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  • #60573
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    • He had a warning given
    • He was sent to the locker
    • He (Will have) his ability to create sign shops removed.

    His reply

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    1. Have you actually TESTED that your ability to create shops was removed? I haven’t turned on the permit system, so I believe that you are lying in this post.
      I am the only person able to do this, so I am the only person you need to talk to about this.
    2. I refuse and am disgusted at the request to have EVERY SINGLE thing possible in minecraft be written up into rules. Rules you broke:
      1. You were abusing game mechanics for your own gain (no 7)
      2. Rule 9 Use common sense, this is obviously abusing mechanics.
      3. Rule 2 Anything any member of staff says, goes. You are trying to circumvent your punishment.
    3. Related



    In reply to: Unban Request

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    you were a little dipshit to a ton of people on the server and ontop of that you were hacking? fuck off

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    oh btw koolkactus scammed me out of 2k so i wanted to scam it BACK lel oh and also for any princess pirates out there:

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    OK you got scammed deal with it. its a part of the game you get scammed if it was from your own doing its your fault. its pirate craft trust no one i understand how you feel being scammed sucks but its not a reason to report someone.

    its ok it sucks but you can probably scam the money back we need to stop complaining on forums unless its a serious issue like being raided 4 times a day every week or being spammed racial slurs or other explicit content and there bypassing eignore with /me can we please keep reports more serious

    -Marble snek cow OUT

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus


    In reply to: Shop

    Blu Pearson
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    The shop area has had some changes made in the last few days. Check this thread to see whats been going on


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    so from what i saw when i was there both sides were throwing insults at each other. me and bowrilla tried to deescalate the situation
    from my point of view every one is in the wrong and we need to stop these petty reports.
    its a few words not being raided 4 times a day for a week grow up

    I eat crayons with my eyes...
    Never put marbles in ur nose it hurts
    King of Scoryenthea
    Mayor of Crythus

    • Topics: 794
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    • Took way longer than expected to figure this one out, but When you visit pages now on the website it will highlight that page in the dropdown menus! So you can see where you currently are! Helpful for forums, with the few exceptions I couldn’t figure out:
      • Latest Topics wont be highlighted as its neither a page or a forum, and I cant figure out how to check for it.
      • Crew forum will highlight, but once you click onto another crew it wont, as this moved from being forum territory to “group” territory and I couldn’t find the function to check the group forum ID, for some reason its completely different.
    • When you have 0 notifications the notifications bubble will not display now! was annoying be seeing [0] next to my username!
    • Topics: 794
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    Been in influx of bots to the Wiki recently, which I don’t understand as we use Googles recaptcha to block them, obviously they are getting past this, so I have done 3 things.

    • Replaced recaptcha with QuestyCaptcha, which is a group of questions that I write manually, we currently only have 2, and I will give you the answers here, there not suppose to be hard, but a bot will not understand what this input is or what it wants as a reply, the only obstacle I can see from this, is peolpe not reading the small bit of text when they register and thinking they cant register as they are not reading the message for what to put in the box.
      Q: What game does PirateCraft need to play? A:Minecraft
      Q: What is the full name of this Minecraft server? A: PirateCraft or piratemc or pmc
    • I added a mass IP blocklist, via StopForumSpam plugin
    • I promoted Lego to admin on wiki for the next month to help clean up the Wiki.

    If the bots continue, we will try another Capcha. If its someone that’s targeting us, a previous PirateCraft player, they could obviously read this message and it would be easier for them to send bots into the wiki with the raw answers, we will find out, its very east to moderate and we have multiple backups daily. So there is no real worry.


    In reply to: Custom Map Icons

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    Damn it’s been a while since we’ve used this thread… Anyway, could you consider adding the 16×16 Flag of Italy (IT) to the map icons? It’s for the Cosa Nostra (CSN) crew. Cheers!

    Did this September 2016, catch up Lego. 250 world flags were already added 🙂

    [changelog] Added 250 World Flags to Live map (Donators)

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    This is intended 🙂 If you vote for 7 days straight in a row, and don’t miss a day voting, you’ll get this as a reward for not stopping voting! It does mean if you forget a day then it resets and you have to do 7 days again.


