The Legend of a Dragon Egg and a Felchion

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    Heya all, there’s been confusion about this topic recently. I’ll just tell it how it happened to me, and I’ll post screenshots of discussing the trade with Reptaria. If you don’t know what’s going on, then feel free to ignore this, or read on and learn something new. Whatever you like better. 😛


    Here’s how this will work. I have evidence for all things that are bolded. If I can’t fit all screenshots in the first post, I’ll make a second one for more pictures.


    -I obtained the Felchion in the summer event.

    -I faked throwing it into the lava to hide a secret trade with Reptaria. I traded the Felchion, 500 pounds, and a beacon for the “First Dragon Egg” (I have no way of knowing this, it could have been the 100th).

    -I did this because I wanted to start a dragon themed crew with _Missive_.

    -To receive protection while starting up the Order of Dragons, Missive and I joined the EE. We had an agreement with Rep to join the EE as kings as a separate kingdom. That didn’t happen, but that’s another story.

    -Since that didn’t work out, I wanted to trade the Dragon Egg back for the Felchion.

    -However, Rep no longer has the sword. I don’t know who he gave/sold it to.


    If I forgot something or my evidence looks faulty, please let me know.

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    Some more evidence.

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    And the last of the evidence, for now.

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    just wanna say this… I’m pretty sure it was spelled Falchion**  >_> kbai

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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    Order of dragons that was your previous failure crew, why shall you want to continue thy crew if you just overthrew an Empire, I’d be joining crews and overthrowing more if I were you haha

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    @collassalcat: Pitiful it may have been, but I find your reply more pitiful in that I never mention that I wish to continue that crew. Please read before you reply.


    As for the “felchion”, I am aware it should be falchion, but for some reason that item is not named that way to my recollection. 😛

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    Dragon Eggs only spawn on top of the end portal from the first dragon kill, which means they are extremely rare, as in we may only have 2 eggs in total, I know I’ve reset the end once and then we had our first dragon egg before that, so I can only account for 2 in total, Whoever had the Egg has a part of server history! It really could be the first one.

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