Harrasment by Cosmick
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- This topic has 19 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 3 months ago by
October 28, 2018 at 7:39 pm #60127
My Username: VladDracul
Player(s) Being Reported.
Username: CosmickingReason for Report (please select as needed)
harassing,Overview Description of Report
Multiple deaths Weekly by same player
Detailed Information
So for the past few days and week Cosmic has been coming on line every day and coming and killing me invis. I wouldn’t mind it it was once a week or twice but he is Pushing it literally. Every Fricken day im sick and tired of him doing this and im requesting that staff look into this. I get its a pirate server but Cosmic has been attacking me and my crew Verbally with insults and Physically not limited to attacks on 2 of my members who he had both there claims Majorly blown up. It was my members faults due to not remembering they had given certain players trust but then those players turned around and wiped them from the map Litterally. I tired of coming on and being stalked by cosmic and being killed by him. Ya some of you haters like DriftingSixGuns CosmickingJoel and GingfulGlider don’t really care about players or anything on here. More for the memes than anything.
I have had a long time on here and you guys don’t seem to change. My main issue is with you Cosmic you have disliked me and my crew even thou we don’t do anything to you. You constantly say Dirty stuff to me in chat and in discord and it TeamSpeak not limited to insults pervy comments and just things that are rude, hateful and hurtful in general. Im Asking you to STOP. Im sick of it.
Okay do you get it Fricken now im sick of you and your insults. Okay yada yada yada Rome is the Best we are so Awsome. You need to Grow up and Stop Belittling players for just not being in your crew or Not as awesome as you thing you are. Your ego is bigger than my tower for Fricks sake. Oh and your comments about my Manhood and how im making up for lacking something those type of comments are Rude and It just shows you are immature and need to learn to treat People in general nicer on here. Damb it all your not a toddler okay you should stop acting like one.
So if it has not gotten into your head Cosmic Stop Fricken Calling me names and Attacking me Every Single Day. The last time I had that Happen was when Jusa did it and when I asked that he stop he did after I filed a report on him.
Mountain standar time 1:30
Im sure staff is well aware of this as I have brought it up before. I hope this can get resolved I don’t wish to be harassed every time I come on by the Same Fricken Player Every Fricken day.
Sincerely VladDracul
October 28, 2018 at 10:25 pm #60139How did I harass you this week other than killing you once maybe every other day?
I like how whenever you can you try to throw my name into a report buddy, Also remember we’re rivaled so the amount of times I kill you cannot be considered harassment given the fact we are rivaled.
Good job buddy! *clapping*
-[ Proud Leader Of The Crew Of Kings]-
October 28, 2018 at 10:34 pm #60141If you can read it would It said My Main Issue was with Cosmic
Apparently that fact escaped your eagle eyes
October 28, 2018 at 10:36 pm #60142Nah fam I just don’t like bitches like you throwing my name into any and every report you make.
So if you don’t want to die more keep your mouth shut and leave my name out of it.
October 29, 2018 at 12:00 am #60146Dang your harsh on your words Geez calm down a bit. WTF did I ever do too you besides mention you. You act likes its the end of the world. The way you responded also is frankly disrespectful as F. So if you got a complaint about it why don’t you just say Hey dude I don’t like this and propose another idea etc. No need to go calling people names like bitches okay. So why don’t you be a bit more polite and learn some manners it would make talking to you allot nicer and more pleasant. I feel like im talking to a descendent of a savage.
What is up with Threatening me I put your name in a Report and you Loose your shiz and go wacko and say you will kill me and you did. If its a misunderstanding Explain yourself don’t just go Threatening people cause you are so Holy and cant be touched or talked about in forums ohhhh scary. Everyone knows you kill players and yes we are rivaled but seriously dude chill the F, out okay. If you got a problem talk to me in chat in discord anything okay. No need to flip out and go wacko just cause I mentioned you. If you have time to respond in that Sort of way to my post then you Definitely have time to respond in a manner that isn’t just lashing back out at me for a mistake or something that is not right in your mind.
So please address it to me don’t go on a rage.