    In reply to: Harrasment by Cosmick

    • Topics: 21
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    • Total: 103
    • ★★★★



    Also, first of all cosmic HATED Fort Turtle from the time when the walls were half finished. You tried to make me give it to you. After a while, Real_Creeper and I got tired of you and he was kicked out of TNRR while I left later. We formed a crew called TPE (The Pheonix Empire) and you imediatly declared rivalery. That night you attacked and blew up my ship (although i built a cannon and blew up a nice bit of your ship). The next day war was declared and you attacked me several times and spawn killed. I got revenge by leading raids and sabatouge missions and strategic bombing raids :). I lost alot of stuff in that war. Anyway I also got allies to help and you surrendered. I got 1k in compensation which I later forgave (that was a very bad idea).


    You had been using your members as slaves. You did not allow us to build cities outside of your place and you threated alot of us. You made us gather stuff for YOUR palace which is useless.


    I was there at the trial Vlad was talking about and it was pretty pointless. I was sitting to vlad’s right side on a seat.


    Death jackel’s place did not have anything to do with Scaldus. I joined the server in march and on the second day I remember leading a raid on his place (sry i wanted to raid and they gave me the ok). That was way before you even scouted out the site for scaldus.

    The turtles will rise...


    In reply to: Harrasment by Cosmick

    • Topics: 47
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    This is all good and said but I see some inconsistencies.

    Okay so How did he blow up homes in Arie? Where is Arie? is it Claimed? Also Chrollo San it would appear is not in your crew? Sooo how is a player who is not a member of your crew being killed have to do with this? Let me guess he was in your crew but then left. Is that it?

    Also we were allies when this happened. So just be cause we unallied means that your actions should just be swept under the rug right? oh I get it. NO I don’t.

    But fine If all what you say happened then Since we are not allies Any Charges against Isen should be null and void since we are no longer allies Right?

    It makes absolute sense buddy. Just flipping what you said back on you.

    As I see it then Isen and SPQR are not allied. There for we forget everthing you did because we are not allies and anything that happened when we were is no longer applicable since we broke that alliance due to your actions?

    Am I forgetting something?

    So If Hemp Bone declares you a Non Rough Agent and takes responsibility for it as a Whole Crew then we are good. But as it still stands You are the Sole person who Excessively Destroyed players bases.

    It still doesn’t justify you Blowing Players bases up sky high just because you can. What happens if I did that too your place? Would that make it right? Oh ya it would cause it can be done. I really don’t see the logic in it.

    You justify your actions as being acceptable then where do we draw a line? Do we not? So if I magically have someone in your crew who turns on explosions and I place  all the tnt I have from the GuyFawks kit we got and blow you sky high. Does that seem fair? All your hard work in Rome or your base being obliterated just because a player is upset with you and has tnt and decides to do that.

    Personally I don’t think that is fair or right. I mean if players can do that then there is no point to trusting anyone or building anything because players like you will destroy it.

    Yes I understand your are probably still salty after your crew in TNRR betrayed you and blew up your base along with some assistance from Isen.

    That brings us up to the old old issue deep down. When GingfulGlider and CosmickingJoel harassed me and my crew in chat every day about Isengard.  Your sexually Derogative comments and non stop use of Pervert language is really something that I and members of my crew were tired of. So forgive us if we are a bit salty and help get TNRRs base attacked and parts of it blown up.

    But that is History No one knows about until now.  While we are at it why don’t I bring up another subject dear to your heart.

    When Drifting was in TAS and I wanted Help from my Ally TNRR to help attack Drifting a TAS member.

    Because Cysteen said She has no control over who her members attack and I was getting pretty sick and tired of a leader who wouldn’t take responsibility for her members actions. So I decided to attack Drifting my self with the help of allies. One of those allies at that time being TNRR.

    When I asked for help in fighting drifting in TAS you accused me of trying to get TNRR into a suicide war with TAS. Then we had that whole phony court scene where you basically accused me of wanting help from my allies, but you might die so it is suicidal to try and im guilty of reaching out for help.

    Leg0 was there he knows he was there.

    I remember tping to you to talk about getting help attacking drifting while he was in TAS. I end up in the middle of your palace so to call it. With you gingful and other members of your crew all around me. You then tell me im on trial for trying to get TNRR into a suicide war against Drifting in TAS. Then the torrents of stupid sexually derogative comments come from gingful and I’m really pissed off by it. I get Leg0 as my lawyer to help me fight you guys since you basically 6 v 1 me and I had no chance. Not to mention these comments of yours and Gingfuls hade been going on long before.

    Sooo after that Kangaroo court episode. I actually agreed to do some silly community service for you. But then I get killed the next day to find out that gingful had hired this person to kill me. Im like WTF im doing community service for you just because im accused of wanting help from my allies who think its suicidal so F me right. Then I promptly Drop the community service thing and im like F no am I doing that after being killed by a player sent by gingful. He can shove this whole community service thing up his xxxx.

