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  • GodsDead
    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Follow up from The roadmap will be the thread I update for 1.11 updates, this is a changelog to say the changes have been made.

    • Added 1.11 protocol hack, this allows 1.11 clients to connect to the 1.10 server software, read the thread above for 1.11 questions.
    • Updated Spigot and Bungee software to allow 1.11 to connect
    • Hopefully fixed the delayed logout messages
    • Removed that new anti-cheat that created “rubber banding” it was flagging falsely and teleporting people back

    You can still use the 1.10 client to connect, optifine hasn’t updated yet!

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 3
    • Total: 4

    I, MR_TEUB in game, think I will stop playing on this server and perhaps stop playong MineCraft at all. I’ve been raided and all my pets have been butchered. The lesson is as following : my goal have always been to play a game focused on building, engeenering and strategy. But the truth is players who spend their time making XP to make god sets will always prevail. There are few naval battles, not to say never. And I’m sure in case of naval battle, there will always be a boy coming back of my ship and kill me inside with his god sword. Not interesting. I’ve been so angry that I though about paying a hacker (…), I won’t do it lol. MineCraft is definitively not fitted for naval battles and I’d say “clever gaming”, it’s a pitty. The youngest players acting like trolls will always prevail. Spending my time making XP is not interesting for me.

    However the EE allowed some players like me to be quiet, thanks Reptaria. But Kitsune has made it burst from the inside, anarchy and reign of young trolls is back now. The end of a hope.

    I don’t want to be a leader anymore, and I think I won’t come back oftenly.

    However, I’ve really enjoyed my mates inside EE, especially Reptaria. We’ve spent more than 1 year together, almost every night for me. I wish we keep contact and maybe we could find together a server or a game where we could build something together again. I could give you my Facebook or mail link to keep contact.

    I thank Godsdead who has tried to build a clever game on MineCraft but I think this mission is impossible. I apologize for having told threats upon the server, of course I won’t do anything and I think he’s a courageous man trying to bring clever gaming inside MineCraft. Losing months of game in few minutes in the way I’ve explained had made me nervous lol.

    See you.



    In reply to: Siegable Blocks

    • Topics: 21
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    Let’s all remember this as well: If we make stone brick siegable, then one will not change the way their bases are made, but what material they are made of. Instead of a stone brick box, one would expect to see a hardened clay box or a log box 0.o.

    Imho, I believe that siege proof blocks should be logical to an extent. Stone bricks are pretty tough to break, yeah? Wood slab? Not much different than the soft wood block that is already breakable.

    This isn’t a factions server, so the longer the list, the closer we become to one. On the same token, this isn’t a creative server acting as a “safe space” either. Raiding shouldn’t be impossible, just made somewhat difficult as it is a PIRATE server. The fact a chest can be locked and the copious amount of people that still manage to get cleaned out after a raid is unbelievable.

    Back on topic, what I believe we are looking for is a happy medium- a system that allows the talent of our creative builders to be expressed within their piratey creations as well as the ruthless looting of said creations to occur without unnecessary damages. Just some food for though ;D

    • Topics: 0
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    First year of high school? Well, good luck. Also, try not to develop a victim complex this early on, yeh? this has to be the tenth such post that you’ve made with a name similar to “everyone hates me”.

    So in essence don’t pull a you?

    Arent you both banned?


    Indeed but I still read the forums for a goof sometimes. Most of the time it is rather interesting but its highly unlikely that I’ll ever activate or make an account to comment on something. And luckily vent made me really want to comment

    • Topics: 60
    • Replies: 797
    • Total: 857
    • ★★★★★★

    First year of high school? Well, good luck. Also, try not to develop a victim complex this early on, yeh? this has to be the tenth such post that you’ve made with a name similar to “everyone hates me”.

    So in essence don’t pull a you?

    Arent you both banned?



    In reply to: Culture

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
    • Replies: 152
    • Total: 195
    • ★★★★

    Hey guys Im a little late to the party but figured i would chime in on this since I think its a pretty awesome topic and a pretty awesome community here at Piratecraft.

    I was born in Dalton Georgia USA a small city close to the beginning of the Appalachian trail. We moved to the middle of nowhere Florida for a few years then back to a small farming town about 30 mins drive from Dalton where i was born. So Im a country boy at heart and love wide open spaces and the beauty of nature.

    Then after the unfortunate event of my parents splitting up I found my self living just out side of Atlanta, Georgia’s capitol city, with my mom. There are quite big domestic cultural differences just in moving from rural to suburb as well as the exposure to a big international city such as Atlanta.

