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  • Xeron
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    Top quality pic

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Farewell

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    This type of forum post, the whole “I’m leaving because of this reason” is one giant butthurt post that we have already warned about posting on the forums.

    "Leaving" Threads

    If you trust someone that has intentions to blow your base up, it is your own fault, they are in every respect been TRUSTED to do whatever they please, its literally called TRUST.

    Its not called re-gen that’s turning the land back to before your laid your grubby fingers on it, Its called a rollback and I have specifically NEVER allowed any rollbacks for this exact reason, People like you demanding that your base be rolled back. Its the entire reason I Never, ever did this before, on some occasions if I like the person I will restore a base for good will, but in your case, making this post, this is the entire reason that I do not do this when asked.

    This is a survival server, you trust people, you chose that specific place into trust, you did not sub-claim, you did not create a separate dwelling to share, you did not use access to just buttons, you gave full trust to the entire place you wanted to protect and then when betrayed you blame staff for not rolling back, when we don’t even do rollbacks.


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    Ahahaha the ban message xD.

    I had the ‘joy’ of talking to you zack, and seeing the exchange between you and Smokey. In case you don’t realize, this server is meant for mature audiences who don’t expect staff to bend over backwards to acquiesce to their case. Please know that there will be no negative effect from your rants for Smokey, and that you might as well stop trying and go find some other server where all the staff are willing to be bent over a barrel because you want to do something annoying.

    After seeing your attitude and attempts to disgrace Smokey, I promise you that no one, absolutely no one wants you coming back on the server, or to meet you anywhere else ever again. I can’t tell if this is because you’re a spoiled brat or just an asshole, or maybe even both, but I promise you we do not want either on the server.

    Thank you to all the staff who keep our lovely server free of these jerks, and I’m sorry you have to deal with their attitude.

    P.S. zack you might want to go and thank Smokey for even giving you as many chances as you got.


    In reply to: Farewell

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    To clear up the base regens:

    As a rule of thumb, we won’t regen bases. 

    Reason being:

    • People have tried to exploit this in the past ‘my base was destroyed pls regen’, but in actual fact the player themselves broke it in an attempt to duplicate items
    • Most of the things that players want regened can be fixed relatively easily. I know if you’re new, and the only little house you do own was blown up, its quite a heavy hit, but in the grand scheme of things, its nothing really. If something can be easily fixed, don’t ask for a regen. Its part of the game to repair stuff that’s broken.
    • ‘I trust someone to my base and they blew it up’. Well, its your own fault. You will hear staff repeat this over and over, but it’s true. Use /trustlist to see who is trusted in a claim
    • ‘They were my best friend and I didn’t know they would betray me’. Once again, its your own fault sadly. Logging on and finding out one of your close friends not only stole your stuff, but went ahead and broke some stuff is not a nice thing to come back to. If the lust for revenge ever crosses your path, I’m sure there are plenty of people you can hire to attempt to get your stuff back if you don’t want to get your hands dirty.
    • ‘All of my event items and really rare stuff is gone’. Oh we get this one a lot. Items will not be replaced – so no regen for you sir. Reason being; we don’t want to, or at least want to strongly avoid duplicating items. This is easily abused (see top point)
    • Just because some blocks are broken, does not mean its griefing. Griefing is blowing up an entire town/area, not just breaking the occasional blocks on houses. (For the random block breaking – just because its legal doesn’t mean you should do it. Its annoying grrr :P)


    We may consider rolling-back (restoring it to a non-damaged condition) a base under the following conditionsL

    Take all of this with a pinch of salt

    • Unnecessary griefing is against the rules (see points above). If we have proof that a large base has been heavily destroyed by means of griefing, we may consider rolling it back. Any form of vault or loot area contained within the regened area will be confiscated by staff and destroyed as to avoid duplication
    • If we find there is no evidence of manipulation or exploitation on the base in question – such as attempting to fake your own base destruction
    • The claim was somehow removed/manipulated by means of a plugin glitch
    • Once restored, the base is not in danger of being damaged again (its highly unlikely that we will restore ruins that are years old)
    • The structure contains little to no loot. If a vault is restored, we will confiscate all valuables from it leaving only the building itself.

