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  • #36634

    In reply to: A quick proposition

    Crazy Pirate
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    Like those above, people just don’t understand when to stop.

    I’ve got an abundance of captain gear, and it used to be the case that when one died, I’d issue them a set. But, that would evolve into ‘Got any stone brick I could borrow?’ or ‘Could I have some wood?’ ‘Do you have any iron handy?’

    But, good on you 😛


    The Queen
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    I am sorry to inform you all, earlier today the French rubble declared a state of war against the elves.

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    Texter “leader” of the French empire attacked an elf today who was at the time an ally. Whe confronted at it, he got very hostile and I questioned the alliance.

    He took the entire situation very light as I did not. His tone changed when I questioned why we were allied. He says “you mean war?” I told him no but an alliance with the French is not what the elves need at this time, since there people can attack an ally without hesitation.

    Suddenly after the alliance ended I stated to him we were peaceful but not allied. He declared war moments after.

    We the Elven Empire pushed to stop the war but it will not stop. From this point on I and the other Royal Monarchs will fight along side our Royal brave guards in the conquest to win this war.

    If allies of the elves wish to join into the war please comment below so we have a count.

    It is war to the French empire. I wish you enjoyed the last days of your prosperous land for the elves had done nothing to provoke such volatile actions.

    May the gods be with you in this time of sorrow.

    Long live the Elven Empire! Long live our freedom.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Tut tut tut!

    When will you learn?

    Servers need to make money, money comes from donations, donations are only made if there’s a trade to some extent.

    Donators get /top, /near etc.

    If you remove a fundemental mean to the Donation, In-Game boosts trade off, donation prices would have to drop, and people wouldn’t donate because they lost their /near command. Less donations = Less improvements and less payment to keep the server up. Eventually this server will crash and die because of your idea. Godsdead has said this is a side project, but he would like to keep it up I’m guessing.

    Anyway, back to your first idea. /near is really weird. 5m away could mean 5m on top of you, 5m under you, 5m to the North, East, South, West of you. /near is used to be protective right now by /near spamming, or to attack somebody if they’re really scared of you and crouching (they are the worst kinds of cowards). So once again, if /near becomes exact same as the  live map. Some people will stop donating because they know the Live Map is more exact and they will be better off  without donating if they loved /near before.

    This is really exaggerated of what is true, but it could happen.

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

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    After diligent translation, I have taken the first dusty, fragile and hard to read manuscript and translated it. Here is that manuscript.  I have also attached the written copy. I hope this sheds more light on the faith of the Brotherhood of Ender, Watcher of the Void.
                                                 Scroll 1: The Beginning of All

    In the Beginning, was the Creator.

    Before Him, was Nothing, and Nothing was before Him.

    Out of His great Love, He made the All that Is. 

    And into this, He created three realms for the three races.

    Into the top realm, known as the overworld, all sorts of creatures were places that enjoyed the soil, and the sun, the rain, the sky, and the sea that He placed there, this then is the first race.

    Next, into the middle realm, known as the Nether, He created a place of punishment, for those who shunned the path He set before them, and showed not the Love He has given, to their fellow creatures.

    Finally, the last was a special place of refuge, of silence and peaceful meditation, a place shrouded in mystery, known as the End. And into this realm was placed His creatures known as the Endermen.  The size and scope of this realm is known only to the Creator and the Endermen, as well as their purpose and mission.

    Alas, it came to pass that one of the Creator’s mightiest helpers, betrayed Him and when discovered, banished to the Nether. Not to be content, this evil one, set about to create creatures and devices to destroy all that the Creator had made. His name was Jemalchek, the Dark One, The Bringer of Shadows, hater of the Light.

    All manner of foul things were manifested by him, and with his powers, created means of transport so as to spread his wickedness. At first this was confined to just his creatures, but in time, he began to move himself.  He also mastered the means of transforming himself into a hideous dragon.  His plan was to let himself loose upon the overworld and the End, to destroy that which the Creator loved the most.

    He chose to try and get into the End at first, but the Creator anticipated this and created an in-between place and sealed the End. The Dark One was trapped in this realm beyond the End, beyond even what is known as the Void.  He is always trying to break through the Void and into the End.