    My father was (from before my birth) and still is a pastor of a baptist church and he traveled to many places in South America and Africa. Some were remote villages and some were bigger cities and as far back as I can remember there was always a slide show (slide shows were pictures put in front of a projector. Kinda irl powerpoint.) that chronicled his travels. I was amazed by all the different, and to me at the time strange, people that I saw in those slides.

    One group of people were the Maasai tribe in Kenya. They were a very colorful and tall people who were warriors that still lived as their ancestors had and it blew my mind as a 7 year old. In talking with him about how these different people lived, what they ate, how they interacted with one another I found myself such adventures of my own.  Though that would not be until after i was in my 30’s

    Fast forward to 2005 and i found my self on a team that was heading to Nepal to deliver medical aid and training to remote villages in the Himalayas. We made this trip to Nepal 3 times each time spending a month bringing supplies from Kathmandu to the villages in the Lang Tang region. The Nepali’s are a wonderful and kind people. Every where you went someone would invite you for milk tea and conversation. I made some deep friendships there and learned a lot about Hindi and Buddhist culture that were woven throughout the Nepali people.

    During those trips we also would visit our friends in India for a couple of weeks who helped out with several orphanages. We would help out in anyway we could. India is a vibrant, busy, and crowded place and even though like Nepal it is a Hindi nation it was expressed in a very distinctly Indian way culturally.

    Through those years of getting to experience so many different cultures, some very intimately like Nepal, India and Mexico, and some just in a more touristy manner like Thailand, Paris, Hong Kong, and The British Virgin Islands, completely change my narrow and self focused worldview I had as an American.

    Now I live in Alexandria Egypt with my wife and two kids. We have lived here for the last 5 years and consider this our home now. The Egyptian culture is quite diverse here in Alexandria since it is the second largest city in Egypt. So you have some very traditional type cultural things like children live with their parents until they get married, both boys and girls. Or the eating of a traditional fish meal called feseek at the start of spring holiday Shams el Nissem. I have not been brave enough to try that yet. Its basically spoiled fish thats salted and it smells horrid. And some more resent cultural developments like Shaabi music that was born from the streets kind of a mix between traditional Arab, house, and pop.

    The people here are really nice and love to eat, drink tea, and chat about you most personal things haha. There are like in every place on earth people that believe the media and hate you just because of where your from but thankfully they are the minority despite our politicians pissing everyone off with their foreign policy. But we wont go there 🙂

    Other that English I speak some Spanish from 20 years in the construction business as a lot of crews I hired were from Spanish speaking countries. Mostly food and bad words are all I remember.

    I am also learning Egyptian Arabic which is called Amaya. I’m not quite fully conversational yet but can do pretty much any task i need to without assistance and hold very basic conversation. To learn and understand the language fully you need to understand the cultural aspect which is a much deeper and lengthy process.

    As far as food goes I’ll eat pretty much anything. I love all good food. In my travels Ive eaten every part of the goat literally. Eye, brains, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines, testicles, either fried boiled and grilled. Some on purpose and some out of respect for the person serving it. Brains are actually good breaded and fried on a sandwich as well as liver if its done right. Ive been feed donkey meat, yak meat and milk, water buffalo, and some things that were just a mystery.

    The yak milk was straight from the teat to my cup and had some hair in it. It was horrible.

    My favorite Nepali dish was momo’s which are a steamed meat dumpling. I dont recall the names of the Indian dishes but they were mostly all good. All Mexican food, most Chinese food, fast food well like I said all food pretty much fits into my favorite category. 🙂

    My kids tell me they cant remember what i told them because I talk to much so i’ll stop here.

    This community is remarkable and full of remarkable folks. I love it.



    In reply to: Names

    • Topics: 60
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    • ★★★★★★

    My names Odin

    Odi named after a God, didn’t see that one coming!

    My next name, Lord_Hamsfield

    You changed your name! SAY WHAT! Alright, GodsDead This has been my alias for over 10 years, Back in <span class=”_Xbe kno-fv”>the year 2002/2003</span> I was really into Nine Inch Nails, back then I was a bit of a metal head/Grunge and quite a lot of people plucked aliases from songs. I fell in love with a line from the song Heresy that goes “Your god is dead and no one cares, If there is a hell I’ll see you there” So I Coined the GodsDead Alias from this, typical teenager type crap, I haven’t bothered thinking up a better username since, so its stuck!