    Lastly, use commonsense. Don’t go asking to regen claims that you do not own. Make sure you know when the base was destroyed so we can get a rough date from which to restore the base. And lastly, don’t go whining about it when staff refuse.


    As Godsy said, we have recently regened a base – but the conditions were all met. It was a case of unnecessary griefing, and although you could argue that the people involved had /trust, it was quite a sizable area that was damaged with the intention of causing as much damage as possible, rather than just looting.

    Concerning your case, I feel you man, but that’s just the way it is. Stuff gets stolen, builds are damaged, and friendships are broken. But all things considered, this is a rare occurrence. Afterall you are playing alongside pirates, warriors, an raiders specialized in working effectively to get what they want. Everyone gets raided, everyone dies, people insult and get butthurt. Its just what happens. Without trying to sympathize too much; small crews get raided by big crews, but that doesn’t make big crews/players immune to backstabbing, treachery, and all that jazz. Yet alongside those pirates and whatnot, you get those nice and friendly people who help and support you.

    I don’t want to dwindle on any more stuff, but I hope to see you sometime again 🙂

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

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    Righty, with that out of the way I guess I can imput my rant*this post is as I see from me being in my own crew*

    There are going to be 4 main points of this post….1) It’s Minecraft and it’s the same game that produced this  2) it’s the internet 3) it’s the fucking internet 4) Who gives a fuck

    1) Has everyone really devolved into arguing about a group of people wanting to have a reason to poke other people with sticks. I mean this is a game with blocks and sticks. Are we seriously going to get triggered over losing a bunch of 0’s and 1’s?
    No this isn’t all I’m going to cover all 4

    2) the blessed internet! Everyone now needs a reason to kill. I mean you could come up with some reasons like A) learn to pvp B) get your shit together and stop flinging it at other people or C) gear ready this is a shocker……..unplug from the internet 0-0

    3) ITS THE FUCKING INTERNET!!!!!@;;&/@/$;&(“)@;$;$;+{€}€%= We have people over 20 getting triggered at some 9-15  letting off steam or trying to have fun. If you’re not able to figure out how to solve it yourself like a*mature* person then hmmm….ask for help from friends instead of mudslinging.

    4) why are you all so butthurt again? Didn’t this all start because CLTN wanted to have a reason to fight BE because BE was complaining about them killing for no reason and then gets triggered about them wanting a reason to go to war…

    In conclusion…Y’all need to stop getting this triggered over SOME PEOPLE WANTING TO HAVE FUN (but I want to have fun as well) well this is a block game called mother fucking Minecraft. We got a ton of servers where you can go cool off instead of staying on one letting out your rage. Everyone go look up what this word called maturity means and apply it. Stop the mudslinging and solve it.

    again, this is FROM JMOO, if any of you want to scream about this post, please don’t scream at me. I’m simply the messenger. Jmoo will be able to respond when he returns.

    and now, a short message from myself: You all need to hakuna your tatas.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

    • Topics: 25
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    I do understand why you would get frustrated. Like I said, all I have is the video of the live chat. If Panda was incriminating you more than what happened, I know nothing of that. I apologize for anything I was misinformed about from Panda. I did see you telling them to stop though after re watching it, at 6 times speed. Though its still was not enjoyable to watch the video, it was still definite bullying by most of the people involved, and some messed up lines.

    *panda is killed*

    Panda “CrazyPirate1!!!!!!!

    Panda “i payed”

    *panda is killed*

    CrazyPirate1 “Yeah, I’m not breaking your ship”

    CrazyPirate1″They might”

    This was referring to the people with CrazyPirate. And if you didn’t leave I guess you were just watching this. This is simply from the live chat. I do not know what actually happened, I was not there.