    But the Endermen, watch. Wait, and Watch. For when his strength is enough that he does tear through and appear, the Creator has given them the strength and means to contain, kill, and send the dragon back.  This then is part of their mission, to defend the three realms from the Dragon.

    This then is the story of the beginning of All, of the war of Good versus Evil, and of the role of each in their own realm. Thus the three realms are in balance, the Good holds the Evil at bay, and the harmony of the All is complete, despite the wickedness of the Dark One.

    For the Creator has a plan and a path for each, according to their kind, and a place for us when we are done with this life.  For from the dust of the Void we were created, and to the dust of the Void shall we return.  Nothing gained, nothing lost, all as one, All in balance and harmony. Created from the dust of stars, eternal, yet fleeting, fragile, yet infinite.

    There shall be a day when a prophecy will be revealed, a time of change, a time for ridding All from Evil, when finally the Creator can live among his creatures and commune with them in peace and love.

    Thus ends the Scroll of the Beginning of All.

    peace to all.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    When you see that Java has replied to some recent topics and you’re like: “Oh! Cool! Time for some entertainment.”… And then they are all legit replies.


    You had one job Java… Rip.

    • Topics: 15
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    @redstone_potato I could not of put it better myself, Bravo! I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but this reminds of a similar matter that happened many months ago… When BE took in a few enemy’s of multiple crews and I’m aware they took in a few CoV members aswell? The same CoV members who killed and were clearly KOS for multiple empires and crews? Yet, I do not see crews doing what BE did the other day. This whole matter, could of been resolved with a few private messages on the forums or chat. I understand no one is innocent here, I think we all see that this could of been handled a different way, a more civil way, but its too late for that now, whats happened has happened!

    We could all of done better things, but we didn’t, and we can learn from this mistake. We can close this thread and try to repair our once great bonds.

    So now, to avoid this in the future, SPQR will be more aware of its allies Kill on Sights list, and I hope BE will act in a better manner and we can handle possible future events a different, more civil way.This happened for a reason, so we can all learn from it and move to the future! Time waits for no man or women so lets close this forum thread and stop digging up the past. (Even though I just did, sorry about that, but if you want to scold me for this, please do so in /PM on this website or the server)
    That’s my two cents, (maybe two and a half, aha) Thank you for reading!

    , please close this useless thread, thank you.

    Now give yourselves a pat on the back, for putting up a strong argument, and get going!

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

    • Topics: 50
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    also would you stop pushing the blame to my former men? both parties are in the wrong here, because just because we recruit an enemy does not give you permission to trample our land unannounced to look for him/her, no BE officials are in the wrong but as foriegn policy goes this should have not happened,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    @CrazyPirate1 no offense to you crazy, but most of the time the SPQR dosen’t care what the BE is up to, so no, after a seige 3 hours earlier, we most likely didnt even notice, not to mention we had no idea what crew members norse had, now if you would follow my suggestion and stop, we can move past this and get on with our piratecraft lives because again as @Buckmaster1993 said, we dont know who your enemies are and who arent, and its not our job to keep track of them, if you wish for us to watch out for them, make an alliance, send us a list and I am sure Au Xxatu would be happy to set up a KOS list,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    Look, OfficialRS, you say we don’t need evidence of what happened? why is there a problem then? You say BE killed you unprovoked and now we are bad and not peacekeeping and whatever.. But then there are people in BE saying they did not do that and it was in fact someone you recruited who provoked the attack, either way, WHY make a forum post about it? I did not issue the attack, they themselves did that, cuz they were provoked.. We’re not cuddly lovey dovey bears, we want overall peace of the server, but I’m sure that no one in BE wants to be bossed around, so it is to be expected that conflict will arise if everyone just thinks that BE members can just not harm anyone cuz they are peaceful.. Dogs are peaceful, but if you smack them in the head, they bite your hand, no?? Taking in maiz might have been wrong in this and maybe not, I don’t really care, but this attack was not BE. Several other players of other crews were involved, right? yet they are not mentioned, only the BE is bad and evil, which leads me to think you want to frame the BE.