    Yeah I’m Norse 🙂



    In reply to: Names

    • Topics: 44
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    these are some nifty backstories guys 🙂


    back in 2014 when i originally got minecraft, i had the hardest time thinking of a name. i absolutely HATED using numbers and underscores in a name, mostly because the name doesnt feel original to me because someone had already thought of it. (and i thought of the awkward conversation that would ensue if i met someone with the username Captain and i was Captain1356 😛 )

    i had wanted to come up with something to do with the name Captain (and this is way before i joined this server; the coincidence!) i once again wanted to do something original, so i couldnt resort to pirate films like POTC for name advice. i went through a list of words in my head that started with a C (cause why the heck not 😛 ) and i finally settled on the name Crackers, once again i have no idea how i got there 😛 So then i typed in CaptainCrackers in the profile name bar when purchasing minecraft and it didnt look right, so i changed the s for a z to spell CaptainCrackerz, which to this day looks better than the s.

    now, to my recent name change to CaptainCracken. i did this a couple days ago when a TS conversation got onto the topic of my water pvp abilities, and i dont remember the dialogue but somewhere in there Kraken was brought up. i thought “ah why the hell not lets do a quick name change and shock everyone online 😛 ” of course CaptainKraken was taken already, so i resorted to a bunch of mispellings- Kracken, Kracen, and finally Cracken. i thought that was perfect cause it blended the words Crackerz and Kraken to form something that sounded good and looked decent. so i went with that and thats where i am today 🙂


    (i also thought of changing to CaptainCthulhu because i love the Cthulhu monster, but that doesnt roll off the tongue nearly as well- Cap-tain-Crack-en VS Cap-tain-Cth-ul-hu 😛 )


    • Topics: 60
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    You’re 13 too…?

    I am as well. Do you think that everyone is like 16 or something?

    yep, everyone teases 12 year olds and they’re like 1 year older O.o



    In reply to: Drama

    • Topics: 133
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    In reply to: Drama

    • Topics: 25
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    Sorry for the repeated topics, I just don’t appreciate the hate for something Rep can’t prove I did. Heck, I logged on today to a death threat. 😛 I think people forget it’s a block game.

    “Like you? You keep bringing this drama up.” Yes, I do. Because I don’t think it’s too much to ask to be able to play a game without the now-constant targeting and even death threats. Like really? Come on, people.

    - Solo player -


    In reply to: Drama

    • Topics: 14
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    Guys, what the heck! This is the 3rd or 4th forum topic made over a stinkin crew breakup. Godsy gave you permission to issue a punishment you see fit, and you dropped out. Please for god sakes move on.

    As for you Rep -_- i thought you were leaving? What happened to that?

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown


    In reply to: Drama

    • Topics: 29
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    Kit we get the point, these forum topics are getting stupid and repetitive, and as for getting scammed…I’m pretty sure all of us have been scammed in the past, GEET OVER IT DAWG!


    A endermite kicked my ass

    • Topics: 794
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    Dragon Eggs only spawn on top of the end portal from the first dragon kill, which means they are extremely rare, as in we may only have 2 eggs in total, I know I’ve reset the end once and then we had our first dragon egg before that, so I can only account for 2 in total, Whoever had the Egg has a part of server history! It really could be the first one.


    Topic: Drama

    • Topics: 25
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    This topic contains unnecessary drama. Feel free to stay out. You have been warned.

    I put this topic in Crew Discussions because it mostly has to do with that.

    In this topic, if you see incorrect information, have information to add, or want a clarification, please post!

    Before I get to the actual topic, let’s go over some recent history first:

    – I started a movement in the Elven Empire for a new leader (not necessarily me, I also recommended Alvanos or others)

    @Reptaria would not step down peacefully, so I sabotaged the crew to motivate Rep to leave

    – Rep decides to request the deletion of the entire crew, which happens, leaving the EE split and scattered

    – Rep commits several fraudulent set-ups against me, most involving things that could get me banned

    The first set-up: Rep tried to frame me as changing his name to offensive things. This was proven, Rep is guilty. See the reporting topic, page nine.

    The second set-up: Rep tried to make me seem like a thief and a scammer by saying I stole a valuable item instead of trading fairly. Rep was proven guilty.

    The Legend of a Dragon Egg and a Felchion

    – And finally, what this topic is about, the third set-up: Rep destroyed Avalor on his own, claims it was me. No evidence either way has been presented as of yet, anything you’ve got would help here.

    Rep is obviously not a fan of me right now. Given that, with the addition of previous set-ups and lies to get his way, and speaking from a neutral perspective, it is highly possible that Rep set me up. Personally, I could blather on and on about how I didn’t do it, but I have no evidence to back myself up. However, Rep does not have any evidence either. So, if Rep raises a fuss about griefing, please only listen if evidence that could not have been faked is presented. Thank you. Also, there was another person who had trust in the claim at the time.

    Also, Rep, I don’t appreciate being set up so many times, especially in such quick succession and also given the fact that two could have gotten me banned. Is that what you wish for? I am suitably irked.

    - Solo player -

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