    Waiting on something before I post the link. Will take a little to finish it. Trying to shrink it down.

    • Topics: 66
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    @12965kj That’s actually really sad, wtf, and we need more people like you, I would also publish your evidence as soon as possible.

    In my 11months of almost pretty much no PirateCraft, and only commenting and coming and going from the forums now and then, I have seen quite a few more posts about BE getting shit on, not saying those doing it are bad- but if you were to take a step back, you could see there is something going wrong within BE right now, considering how much is going on in it right now.

    I’m not saying that your blinding yourselves or that your idiots etc etc, all I am saying is that as of now, I cannot see the once pretty moral BE on the server, there has been a break down of actual etiquette here when it is needed, something a crew called BE should have.

    What humours me, is that it is usually the people who are being moaned about in BE popping up all the time, and they’re are the top of the political tree, they’re the ones who I have known for quite some time as pretty respectable people, who have at times seem to loose sense, which is fine we all do, but now in a forum chat over 5 pages long, its not even a reaction that’s on purpose I am seeing like Monks’, but rather one that is fuelled by some sort of unattended anger below, which again, I know everyone has, but I think after getting 2-3 responses in, which are all quite similar, you should take a step back, and instead of reciting sometimes the same story, or a slightly edited one, you should just go and find your piece of evidence which you keep referring to.

    TCLN have brought up screenshots, they’ve brought up events which other people have supported in this forums, heck Naha has a video (which tbh he needs to release, or edit it down to size).


    All I think is BE needs to have a look at how its approach right now is being seen on the rest of the server, they may not be breaking rules because of certain incidents or how a certain scenario plays out etc, but it all seems very worrying to the older community who’ve seen just how quickly BE have changed their stance on being the “free world” to something along the lines of the sort of anxiety you get when you hear Russia flying its Bear bombers armed with nuclear weapons by Scotland/Cornwall.


    My last criticism is surrounding the Kau thing, I’ve suddenly seen Peppy being pulled out of a hat, and saw one and one come together, Peppy right now is right next door to Kau, Kau has been building there for quite a while from the looks of it, and Peppy has decided to set up next door, and then BE decide to ‘colonise’ it and it seems to have turned into a bargaining chip of sorts or an aggressive strong point by Kau. The TXO has kinda stagnated whilst I’ve been gone, and Max recommended I join Kau’s KOF, so I did, so right now I’m seeing this from his point of view and it is very annoying, and the BE absolutely knows what it is like with the whole recent Java episode and many other examples. I would ask BE to perhaps move peppy, which I think, I don’t know if Kau would agree with me, would be a lot better than maybe Tau giving back his stuff which even then I think he should do, because to escape the whole Kau thing right now, will help alleviate this entire thing.


    -in conclusion, wtf have I written

    • Topics: 66
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    Stop bugging Smokey, they have to go make a thanks-giving dinner tomorrow, already enough on their plate.

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    Fam stop spamming replies you’re killing my battery

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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    stop talking yer landlubbers



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    Go fuck yourself. That is so untrue its actually gobsmacking, and since that incident myself and Panda have resolved it, and he admitted his claims against me were false and made in the heat of the moment.


    I am sorry, but really, “Go fuck yourself.” Is that honestly how you would respond to someone in a professional manner, or even to someone you barely know, that simply reported an incident. Wow, I am applaud by your attitude and how you reacted to this offense. You are a forum moderator, act your rank.  If there was later confrontation with Panda, I did not know about it. How am I supposed to know about anything I am offline for. What I do have is a 1 hour and 40 sum minute video of me organizing my base with the live chat being spammed by Panda being killed. And then of course any messages that were related and non related that were displayed on live chat. These were cross referenced by staff to get the larger picture. At one point yes, you left, but then you came back. Which you did not include in your report. If you would like to know the statistics