    If you want me, the British government, to step in and do something about this, send a formal request to BGraph, to investigate what happened. Give him evidence that BE in fact attacked you unprovoked and killed you. If you don’t do that, then you can discuss in her until Christmas. I simply don’t care – I’ve told you what to do, yet you ignore it and publicly frame BE for being violent, when in fact were talking single individuals issuing personal vendettas, not government backed. It might be hard to understand, but unless I publicly state something on the forums, then it isn’t coming from the government and so you are better off taking it to our minister of justice, so he can help you, it is his job.

    I might be harsh, but that’s because I feel I’m repeating myself constantly, again and again. This topic does not belong in the forums, Its pure drama.. rid me of it! Stop whining on the forums and send me a PM instead.. This info has no use for the rest of the server unless you are in fact framing BE for being a bully towards you.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    Ok guys would you stop?

    I wont be taking sides but bottom line:

    Edward snoden- Taking refuge in russia, I’m not seeing a US fleet storming the eastern and western coasts of russia and after the invasion telling Putin “nah we were just looking for snowden, why’d you fire on us?” Thats not how foriegn relations works.

    Second, it was a bad idea to make a forum post about this, you two should have talked about this and resolved it in case of a further conflict

    Third, BE is acting under the blind assumption that everyone knows who their enemies are and who isn’t, if the other crews haven’t noticed SPQR is quite isolated from the rest of the server and only regularly chats with a few allies, now this wouldnt be bad but it seems the government I left really needs to work on its communication skills and foriegn relations, especially with its unspoken policy of “we dont care who your enemy is, we will give you a second chance and take you in”

    Finally, I’m getting tired of this crap where we cant be sensible with each other when discussing conflict, neither side is innocent in this case, and if you wanna run a functional government on a minecraft server you gotta keep a cool head, dont make random forum posts to bring light to an issue, and dont try and undermine eachother and simply try to cooperate, if you all havent noticed you’re arguing very profusely when this all could’ve been solved with a “Hey you’re harboring some of our enemies, mind if we kill him a couple times so he doesnt do it again?” Honestly.

    Also @Reptaria I want to thank you for keeping a cool head and trying to handle this sensibly, that is how government officials should behave in these situations. (Minus that small outburst, but we all make mistakes),%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲

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    Best forum post ever, I can’t stop laughing. Imagine if this was in the Supreme Court?


    SPQR – they attacked me for no reason!

    BE – Shut up you idiot! No we didn’t! We were tryna get the baddies…

    SPQR – I don’t believe you! Liar! Imam make a forum post about this and make you British seem evil!

    Court – omfg…. Kill me now.

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

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    It seems to me that this has all risen from a misunderstanding. That being that we thought you were attacking Rome, however in light of resent events you cant blame us for that. Especially because this was the 3rd day in a row that Galaxy219 has been near Rome, and that on both other times he attacked me personally. Now I will say this, I rely don’t care or mind if once and a while somebody comes to try and kill me or my guys that is the game, but when they then just sit there after they killed you and just wait for you to come back, that i find to be Wrong. Its fine to kill somebody and even loot there stuff that is the game but when you sit there and just kill them just to do it that is wrong. Because you are then wasting there time on the game where they would like to do what they do on the game. Rely that is just being a jerk and it needs to stop. And then 1 more thing Show some stinking Honor when you Fight. For instance if you can see that somebody is glitching then back off. or if for instance 2 guys in cap gear are fighting and you are ones friend, and your in GOD armor just leave off its not a fair fight. 2 guys in iron o 1 in God is fair but 1 iron Vs. another iron and a GOD is not even close to being fair. I just ask that some of you at least show some Honer when you fight.

    I just want to ask when was I at your base and attacked you the 2 other times? I was only near there once before and I was after iodiwan.

    • Topics: 18
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    I had no knowledge of Maiz_ and his friends being a ‘wanted man’, in fact, this is the first time of me hearing this…Know Crazy, I do not appreciate the ‘deliberately decided to recruit them’- You make me seem like I planned to be surprised attacked and disrupted building.

    If appropriate communication was used here then maybe I would of treated this with giving Maiz_ a warning to not pester you or even as far as to ban him from SPQR-the decisive  use of force was unnecessary and practically escalated the problem to the state its in now.

    Im also not being funny when I say, you can’t blame us? Some said that we should of checked the members history, but theres not exactly a 20 page wiki on why he’s a ‘jerk’ if so then problem solved. To me I was just thrilled that we had some new promising actives.

