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  • #43587
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    I have a question, in iron fights, once you die the other person still has combat tag, so if I have to wait a minute to get a tp back there and have to wait for my stuff to be given back I’ll probably stop fights on here, that’s honestly just a pain in the ass


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    • I stopped clicking usernames in chat triggering the spam system

    this is triggering the spam system again

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
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    it stopped now after u removed the plugin 🙂


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    thank you gods!! that delay thingy was driving me batty ;-; <3

    it was driving me batty too, the developer thought it was a “feature”.

    yay thanks godsy! the rubber band nearly drowned me last week xD

    You had this happen since? or has it fully stopped now I removed the plugin?

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    I think the general overriding issue is the lack of death. I will start playing more often now and maybe my mood will change once I start trying to kill people again, however everyone has become an “expert” at pvp in 1.9. I was practicing with Cysteen after being gone for 6 months or so and it still took her 5 minutes of whacking me around to kill me… and I didn’t try to run and re pot. I find that incredibly annoying. I agree with Paul that if someone can escape battle for 15 seconds and stand still to TP they should be able to get away however the problem is defining “escaping from battle”. I know from past experience if you are chasing someone 15 blocks behind them and running at the same speed you will never catch up. In a fight someone can run for 15 seconds, not be pvp tagged. Throw an epearl into water, and then tp away when they hit the bottom of the lake. This is an example of when someone hasn’t escaped pvp but gets away from the 15 second timer. If only a proximity setting could be turned on and you cant get out of pvp if you within a certain radius, then the timer would start that would be awesome. The reason why the prices of diamond has collapsed is because no one needs new armor because very few people die from pvp. I know there is another thread talking about 1.9 pvp however in 1.8 God Apples were expensive and they were the price to pay to stay alive. In 1.9 the price to pay is an hour in front of a grinder to repair your armor. Everyone can be a “good” fighter and everyone can epearl away and re-arm to just come back and get whacked around. There are no global messages for “Chamberlain Lost to Cysteen 1456 whacks to 98”. If there was then maybe there would be some glory in pvp again. I want the “beheaded” messages. While the timer can be annoying when getting accidentally hit, increasing it (in a systematic way like God said “correlating it with damage taken”) will allow for those who arm themselves for a god fight to go in with the full intention of dying. This will also help limit the fights from hit one, to whenever you have to get off and epearl away, to when someone runs out of inventory and tries to run. Piratecraft needs more death ? One way to do that would be to make it incredible hard for someone to run after a god fight. Not make it impossible…. but if someone wants to bring 4 stacks of epearls to run after a fight, they limit the amount of Str or speed they carry making them more susceptible to dying….(Other servers also have an Epearl timer, when players can only use them once every 10 seconds. This may be another area of exploring on a different thread.) PVP use to have a purpose, it was used to settle feuds. Glory was found after one persons armor broke and they got dropped in 5-6 hits. Glory needs to return to the battlefield. No more whack a mole! Fights shouldn’t take hours, and you shouldn’t talk crap and then fight in god for 20 minutes and then call it a draw. That my friends is what grinds my gears. This change and the cost to bottle xp are steps in the right direction. Just my 2 cents.

    Even though you took this completly off topic, and repeated whats been said in a few other threads about PVP, heres a few points.

    • Mojang specifically made the game easier for the quicker gratification for young players (that is where the market is sadly at)
    • Mending should have never, ever been added.
    • 1.11 even introduces that ridiculous “Totem of Undying”
    • Mojang shouldn’t have nerfed the spam clicking fix they added, you can just spam click still to fight
    • There are no global messages for “Chamberlain Lost to Cysteen 1456 whacks to 98”. If there was then maybe there would be some glory in pvp again.

      we used to have something similar to this, altough there are so many variables in PVP, landscape, potions etc etc that having a general “whacks” is utterly pointless.

    • Remember, every single person wants to be a god, they always want to win, and they NEVER want to loose anything, this is a VERY VERY importatnt fact to know when you are talking about PVP, as ANY nerf to ANYTHING at all will make people angry and not want to actually improve PVP, believe me.
    • Read this thread
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    One thing, is there any way at all that you can make the combat tag not affect dropping items? It irritates me. Edit: Not that type of dropping, people. Throwing.

    Yeah its a toggle, but its staying as disabled because its to stop clever players hiding items before they die.

    Why isn’t reducing it to 10 seconds an option?! xD

    Because thats backwards, make an argument for it to me 10 seconds and we can consider it!

    Take my suggestion with a grain of salt. However is it possible to create an increasing timer for each hit taken. Let’s say 10 seconds every time you are hit up to a maximum of 60 seconds. The reason for this would be to eliminate the issue when a friend tags you for fun and you have to wait a while before you drop item’s or teleport?

