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  • #57276
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    bootywars money


    Legit have been testing a multi-server coin thats separate from Eco on the Survival to make it possible to buy items based on gameplay on mini-games. I named it  doubloon, now you have me doubting my name choice!

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    we could have a key of icons that denote what the events are, a battle, an update, a minecraft version change.

    Could that be put on live map and viewed in a separate index?



    In reply to: kyshinnn Unban Request

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    Recently we’ve been giving second chances to x-rayers after 6 months depending on their history. For you it has been a little over 5 months, so you still have till April 26th to be even considered for that. On top of that you have many mutes for just general inappropriate chat. So if in fact we do decide to unban you, you’d really be living on a fine line and have to watch every single thing you say.
    Basically wait another month here to submit another ban appeal. For now it is a no and I’m closing this thread.

    Denied and Closed

    ~ A real pirate I guess. ~
    ~ Rear Admiral of PirateCraft ~
    ~ Leader of The Coalition ~
    ~ Member of The Asylum ~
    ~ Co-Leader of The Seagulls ~
    ~ Deckie of Angels ~


    In reply to: kyshinnn Unban Request

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    you have like 6 mutes for the same thing, most by different staff…. your toxicity levels surpassed anything this server’s probably ever seen. on top of, you xrayed. which is what you were finally banned for. I remember you arguing with staff over everything, pissing off whoever you could, and just testing any limit you could reach…

    If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

    - Former Leader of CoV -
    - A Proud Member of The Asylum-


    In reply to: Cheating

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    OK first of all stop making assumptions and pulling stuff from ur ass, first of all i log on to see u killing deckies, and at the time i was fully geared, so i tped to one of the deckies and attacked u and got u into a izi 14 hit combo. you invited them into the base so that is Ur fault. also i said u suck at pvp, only about like 3 times tho.  also staff can u make a rule that if you are sieged or in pvp you cant open an ender chest,

    royal navy shipwright
    developer of advanced armour for ships
    turns on hitboxes when pvping

    • Topics: 21
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    4-5 times  is not a lot, and is likely not against the rules. For what it’s worth, I killed admiral_miliki as he respawned about 2-3 times before leaving.


    Also – please stop calling his actions “griefing”. It is a term that means a lot of things and is certainly misleading.

    • Topics: 21
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    1) Please stop butthurt. This is a server where pvp is encouraged, not necessarily on deckies but still. Also, this post doesn’t accomplish anything or persuade anyone, its just a rant.


    2) Really? I got a god bow just yesterday as well as a lot of diamonds and gold from a deckie who forgot to cover his chests.


    3) You’re a new player, who are you to be talking about the community dwindling? I have been on this server for almost two years, and I see the community expanding not shrinking, and becoming more violent. Sure some old players have left, but we have a lot of new good players.


    4) You do not elaborate on what you mean by “griefing”.

    I remember when I was new and I got killed a lot, and I felt the same way you did. But just work hard and you can get the resources and alliances you need to kill your enemies. Making posts and complaining is not the way to succeed. I hate admiral_miliki, but when he annoys me I whip out my god sword and beat him up.

    • Topics: 16
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    yeah most of the marines in be have been trying to stop this, but for some reason he seems to be adicted to killing deckies

    royal navy shipwright
    developer of advanced armour for ships
    turns on hitboxes when pvping

    • Topics: 3
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    Just don’t. There’s not good loot you can get from that and all you’re achieving is annoying someone and possibly making it so they never play again. This is why the community is really dwindling even though the numbers say otherwise, it’s because some people are just finding a new player’s base and spawn killing them. There is no reason to do it unless your just an idiot who just wants to annoy people because it’s “fun”

    • Topics: 46
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    It’s a desktop. I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been overheating. The last graphics card update I had was Feb 26 (up to date as of now) and this started just a few days ago. Java is also up to date.

    I also found some error reports in the .minecraft folder. I didn’t think to look before until I noticed a lot of random files. Here’s a link to the reports if anyone can figure out what it means:

    Thanks for all the responses so far. I hope I can get this figured out soon

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

    • Topics: 794
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    That tear on the bottom looks like your graphics card failing, Do you have a laptop or desktop? it could be that when your computer reaches a certain temperature the graphics card fails and kicks you out of any intensive tasks.

    Did you recently install any new graphics drivers? If so try backdating, if you haven’t updated in a while, try updating them.

    Could be one of a million things, is your Java up to date too?


    • Topics: 66
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    I’m going to make the guess that the bottom bit which seems to ‘pop’ up seems like a sound bar of sorts. My searches haven’t really turned anything up for it.

