[test server] Help test 1.13.2 test server & plugins

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  • #60176
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    I have given up waiting for plugins to update for 1.13, so testing has started today, on Halloween! We are testing a bit differently this time, I will be testing a small pocket of plugins at a time, so this initial test server is running on bare minimal plugins, close to vanilla! I will list everything that needs testing, and keep the list of broken plugins that need replacing.

    The way this works is, I will upload the plugins and check for technical issues on console etc, and all in-game testing is done by players & staff and reported here & the 1.13 discord.


    The world data, that is your builds, inventory, echest etc, all the world data is from 31 October 2018, you cant forget this date, its Halloween!

    How to connect

    From the survival do /server test to connect and /server survival to get back.

    Alternatively you can add the url test.piratemc.com into your server list, this will also show a custom MOTD and whos on it.

    The only plugins installed that require testing

    • [X] Check the world updated to 1.13 fine, check builds, containers etc.
    • [X] Bans (Staff check)
    • [X] Chat, Check all the features of the chat, swearing block etc.
    • [X] Custom commands, /duty etc (Staff check)
    • [X] Essentials, /msg, homes, balance, bed spawns, /warps etc.
    • [X] GriefPrevention, All claim related checks
    • [X] Perms, All permission based checks
    • [✓] PvP Tagger (Plugin Broken in 1.13, cant test)
    • [X] WorldEdit (Staff check)
      • Don’t use the main downloads, use the ASYC version (none)
    • [X] WorldGuard, Admin claims on spawn/cove/warps.
      • Don’t use the main downloads, use the ASYC version (none)

    Part 2

    • [X] Ships plugin (Plugin Broken in 1.13, cant test)
    • [X] Brewing (Needs configs updated to change brew ID’s to names @smokeyriver @vapecloudbear)
    • [X] Voting (Not setup to test)
    • [X] Stats /stats recording, Pre tests seem that its recording data properly?
    • [X] Player shops (Plugin Broken in 1.13, cant test)
    • [✓] Async WE plugin for regenerating terrain (For 1.13 terrain regeneration)
      • Works! Look at the sea behind spawn that was regenerated https://i.imgur.com/GDaPpzU.jpg
      • Need to test auto regen of chunks/regions that respect GP claims.


    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 22
    • Total: 27
    • ★★

    Very nice!

    I am a loyal follower of Colrainism and hope to bring prosperity to all who wish to receive it.

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