Sincerely VladDracul
November 2, 2018 at 4:53 am #60212as Head Governor of SPQR i declare Cosmic a rouge agent
Cosmic’s actions are not in line with SPQR policies and are not sanctioned by SPQR Leadership.
Cosmic i need you to contact me ASAFP!
November 5, 2018 at 5:03 pm #60253Like I said in discord, Death_Jackel has committed crimes against our (past) Alliance and also against Rome, and I’ve listed them in discord. Unless buckmaster wishes me to explain here then I will do so. I still have screenshots VladDracul so don’t get ahead of yourself.
Governor in Rome.
Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
“To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”
-ThePenguinGamerNovember 5, 2018 at 5:04 pm #60254I didn’t betray my crew.
I have the utmost respect for both crew and freinds, in SHREK I learned that you don’t need a high IQ to understand that even though that Shrek has SPQR (my crew)rivaled it shouldn’t mean I can’t have any ties to them.
Maybe Vlad just maybe if You weren’t cocky not only could you have prevented Death_Jackels fall but you could have also befriended us, unfortunately you stick to your ego just liek Death_Jackel did.
You see Death_Jackel legimately wanted to plop a claim and raid base directly in between Verace and Scadus which are 2 Roman provinces, anyways he was going to use that to prevent our homeland expansion, I even have proof of this, I’ve been told by my crew multiple times to restrain from killing you Vlad but I guess it was only moments before the loose cannon fired and Death_Jackel slipped up then instead of formally fucking aplogizing you go on TS and try to cuss me out it’s only when I pull up the screens that you RageQuit with quote
“Fuck you CosmicKingShrek Fuck you!”
I laughed my ass off because then I knew my suspicions were right, you didn’t ally becuase you wanted to trade or communicate like allies should you just allies SPQR to stay safe from me.
Ill tell you this Vlad, if Death_Jackel got raided it was on his account, and you defending him just makes you more of an eyesore if you already weren’t one.
even more, you can expect me paying a visit to your land again and again…
Ave Roma!
You must be logged in to view attached files.Governor in Rome.
Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
“To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”
-ThePenguinGamerNovember 5, 2018 at 6:19 pm #60257To whom it may Concern
Yes it is true he said these things but, I ask you one Question
Did He Do It?
Did he place a Claim between your 2 bases?
You and I know the Answer He Did Not.
So you attack him because you Felt Threatened that he would do that, but he didn’t.
Then you go and and do that to his base. Im impressed it takes a certain kind of person to take actions like you did.
You not only Attacked someon who Did Not Place a Base right in the middle of your 2 bases ,but you also Destroyed a players hard work.
No you couldn’t be satisfied with emptying his vaults.
You couldn’t be satisfied with putting a few holes there and here.
You had to Sign your Signature all over his base and basically say.
This is what I do to people who I feel Threaten ME and my Expansion.
This is what I do Regardless of what my crew thinks or what others think.
So yes you are uncivilized and don’t care about much of anything besides your base and your expansion.
Forget about Rome. You aren’t doing this for Rome. You are doing this for your Own Selfish Reasons. How many in your crew say Ya Cosmics lets go blow an Allies Base sky high just because you feel like he is a threat to You ya lets do it.
Im pretty sure all of us saw that you have been Disowned literally.
By order of Hemp Bone your actions are very out of line with SPQR policy and I think that no matter what you say. The conclusion will be the same.
You Betrayed SPQR
You Attacked an Ally without Informing your crew or any other leaders.
And your Actions cost you Friendships.
Im pretty sure whatever ties you had with your crew are long gone. I might go as far as to say certain members have given me the Green Light to drop you. Double Tap as it were. For those of you you understand the reference.
So Cosmic I think you are in a tight spot. You got your crew who Disowned you for your actions on one side.
and you have the crew you attacked and disgraced one of its members on the other side.
I think now would be a time to consider very carefully what you plan to do next.
Because I VladDracul have had enough.
You will either Apologies and we go our separate ways.
Or you and all of your precious Rome will burn.
Just like what happened so many centuries ago.
November 5, 2018 at 6:55 pm #60258Vlad, he did infact place a claim there but then removed it when I confronted him.
I could not get in contact with ash, buck, or hemp at the time becuase they were absent.