    CrazyPirate1 = 3

    Diamondknight998 = 2

    HuangR = 6

    SimbadTiger = 2

    grafando = 6

    KaptanKirn = 2

    4orange = 1

    set on fire  or on fire from arrow = 1


    While your kills were a measly 3, you had killed him after saying that this can be considered harassment. You had already left after being paid I believe, which I was told the amount was $100 which is not much your right but still not approved of by admins. You actually had to teleport back in order to kill panda again after saying that it was harassment. This is visible in the recording. If you were to count up all the kills associated with BE and the one person you had present with you in the beginning, it really adds up. I was not involved with the warnings, but from what I heard, it was your stating that the killings were at a point of harassment in global chat, then teleporting back and killing him again either once or twice before leaving again that caused the warning. Plus of course the fact that your crew kept killing panda over and over after you left without you truly making any effort to stop them.


    This response of course, which is based not off of what he said she said, but physical video evidence and server logs, would not have occurred if you had handled yourself in a professional manner as your rank of forum moderator dictates. Your supposed to make sure people do not get out of hand. Cursing at someone and saying I am lying by creating my own narrative for my own personal beliefs is rather insulting.

    You’re creating an entirely false narrative to suit your own personal beliefs, I’m I frankly fucking embarrassed for you.

    I am not sure what personal beliefs are benefited by this report. How does this at all suit me? I am not involved with this BE war event. I do not PvP or siege. I just build and record bugs and different events for the server. Which I don’t get anything out of it. It actually takes up space on my hard drive, and takes time out of my day to try and make proper bug reports that can be used to fix the issue. Which most of them can heavily effect PvP so this does not benefit me in any way actually. It means more sieges will occur, and eventually someone sieging me. But I know that people are having a bad time with the anti – cheat and such ruining PvP, so I took it upon myself to help when no once else was recording and reporting it. So in what way do I gain from reporting an event that I wasn’t directly harmed by, but instead would make people like me less because now someone is actually being a server police. Something the BE says they want to be.


    • Topics: 13
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    there HAS to be an air block ater the button or on top of the pressure plate for a cannon or mortar (respectfully) to fire.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: Farewell

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    i have a couple of things to say about this post-

    1. this server isnt hating on new players like you, in fact, we were all there where you were. I was sieged by gottalovepunks of all people when i first joined (if u know her u’ll understand) and i got over it. also, a bunch of people called Horsia came over from another server to fight people on here and they overcame the attacks to have a standing on here.

    2. the insiding sucks when it happens to you, but thats why people must be VERY selective when they give out permissions at bases. saying people like Hydra should be banned is a bit much, since it’s you who gave out the trust to the person who blew up your base.

    3. yea staff regen stuff all the time if you ask them to (nicely ofc) Kauhy and cosmickingjoel are two i can think of off of the top of my head (both of their bases were exploded)

    so hope to see you again on the server, and be a little more careful next time 😉


    Blu Pearson
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    Zack I just poured over 5 hours of console logs and you are dead wrong and trying to cherry pick a few lines of chat to make it look as if staff had out of no where started in on you.

    The exchange between you and Smokey started at 12:30 am. You had been bugging Cysteen. Cys asked you to stop you did not cys ignored you and asked smoke to tell you to stop. Which is what cys should have done.

    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 00:48:43 GMT INFO] zack025 » Smokoey someone said you asked for me?
    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 00:48:43 GMT INFO] Smokeyriver » zack025
    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 00:48:49 GMT INFO] Smokeyriver » Leave cysteen alone

    You responded by arguing the validity of a staff member telling a player to not talk with another player. Then continued baggering and being contentious on purpose to aggravate smokey and try to spin it to make her look like the one at fault. This is a ploy used by narcissistics’s to confuse people into doubting themselves so the predator/offender comes off looking as if they are the victim. Its called gaslighting.

    Your screens show smokey saying “shut the hell up” but what they dont show is that was after 30 mins of you pestering and intentionally winding her up.