    Talk about being F over I mean cosmic you really know how to lay someone low.

    Soooo after that I got staff to talk to gingful and cosmic I believe that staff member was MaximusTerragon. The insults and hurtful comments stopped mostly. Well not long after it continued. So Death Jackel and some other members of my crew who were sick and tired of this BS decided to End it once and for all. Death Jackel left Isen joined TNRR and slowly gained cosmicks trust. I also found out that other members of his crew were not being treated nicely. Being told to just mine materials fetch this fetch that for him to build his palace or whatever.

    A few months after that Death Jacke and other TNRR members emptied all his chests at his base and another base he had. Most of the items were just left to despawn. Some items were kept. After that those members who had taken from cosmic all his stuff decided to form a new crew called Oceania. This crew latter broke up and its members went there own separate ways.

    wow that was allot of typing im sure there are some grammatical errors, but hey its nice to say it all outloud.

    If you have gotten this far Congrats.

    Soo thent the Sexually harrasive comments stopped mostly.

    After that Cosmic was probably still salty so he kept attacking me from time to time other members of my crew etc. I can understand that part he lost allot but he deserved it I mean members of his crew betrayed him because of his lack of leadership and respect for fellow players treating them like mining animals getting him what he wanted. The dude had to have had an ego issue he kept talking about how great TNRR was and that High Capel was an almighty ruler who should be respected etc etc etc. Quite sickening after a while. If you could bare it in live chat im sure you understand.

    Hey its probably puberty or something. He seems to have grown up a bit since then.

    After that Cosmic left TNRR and joined SPQR saying that TNRR was only a recruiting thingy or a support crew for the future crew SPQR. So confused on it but anyway. He along with others joined /made SPQR. Some of its leaders I got along with and one day we were approached by a leader and asked if we wanted an alliance. Our Terms were very simple.

    That Cosmic Stop attacking our members for something that happened in a crew that he left a while ago.

    and that he be kept in check.

    We made the Alliance ,but it seems not even alliances matter to him. Joined up with the Shreks and kept killing our members. Not the funnest thing. The guy has hopped from allot of crews. Don’t blame him I have too ,but seriously he is still carrying around some luggage from stuff that happened in a past crew. It seems the only thing he did was change crews his attacks on members of Isen really didn’t.

    So then Cosmic rejoined SPQR and latter on attacked an Isen member Death Jackel and this whole episode went down. Shame really I mean I wouldn’t go as far as you did. Blowing up Death Jackels base I mean you kinda obliterated it. Esh I would hate to have that on your shoulders the weight of it is probably light for you since you did it yet again to another member of Isen TurseTurtle.

    wow seems you just keep blowing stuff up for fun or whatever pleasure you get from it. I mean you blew his base up too.

    Oh I read your last post about coming and visiting my lands.

    Let me tell you this I am willing to Forgive and Forget but this has to stop. I mean TurseTurtle spent a long time on that base and you wiped it off the map basically without a second thought.

    Dude that is pretty hardcore cruel right there. Where is your sympathy. I mean if you had any you would have just taken his stuff ,but you had to blow everything up.

    This is why the Server isn’t the greatest anymore players just keep destroying other players and no one has a chance to build anything or even succeed unless then get lucky. You wonder why the population of piratecraft is going down. Its because of Players who just kill off the new ones take there stuff and get richer from it. Its a cycle that if it is not broken it will bring the end of this server.

    I see GodsDead addressed this ,but it goes much further. Yes yes it is a pirate server and people die etc. There has gotta be a balance. I see there is a movement to invite more players and try and get them to like the server so they stay ,but if they are just used as ways to gather resources or not even treated nicely then there is not much point in them staying.

    So Cosmic lets settle this once and for all Peacefully.

    You will end the attacks on Isen and the pure brutality of wiping members bases of the map and I will not interfere with you or your Precious Rome or your Islands or your Castles or your people or your dogs or your horses or your stone buildings or your bases or your bla  bla bla bla bla. Point being I avoid you and Isengard severs all ties to you.

    As for the crew you are a part of they say you are a rouge agent. So until this matter is resolved Isengard will not have any dealings with SPQR only to negotiate and or talk about future plans.

    Sincerely VladDracul



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    Too late, its been nuked.

