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  • #56100
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    Okay Browe…… Its not just a “single” bloody line in the config. Considering there are multiple components to make this server work. So please get off your high pony and stop with the nonsense. Like I said its not going to happen and if it did the server numbers will show the negative impact it will have.


    blocks moved: 1000;0 (Player has to move at least an x amount of blocks. Second argument is what kind of movement: 0=walk, 1=boat, 2=train, 3=pig, 4=pig in train, 5=horse) (Need Statz for this)

    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    Okay Browe…… Its not just a “single” bloody line in the config. Considering there are multiple components to make this server work. So please get off your high pony and stop with the nonsense. Like I said its not going to happen and if it did the server numbers will show the negative impact it will have.


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    Hey, member of PirateCraft whom hasn’t played properly in like a year.

    Right I know this is a bit of an ask, but I would love it if everybody could try and spread the use of this search engine, Ecosia.

    I have been using it for about 9 months now, and in those months I have built up a number of trees planted count to over 1,000 (882 on my laptop I’m typing this on) and you basically get to fund forest replantation, just by searching with the engine.

    I am probably doing a bad job at showing it off, so here are 2 great ads by them, beware, 1st one is seems sort of aimed at children, but it explains the intuition behind it. Thank you for your time and please give it a go and ‘spread the word!’. 🙂



    • Topics: 794
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    Update, were going to test a plugin soon!

    Why don’t you just make an announcement on the forums, get a list of who wants to enter and then make people fight in the arena? There’s no need for a plugin tbh

    Mate, I want to do it properly, with recorded battles, daddy LOVES DATAAAA!

    Or I could just put peolpe in an arena like some crazy dictator, that sounds more fun.

    • Topics: 794
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    Another thing I will let slide

    Phwar, i’m so glad you don’t feel out done by.

    I just notice that 2 weeks was taken down to 1 week Thank you Sincerely, CountMonteCristo

    No? I again don’t think you are paying enough attention, its a countdown, 1 Week, 6 Days, 4 Hours, 51 Minutes, 29 Seconds, its literally counting down for you, how can this be hard to read?

    As for the whole base destruction, it was a joke to see how you would react, looks like you took it dead serious, Its quite hilarious that you dont get sarcasm when you claimed your attitude was sarcasm. Ironic right?

    See you in 2 weeks.

    Related post:

    Denied, Closed.

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    All ship classes allowed, with a maximum of 4 people per ship (i want more ships taking part this time). Boy i really am active in the forums this week 🙂

    When – Saturday 3rd February (next week), 8pm GMT, 3pm EST

    Where – The Freeport, Coordinates: x: -6000 y: 100 z: 3800 (same location). /warp event will be set there from Wednesday onward

    Standard Rules:

    Rules for submarines:
    Submarines are only allowed to submerge for a maximum of 5 minutes at a time – you must surface and fight at some point!

    Ships who need crews (and captains):

    • Teletub – Very tanky indiaman, available for anyone to use (needs a captain rank to sail it)
    • Un-named 1 – Purpose-built ship for battles (needs a gunner rank to sail it)
    • Un-named 2 (being built) – Purpose-built brig for battles (needs a carpenter to sail it)
    • Un-named 3 (being built) – Purpose-built brig for battles (needs a carpenter to sail it)

    Message me (Maximus_Terragon) if you want to take a look at the ships. No cost, and you’ll need a crew. Some gunpowder and cobblestone is allowed, but you’ll mostly need to get your own.

    Anyone else who owns a ship at the Freeport and needs a crew, feel free to advertise


    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 94
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    Ah the memories, really makes me realize how ungrateful I was…You rebuilt Vivenhiem and then I declare war on you :/ I apologize again! xD

    No sweat man, i was a bastard haha

    I love hearing these stories and it inspires me to continue them. This server has such a rich history and that is what makes it so special and stand out from others.

    Peeps say there isn’t much stuff going on right now, but we just have to wait a bit… I only included events which i deemed significant, and its hard to tell what is history and what is gibberish within a few weeks of it happening… it all takes time. But yeah, lots of stuff on here. And this is only my story! @keto tell me your story 😀


    Also, in one of those pictures near the top where me and Lego ‘fight the elves’, the people involved were (image was small sorry):

    • Ottoman Empire: Lego, Hamboning8, myself, and blockking2003 & rileyt (both off-screen)
    • Elven Empire: ‘Queen_Rep’, carpenters BestEmeraldMiner and TheAsianGamer, gunners Dr_Solid RaveTheWave Bazurka (?) – quite a few of them still play today haha

    « Build Team leader »
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    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia

    • Topics: 66
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    Perhaps @maximus_terragon could implement something like this into his weekly ship battles… would be interesting, get people to compete for top positions… have teams, solo, double, 1v1 etc.