    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 01:06:02 GMT INFO] Smokeyriver » OMG
    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 01:06:08 GMT INFO] Smokeyriver » Shut the hell up

    This went on for the next hour until smokeys patience ran out and you were still only temp muted for an hour.

    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 01:41:06 GMT INFO] Smokeyriver issued server command: /tempmute zack025 1hr being annoying and argumentative

    The temp mute is over at 2:41

    While you were muted you to the time to make this post then slowly started back to annoying smoke in chat when then temp mute was done over the course of the next 2 hours.

    This continued until you were soft muted

    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 04:27:26 GMT INFO] Smokeyriver issued server command: /softmute zack025

    This how ever did not stop you from continuing to rant to the staff (who see all chat) any who would read the livemap chat.

    Finally after 4 and a half hours you were banned.

    [Wed, 22. Nov 2017 05:10:30 GMT INFO] The_Network issued server command: /ban zack025 BEGONE THOT

    So 1 temp mute 1 soft mute and ban over a 4 and half hour ordeal. That could have been avoided if you would have done as asked and just left cysteen alone. But you made the choice to continually escalate the situation.

    The bottom line is, you didnt like being told what to do and made a choice to push the situation disregarding what a staff member had asked. Everything after that was a result of that choice.

    Staff are all volunteer and dont receive any compensation so the fact that smokey, vape, and the network put up with this for that long is a testament to their patience. They were nice enough to give you 2 chances to drop it and just play and enjoy yourself and you messed that up.

    Sorry but thats the end of this story.

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    Notice: This post is as a player, not a moderator.

    Looks like the posts have slowed down again so I’ll give my final response now.

    Before addressing everyone like I did in the last post, I would just like to include a little bit of proof of a player who was being pressured to become a colony after an attack began.

    That is just one example of a player we’ve spoken to. So there’s some proof for all those asking for it in addition to Gildor’s talk about colonies that Palmer posted.

    Monks: Yeah BE is corrupt in POTC and other pirate cinema. But as for the cool part, they’ve lost that factor.

    Kirn (x3): (1) Well would you look at that you wrote more sentences this time. Yeah we’re all hoping Taulov will man up, stop lying to his crew members, and return everything he took from Kauhy. As for the colonies, offering players assistance for the price of 1 gold bar a week isn’t bad at all. But that’s not how this is working is it. People are being sieged and attacked immediately to be persuaded into having the label of colony and paying a larger price than that I’m sure. Do people really need to make your crew happy? Can’t they just be their own crew and pay you for help when they need it? Not sure what rambling on about irl has to do with all that but ok? Also as seen above in the screenshot from River, it doesn’t look like BE is just talking it out with people. Looks to us like you’re doing exactly what we were saying, attacking someone repeatedly and pressuring them into colonization.
    (2) Being corrupt is one thing, bullying small crews into your plan is another.
    (3) What humor? What context? All your posts said before were “k lol” and “Dont get me wrong but this kinda reminds me of some north korean propaganda crap”. Wow hilarious? The propaganda joke would have been funny if this wasn’t actually happening on the server.

    Palmer: I didn’t even think of that video, quality pick man. Also spoiler alert, you know who loses in Star Wars, the Empire. (BE will lose in the end)

    Nado and JUSA: Killing brits is a lifestyle. Sadly we can’t actually start a war with them because they refuse to accept our war requests.

    Volpex: Nighty night?

    Palmer again: Little confused on the actual order of these posts of Gildor’s, but thank you for including this evidence. As people can see they are doing the original plan of repeatedly marching the “BE troops” in to attack the crew. But they clearly don’t try simply negotiating a deal first to assist. Also they would force their “laws” on whatever crew they are offering assistance to. Lots of information in those posts, so thanks for posting it here.

    Maximus: Yeah I figured this would be a better outlet for discussing this than arguing in the global chat in game.