    This is a great idea, im going to request that be added, if he does remind me to give you something sweet in-game, maybe instead of per hit we do damage.

    id suggest the slow increments and see how each does. imo anything past 30 sec is a bit much, esp if you’re playing with friends and either get accidentally tagged when you need to tp, or need to log off for an emergency brb, it’s annoying to have to wait for a tag to wear off. having a longer tag also makes it harder to escape and just log out in the wilderness to escape pvp (obv after the tag wears off)…. too many people do that.

    Yup, super valid point, I think 15 is fine, I just wanted to ask the community what they thought.

    I think were golden at 15 seconds, Ill keep it as it is, but out of this thread came a new idea! so it was well worth creating the poll and thread, we could have a dynamic timer, so for longer battles you are tagged in PVP longer, so for those God VS God battles, your PVP timer jumps up, giving a higher chance of someone logging and losing? I think thats an example of the request.




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    Hey JamminMas, you know when Java mysteriously got on top of your castle? I airdropped him there. ? (Elytra) @Jammin_Mas

    You kids and your fancy toys -_-


    A endermite kicked my ass

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    Hey JamminMas, you know when Java mysteriously got on top of your castle? I airdropped him there.

    😛 (Elytra)




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    You mean when I ask for one and they tp in 2 more guys to 1v3 me? Heck yea I’m gonna tp in my allies then…gg Jammin…your boots got added to another armor stand next to all the others ?

    Fine then I’ll make another one, “When someone in your class has gum”



    In reply to: Siegable Blocks

    Kelly Yore
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    I’m with CrazyPirate here. I believe the list of  seigeable blocks needs to remain very small. The purpose of seige is to kill and loot. Not to grief. If you add all slabs and all stairs to that list youre builds on the server are going to go down immensely in quality. It’s the slabs and the stairs and the fences and the walls that add the necessary detail to make a good build become exceptional.

    Furthermore, if you add little things like plants to the list, you aren’t achieving anything. A poppy has never stopped me from getting to another player. Most plants you can move through anyways. So all you would achieve by making them seigeable is that when a player gets seiged, and is safe inside his house, the Seiger will proceed to tear out all his landscaping, yard, and build details out of anger that he can’t get to the player, which is costing that player potentially dozens of hours of work. Not to mention seige still doesn’t have a timer of 20 minutes like before. It’s a neverending free for all of grief if the player is safe.

    Yes, this is a PVP server. But we are just as much about the pride of our builds. As a builder primarily, to lose slabs and stairs would devastate me.

    Finally, there are many players who have preexisting builds that use a lot of slabs stairs etc because they wanted a good looking build. Some of these players do not get on anymore but once in a blue moon. IF the decision is made to change the seigeable block list, which I hope it doesn’t, the new list needs to be announced, and players will need time to edit their builds before the change is implemented. This change would take me approx 12 hours of gameplay if you add slabs and stairs to the list. I have an entire build made out of cobble stone slab so that it was diverse and different.

    So all this goes to say, unless you want to ruin a lot of the gorgeous builds on the server, have our griefing complaints increase tenfold, and want us all to live in stonebrick boxes, I urge you all to PLEASE consider the builders and exercise restraint when considering adding blocks to the seigeable list.



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    I agree with Cysteen’s point, however I don’t think you can break any blocks at all while you are pvp tagged, even if those blocks are siegeable. This means that tall grass would still be annoying if it was added to the soft block list. Would it be possible to allow soft blocks to be broken during a siege even if a player is tagged?


    Nope its a separate plugin that manages PVP tagging and is nothing to do with siege. can you request this thread in please.


    In reply to: Siegable Blocks

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    I agree with Cysteen’s point, however I don’t think you can break any blocks at all while you are pvp tagged, even if those blocks are siegeable. This means that tall grass would still be annoying if it was added to the soft block list. Would it be possible to allow soft blocks to be broken during a siege even if a player is tagged?

    Nope its a separate plugin that manages PVP tagging and is nothing to do with siege. can you request this thread in please.

    @PaulOnFire @NickyB_123

    We’re not going to make stone bricks siegeable, I think that was made as a bad joke by @Redstone_Potato who even said it was a joke. that some of you took seriously? *rolls eyes*

    So far long grass has made the cut (get the pun hur hur) will people stop replying to a bad joke as though its going to happen

    Crazy Pirate
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    A brief moment of silence for those of us who must update Optifine, and a much longer moment of silence for me, who’s laptop moans when downloading anything larger than a JPEG file.

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    There are many scattered important forum posts, this is an index to all important forum threads and open server projects.

    A link to this thread can always be found in /request in-game.

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    Any other master threads to add to this list? Does one need to be created?

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