of whom represent their own unique regions and beliefs.

    My third and final action is to revoke all former crew grievances and established diplomatic tensions. I’m opening SPQR’s doors to trade, and want to encourage all forms of a healthy economy on this server. If you have a shop that needs supplying, if you need to sell your extras, if you’re looking for something rare, speak with me and I’ll see what I can do. I am also developing fleet prototypes and successful ship designs will be sold to those who need them.

    Otherwise, I just wanted to take a second to say hello and introduce myself.
    Until next time,

    Emperor of SPQR, SPQR & VRE Council Member
    ~ Ex nihilo nihil fit ~ Nothing comes from nothing ~

    • Topics: 84
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    If you don’t have anything to say to me why did you even mention me? I’ve already stopped with the stupid forum posting.

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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    though some of you may not have listened to the title, this is only for allies and members of my crew, as most of you most likely do not care about what I am about to say, I simply wanted to make some last minute aknowledgements before I leave this server, I am not some big leader and only want the attention of people who will care. And as there is no 1 group all of these people are apart of, I am forced to post it in the general forum area.

    The last will and testimate of Chasedillon123

    @xxatu~ I leave to you, Au Xxatu, the commonwealth on which you reside, emancipated from the dying republic on which it once stood, I hope that you may pluck what seeds still persist from the tree of liberty, free from the poisons that affect it’s soil, long live the republic.

    @Wilson & @ToxicKingRS~ I give unto thee my last remaining god sets, though they are partially finished and some only diamond armor, I feel thay will do you more good than I, for you have some hope, knowing direct threat, though it is many, for mine are many, but they choose, perhaps wisely, to keep to secrecy and subtlety over direct confrontation, I shall retrieve them for you from my bunker tomorrow. I hope these may serve you well, long live Verrussia.

    @Souldin1, @Aremis, @Asterity, & all of CoV~ Though you pirates have been royal thorns in my gluteus maximus for sometime, I feel we both knew how each battle would end, and how this personal battle would eventually end. Though you may have given me a large salt concentration over these months, you always reminded me that, in the end, this is all a game, and that I should not treat this as a test of  my abilities, thus I push forth unto thee scallywags the Roman Commonwealth of Eurasia, though it was never properly developed I hope that you can make use of it, for its Japanese architecture serves well for defensive positions. I would also like to appologize, for I had planned to finish CoV’s monument temple, but I had never gotten around to it before I had had enough with what was going on within my crew, long live the Crusaders of the Void.

    @Reptaria~ While we have had disputes in the past, I wish for you to have my personal home of Elexandria, for I never got around to finishing it, and wish to see it as a grand town, where I originally had planned to store our constitution, but unfortunately could never do with so many inactive leaders, I hope your blessing of actives serves you well and help you populate  this province, long live the Elven Empire.

    @InventorJohn~ I really don’t have anything fancy to say, just, stop, stop with the mass produced forum groups and forum posts

    @All staff~ I won’t sugar coat it, I could step out of line and get out of hand/be a jerk, but you guys set me straight, I followed the rules to the best of my knowledge/ability, and when i did something wrong you called me out on it, which I respect very, very much, the staff here have always been good to those who deserve it, and I try and do the same back, therefore, I’ll be giving the rest of my /bal to all you guys, though it may not be much, sorry. Long live Piratemc.


    I just wanted to say that no one should feel responsible for my absence, though I had gotten in a fight, it is not that as the sole reason I am leaving, NRR has gotten very inactive, and my attempts to revive it have failed, no one really cares about it and no one will really notice. to all shown above, enjoy the goodies, will be arriving some time tomorrow.

    ~Chased Au Remus

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    @kanube, see

    There is such an option already.


    Proud Member of the Piratecraft history 🙂

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