French Declaration of War

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    The Queen
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    I am sorry to inform you all, earlier today the French rubble declared a state of war against the elves.

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    Texter “leader” of the French empire attacked an elf today who was at the time an ally. Whe confronted at it, he got very hostile and I questioned the alliance.

    He took the entire situation very light as I did not. His tone changed when I questioned why we were allied. He says “you mean war?” I told him no but an alliance with the French is not what the elves need at this time, since there people can attack an ally without hesitation.

    Suddenly after the alliance ended I stated to him we were peaceful but not allied. He declared war moments after.

    We the Elven Empire pushed to stop the war but it will not stop. From this point on I and the other Royal Monarchs will fight along side our Royal brave guards in the conquest to win this war.

    If allies of the elves wish to join into the war please comment below so we have a count.

    It is war to the French empire. I wish you enjoyed the last days of your prosperous land for the elves had done nothing to provoke such volatile actions.

    May the gods be with you in this time of sorrow.

    Long live the Elven Empire! Long live our freedom.


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    If possible rep I would love to help you fight the French

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    This all happened while I wasn’t here

    John Archaius - The Inventor whose machines usually blow up.

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