    Your tournaments sound ok, I think people would be more interested though in ship to ship combat as it is what the server is based around and wants to encourage, whereas pvp is much more skill focused- not saying there is no skill involved in navigating a ship and it’s armament well enough to defeat your foe.

    Just, pvp is a lot different, and pvppers would rather fight than the average builder (though I know this is obvious), but then again you could then offer different sort of fights, so you have a baseline event so instead people can instead compete skill based.

    • Topics: 66
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    Yeah, I think the lack of people knowing about the server existing may have had something to do with it.

    It may also be impacted by the lack of people playing which would mean the games could be unable to occur or there are so few it could be boring/one-sided.

    Either way, I’d play it, when I have my laptop fixed or a new one, after I’ve finished everything driving related and have money to spare.




    In reply to: No more /TPA

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    Do your research before hand.


    We’re not going to remove tpa from the main server as there would be an outcry, this is why GodsDead is wanting to add a ‘no tpa’ server, in which everyone can’t tpa (surprisingly), and would encourage the use of the server plugins.

    For more info, please search ‘tpa’, and I guarantee you will find 50 odd topics about it.


    You also recite pretty much everybody’s same argument on how tpa can be improved and on how people imagine ship to ship fights.

    As of right now, it is somewhat tpa’s fault, but is also down to people not always wanting their hardworked ship to be blown up by some invis, speed 2, depth strider, Rambo half swimming half skimming the surface with tnt and blowing that thing to smithereens before you can type an angry response in chat (which I assure you do).

    People try encourage these battles by staging their own (like Max does which have been successful) and having the community enforce these non-existant rules in these battles, however there are the odd cases of people just wanting to cause misery and have, blown people’s ships taking part, apart. And we’re also lucky that this is a small minority and that most large pvp crews, whom are a real mix of the good, the bad and the ugly, are not to blame and actively support or leave the events well alone as they know that the response they would get would be more than the usual ‘hey’ every time someone’s chests get vacuumed up by them.

    Its good to see new people with these views that they want to contribute something to the server already, and can already see the few, existing problems that are prevalent, however, removing tpa, despite how insignificant it may sound, potentially could cause a lot of the player base to leave and discourage future players.


    p.s. sorry for my slightly rude original response.


    In reply to: Unban Requests

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    to save others some effort, you seem to have been banned for advertising, back in early june of 2016. shaun, tell us why you think you deserve another chance on pmc? you don’t have any other marks on your record, so if gods or the staff are feeling generous you MAY have a chance. at least you filled the top part of the form correctly, but if you truly want a chance, give some more details of your unban appeal.

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-

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    @Maximus you been to spawn! he does! He can say anything written in a book, so if you can think of something better ping me the book!

    The idea for mobs, is specifically tutorials, taking it out of the files on the server to being books also means, players can write tutorials to help speed the process up!

    I much prefer the idea of mobs selling the custom items at cove! we can save space too this way, we will have to redo the Elytra shop, or just move it somewhere new, we can also learn to do shops with them!


    From a technical standpoint.

    We have 3 types of Mobs we (will) be able to have.

    1. Currently Live and working, a custom looking dumb mob that can show you a book when you right click them, the book can have any of the custom click events, hover actions or whatever, this can be written in a normal book! That can be used! you can save and edit from your desktop!
      1. This would be good for basic tutorials or baisc information mobs around tutorial areas instead of signs as a book is easier to read (Maybe).
      2. Two of these mobs exist at /spawn right now! so you can see how they work.
    2. Custom Mobs to fight, like from events, these are mobs that have special skills, shout abuse and have custom loot drops. (plugin not live)
    3. Shop keep based NPCs, Obvious what these are, sell custom items. (plugin not live)
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    The fact that the topic was in all caps and the name of your nation made me think this was a joke at first.

    - Solo player -

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    I was sieging a player, JoeSchmoo21405, when a strange glitch happened that sent me straight through one of the stone bricks.  I dig a little area outside of his claim and built a dirt piller to get on top of his small stone brick box, when I jumped from the dirt pillar onto the box I went straight through the roof of the box and appeared inside it.  I was trapped inside due to the siege, so I killed him so I could teleport out.  I apologized and took nothing from the unlocked chests that were inside the base, due to me not knowing what happened, or how I got inside.  I returned the items he had on him when he as inside, which was a wooden pick, and some cobblestone.  I feel like this could have been some odd glitch with lag or whatnot but I still have no idea.


    Time to paint the Path of Glory in the Blood of those who are not worthy.


    In reply to: Block Glitching

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    yea something like that has happened to me, i was sieging hqnest and tried to break into the castle by the top……. i lost a god set and a ton of pots….

    royal navy shipwright
    developer of advanced armour for ships
    turns on hitboxes when pvping

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