    I will meet requests I guess; Maiz_ won’t ‘annoy’ the BE, if the BE leaves us, Maiz and his companions alone- if he and friends want to keep their place in SPQR and our community.

    Also, I would like to say that I tped to Rome after hearing distress calls from Maiz_ saying you are all coming to attack Rome, I then tp’ed when a load of you then jumped down and killed me and Maiz_ (meaning me and Maiz_ died first before I got my god gear and the SPQR members to assist) The first shots were made by you, surely you didn’t travel all that way to wait around and talk? If you can admit that, then I will admit that we did fire from the mountain tops a little while later in retaliation.



    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    Alright, again I need to clear this sort of stupid nonsense of one party claiming to be messed by another party, then the other party doesn’t agree to the story and then they fight on the forums, in the end blaiming the BE for not handling their members correct.

    Let me say this one more time again. Post evidence or you can kiss my ass. I could literally say that OfficialRS sieged me yesterday 100 times, cuz he obviously hates me. He then says “noooo, you killed me first!” Then, we go nowhere from this point and then there’s no resolution..

    As for the BE taking part in this.. Maybe some players of the BE got provoked and so they attacked, I really don’t give a damn, they have the right to mess with someone who messes with them.


    §3.3 Must not engage in PvP with foreign players who are not in conflict with the Empire unless the Minister of War, Vice Prime Minister or Prime Minister has granted this.

    I always grant BE players the right to mess with people who messes with them, If they can handle the dude, then go ahead, but I’m not gonna pull all our guys into the conflict, never. The individuals involved can freely choose if the want to retaliate. If I am noted someone wants to retaliate, then I will not look into the case, because I trust my members to tell me the truth – If I later get evidence, that the BE members was indeed not being provoked, then He/she will be fined and punished. It’s that simple. If any of you can show me chat logs from 2 hours leading up until the incident I can send it to BGraph and he will decide whether or not Maiz is to blame or not.

    If he is, then I will blame SPQR for accepting players into their ranks, knowing Maiz is a wanted man in the BE. I will NOT ever hear SPQR blaming BE for attacking your town unprovoked with out having evidence to back this – you could literally tell me anything. This is not a matter of government affairs, it is a matter of Private vendetta executed by private individuals within our empire, so I will believe literally zero of what either side says before I see chat logs. Our government has issued no raid on SPQR, but you literally go on here and lie, spread rumors, put a bad light on the BE’s peace standing image. Give me one goddamned good reason why I shouldn’t just tell you all to bugger off?

    The amount of brainless thinking is immense! I literally explained what to do in this situation not more than two days ago!

    If you want me to care about being messed up by BE members, Follow our rules, they are there to protect you. I cannot help if you do not follow the rules. Contact BGraph for reporting a crime please, bring evidence, and stop acting like this is the work of the BE government, because we never issue raids on peaceful players.


    Founder of Port Hope

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    It seems to me that this has all risen from a misunderstanding.  That being that we thought you were attacking Rome, however in light of resent events you cant blame us for that.  Especially because this was the 3rd day in a row that Galaxy219 has been near Rome, and that on both other times he attacked me personally.   Now I will say this,  I rely don’t care or mind if once and a while somebody comes to try and kill me or my guys that is the game, but when they then just sit there after they killed you and just wait for you to come back, that i find to be Wrong.  Its fine to kill somebody and even loot there stuff that is the game but when you sit there and just kill them just to do it that is wrong.  Because you are then wasting there time on the game where they would like to do what they do on the game.  Rely that is just being a jerk and it needs to stop.  And then 1 more thing Show some stinking Honor when you Fight.  For instance if you can see that somebody is glitching then back off.  or if for instance 2 guys in cap gear are fighting and you are ones friend, and your in GOD armor just leave off its not a fair fight.  2 guys in iron o 1 in God is fair but 1 iron Vs. another iron and a GOD is not even close to being fair.  I just ask that some of you at least show some Honer when you fight.

    Founder and Princeps Civitas of SPQR.
    Owner of the city of Rome.
    Server Staff
    Nos Ava Caesar Morituri te Salutamus!

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