Also that was not Death_Jackels only crime against the alliance and Rome.
His crimes…
1) Plotted a claim in between Scadus and VERACE to prevent expansion…
2) Sieged Arie-on-the-Isle (a Roman military base)
3) blew up homes in Arie
4) attempted attacking me (failed)
5) killed ChrolloSan (a Roman solider while afk)
ChrolloSan is a witness of this and has confirmed that he has been attacked by Death_Jackel.
Also you are no longer our ally Vlad, and J_H_Rogers said quote
“I do not believe Cosmickingjoel should be affected by Isens charges due to them not being our ally
I also confronted you on ts and you denied everything only then when I attacked Jackel and showed you the screens you then Rage Quitted the TeamSpeak Channel confirming my suspicions.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Governor in Rome.
Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
“To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”
-ThePenguinGamerNovember 5, 2018 at 10:51 pm #60261This is all good and said but I see some inconsistencies.
Okay so How did he blow up homes in Arie? Where is Arie? is it Claimed? Also Chrollo San it would appear is not in your crew? Sooo how is a player who is not a member of your crew being killed have to do with this? Let me guess he was in your crew but then left. Is that it?
Also we were allies when this happened. So just be cause we unallied means that your actions should just be swept under the rug right? oh I get it. NO I don’t.
But fine If all what you say happened then Since we are not allies Any Charges against Isen should be null and void since we are no longer allies Right?
It makes absolute sense buddy. Just flipping what you said back on you.
As I see it then Isen and SPQR are not allied. There for we forget everthing you did because we are not allies and anything that happened when we were is no longer applicable since we broke that alliance due to your actions?
Am I forgetting something?
So If Hemp Bone declares you a Non Rough Agent and takes responsibility for it as a Whole Crew then we are good. But as it still stands You are the Sole person who Excessively Destroyed players bases.
It still doesn’t justify you Blowing Players bases up sky high just because you can. What happens if I did that too your place? Would that make it right? Oh ya it would cause it can be done. I really don’t see the logic in it.
You justify your actions as being acceptable then where do we draw a line? Do we not? So if I magically have someone in your crew who turns on explosions and I place all the tnt I have from the GuyFawks kit we got and blow you sky high. Does that seem fair? All your hard work in Rome or your base being obliterated just because a player is upset with you and has tnt and decides to do that.
Personally I don’t think that is fair or right. I mean if players can do that then there is no point to trusting anyone or building anything because players like you will destroy it.
Yes I understand your are probably still salty after your crew in TNRR betrayed you and blew up your base along with some assistance from Isen.
That brings us up to the old old issue deep down. When GingfulGlider and CosmickingJoel harassed me and my crew in chat every day about Isengard. Your sexually Derogative comments and non stop use of Pervert language is really something that I and members of my crew were tired of. So forgive us if we are a bit salty and help get TNRRs base attacked and parts of it blown up.
But that is History No one knows about until now. While we are at it why don’t I bring up another subject dear to your heart.
When Drifting was in TAS and I wanted Help from my Ally TNRR to help attack Drifting a TAS member.
Because Cysteen said She has no control over who her members attack and I was getting pretty sick and tired of a leader who wouldn’t take responsibility for her members actions. So I decided to attack Drifting my self with the help of allies. One of those allies at that time being TNRR.
When I asked for help in fighting drifting in TAS you accused me of trying to get TNRR into a suicide war with TAS. Then we had that whole phony court scene where you basically accused me of wanting help from my allies, but you might die so it is suicidal to try and im guilty of reaching out for help.
Leg0 was there he knows he was there.
I remember tping to you to talk about getting help attacking drifting while he was in TAS. I end up in the middle of your palace so to call it. With you gingful and other members of your crew all around me. You then tell me im on trial for trying to get TNRR into a suicide war against Drifting in TAS. Then the torrents of stupid sexually derogative comments come from gingful and I’m really pissed off by it. I get Leg0 as my lawyer to help me fight you guys since you basically 6 v 1 me and I had no chance. Not to mention these comments of yours and Gingfuls hade been going on long before.
