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    My username: dpex81

    Reporting Username: kaithefireninja

    Rank: Me: Gunner, Kai: Sailor

    Reason: Unnecessary Griefing, Improper use of nether portal to get into claimed base, Use of afk pool

    Evidence: provided below

    Additional information:

    We have already reported kaithefireninja’s crew for using a nether portal to get into our base. At the time it wasn’t a big issue, we didn’t want it happening in the future. We both had our fun with our “5 day war” and requested a warning instead of a ban. At this point, Kaithefireninja is taking it way to far. We assumed after a warning that would be the end of his shenanigans, however we miscalculated how frequently he would harass and grief the land surrounding our base.

    Within the past two days, Kai and his crew have destroyed 3 of our aircraft hangars (which we hadn’t had claimed at the time, but what possesses a person to tear down an empty stone box, 3 times, like wtf), and used tnt to destroy the land surrounding the claimed land that will become our college (Before and after pictures provided below).

    If this is not sufficient, then it is also at this time that I would like to report his use of an afk pool. I discovered he used an afk pool when we first met some months ago. I had recorded him using it, and recorded the pool itself, but deleted the evidence for hard drive space, and out of pity for taking his stuff I simply warned him not to use it in the future instead of trying to ban a deckhand. Although I have deleted my evidence, in his infinite wisdom he recorded my correspondence and admitted it himself and uploaded it to youtube (Below)

    Normally I’d find this behavior entertaining (especially given we sort of ask for it) but he is at our base almost every day now and is griefing the land for nothing. It’s pointless. We kill him and he spawns on our island and attacks again. Anything that can be done would be much appreciated.



    Alluding to use of Afk Pool: (Starts @ 3:51)


    ** Updated “before” image 9/26/16 3:59 pm – grabbed the wrong link the first time




    Crazy Pirate
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    Good report, but your screenshots for before and after are the same, and they are both after. 🙂

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    Hey all.

    In a few minutes, Rep will report me for racism and offensive name changes. Have a look at the screenshots yourself, it was not me.


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    Here’s some more:


    The only people online were myself, Rep, and Alvanos_M. Alvanos later claimed it was not him, but could not take screenshots in time.

    When you change someone’s rank, “rank name set” in red appears. These are not on my screenshots, so I was set up. I have good reason to believe it was Reptaria, since he felt threatened by my revolt and wanted me to leave the crew, which I would not.

    : Sorry for all of this drama. If I knew that Reptaria would respond in such a way, I would have not attempted the revolution.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

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    Crazy Pirate
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    Jesus, that’s horrible. Not only changing someone’s name to something racist, but also trying to frame you for it. Good thing you had the sense to screenshot and report.

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    That just makes me sick, it’s something a 12 yr old would do and then trying to frame kit! That’s just uncalled for.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    Here’s some more: The only people online were myself, Rep, and Alvanos_M. Alvanos later claimed it was not him, but could not take screenshots in time. When you change someone’s rank, “rank name set” in red appears. These are not on my screenshots, so I was set up. I have good reason to believe it was Reptaria, since he felt threatened by my revolt and wanted me to leave the crew, which I would not. @godsdead: Sorry for all of this drama. If I knew that Reptaria would respond in such a way, I would have not attempted the revolution.

    No no drama, I’m here to help.

    Easily found out, its logged as its a command.

    3:19:40 AM    Alvanos_M    command    /crew setrank Reptaria &5 N’WAH
    3:18:39 AM    Reptaria    command    /crew setrank reptaria ni!!!!ger
    3:18:31 AM    Reptaria    command    /crew setrank reptaria*****
    3:17:28 AM    Kitsune_X    command    /crew setrank Kitsune_X &4&lRogue Elf
    3:17:12 AM    Kitsune_X    command    /crew setrank Kitsune_X &l&4Rogue Elf
    3:16:56 AM    Kitsune_X    command    /crew setrank Kitsune_X &4Rogue Elf

    Now this is internal crew issue, since it only effects those that were online and part of the crew at the time (3 people), so the only fallout is this thread making it public, I did not get any reports for you Kitsune, it may have just been all BS from Rep in game to wind you up, it seems like a very childish attempt at humour to me, It seems Rep was trying to wind you up.

    What do you want to happen Kitsune? Personally I feel this was resolved within minutes, nothing was lost and the main issue here is betrayal, use of nasty racist slurs towards crew members only for literally 1 minute as an attempt at a rubbish joke. I think outing Rep doing this will be enough as this will not look good on a leader of a crew. Your call Kitsune.

