[suggestion] Tournament

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  • #55884
    Ic3y ;]
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    Currently, One has to run to someones base or similar to engage in combat. The outcome is very rarely a win/loss due to no pearl cool down and insta tp.

    So Im suggesting this because I think it would be a fun thing to do. Im thinking players should pay an entry fee, then a classic tourney table would be drawn up at random. Players would fight at a fixed time with  a fixed (identical) loadout- making it fair.

    Players would fight until the death, then move up the ladder. The winner and runner-up would obviously get a prize (maybe money or custom stuffs).

    Of course, and arena would have to be built and that could be a job for the build team?

    Maybe this can be on its own server to reduce lag, and I’m posting this because I want it to be a staff hosted event, to make everything run smoothly.

    I’m aware this idea has been brought up before – but It would only make players who want to fight fight.


    I don’t know, seems like it could be fun.




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    I’ve been thinking of putting something very similar to this together 🙂 – Details to follow soon (hopefully) 🙂

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    Perhaps @maximus_terragon could implement something like this into his weekly ship battles… would be interesting, get people to compete for top positions… have teams, solo, double, 1v1 etc.

    Your tournaments sound ok, I think people would be more interested though in ship to ship combat as it is what the server is based around and wants to encourage, whereas pvp is much more skill focused- not saying there is no skill involved in navigating a ship and it’s armament well enough to defeat your foe.

    Just, pvp is a lot different, and pvppers would rather fight than the average builder (though I know this is obvious), but then again you could then offer different sort of fights, so you have a baseline event so instead people can instead compete skill based.

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    Joe has just build an amazing arena with a retractable floor for water fights and he is planning to host tournaments there maybe like a player hosted event because I think staff is busy enough already



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    Find me a suitable plugin for a PvP tournament that can:

    • Run all the basics like joining/quitting/spectating
    • Record all games, kill, and keep track of the tournament (MySQL preferred so we can display them on the web)

    Staff have been talking about this for ages, we can bin off the Halloween event and run it on its own server, so we can have any plugins for it.

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    Update, were going to test a plugin soon!

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    Update, were going to test a plugin soon!

    Why don’t you just make an announcement on the forums, get a list of who wants to enter and then make people fight in the arena? There’s no need for a plugin tbh


    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

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    Update, were going to test a plugin soon!

    Why don’t you just make an announcement on the forums, get a list of who wants to enter and then make people fight in the arena? There’s no need for a plugin tbh

    Mate, I want to do it properly, with recorded battles, daddy LOVES DATAAAA!

    Or I could just put peolpe in an arena like some crazy dictator, that sounds more fun.

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    Or I could just put peolpe in an arena like some crazy dictator, that sounds more fun

    President Snow much… or Mr Burns.

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    Mate, I want to do it properly, with recorded battles, daddy LOVES DATAAAA!

    That’s doing it properly tbh, also I don’t think you’re not able to record the fight? I personally recorded several pmc battles.

    Best worldwide pvper

    Ganking noobs since 1876

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