[server project] Warp east NEEDS you!

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  • #33020
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    Alot of players have already been looking around at warp east, it is great to see that someone like the buildings 😉 but well, we need more builders.


    Do you dream about being respected by other players for structures that you selfless have been building for our server? Do you dream about building in a area with no siege? All you have to be able to do is:

    – Build good looking structures.

    – Obey the builder rules

    – Accept if your structure gets removed if those does not fit in, in any way.

    Im looking forward to see you at warp east, as builder. Soon we will have the East Event ready, with epic rewards and custom named items. 😉 Ask for access in this topic or ingame.


    To those players who in any way have difficulty to respect volunteers who are doing a great job for the server

    <b>PLEASE STOP:</b>

    – Annoying the builders in any way.

    – Trying to lure builders out of the pvpfree area.

    Picking up (and keeping) items that builders have lost from death to mobs etc.

    understand that those players are doing this for the server, for Godsdead, and also for YOU.

    please do not accept this behavior.

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    Put on this forum page the list of materials you all need donating and I’m sure you’ll get plenty of donations.

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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    I would very much like to build there. I have some good ideas.  Just let me know. I can show you around my village if you need to see examples of my builds. Thanks!

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    I would love to help you guys out and build there. I’ve got experience with building any time period. Send me a pm on the website or in game if you’d like me to help out:). I can also show examples too!, Thanks!

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    I can’t build much all timey Indiana Jones stuff, but if there anyway I can help just give me a ringle dingle


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    I’d like to build here.

    Sailor, shipwright, builder, adventurer.

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    I would love to help building

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    We are already getting lots of supplies for building donated by the server. (Godsdead)


    Thank you for asking for acces to building, i will look up at that ingame. I have to mark new subclaims. 😉


    Support, ideas, and donations for the treassure will be availble ingame.


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    I would love to help as well 😀

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    This is absolutely fantastic, I had my doubts at first handing the warp over to a player(s) to build, but @Creepermorderen has excelled building and getting players to help build this magnificent exploring area for players to adventure through.

    Im happy to continue to stock more resources when they are needed; do make sure to fill out credit for who built what on the wiki for reference & history.


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    I can help build, and often, since the NRR is settled in the east, however I must warn that we build big, and we build semi-modern, and we like building, a lot, if you need lots of buildings built we are here.

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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