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    Released right after I made a post responding to the issue haha

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    Perhaps Rep was trying to wind me up, but it was only after telling me to leave the crew several times, so I kind of get the feeling that he was trying to get rid of me. It’s not certain of course. I hope everyone can now see more of the true nature of Rep, using offensive, scheming means to get his way when threatened instead of diplomacy. Such a person is not fit to be a leader.

    : What do I want to happen? O.o I wasn’t expecting that one. Well, I’m glad I wasn’t banned, that’s what I was afraid about. I’m afraid I’m going to have to turn it back to you as your choice as the server owner; I am fine with whatever you choose. It is my opinion though that Rep’s actions did break rule one (Be polite & respectful to players (no trolling, harassing, bullying, etc), rule seven (Do not game stats, bounties or abuse game mechanics), and rule nine (Use common sense). 😉

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    Perhaps Rep was trying to wind me up, but it was only after telling me to leave the crew several times, so I kind of get the feeling that he was trying to get rid of me. It’s not certain of course. I hope everyone can now see more of the true nature of Rep, using offensive, scheming means to get his way when threatened instead of diplomacy. Such a person is not fit to be a leader. @godsdead: What do I want to happen? O.o I wasn’t expecting that one. Well, I’m glad I wasn’t banned, that’s what I was afraid about. I’m afraid I’m going to have to turn it back to you as your choice as the server owner; I am fine with whatever you choose. It is my opinion though that Rep’s actions did break rule one (Be polite & respectful to players (no trolling, harassing, bullying, etc), rule seven (Do not game stats, bounties or abuse game mechanics), and rule nine (Use common sense). ?

    Yep, that’s cool. I gave you the option as this only really effects you, I’ll talk it over with staff.

    Just so @Reptaria is aware of this conversation, here’s a tag.

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    Thanks @godsdead . I just didn’t want to get banned for something I didn’t do.

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    The Queen
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    One of you had the ability to change the name of it. I wouldn’t call myself that. As to my name being tainted even worse now.

    At this point within 24 hours my reputation plunged into a dark abis with trying to “frame you and becoming a bad leader”

    i never asked for any of this. Not the first time the crew had been screwed over and not the first time I look like the biggest idiot.

    Knowing most of work was destroyed and since I look like a complete fool I’ll be leaving in 2 weeks. I have no respect I’m obviously “dictative”.

    can you delete the EE crew because I don’t want it to end with a bad stench as most are now giving it. My name is now Remebered as a lie and dictative and no one could see the work I poured into it all to make it successful.

    Kitsune I am sorry for being rude but I don’t know which of you made my name that. I will overlook it and just say I am devistated you had the capabilities of going so far and making a full on 360 to show me you were not who I thought you were. I will only savor the good memories.

    As for it all I’m just tired. I will be Remebered as a negative figure to generations to come spreaded on by others.

    I’m overall just tired. I don’t find it fun anymore as I come online with an attitude or just don’t feel that spark.

    I said sorry so much to everyone my lips will slip clean off if I say it again. I was planning to leave in January as a smooth transition but since everything is happening I’ll just find my way back to where I came from. I’ll work on my leadership skills and heavily reflect on the 2 years of work I did here.

    EDIT: Yes it was me, stupid and idiotic from my part just I was in the worst moment possible I am it’s just time I stopped lies and left with dignity I have left

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    @reptaria: Nice try, but godsy just posted the commands history. It was you, please stop lying.

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    @Kitsune_X @Reptaria This is a master thread, if you wish to battle it out in public create a new thread, I cant close this one as this is a master thread, and is for reports only, not arguments! I was summoned to find out who set the rank name and I did that, again my points still stand from my reply already, this did only effect the 3 people online in your group at the time until you brought it into the public and made a scnene from something that was only visible to 3 people for literally 1 minute.

    If you wish to both continue the drama and argue with each other, then create a new thread. Rep you were found out, and lies upon lies just dig you a deeper hole, I’ve talked to you about this in the past, I only hoped you would have learned your lesson, im sure being outed in public isnt going to do wonders for anyone, I suggest Reptaria that you apologize to Kitsune_X in private and not leave an emotional message on the forums. I will not delete EE based on 30 seconds of bad judgement, it would be a reckless waste, this is something that is fixable by talking.

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    My apologies, this will be moved elsewhere.

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