    I’m going to infer your in the nether and a lava pop sound occurred, and that a glitch possible caused that to appear visible as an actual readable bar displaying the current sound.

    However, that shouldn’t be happening probably, so that adds further query to your problem. I hate it when stuff like this happens so I hope it gets fixed for you soon. I recommend experimenting on other servers and seeing if this does occur again still, and see if you can screenshot the ‘blurry bit’ to add to your stockpile of proof.

    If we are unable to aid you, I would recommend expanding your search for an answer onto MineCraft Forums, YouTube comments or even the Mojang(/Microsoft?) Team. Hopefully this can be remedied as I know how annoying it is when a game you love to play stops working for little or no reason, even if you know why and it seems to be an incredibly small detail e.g. Java(TM) Platform SE Binary is not responding error.


    Good luck!

    • Topics: 7
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    @leon326 No we do punish (perm ban) him because he knows the consequences, has repeatedly offended, has had many chances, has had many times when he hasn’t been reported either. Staff do not stand for this sort of behaviour, especially when they have given said player so many chances, including the fact they’ve had 4 warnings, 2 bans and 1 mute AND still be allowed to play and still offend, does therefore entitle him to be banned permanently, until they can truly ‘promise’ never to /back again, and if you also read it, it said /sethome, so he also broke that rule at the same time. SO please, weigh up and read the other comments before commenting something that isn’t at all helpful.


    Then why did he choose my form of punishment lol? Stop trying to cause trouble man. I haven’t ever wronged you.

    • Topics: 67
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    Please look here:

    Fill in an application and we can start processing your request. You need to be a member of a crew as we do not sign NAP’s with individuals.

    As for these wrongdoings to claim we have performed, there are nothing the government can do about this, as you have not signed NAP prior to the attacks.

    I’m sorry if this wasn’t the reply you expected, but as the only crew on the server, we have laws that are written down on the wiki and are public to everyone, so that anyone can educate themselves on the laws of BE internally and externally and thus how to avoid hostile attacks from the BE – It is not our job to inform anyone all the time about this though, as this would be very tedious for the person in charge of it.

    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 21
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    UPDATE: I am now in a crew. However, my crew will be more than happy to ally with you. PCI pledges not to attack you at all costs.


    Hey British Empire, please read what I have to say carefully.


    I am not in a crew at the moment. If it took my joining a crew to get an alliance with you, I WOULD DO IT! But, I see that very few crews are actually allies with you, and none of my friends are in allied crews with you. So it is completely unfair for you to expect me to join a crew to get an alliance when there are no good crews I can join that ally with you. However, as you are well aware, my business is benefiting your crew to a large degree. I employ your crew members, and you buy my items from Penguin Co. at cheap prices. You have likely earned tens of thousands of dollars as a whole off my company.


    So, I don’t see any reason for MrYellowPvPPants to have trespassed into my base and CoffeeCola1’s base this morning, and also bring in some other BE crew members. I mean, he literally traveled across the world to annoy me at my base for NO REASON. When I asked why these crew members were there, I received no explanation. I nicely asked them to leave my area, but there was no response. When I warned Yellow to leave the area, he became hostile and murdered me, then robbed my diamond pickaxe. This is definitely inappropriate behavior for BE.


    Later today, he and some other folks from BE came back and then instantly murdered me! One of the guys told me that he was ordered to take my stuff but he didn’t. What gets me is you BE guys have nearly always expressed positive comments about Penguin Co., so I do not understand why you condone the killing of Penguin Co. members. These attacks attracted the attention of some other players on the server, who then came and killed me. So technically your crew has cost me a god pick, which WOULD have been used to get diamonds, some of which would have been distributed among the BE crew.


    All I ask now is three things: 1) A PERMANENT agreement that your crew members will stop harassing me and killing me, 2) that you reimburse me for what the attackers took from me (amounting to approx. $30), and 3) make MrYellowPvpPants apologize to me for his disorderly, unnecessary conduct towards me.


    If these requests fail to happen, and I receive ongoing harassment from BE members, I will have no choice but to BAN all British Empire members from my shop. I will also cancel ALL payments to my employees in BE. This behavior is completely uncalled for to a player who has benefited your crew so much and NEVER done anything to harm it.


    If your governmental system is too bureaucratic to allow for a reasonable agreement such as mentioned above, then I feel that BE is not worth doing business anyways.



    Owner of Penguin Co.

    Former Elven Empire Second-in-command

    Former President of the Ocean Republic

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