    CrazyPirate: As clearly shown in the posts by Gildor that Palmer included, taxes would happen either way along with your little law enforcement. The real funny thing about it is this sentence: “Should a colony refuse to pay taxes without beforehand negotiating the termination of their colony status then the Royal Navy with me tasked with quelling the rebellion.” That sentence is hilarious. So not only will they be forced into being a colony, but any attempt to go back to doing their own thing and not paying you would lead to being attacked repeatedly again. I have nothing more to say on that bit…
    Who cares how many of you have donator rank, the ones that do spam near is all I’m saying. We can’t get near Petal_Face(Gildor) without him instantly teleporting into his house the moment we get within 120 blocks of him. Also you don’t have to be a donator to log. As monks would say “Thats common sense, duh.”
    No we don’t have a vendetta against the inanimate object that is your city. We have a disliking for the crew that lives in it. Also Cysteen didn’t run Ae0’s island, take a look at the claim. All TAS did was protect it from those who came to kill shoppers. I’m sure if someone got mad at Ae0 (for some odd reason even though he is very nice) they would want to see his island burned too.
    BE isn’t a dictatorship within, it is attempting to be a dictatorship over the server. For one example Peppykiss’s crew. As shown above, Jusa has more examples if you’d like him to post them later.
    Yeah the main buildings of London are unoriginal and taken from other sources. Other players have found buildings used in London on images and videos online. What a shame you don’t pay attention to this kind of stuff.
    Of course everyone is annoyed with Tau. Moo is an active player that trusted him as a friend. He clearly abused that trust and is now on a lying spree refusing to return Moo’s god sets and event items. Yeah people loot old bases they have trust to because either they don’t care about that person they are raiding, that player has quit the server, or even just because they can. But the problem with Tau, was that he raided a friend and now has decided the items are more important than becoming a trustworthy player again. I’m sure none of you will ever trust him to your personal bases now that you know this could happen. This guy is running for Prime Minister of BE, that speaks wonders for your crew. As for wanting to fight a war… We have tried to declare war about 10 times by now. You’re all too cowardly to accept it.
    Who says me or The Coalition is going anywhere? This crew is constantly getting stronger, while BE looks to be on a downhill slope. No, what you don’t like is that we will have front row seats to the collapse of BE, maybe you’ll fix yourself some day. Good luck with that. Outsiders, you are the first person to ever call me or my crew an outsider. Within a year of playing on this server I went from being a deckhand in a crew that went inactive within a weak, to owning two elytras, dubs of godsets, and being close friends with some of the kindest strongest players on the server. Go ahead call me an outsider, cause I don’t feel like one. My issue with BE has been stated, it’s been stated multiple times. So where are the balls on you not accepting our war requests. I don’t need dirt to “use”, I can declare war whenever I want. This thread was to expose the atrocities within BE, honestly it’s worked exactly how I wanted. Taulov isn’t a scapegoat, he’s a side issue that furthers the proof that BE is corrupt. We’re not being forced into anything, accept our war requests Mr. “have the balls”.

    Monks again: Yeah Monks, there is a difference in spamming near to track a player and spamming near to know when to run from someone coming to fight. We track, BE runs. Go ahead and prove something.

    Nado: Yes we can war, but sadly they won’t let us. We already had our reasons, this thread is to let the server see the flaws of BE and to warn them of their colonization plan.

    Monks and Nado: Just waiting on the bug reports to get sorted out by the developers.