Sooo after that Kangaroo court episode. I actually agreed to do some silly community service for you. But then I get killed the next day to find out that gingful had hired this person to kill me. Im like WTF im doing community service for you just because im accused of wanting help from my allies who think its suicidal so F me right. Then I promptly Drop the community service thing and im like F no am I doing that after being killed by a player sent by gingful. He can shove this whole community service thing up his xxxx.
Talk about being F over I mean cosmic you really know how to lay someone low.
Soooo after that I got staff to talk to gingful and cosmic I believe that staff member was MaximusTerragon. The insults and hurtful comments stopped mostly. Well not long after it continued. So Death Jackel and some other members of my crew who were sick and tired of this BS decided to End it once and for all. Death Jackel left Isen joined TNRR and slowly gained cosmicks trust. I also found out that other members of his crew were not being treated nicely. Being told to just mine materials fetch this fetch that for him to build his palace or whatever.
A few months after that Death Jacke and other TNRR members emptied all his chests at his base and another base he had. Most of the items were just left to despawn. Some items were kept. After that those members who had taken from cosmic all his stuff decided to form a new crew called Oceania. This crew latter broke up and its members went there own separate ways.
wow that was allot of typing im sure there are some grammatical errors, but hey its nice to say it all outloud.
If you have gotten this far Congrats.
Soo thent the Sexually harrasive comments stopped mostly.
After that Cosmic was probably still salty so he kept attacking me from time to time other members of my crew etc. I can understand that part he lost allot but he deserved it I mean members of his crew betrayed him because of his lack of leadership and respect for fellow players treating them like mining animals getting him what he wanted. The dude had to have had an ego issue he kept talking about how great TNRR was and that High Capel was an almighty ruler who should be respected etc etc etc. Quite sickening after a while. If you could bare it in live chat im sure you understand.
Hey its probably puberty or something. He seems to have grown up a bit since then.
After that Cosmic left TNRR and joined SPQR saying that TNRR was only a recruiting thingy or a support crew for the future crew SPQR. So confused on it but anyway. He along with others joined /made SPQR. Some of its leaders I got along with and one day we were approached by a leader and asked if we wanted an alliance. Our Terms were very simple.
That Cosmic Stop attacking our members for something that happened in a crew that he left a while ago.
and that he be kept in check.
We made the Alliance ,but it seems not even alliances matter to him. Joined up with the Shreks and kept killing our members. Not the funnest thing. The guy has hopped from allot of crews. Don’t blame him I have too ,but seriously he is still carrying around some luggage from stuff that happened in a past crew. It seems the only thing he did was change crews his attacks on members of Isen really didn’t.
So then Cosmic rejoined SPQR and latter on attacked an Isen member Death Jackel and this whole episode went down. Shame really I mean I wouldn’t go as far as you did. Blowing up Death Jackels base I mean you kinda obliterated it. Esh I would hate to have that on your shoulders the weight of it is probably light for you since you did it yet again to another member of Isen TurseTurtle.
wow seems you just keep blowing stuff up for fun or whatever pleasure you get from it. I mean you blew his base up too.
Oh I read your last post about coming and visiting my lands.
Let me tell you this I am willing to Forgive and Forget but this has to stop. I mean TurseTurtle spent a long time on that base and you wiped it off the map basically without a second thought.
Dude that is pretty hardcore cruel right there. Where is your sympathy. I mean if you had any you would have just taken his stuff ,but you had to blow everything up.
This is why the Server isn’t the greatest anymore players just keep destroying other players and no one has a chance to build anything or even succeed unless then get lucky. You wonder why the population of piratecraft is going down. Its because of Players who just kill off the new ones take there stuff and get richer from it. Its a cycle that if it is not broken it will bring the end of this server.
I see GodsDead addressed this ,but it goes much further. Yes yes it is a pirate server and people die etc. There has gotta be a balance. I see there is a movement to invite more players and try and get them to like the server so they stay ,but if they are just used as ways to gather resources or not even treated nicely then there is not much point in them staying.
So Cosmic lets settle this once and for all Peacefully.
You will end the attacks on Isen and the pure brutality of wiping members bases of the map and I will not interfere with you or your Precious Rome or your Islands or your Castles or your people or your dogs or your horses or your stone buildings or your bases or your bla bla bla bla bla. Point being I avoid you and Isengard severs all ties to you.