    [test server] Help test 1.13.2 test server & plugins


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    1. Problem, (I’m guessing from my understanding of the title) is that the server should be more cohesive with newcomers as if they have 1.13 clients it’ll work better for them. e.g. not glitch them out. If the top problem is not the case, it might be better if we put an alert out to new players that the server is still on 1.12 (like make it stupid clear, give them a starting item which tells them even) so they can change their clients to 1.12 so it’s cohesive. 2. I’ve been seeing a lot of people struggling to leave spawn, with many of them wandering how to do /wild if it is such a thing. Unfortunately they don’t realise they have to do /warp n,e,s,w to get to a sign which allows them to do a sort of /wild, and even then not get that far. We could solve it by providing some interactive signs at spawn which take them to the warps, perhaps it could be like a hanging iron block or something like the old magnetic blocks they used to hang off the end of ships to use a compass, with like signs on the sides to press to take them to said warps. 3. Creation of like “base crews”, so rather than them just being civilian, etc. They can go find a sort of faction or something to join. Crews can volunteer to be “base crews” and have people join (only those who’ve never been in a crew) without being invited. It could just help them to feel more included if that’s what they’re feeling like. 4. Some of the new players are just plain dumb, uninterested or impatient to play. I’ve had people ask if they can go /wild, I try to tell them multiple times I can take them pretty much to the edge of the map as I have 2 set homes basically polar opposite on the map. Some of these players just completely blank me and then disappear. No clue why. I’ve no clue if it is the server, us helpers or the actual players coming themselves. Some of them just don’t want to put the input in to get the ships.

    1. I’ve not had any “glitch” reports from basics for using a 1.13 client.
    2. There ARE, spawn is linear with warping the last thing you do after learning thigns and reading signs, if you warp people out the second the spawn its just a ton of questions and then you get more questions and even more confused people.
    3. If you list “Base crews” at spawn, this will be bias towards that crew and will create an untold amount of issues, How do I get on the crew list? for example, how this this monitored, how do people join?
    4. Not sure I can help with dumb.

    I have noticed allot that some players just want to do 1 thing Sail a Ship that is literally the first thing every single player wants to do.

    The very first room at spawn has an NPC teaching you to sail, A ship at spawn to sail, and the area is auto reset to keep it clean and working. you cannot have infinite ships spawn at spawn, I had to regen all around spawn as it was without ships spawning!

    I have designed a lot of spawning as a new player to actually get rid of the useless players not interested in surviving, if they cannot survive with the kit they spawn with, they will not be able to survive/deal with someone raiding them.

    While I was on the Piratecraft build team, there was literally no organization. We had multiple projects going at the same time, such as the spawn project, warp north, west, etc. There needs to be organization for a server to run well

    Yes you are banned for cheating. There has ALWAYS been a position to run the build team, and after you were all banned for abusing the build team permissions an advert was put out for a new Housewright (Manager of the build team) It was never an issue with “server organization” it was lack of effort from the “team” and not having a leader to lead the projects, if I can manage an entire server, a group of peolpe with untold resources can organise themselves to build. this has NOTHING to do with keeping new spawns of players.

    I am not blaming the decline of the server on the recent bans.

    There is no decline in the server, at all. we have thousands of new players, you are mealy trying to take a dig from being banned.

    tutorial sections should be right in front of your face

    I tasked the “build team” aka you and people to build this” tutorial area for 2 years, you never even started and instead used the permissions given to cheat money out the system.

    • Chat message is spawned with tutorial information
    • Bible book is given in their hand with how to play
    • An NPC is DIRECTLY to their right as they spawn with a getting started guide and what to do next
    • Basic signs are displayed saying what the server is and its features as you spawn
    • Chat is enabled for new players to ask questions
    • There is a whole team of helpers to help out new players


    Right now, there isn’t even an area teaching you about cannons

    its almost like the build team was suppose to build this right? its almost like we have /tuts where they can learn, its almost like there are signs on the spawn ship explaining cannons?

    In short, set your priorities and get your build team to work on them.

    In short I suggest you stop trying to give “advice”.

    Think about what the server really needs. In short, PirateCraft did not need the booty wars addition. PirateCraft is not that kind of server and does not attract that kind of players. Don’t try to hop on trends of bigger servers unless piratecraft is that type of server or could really benefit from it.

    Nope, having events is great. Bootywars is years old and no longer exists is completely irrelevant. If you do not try new things, everything gets stale and people get board and you do not attract new people, you are completely wrong. This isnt a “trend” to hop onto.

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