    Astro: #StarFruit

    Bazurka: For those who don’t know tl;dr means ‘Too long; didn’t read’. Honestly Baz, it’s not that much to read. Take the time to read if you are going to write a post. I hope this response won’t be too long for you to read…
    I don’t care about being worked into the records of PirateMC history. Most pirate crews don’t have giant history books about them, they simply just existed and did their own thing. Yeah BE is taking a hit and is showing it in their responses like this one. Ketoh read over the post before actually starting this thread. He fully agreed with it. All the people I’m friends with that used to be in BE have stated that it is not the same as it once was. That things have clearly changed within the crew. The fact is, you just refuse to accept that it’s getting worse. BE isnt always helping new crews and new players. You all sit and build by yourself. The only person that helps new players is Lazydog. As of late, rest of you do nothing but talk about expanding London and overpowering small crews. I’d encourage Taulov to actually state his side of the story. Why he did what he did? Why he is lying about not having dubs of god sets? From what Moo said, he did it cause he was “Mad that Moo joined Jmoo’s crew and later my crew”, so I’d love to hear him expand on that. He returned a small fraction of stuff and claimed the rest blew up. No one loot a few chests then blows the rest of the loot up. That’s absurd.
    Your next comment here is fun.
    Warmongering: encouragement or advocacy of aggression toward other countries or groups.
    I’m sorry have I not made myself clear. This thread was to expose BE for it’s atrocities and warn people not to give in to your petty colonization scheme. Yeah I am totally asking everyone to go to war with you. This show’s you clearly didn’t read like your said. I am encouraging everyone to not submit to BE’s crap and to see what BE has become within it’s leadership.
    Yeah we have a anti-BE stance. Everyone has a stance against their main rival. Who cares what we chant in chat. It warns people what’s coming for them as part of BE. We don’t need anything clever. It’s war, accept it.
    This next paragraph seemed to just be an prideful encouragement to your crew to make you sound more respectable, so, um, ok I guess? Not sure what sleeper agent you are talking about. I just have people who just share about things within BE. You have fun with your rebuttals and votes, my crew just simply talks to each other about our opinions then decides an action to take. Not sure if you know this but pirates worked on a voting system too so you’re not all that special. Votes on crews happened very fast and you could go from working in the kitchen to being the quartermaster after just a quick vote.  Enjoy your dawdling and meandering.
    Not sure what you’re trying to build and improve, you mainly build in London (for your crew) in lazy’s town (for your crew) and build personal bases (for your crew). Don’t even bring up the canal as a “for the server” example. That’s no longer being discussed. As for us, yeah we mostly build for ourselves. We own bases, we raid players, and we commit piracy. Welcome to PirateCraft. But a large number of us are on build team, we don’t brag about it though. We just build what is needed and asked of us.
    Yeah we try to kill you all the time recently, we’re rivals. The war isn’t a threat, it’s already happening. One little fight after another, we will cut you down. Go ahead and run, there are other ways to defend yourself than PVP. Just don’t call us bad when you all run away.
    Lol nice plug here at the end for your wiki page. None of that matters in this situation, BE isn’t what it used to be.

    Oktacraft: You’re response is as meaningless as Kirns first post, you guys should totally take a writing class together.

    Sean: Ok? Thanks for letting us know I guess.

    JUSA: They will.

    Monks: Everyone already has BE banners? Also plenty of BE members were on when this was taken. None came to London though with us being there obviously.

    Snap: Well worded. Snap is one of the people I respected in BE, and the fact that he has had to leave the crew should tell you all how the BE “government” is quickly going downhill.

    Benthebruce: So the main part of your post is about the issue between Taulov and Moo. Which I have already spoken my mind on a good bit. However BE is not what it used to be, so whatever principles you may have had, may not exist anymore. That wasn’t that main point of this thread but I’m glad it has come up so that the man running for Prime Minister can be held responsible for his actions. Criticizing Snap in that second to last paragraph there probably wasn’t the best idea to mend relations with him, but that’s between you two. Thanks for sharing all that you’ve gathered on the Kau vs. Moo dilemma. I personally won’t be happy with that issue until Moo has the rest of his items returned.
    That aside, that incident wasn’t to sew server wide drama. It was to point out to your own crew how Taulov will just lead you down a deeper ditch as PM. Also to back up how awful BE is becoming. The point of this thread once again, is to prevent colonization.

    Palmer again: Cool video mate.

    Anyways, there’s my final post. Feel free to speak anymore thoughts you have. I may have to make another response if someone brings up something new, but for now I think I’ve stated my mind on all this. This thread wasn’t to incite drama as much as it was to expose an issue(s) within the British Empire.

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