As for the crew you are a part of they say you are a rouge agent. So until this matter is resolved Isengard will not have any dealings with SPQR only to negotiate and or talk about future plans.
Sincerely VladDracul
November 6, 2018 at 12:37 am #60262Vlad, i am really starting to like you but ya gotta get the facts right mate. Ya see turseturtle was all me, cosmic never knew about it and i did it with another captain player (he just picked up the loot and wrote some signs n shit) and jackel was drifting somehow having trust to his base and turning on claimexplosions. And SPQR was the main goal of TNRR, cosmic was always talking about it to me when i was in rome/TNRR. Also i never sent a player to kill you? If i wanted to kill you i would do it in the most humiliating way possible if you couldnt defend yourself. Also, you encouraged me to blow his base sly high when i had the chance ;/ AND IF ANY SPQR MEMBER TOUCHES COSMIC, I WILL TOUCH THEIR ASS RELENTLESSLY. Ahem anyways
November 6, 2018 at 2:08 am #60264I see. Thank you for the clarification on that. See perhaps I don’t know all the details. I appreciate your honesty and frankly not cussing me out.
Well Gingful maybe then can you propose an idea where we do not all go on a killing murdering spree and don’t make a world war situation out of it. I have no interest in doing that . If you settle with TurseTurtle and make things right with him then we shall see. Ill forgive cosmic for what he did to Jackel since he told me he was leaving and that is probably why he let that happen and hasn’t been on since.
I will await and see what Hemp bone has to say about cosmic. It seems he may have something yet to say about all this.
November 6, 2018 at 2:52 am #602651. GING I WANT COMPENSATION FOR ALL DAMAGES TO MY BASE (25k will do it)
Also, first of all cosmic HATED Fort Turtle from the time when the walls were half finished. You tried to make me give it to you. After a while, Real_Creeper and I got tired of you and he was kicked out of TNRR while I left later. We formed a crew called TPE (The Pheonix Empire) and you imediatly declared rivalery. That night you attacked and blew up my ship (although i built a cannon and blew up a nice bit of your ship). The next day war was declared and you attacked me several times and spawn killed. I got revenge by leading raids and sabatouge missions and strategic bombing raids :). I lost alot of stuff in that war. Anyway I also got allies to help and you surrendered. I got 1k in compensation which I later forgave (that was a very bad idea).
You had been using your members as slaves. You did not allow us to build cities outside of your place and you threated alot of us. You made us gather stuff for YOUR palace which is useless.
I was there at the trial Vlad was talking about and it was pretty pointless. I was sitting to vlad’s right side on a seat.
Death jackel’s place did not have anything to do with Scaldus. I joined the server in march and on the second day I remember leading a raid on his place (sry i wanted to raid and they gave me the ok). That was way before you even scouted out the site for scaldus.
The turtles will rise...
November 6, 2018 at 7:34 am #60267Turseturtle it seems you have absolutely no idea what’s going on. This forum post is meant for actual issues against me and my “betrayal of SPQR”.
I don’t get how punishing Death_Jackel who has committed crimes is wrong?
Ging is right, Drifting blew up Death_Jackels base (I only assisted) then for Turseturtles base that’s popcorn material for me, I just enjoyed watching from map and then I just did a bit of clean up here and there.
For Turse: I will not pay you that much Turse, 25k is over the line and I don’t believe your in a place to negotiate such demands, after all your base is a crater and I have slaughtered you multiple times, so I believe you should probably watch this happen, while you rebuild on stuff you gather…
For Vlad: I will have to settle things with my crew to see wether they want to kick me out after I did the right thing or if they want to keep me? Well anyways depending on that decision depends on what answer I’ll give you on that.
For Buckmaster: I have explained on discord and I’ll explain in-game if you get on when I’m on.
For Hemp_Bone: I have explained on discord and I’ll explain in-game if you get on when I’m on.
For bystanders: This is how block politics works take notes because it’s going to get Spicy 🌶.
Governor in Rome.
Former High_Capal Of TNRR.
“To give up withought even trying is nothing but laziness”
-ThePenguinGamer -
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